Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know

Chapter 36 –

Chapter 36 – Seclusion

“Miss Baili,” Zhongli Qian said gently to Baili Qingmiao, “No matter what you feel now, I won’t obstruct you. Whether it’s joy or grief, I’ll bear it with you.”

Zhongli Qian was prepared for the depths of heartbreak, but after a moment, his heart was still calm. He looked questioningly at Baili Qingmiao.

“It’s strange…” Baili Qingmiao said, hand over her heart. “I should be sad, so why don’t I feel anything? I’ve long since had suspicions about Miss Shu, and even decided me and shixiong should go our own ways after that. Just, when I saw him injured in the aftermath of the Great Sect War, I forgot about everything else. When shixiong married Liu-shijie, I wanted to let go again, but right now I feel like if I returned to the sect and saw him, I’d fall back into my old habits.”

“That’s indeed pretty odd,” Shu Yanyan said. She withdrew her hand, the tenderness vanishing from her face as she returned to being the uncaring Demonic Sect Protector.

“Did the Venerable have orders for his subordinate?” Shu Yanyan said, looking at Wenren È.

“Nothing anymore.” Wenren È gave Shu Yanyan a look that said “you can scram now”.

He’d just called over Shu Yanyan in order to let Baili Qingmiao know of Hè Wenzhao’s actions. That goal was accomplished, so he didn’t need her here.

Shu Yanyan, who had dropped everything to rush over: …

Even if she was annoyed, she had to hide it in front of the Lord of Demons. She might as well go look for a bone.

“You also want to break free?” Zhongli Qian asked Baili Qingmiao.

“Of course. I… don’t want to become a person I would despise. But how can I make sure I don’t make a mistake again?” Baili Qingmiao said, at a loss.

She wasn’t stupid, just ruled by her emotions. Everyone could understand things logically, but few people could carry it out.

“Letting go is difficult, not something you can do overnight,” said Zhongli Qian. “I’m willing to help you along the way. In return, I hope Miss Baili will help me find a new direction.”

No one was forcing Baili Qingmiao to let go immediately. They were all encouraging her, helping her, giving her time. Gradually, she felt less troubled, and was reminded of something. “I was planning to return to the sect after traveling for ten years, but rethinking it, this was a selfish thought. Young Master Zhongli, I need to return in order to complete an unfinished task. Would you be willing to accompany me, and prevent me from making a mistake again?”

“I also hope Miss Baili can accompany me back to the Zhongli manor. If they see you, the clan elders will be more willing to find a new heir,” Zhongli Qian said.

Baili Qingmiao: ?

Why would they be more willing to let go of Zhongli Qian upon seeing her?

Wenren È silently watched their exchange, which was friendly without any hint of deeper feelings. He felt like the next minute, they would swear brotherhood and sisterhood, but there were no romantic intentions there.

But this was still fine. Instead of changing Baili Qingmiao’s affections, Wenren È preferred she didn’t love anyone, so as to cultivate the Path of Indifference. The Path of Indifference was the best way for her to merge with her divine nature.

“Oh yeah!” Baili Qingmiao slapped her thigh. “Senior Wenren, where’s my master? Is she okay…?”

Her right eye was filled with hope. Since Senior Wenren’s purpose in all of this was to help her overcome temptation, then the disappearance of her master must’ve also been part of the plan. Certainly nothing bad had happened to her.

“She might not necessarily be,” Wenren È said casually.

Upon just returning, she had picked a fight with Shu Yanyan, and the main hall was only still standing because Wenren È had stopped her. Right now, the Lord of Demons, his deputy, and the Right Protector were all away from the main hall, so there was no one who could keep her in check. Anything could’ve happened by this point.

“When I left, she was letting Altar Master Miao’s bugs bite her.” Shu Yanyan had returned after picking up a bone, and hearing mention of Qiu Congxue, barged into the conversation.

“Bugs?” Zhongli Qian said.

After hearing Baili Qingmiao’s description of Elder Qingxue’s actions, he was very curious who this person was before the Great Sect War. The events Baili Qingmiao had related became more concerning the more he thought about them. He really hoped his guess wasn’t correct.

Shu Yanyan rolled her eyes. She transmitted to everyone except Baili Qingmiao, “She used to be a ghost cultivator with no flesh, so she had no reason to fear Altar Master Miao’s bugs. Now that she’s a wandering immortal, Altar Master Miao threatened that he had a king gu that could even harm wandering immortals, and she didn’t believe him and wanted him to try. I was waiting for her to croak.”

Zhongli Qian: …

He had basically guessed who Elder Qingxue was. The people of Xuanyuan Sect really were true to their natures and could make themselves at home in any situation.

Knowing Protector Shu, Sect Master Wenren, and now Protector Qiu, Zhongli Qian couldn’t help but think that he had restricted himself too much in the past. He had never been able to express his true nature, and didn’t know what kind of a person he would become after letting go of his responsibilities.

Everyone in the demonic sect acted according to their desires, each living their own way. Though there was one person who drew Zhongli Qian’s attention.

He cast his senses toward Yin Hanjiang. The newly appointed Deputy Sect Leader had his eyes half lidded, looking at the train of Wenren È’s robes.

Zhongli Qian couldn’t help but transmit to him, “Sect Leader Yin, of the seven human sufferings, birth, old age, illness, and death are certainties, but the last three, resentment, parting, and desire, can be avoided.”

Yin Hanjiang shifted his gaze to Zhongli Qian with difficulty. Even though the young man had his eyes covered, his perceptive gaze seemed to pierce through his blindfold.

“Sect Master Wenren is an extraordinary person,” Zhongli Qian said. “He is powerful and decisive in his actions, and few things in the world are able to capture his attention and his heart. A desire too strong might give birth to resentment down the road. Better for Sect Leader Yin to let go early and not invest your heart, lest it lead to deviation in your future cultivation.”

Yin Hanjiang understood this rationally. But just like Baili Qingmiao was fated to be trapped by Hè Wenzhao, he was unable to let go of his admiration toward Wenren È.

Of course he wanted to step away. He had tried, but just ended up sinking deeper. When his Venerable inadvertently showed tenderness and concern for him, it was like a blow to his heart.

Baili Qingmiao wanted to let go, but he only wanted to hold on tighter.

“If there is no desire, there will be no suffering,” said Yin Hanjiang. “If there is only love, there will never be resentment.”

He wouldn’t hold any expectations for his Venerable to return his feelings, and he wouldn’t pursue something that was impossible. He would be happy just staying by his Venerable’s side, keeping his tiny wish hidden.

Zhongli Qian shook his head. Sect Leader Yin was more stubborn than he had expected. This situation would lead to tragedy if it went on.

Since they had said all they needed to, the four returned to the main hall. Zhongli Qian and Baili Qingmiao remained outside its array, with Wenren È reassuring her that he would return Elder Qingxue in one piece.

Baili Qingmiao sat obediently in a guest room, waiting. Zhongli Qian thought back to what Shu Yanyan had said and felt Wenren È might have some difficulty keeping his promise.

Indeed, the moment Wenren È entered the main hall, he saw Qiu Congxue, who had had half her body eaten by bugs, stepping on a badly battered Altar Master Miao and laughing. “Hahahahaha! What did this Protector say? Even if I have a body, you still can’t do anything to me!”

Wenren È saw that she only had half her face, half her flesh, and half her organs and thought back to how he’d told Baili Qingmiao he’d return her in one piece. It turned out Qiu Congxue was willing to use her own life to spite him.

Seeing Wenren È’s displeasure, Yin Hanjiang blasted Qiu Congxue away with a swing of his sword. Qiu Congxue had already expended all her energy against Altar Master Miao and was unable to resist. She slammed into the opposite wall, spitting up a mouthful of blood.

Wenren È sighed heavily. Holding back his anger, he said, “I don’t care how you do it, but make yourself presentable to others. You can heal your injuries later.”

Qiu Congxue didn’t dare backtalk and shifted the flesh from the intact parts of her body to her face. She wrapped her black robe tightly around her, making it so her head looked undamaged while blood still dripped from her body underneath.

Looking at her current state, Shu Yanyan laughed her ass off. She tossed the bone to Qiu Congxue and said, “Here, your bone. Take it back and have fun reminiscing over it.”

Wenren È flew to the main seat and sat down, with Yin Hanjiang following close behind, standing next to the throne. Qiu Congxue and Shu Yanyan rushed to take their places as Left and Right Protectors. Four battered and beaten Altar Masters also managed to stand with each other’s help.

Wenren È swept his gaze over all of them. “After the Great Sect War, this Venerable was occupied with other matters and overlooked Xuanyuan Sect[1]. Each of you also seem to have forgotten your positions, constantly fighting amongst each other. If this continues, the Xuanyuan Sect cannot stand.”

“This subordinate was wrong,” the six said simultaneously.

“From today forward, the Xuanyuan Sect’s array will be closed and no one will be allowed to exit. The four Altar Masters are to return to their own domains and recuperate, so that in a hundred years’ time, you can return to your power from before the Great Sect War.”


“Protector Shu, for not knowing her place and trying to steal this Venerable’s position, has already been assigned a punishment of a hundred years. However, this Venerable previously agreed to let her cultivate on the Burning Sky Drum before the war. Therefore, during our seclusion, Protector Shu is permitted to cultivate on the Burning Sky Drum for the duration of her punishment,” Wenren È said.

“I can cultivate for a hundred years?” Shu Yanyan said, her eyes lighting up.

“Venerable!” Altar Master Yuan said frantically. “If she cultivated on it for a hundred years, she could ascend on the spot, and probably become a Great Golden Immortal on top of that! This is clearly a reward, not a punishment!”

The other Altar Masters and Qiu Congxue also looked dissatisfied.

“Thus, this Venerable has decided Protector Shu’s punishment will be shortened by ninety-nine years. That leaves only one year. Is everyone satisfied with this?” This was the reward he had previously offered Shu Yanyan, but it was in return for something she had done for him, not for the Xuanyuan Sect. If he wanted to reduce the punishment, other people still needed to be appeased. After all, Altar Masters Ruan and Shi had been sent to Shu Yanyan’s bed.

“Yes, of course.” Everyone nodded their heads in succession.

Shu Yanyan also felt it was reasonable. After all, she preferred a good work-life balance, and would get tired of cultivating for a hundred years straight.

“Protector Qiu will leave and remain undercover in Shangqing Sect,” Wenren È said.

“Should this subordinate relay information about Shangqing Sect?” Qiu Congxue asked earnestly.

“…That won’t be necessary,” said Wenren È. “Just act according to your own judgment. If you put your efforts toward helping Shangqing Sect, that’ll be its own form of interference.”

Qiu Congxue: …

Was the Venerable praising her? She’ll just take it as praise.

Shu Yanyan covered her mouth. Were it not for how serious this situation was, she would be laughing her head off.

“Altar Master Shi will be presented with the Hundred Ghost Flag, which can prevent ghosts of Void Boundary and below from approaching,” Wenren È said, glancing at Shi Congxin.

Shi Congxin was so happy he nearly spat up blood. After receiving the flag, he returned contentedly to the Hellfire Pavilion.

The other three Altar Masters all earned their own rewards. Even the deeply traumatized Altar Master Ruan had received a Forgetfulness Potion which could erase some memories he didn’t like.

The Xuanyuan Sect had fallen into disorder after the Great Sect War. With both rewards and force, Wenren È beat it back into shape, sorting out the place near-effortlessly. His subordinates probably wouldn’t think of stirring any more trouble for the next few decades.

After receiving their orders, each of the Altar Masters left, Qiu Congxue going with Baili Qingmiao and Zhongli Qian. Xuanyuan Sect sent out word that it would be in seclusion for thirty years, not engaging with the outside world. Wenren È and Yin Hanjiang then each entered seclusion on their own, to work on their new techniques or new weapon respectively.

Wenren È’s cultivation grounds consisted of an indoors and outdoors space. The room was very big, enough to comfortably hold Shu Yanyan’s hundred-meter-long Frost Jade Bed. That was because if Wenren È released his power in a smaller room, it would probably need to be rebuilt every day.

Both the inside and outside spaces were surrounded by arrays. He and Yin Hanjiang could cultivate alongside each other without interfering with each other.

After he was finally alone, Wenren È placed a hand on his left arm. The illusion he’d made out of blood mist vanished.

Everyone, including Yin Hanjiang, thought that the arm Wenren È had used to forge the Army Crushing Sword was quickly restored. Only Wenren È knew that this arm was a fake created out of spiritual essence, which he couldn’t use for anything.

Over the past days, he’d taken many elixirs for restoring the body and soul, all to no use.

Blood had to be restored with blood, and soul with soul. What he needed was not legendary treasures or spiritual medicines, but the blood and soul of a cultivator.

No wonder the Blood Demon Elder had become the target of the entire cultivation world ten thousand years ago, and people saw blood cultivators as destined to become demons. Only after becoming a blood cultivator did Wenren È realized that his body no longer had meridians or a dantian, and he could no longer cultivate by his previous methods. The only thing he could do to advance or restore his body was devouring others’ souls.

His power had no bottlenecks and, being above Mahayana, he no longer needed to face heavenly tribulations. Just by absorbing souls, he could become strong enough to fight the immortals of the upper realms. But if he kept increasing his power without strengthening his mind, then sooner or later he would be enslaved by it, and become a heartless monster who only knew to consume.

Blood cultivators were destined to become demons. There was no return after going down this route.

Wenren È clamped a hand on his arm, blood qi roiling within his body. He didn’t care about the lives of other cultivators, and had killed several experts of the righteous sects during the war. He was willing to kill, but he would not absorb anyone’s soul. Some people might think that there was nothing wrong with taking the soul of an enemy. They could eliminate opposition and increase their power at the same time. But this was a slippery slope, and human desire was a bottomless abyss which would never be satisfied. Someday, he would have no more compunctions about devouring human souls. At that point, he would turn on the people most important to him.[2]

He would never go down that path, even if he could never advance, and would waste away and eventually die.

He had closed the gates of Xuanyuan Sect for thirty years in order to figure something out in that time. Even if he didn’t find a solution for thirty years, Yin Hanjiang was sure to make significant advances, and would be able to help him manage Xuanyuan Sect.

He at least had to be strong enough that, if the day came when Wenren È was desperate enough to enter the Blood Hell, Yin Hanjiang would be able to follow him.

Wenren È put up another array inside and took out his two books. He needed to use them to keep an eye on outside happenings from time to time. He couldn’t be completely ignorant for thirty years.

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