Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know

Chapter 35 –

Chapter 35 – Truth revealed

Zhongli Qian was afraid if he kept reciting poems, the girl in front of him might swear brotherhood and sisterhood with him. He quickly switched to, “Picking a chrysanthemum under the fence, I look leisurely toward the southern mountains”[1] and some other poetry of the type. Seeing Baili Qingmiao go from spirited to relaxed and carefree, he realized what was going on and had to chuckle at himself.

“What is it, Young Master Zhongli?” Baili Qingmiao said, sensing Zhongli Qian’s mood.

“I just thought of something that made me realize I was wrong,” Zhongli Qian said with a self-deprecating smile. “I was afraid my emotions would be influenced by you and I would act out of order, so forcibly suppressed those emotions. But it’s not that my will was stronger than yours, but that Miss Baili is more considerate than I. When our emotions influence each other, you don’t immediately try to change your feelings to suppress mine, but instead go along with me. If we were to struggle against each other, we might both lose control of ourselves and suffer qi deviation.”

Baili Qingmiao felt self-conscious and waved her hands. “It’s not that. It’s just that I feel like I can’t be miserable and blaming myself all the time. You’re actually doing me a big favor.”

“Then let’s make a deal,” said Zhongli Qian. “Until we get rid of these parasites, if either of us gets overly emotional, the other should help them calm down. Not influencing them with any other emotions, just allowing them to calm down and gain perspective.”

“That sounds good!” Baili Qingmiao said, cupping her fists to him. “The rumors don’t do you justice. I often heard rumors about the Zhongli clan at Shangqing Sect. I feel ashamed to say that, since most sects seclude themselves from the mortal world, they have some prejudice towards cultivation clans who intermingle with ordinary society, and some even accuse them of only seeking status and prestige. Meeting Young Master Zhongli today, I have understood the meaning of nobility.”

“You’re overstating,” Zhongli Qian said quietly. “It’s not easy to live this way. Since I can’t hide my feelings from you, I might as well confess that I also want to gallop around on a horse, indulging in wine and doing whatever I please. I wish I didn’t have to force myself to save someone I didn’t even like for the sake of the Zhongli clan’s heritage and reputation.”

Zhongli Qian’s responsibilities were the source of his strength, but also fetters for him. He didn’t even know if it would be better to let go or continue bearing them.

The two wandered in circles throughout the Hellfire Pavilion several times, running into a few ghost cultivators Wenren È had sent to scare them. Wenren È was still holding onto the hope that being in danger would reveal their true feelings and spark something between them.

But as the two became closer together, they treated each other more like siblings, no spark of romance between them. Instead, Zhongli Qian became more vigilant.

After they repelled another wave of ghost cultivators, Zhongli Qian stood in place, bamboo scroll in hand, and looked up to the stars in the sky. Venus shone bright, heralding the coming of dawn.

He slapped the scroll against the palm of his hand. “I get it now.”

“Get what?” Baili Qingmiao said, cocking her head.

Zhongli Qian put away the scroll and said into the distance, “Sir Wenren, I have still not developed any feelings for Miss Baili. There’s no point in dragging this out any further. Why don’t you reveal yourself to us?”

Wenren È stared blankly. It wouldn’t be hard for Zhongli Qian to guess that everything was part of his plan, but how did he realize that he intended for Zhongli Qian and Baili Qingmiao to fall in love?

He appeared before the two with Yin Hanjiang, saying coldly, “How did you figure out?”

“Ah! Senior Wenren, I’m so glad you’re okay!” Baili Qingmiao said, her face lighting up with joy. “I thought something had happened at Xuanyuan Sect and the man in the mask harmed you!”

“No one can harm the Venerable,” Yin Hanjiang said in a frosty tone.

“The masked man naturally wouldn’t harm Sir Wenren, because the masked man is Sect Leader Yin,” said Zhongli Qian.

Wenren È finally sized up Zhongli Qian properly. The third love interest was far more perceptive than he had expected. With that kind of foresight, how did he fall for Baili Qingmiao in the original book?

The way Zhongli Qian had guessed that Wenren È was trying to matchmake him and Baili Qingmiao was simple. While wandering around the Hellfire Pavilion with Baili Qingmiao, he had asked about her meetings with Wenren È in detail and learned about their three encounters at the Thousand Mile Ice Plains, after Miss Shu’s death, and at the Golden Coast Cliffs. Baili Qingmiao wasn’t a very shrewd person and trusted Zhongli Qian by now, so told him every detail. Cultivators had strong memories, and under Zhongli Qian’s directed questioning, she relayed everything accurately.

Going by Baili Qingmiao’s descriptions, Zhongli Qian determined that Miss Shu Lian was actually the Right Protector whom he had met once, Shu Yanyan. Since Hè Wenzhao was an anchor for the Spirit Severing Array, Wenren È had ordered her to seduce him many years in advance. Thus, he could break the Spirit Severing Array with no difficulty, yet purposefully dragged things out for ten years, until cultivators on both sides were too weak to make use of natural spiritual energy.

“As Qian admires what Sir Wenren has done for all human lives, it was difficult to attribute malice to your intentions. I could only consider what was most logical.” Without any subtlety for Baili Qingmiao’s sake, Zhongli Qian explained his conjectures to everyone.

Baili Qingmiao was dumbstruck, seemingly shaken to her core.

“Senior Wenren, was Miss Shu really the Xuanyuan Sect Right Protector? Sh—she’s not dead?” Baili Qingmiao grabbed Wenren È’s sleeve without thinking, gazing up at him with her right eye.

“This Venerable can summon her right now,” Wenren È said.

A searing glare landed on Baili Qingmiao’s hand. Wenren È didn’t look toward where it had come from, just casually pulled his sleeve out of her grasp. After he was no longer in contact with her, Yin Hanjiang’s glare vanished.

Did Yin Hanjiang bear hostility toward Baili Qingmiao? But Wenren È had already explained part of the plot of Abusive Romance to him, as well as Baili Qingmiao’s relationship to him as half his master. Yin Hanjiang shouldn’t be misunderstanding like he had in the book, so why was he acting this way?

After some thought, Wenren È couldn’t figure it out, and didn’t want to discuss it in front of Zhongli Qian either. He could only set aside his doubts for now and send Shu Yanyan a message talisman, ordering her to come immediately to the Hellfire Pavilion.

“In the three times Sir Wenren and Miss Baili have met, though the methods were harsh, I have noticed an intention to guide her,” Zhongli Qian said. “Miss Baili has good aptitudes, and it’s my conjecture that Sir Wenren felt the desire to mentor her, subsequently becoming frustrated with how her heart was stuck on Hè Wenzhao, after watching Hè Wenzhao involve himself with Miss Shu and Liu-shimei, at the same time professing love for her at every turn.”

He smiled faintly. “Plus, you put the heart-linking parasite inside us. The heart-linking parasite is often used by Miao women to know the feelings of their husbands. Putting all these points together, it’s not hard to guess that Sir Wenren wishes to use me to help Baili Qingmiao escape the turmoils of her love.”

His explanation led everyone to see him in a new light. Zhongli Qian had been an outsider to the situation, with all his information coming from Baili Qingmiao, who was not a particularly self-aware person. With his information so limited, he managed to see through a situation that even Shu Yanyan and the other members of the Xuanyuan Sect still hadn’t figured out, which was undoubtedly impressive.

“How did you know I was the masked man?” Yin Hanjiang took out the mask and put it on. Baili Qingmiao involuntarily shuddered upon seeing it. The mask filled her with dread from a place deep within her.

“Don’t be scared,” Zhongli Qian said comfortingly to Baili Qingmiao. “Sect Leader Yin’s disguise is very good, but he said one thing that exposed him—that we weren’t worthy of Sir Wenren’s token. This is something that would be said by one with a great deal of veneration toward him. In that case, the masked man couldn’t have harmed Sir Wenren.

“Additionally, since the masked man holds him in such respect, if something had happened to him, the masked man wouldn’t be bothering with us. Therefore, Sir Wenren must’ve been safe and sound. Of the members of Xuanyuan Sect that I’ve met these past few days, only Sect Leader Yin met these qualifications, so I made a guess. I was simply fortunate that it turned out to be right.”

Venus[2] shone above Zhongli Qian’s head, the only light remaining in the night sky. He had a slight smile that put people at ease, and truly fit the expression of a gentleman being unparalleled in the world.

Wenren È clapped three times, saying appreciatively, “Zhongli Qian fits his reputation of a prodigy.”

And he also fit his role as a major love interest. Only someone like him was worthy of ranking as third love interest, directly below Wenren È.

“Sir Wenren is overstating,” Zhongli Qian said evenly. “There’s just one thing that I don’t understand. Why did Sir Wenren believe Baili Qingmiao and I would develop feelings? Baili Qingmiao has a kind nature and I admire her greatly, but to fall for her isn’t such a light matter.”

“This Venerable also doesn’t understand, and was hoping Young Master Zhongli could explain,” Wenren È said.

Zhongli Qian raised his eyebrows, his doubt showing even through his blindfold as he waited for Wenren È to elaborate.

Wenren È considered his wording for a moment, then said, “This Venerable has glimpsed the workings of heaven, and seen that Young Master Zhongli and Baili Qingmiao might have a fated connection.”

“Can you clarify? I would also like to know under what conditions I fall for Miss Baili,” said Zhongli Qian.

As their exchange went speedily back and forth, Baili Qingmiao looked between the two of them, her head spinning. They were talking about her, but their wording was carefully chosen to avoid putting her on the spot.

Baili Qingmiao looked at Zhongli Qian, wondering how he could’ve fallen in love. He was such a level-headed person, not obsessive like her.

Before she could wonder more, Wenren È knocked her unconscious in one strike. Abusive Romance‘s revision was written from Baili Qingmiao’s perspective. Wenren È didn’t want the fact that he had obtained the book to show up in the story, so had to resort to crude methods.

“According to fate, you would’ve attended Hè Wenzhao’s wedding and discovered Baili Qingmiao imprisoned in the back mountains. Pitying her, you helped her escape. On your next meeting, seeing that she was entangled helplessly in love, you helped her again. As this went on, you came to love her, eventually promising to abandon the Zhongli clan to travel the world with her. This Venerable also wants to know why.”

Zhongli Qian had never heard of anyone being able to divine fate with such specificity, as if they’d seen it with their own eyes. If anyone else had told this to him, he wouldn’t have believed them, but Wenren È wasn’t someone who would make up such a wild story. Seeing how serious he was, Zhongli Qian fell into deep thought.

He thought until Venus faded from the sky and faint sunlight illuminated Ghost Peak, then said abruptly, “Since it never happened, it’s difficult to guess my thoughts at the time. After considering it carefully and imagining the circumstances Sir Wenren has proposed, I’ve come upon an explanation which I can deeply sympathize with.”


Zhongli Qian said with a bitter smile, “I should not say this, but the relationship between Hè Wenzhao and Baili Qingmiao is a lot like the relationship between the Zhongli clan and me. They can both be considered our shackles. I carry the fortunes of the Zhongli clan, and must obey its principles in every word and action. I cannot slip up for even a moment, cannot act for my own sake and defy the Zhongli clan’s traditions. Miss Baili is bound by a cruel fate, wanting to break free from Hè Wenzhao yet infatuated with him. I am shackled by my clan, and she by her heart.

“If the fate you described is true, then there is only one reason I would abandon the Zhongli clan. Not loving Miss Baili, but wanting to draw courage from her. If she could abandon her feelings, then maybe I could live for myself.”

“I see,” Wenren È said.

Zhongli Qian had never confessed any love to Baili Qingmiao. The readers had simply misinterpreted his words and intentions. It was a romance novel, after all, so when a good-looking young man appeared who looked after the protagonist and offered to give up his clan position for her, the readers would naturally understand it as love.

Just like Wenren È’s love tribulation and previous debt, Zhongli Qian’s feelings also had hidden reasons.

Baili Qingmiao was pitiful too. She had so many entangled relationships with so many men, yet not a single one truly loved her.

“Everyone wishes to obtain someone who will be true to them for their entire life,” said Wenren È to the still unconscious Baili Qingmiao. “It seems that one never existed for you.”

Too bad that she couldn’t hear it.

“Even if you figured everything out, this Venerable won’t undo the heart-linking parasites and tracking curse,” Wenren È said to Zhongli Qian. “If you don’t want to become infatuated with Hè Wenzhao alongside Baili Qingmiao, then you’d better work with this Venerable.”

Zhongli Qian wasn’t annoyed and even had a hint of relief in his voice. “The Zhongli clan won’t allow someone who cannot use his eyes and has a heart-linking parasite in him as their heir. Your actions have actually given me a new possibility.”

“The reputation and prestige of the Zhongli clan gives you the ability to surpass Mahayana at Body Unity stage. Will you not regret giving it up?”

“I can cultivate to Mahayana someday on my own,” said Zhongli Qian. “I plan on returning to the clan to pass on my responsibilities, then traveling the world with Baili Qingmiao. After a few decades, perhaps I can find my own Dao.”

Indeed, Wenren È’s actions had opened up a new opportunity for Zhongli Qian, and Zhongli Qian was willing to face it.

“After you reach Mahayana, this Venerable looks forward to facing you in battle!”

“Qian thanks the Sect Master for his recognition,” said Zhongli Qian.

As they spoke, Shu Yanyan had arrived at Ghost Peak, looking annoyed. She landed at Wenren È’s side and said, “It stinks here! And Qiu Congxue asked me to bring her back an unowned bone so she can have a memento. I wish I could beat her to death! Too bad she’s stronger.”

“Protector Shu,” greeted Zhongli Qian.

“What happened to your eyes?” Shu Yanyan asked, her expression filled with concern. “Can you not see? Did the Venerable gouge your eyes out?”


Zhongli Qian hadn’t finished talking when Shu Yanyan turned to Wenren È. “Venerable, if you were going to take his eyes, why didn’t you let this subordinate do it? This subordinate is capable of it! Thinking of how the last thing he’ll ever see is my face… it makes me very happy!”

Baili Qingmiao drifted back to consciousness. The first thing she saw was Miss Shu’s face, and the first thing she heard was those words. She nearly fainted again from shock.

“You’re still alive, Miss Shu?” Baili Qingmiao said, getting to her feet.

“Oh, it’s you, little fool.” Noticing another woman, Shu Yanyan instantly took up the attitude of a Demonic Sect Protector. She said calmly and boldly, “You’ve got a problem with me being alive? Are you happy that the two of you got tricked into running around in circles because of me? If you’re not, that’s good. I love it best when people are unhappy.”

“No, I’m happy,” Baili Qingmiao said, a single tear flowing from her exposed eye. “I’m really glad you’re alive.”

Even though she had been tricked, her first thought upon learning it was, thank god she didn’t really drive someone toward death. She didn’t think anything along the lines of how despicable the demonic sects were, taking advantage of righteous cultivators.

Shu Yanyan, on the other hand, felt uneasy at Baili Qingmiao’s words. She stiffened her expression and said, “Being happy is right too. You should thank this Protector for exposing Hè Wenzhao’s true face for you.”

Shu Yanyan wiped away Baili Qingmiao’s tear with one hand, saying gently, “I’ll only tell you this once. Take it as repayment for deceiving you. I’ve seen too many men like Hè Wenzhao. He was fully willing to be with me, but would be happy to turn around and say it was seduction. He goes after anyone who catches his eye, yet constantly tells you you’re the only one in his heart. He puts all the responsibility on the woman. Men like that are good for nothing!

“You deserve better than him, silly girl.”

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