Deep Development 1×3 (H)

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

“What? Mr. Jiang, are you truly angry?” Wang Zihe led Jiang Yuling into a room very close to the venue and asked with a smile.

“What is wrong with you?” Jiang Yuling, who was now out of the sight of the crowd, was extremely irritable as he grabbed Wang Zihe’s collar with both hands and angrily questioned him.

“I believe it would be best for you to release me,” Wang Zihe squinted his eyes with a threatening edge, yet his hand stroked the back of Jiang’s hand with a teasing meaning.

“Hmph.” Feeling the warmth of the hand covering his own, Jiang Yuling’s heart actually calmed down a bit. To conceal his loss of control, he deliberately snorted in anger, and pushed Wang Zihe away forcefully.

As soon as Jiang Yuling released his grip, Wang Zihe immediately called the front desk and had them send over some clothes.

“You can consider this my apology,” Wang Zihe said, turning back to Jiang Yuling with a smile.

After hearing Wang Zihe’s casual and contemptuous words, Jiang Yuling sneered and said, “Do you think it’s that simple? Heh, do you think I’m easy to mess with?”

With that, Jiang Yuling pulled Wang Zihe onto the bed and pinned his legs down, rendering him completely helpless.

“So, Mr. Jiang, how can you calm down?” Wang Zihe lay on the bed, staring directly at Jiang Yuling, showing no fear of his sudden movement and even flashing an ambiguous smile.

“You’re asking a question you already know the answer to,” Jiang Yuling replied with a satisfied smile, holding onto Wang Zihe’s hands and lowering his head, seemingly about to kiss him.

“Well, then you’re going to be disappointed, Mr. Jiang.” With these words, Wang Zihe grinned and just as Jiang Yuling was about to kiss him, Wang Zihe suddenly bent his knees and hit Jiang Yuling between his legs with great force.

“Ugh… you…hiss…” The piercing pain that came from below caused Jiang Yuling’s body to curl up, his painful expression and disheveled clothes looking especially pitiful.

“The waiter will bring the clothes in a moment. Goodbye, Mr. Jiang,” Wang Zihe said as he lightly patted Jiang Yuling’s twisted face due to pain and leaving the room.

Left alone, poor Jiang Yuling curled up on the bed like a worm, tossing and turning.

When Wang Zihe returned to the banquet hall alone, everyone’s eyes turned towards him with curious expressions. When they didn’t see Jiang Yuling, their curiosity grew even stronger. The group of young people who were close to Jiang Yuling even started making phone calls.

Ignoring them, Wang Zihe went straight to Mo Xijue who was still sitting in the resting area, and bowed slightly. “It has been resolved successfully.”

“It seems that Mr. Jiang was quick,” Mo Xijue said, pulling Wang Zihe’s hand and leading him to sit on the nearby sofa.

“Because only Mr. Mo can satisfy me,” Wang Zihe half-laid on Mo Xijue’s lap, and lightly kissed the hand that was still holding his.

“Let’s go back,” Mo Xijue said, lowering his eyes and letting go of Wang Zihe’s hand.

“Yes,” Wang Zihe replied.

Although it was strange to leave so soon after arriving, Wang Zihe would always obey Mo Xijue’s commands. However, he was a bit disappointed that he didn’t see Mo Yi. They hadn’t met in almost a week.

Even though he had rejected him last time, it didn’t mean that Wang Zihe would completely give up on him.

But these two ideas were not contradictory. Sometimes, the simplest game of cat and mouse can yield the most satisfying results.

However, what worried Wang Zihe was that Mo Yi was obviously not the kind of person who could be easily manipulated. After such a long time without seeing each other, Wang Zihe had lost some confidence. He had never been on the same starting line as the three men in the Mo family, and now he wanted to catch up. The difficulty was not to be underestimated.

When they returned to the villa, it was already past nine o’clock in the evening. Mo Xijue led Wang Zihe to his room as soon as he got out of the car.

“Come over here. I’m tired, help me take off my clothes.” Mo Xijue stood in front of the bed with his eyes half open, his tone conveying a hint of weariness and laziness.

“Yes.” Wang Zihe nodded in response and reached out to take off his coat.

Then he slowly untied his tie, his movements slow and suggestive, accompanied by a faint smile on his face, looking like an intimate moment between lovers. After completely undoing the tie, he planted a kiss on the collarbone hidden under Mo Xijue’s shirt fabric.

In this way, he slowly and seductively stripped off all of Mo Xijue’s clothes.

Now Mo Xijue sat naked on the edge of the bed, watching Wang Zihe kneeling down to take off his socks. He raised his hand to lift Wang Zihe’s chin, smiled and said, “Have I been too good to you lately?”

Wang Zihe, who had just taken off the last sock, had to look up at Mo Xijue. Hearing the ambiguous words, he couldn’t help but be stunned, but didn’t say a word.

“You’re becoming more and more presumptuous… have you thought about the consequences if you can’t pass my test?” Mo Xijue looked at Wang Zihe’s surprised expression and narrowed his sharp amber eyes like a wild beast.

“I haven’t thought about it, because I believe I can pass it.” Wang Zihe fearlessly stared into Mo Xijue’s chilling eyes and spoke seriously, like a soldier receiving orders from a superior officer, his face filled with confidence and determination.

Mo Xijue couldn’t help but laugh out loud after hearing Wang Zihe’s response. Then he bent down and leaned in close to Wang Zihe’s face, saying, “You know what? The more you act like this, the more I want you to fail.”

“I know, but no matter what punishment Mr. Mo has in store for me, I will enjoy it.” With that, Wang Zihe suddenly stood up, grabbed Mo Xijue’s shoulders with both hands, and pushed him back onto the bed. Then he knelt on either side of Mo Xijue’s body and kissed his thin lips passionately.

Mo Xijue was momentarily taken aback by Wang Zihe’s swift action, but then he indulged in it when he felt the softness of his mouth.

Soon, the sound of kissing could be heard, followed by Wang Zihe releasing Mo Xijue’s lips with a slight gasp. His flushed cheeks were tinged with a hint of desire.

“You pushed me,” Mo Xijue said calmly as he lay on the bed, raising his knee and rubbing against Wang Zihe’s already prominent desire.

“I’m sorry…” Wang Zihe, who was still dressed, felt the rough fabric rubbing against his desire. He blushed and trembled, completely lying on Mo Xijue’s body.

As Wang Zihe looked at the exquisite and unparalleled face that was close enough to touch, his heart couldn’t help but beat violently. The desire burning in his heart gradually spread, causing his desire to stand even more erect.

His body was yearning for it, shouting at his brain. The irresistible desire made Wang Zihe lose his mind, and he couldn’t help but imagine Mo Xijue’s large rod thrusting into his body, and the heat of their naked skin rubbing against each other.

He arched his waist and twisted his body, constantly rubbing against Mo Xijue’s desire, comforting the blazing desire deep inside his body…

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