Deep Development 1×3 (H)

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

“Thank you for the compliment.” Mo Xijue maintained his smile on his face, without showing any extra emotions due to Jiang Yuling’s impoliteness.

“Who exactly are you?” Jiang Yuling hadn’t completely lost his sanity yet, as he took a deep breath to suppress his anger and tried his best to remain composed.

Everyone attending this banquet was no ordinary person. Jiang Yuling considered his family status to be among the elite in this circle, which is why he dared to approach Mo Xijue so casually.

“Guess,” Mo Xijue reclined on the sofa, looking nonchalant.

Jiang Yuling felt a vein pulsating on his forehead and suddenly felt as if he were being toyed with.

Just then, Wang Zihe stood up and walked towards Jiang Yuling with a glass of champagne in his right hand, as if to greet him and ease the slightly awkward atmosphere.

Strangely, as Wang Zihe approached with a gentle smile, he showed no signs of stopping even when he and Jiang Yuling were almost chest to chest. Jiang Yuling looked at Wang Zihe’s handsome and gentle face and felt his heart beating uncontrollably. He gazed into Wang Zihe’s eyes, which always held a hint of amusement, and suddenly found it hard to breathe. He didn’t know if it was because he was nervous about their proximity or if it was because he was attracted to Wang Zihe’s aura.

Amid Jiang Yuling’s confusion, Wang Zihe suddenly reached out and put his hand on the knot of Jiang Yuling’s tie, his movements slow and ambiguous.

Even the people around them couldn’t help but show incredulous expressions, especially the lively young people behind Jiang Yuling. Several girls even covered their mouths in pleasant surprise.

Jiang Yuling unconsciously turned his head to look at his friends behind him, as if seeking help. It was strange that there was nothing particularly intimidating about Wang Zihe’s aura, nor did he give off any sense of threat. But for some reason, Jiang Yuling felt as if he were under a spell and couldn’t move a step.

Wnag Zhihe slowly loosened tge tie, his eyes downcast as he spoke in a hushed tone that only the two of them could hear. “What should we do? It seems my master is angry.”

The slightly scorching air was mixed with a faint, unidentified perfume, spraying onto Jiang Yuling’s face and causing his cheeks to turn bright red and burn with heat, as if they were on fire.

“Hmph, just a servant.” Jiang Yuling squinted his eyes as if to conceal his nervousness, looking at the face so close to his own, saying something that was completely different from what he was thinking inside.

“May I take that as a compliment?” Wang Zhihe’s hand completely loosened his tie, his words laced with a warmth that made one’s face flush.

“What are you doing? Let go of me.” Jiang Yuling whispered fiercely as he suddenly realized what was happening, grabbing Wang Zhihe’s wrist as he tried to undo more buttons.

“I thought you would like it…” Wang Zhihe’s face showed a disappointed expression as he was interrupted. However, he didn’t stop unbuttoning Jiang Yuling’s shirt, making the people around them envious and curious, to the point where no one intervened to stop them.

Although the Jiang family had some status in S City, it couldn’t affect people’s strong curiosity about certain things. Everyone present was not a fool. Not to mention, Mo Xijue might have a very special position. If they rushed forward recklessly, it might make the proud young master Jiang lose face and end up with an unsatisfactory outcome on both sides. Therefore, everyone had the tacit understanding to sit back and watch the show without taking a step forward.

Before Jiang Yuling could fully react to Wang Zhihe’s ambiguous attitude, all three buttons on his chest had been undone. It was at this moment that Wang Zihe suddenly changed his gentle and slow movements, and very rudely opened Jiang Yuling’s collar, pouring all the champagne in his right hand down his shirt.

“You…” Jiang Yuling felt a sudden coldness in his chest, and then the champagne flowed down his clothes and shoes, leaving yellow stains on the ground.

Completely stunned by Wang Zhihe’s sudden and swift actions, Jiang Yuling’s anger was once again ignited. More importantly, he never thought that Wang Zhihe would embarrass him in such a public setting. He was a person who placed great importance on his reputation, and instantly felt incredibly embarrassed and ashamed.

“Oh, why are you suddenly leaking so much water?” Wang Zihe smiled similarly to Mo Xijue, as if he had not been the one to do such a thing just now. He even spoke in a somewhat loud voice, causing those around him to cover their mouths and chuckle.

The ambiguous words instantly made Jiang Yuling’s face turn red, not out of nervousness this time, but out of anger and shame. He glared at Wang Zihe with red eyes, as if he wanted to tear him to pieces, full of murderous intent.

“I’m really sorry. How about I take you to change your clothes?” After saying this, he turned his head and made eye contact with Mo Xijue before quickly pulling Jiang Yuling’s hand and leaving the venue.

Mo Xijue, who had seen everything, did not show any outward changes, but he found Wang Zihe more interesting. Everything he had just done did not disappoint him, and more importantly, he discovered that Wang Zihe seemed to be constantly growing. He was imitating and learning his expressions and personality. This was probably the first time Mo Xijue had encountered such a special person and he had to admit that Wang Zihe was indeed very clever.

However, this did not pose any threat to him, because from the beginning, the two of them were not standing at the same level. He was always the one standing at the top, while Wang Zihe was at best a small tree growing on the mountain, always looking up at him, and he could play with him as he pleased.

As he watched Wang Zihe leave with the young man named Jiang Yuling, a somewhat obscure smile appeared on Mo Xijue’s face. Of course, he could probably guess what the two of them were going to do. He did not restrict Wang Zihe from “interacting” with “other people,” but this “other people” did not include anyone outside of the Mo family. It seemed that Wang Zihe still had not fully grasped the game rules that he had set.

Mo Xijue looked at the champagne still bubbling in his glass and suddenly found it hard to swallow.

Once Wang Zihe crossed the line, he was already prepared with his punishment methods. In fact, he was not interested in punishing people, but of course, if necessary, he would not hesitate to do so.

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