Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know

Chapter 46 –

Chapter 46 – Baiting the serpent

After his clan had been wiped out, Wenren È had picked up the habit of always preparing for the worst-case scenario, never hoping for a fluke.

He didn’t think, “Maybe it isn’t Cen Zhengqi, or even if it is him, maybe he doesn’t know the plot has changed.” He only cared about the worst possible outcome.

He knew that the Violet Spirit Master hadn’t known who obtained the first and second volumes. Similarly, the holder of the second volume wouldn’t know about Baili Qingmiao’s connection with the divine nature. With the two volumes he had, he could assume the second volume told of the events after Hè Wenzhao and Baili Qingmiao ascended to the immortal realm. In the first volume, Hè Wenzhao’s friends also ascended one after another. The most likely pieces of information for the second volume’s possessor to know were Wenren È’s death, from the summary of the previous volume, and the fact that the second volume’s main villain was the Burning Sky Immortal.

After obtaining the book, Cen Zhengqi had two choices. One was to accept Hè Wenzhao as the protagonist and follow him faithfully to ride his coattails. The second was to reject him and wait for a good time to steal his opportunities and become the strongest.

Judging from when the first and third volumes had shown up, the second volume would’ve also appeared thirty years ago. In these thirty years, Cen Zhengqi’s name hadn’t shown up once in the revised first volume. If a person decided to curry favor with someone, they would’ve appeared much earlier, doing everything they could to help that person. Wenren È, even though he didn’t want to win over Baili Qingmiao, had shown up several decades in advance because he needed to help her and had no malicious intent toward her. Even the readers had expressed surprise at his early debut.

Since Cen Zhengqi hadn’t done that, the chances that he wanted to support Hè Wenzhao were low. He had probably chosen the second option.

He must be a person with ambition and brains, so what would he be doing now? Wenren È wasn’t a particularly ambitious person and didn’t really understand the thoughts of his subordinates in Xuanyuan Sect. But he could ask.

Cen Zhengqi was a man, so none of the Altar Masters could be trusted. Out of the Sect Protectors, Qiu Congxue didn’t need to be considered, and Shu Yanyan had been killed by Hè Wenzhao and Cen Zhengqi in the book, so there was no way she could be him.

“Call over the Right Protector,” Wenren È said.

Yin Hanjiang sent a message talisman and soon Shu Yanyan rushed into the Main Hall. She was actually dressed properly, though a flush tinged her face. She must’ve just been cultivating.

“Protector Shu, this Venerable can’t figure something out and needs your help,” Wenren È said.

“Ask away,” Shu Yanyan said humbly. “This subordinate will say all that she knows.”

“Let’s say, one day, you obtained a divine book which foretold the future,” Wenren È said. “In it, it said, without a doubt, that Wenren È would die and you would become the new master of Xuanyuan Sect. Afterwards, you would ascend to the immortal realm and become someone’s subordinate, helping him kill the ruler of the immortal realm. With this book, you can predict the future. How would you act?”

Shu Yanyan: …

Her heart beat wildly. Was her lord asking this because he knew that she wanted to assassinate him at the right opportunity, become the Lord of Demons, then ascend with her subordinates and lay low in the immortal realm until she had the chance to kill the leader of the immortals?

After further thought, she didn’t think that was likely. Who didn’t know that she wanted to replace Wenren È? Who bothered hiding that fact? No, the Venerable wasn’t so paranoid; he encouraged the ambitions of the members of Xuanyuan Sect. What he said had to have some deeper meaning.

Shu Yanyan smiled. “The Venerable is telling a joke. If this subordinate really obtained such a book, she wouldn’t let the Venerable die. The Venerable’s powers are great, so this subordinate couldn’t bear to kill him, if she could…”

She lifted her head to look at Wenren È, but before she could, she was pinned by Yin Hanjiang’s murderous gaze.

Shu Yanyan looked at Yin Hanjiang and saw that, at some point, he had put on a ghost mask. Underneath it, his eyes burned, making him seem like a completely different person.

“Venerable…” She pointed at Yin Hanjiang.

“What?” Wenren È turned his head and saw Yin Hanjiang standing behind him, sword in hand, as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Though his fingertips on the sword were white, and he seemed to be in pain.

Wenren È took his hand, saying gently, “There’s no need for Sect Leader Yin to be worried. This Venerable won’t die easily. And this Venerable has already allowed you to follow him to the afterlife.”

Yin Hanjiang revealed a smile like a puppet’s, like he had forced each muscle of his face to move with his spiritual energy. There was no emotion in his voice. “This subordinate understands.”

With that order, Yin Hanjiang would probably be fine. Wenren È nodded and turned back to Shu Yanyan.

Shu Yanyan: …

No way, Venerable, Yin Hanjiang doesn’t look like he has any intention of obeying your orders. He has his mask back on; he looks like he’s going to commit murder.

Shu Yanyan had been part of a demonic sect for years, previously having followed the old Sect Master. She had seen all sorts of demonic cultivators, but she had never witnessed anyone like Yin Hanjiang, who looked like he had crawled out of the pits of hell.

She was near the peak of Mahayana, yet was being intimidated into backing away by a mere Void Boundary cultivator. Yin Hanjiang’s power wasn’t reasonable!

“Protector Shu?” Wenren È said, impatience in his voice. He was still waiting for her answer.

Shu Yanyan calmed her heart. She felt like there was no right answer here. If she lied and flattered Wenren È, he would be annoyed. If she told the truth, she got the feeling that right now, she couldn’t take Yin Hanjiang in a fight.

Trapped between them, Shu Yanyan finally answered, “If it were the other Protector or one of the Altar Masters, they would probably use their foreknowledge and stay hidden for the proper time to kill the Venerable and eliminate opposition. In the immortal realm… they would probably kill the immortal lord as well as the person they were following, stealing both their opportunities and ascending to godhood. But that’s what other people would do. If it were this subordinate, I would give the book to you, and never let you meet with any danger.”

Looking at Yin Hanjiang’s mask, she said, “This subordinate is forever loyal to the Venerable.”

Finally, Yin Hanjiang slowly took off the mask. He cocked his head at her, and his face gradually pulled into a smile.

Shu Yanyan: …

She suddenly thought that the Venerable had to live a nice long life. If he were to really die, probably no one would be able to control this rabid beast Yin Hanjiang.

With Shu Yanyan’s answer, Wenren È now sufficiently understood Cen Zhengqi’s plan. First, join forces with the Blood Demon Elder and kill Wenren È, taking control of Xuanyuan Sect. Second, gather information on the Burning Sky Immortal and kill him. All the while, act loyal to Hè Wenzhao, while waiting for a chance to strike. Third, kill Hè Wenzhao.

Since he was acting in the shadows, they might as well use his own tricks against him and put on an act to lure him out of hiding.

Having made his decision, Wenren È said to Shu Yanyan, “Call the Left Protector and the Altar Masters to the Main Hall. This Venerable needs to discuss something with them. Also, about that question…”

“What question?” Shu Yanyan said blankly. “The one you just asked me?”

“You answered well,” Wenren È said with a slight smile.

The Right Protector was efficient and got everyone assembled at the Main Hall in less than two hours. The last time everyone had been gathered like this, it was for the sect entering seclusion, and the time before that, it was for the Great Sect War. Everyone wondered what important matter it was now.

Wenren È swept his gaze over the crowd. Aside from Shi Congxin looking timid, everyone was full of schemes, coveting the position of Sect Master. Qiu Congxue was the one who hid it the least.

“I believe everyone already knows that a disciple has caught this Venerable’s eye, Baili Qingmiao of Shangqing Sect,” Wenren È said. “She has particularly high aptitudes, so this Venerable wants to raise her to be his opponent. She’s very valuable to me. But now, because of Protector Qiu, she has been condemned by Shangqing Sect. This Venerable fears the disciple he’s chosen will have her spiritual root destroyed by Shangqing Sect, so wants to hear everyone’s ideas.”

Qiu Congxue wanted to speak, but Shu Yanyan pulled her back. She transmitted, “I know you have no brains, but just listen to me this once, and don’t say anything.”

Qiu Congxue stared blankly at her, and with her hesitation, Altar Master Ruan got to speak first.

“Shangqing Sect is weakened, so we can just pressure them to hand over Baili Qingmiao,” said Altar Master Ruan.

“This Venerable fears they will refuse. They can’t be allowed to harm Qingm— my disciple.”

Shu Yanyan: ?

She wasn’t hearing things, right? Had the Venerable just shown some concern toward Baili Qingmiao in those words? No, he was purposefully giving people the impression that he had developed feelings for Baili Qingmiao and was trying to hide it. He was using Baili Qingmiao as bait!

She clamped her mouth shut, not daring to say a word.

“You can make her a ghost cultivator,” Qiu Congxue offered helpfully.

“This Venerable doesn’t want her the least bit harmed,” Wenren È said with a glare at her. “Protector Qiu, as Baili Qingmiao’s master, have you no concern towards her at all? Huh?”

That last word held a rage they had never before heard from him.

Qiu Congxue was stunned. Didn’t offering to make Baili Qingmiao a ghost cultivator demonstrate her concern and favor towards her disciple? She had prepared everything for her! She had already refined the Violet Spirit Master’s soul, and once Baili Qingmiao became a ghost cultivator, she could devour him and rise to Mahayana on the spot. She was thinking of her disciple!

“Venerable, I—”

Before she could finish, Wenren È waved a sleeve and sent her flying, spitting up a mouthful of blood.

“That’s enough. You’re all a pack of useless fools! This Venerable will figure it out himself!” “Fuming”, Wenren È stood up. Before leaving, he gave Shu Yanyan a meaningful look.

The smartest woman in Xuanyuan Sect: …

Cough, cough, what’s with the Venerable? Why is he so mad?” Shi Congxin said, trembling. Relying on his looks, he leaned against Shu Yanyan’s side. “Protector Shu, I haven’t been an Altar Master for long and have only met the Venerable a few times, so I don’t know him very well. Can you give me some advice? Cough, cough!

Shu Yanyan understood the task Wenren È had given her. She had been worried she wouldn’t have a chance to say anything, before Shi Congxin had asked her. Pleased, she stroked his chin and said, “You’ve asked the right person. As I see it, the Venerable’s love tribulation has arrived.”

“You mean…” Everyone’s eyes lit up except Qiu Congxue’s.

“Who could’ve guessed that such a hard-hearted man as our lord would’ve fallen in love with such a pure, innocent girl? Ah, if I’d known that was his type, I would’ve played the role,” Shu Yanyan said, acting regretful. “I’ve known many men over the years. When it comes to someone like Wenren È, whose heart has never moved in centuries and who’s oblivious to romance, once he does encounter love, he’ll fall head over heels in a heartbeat. If it were me he liked, he would really be willing to die for me.”

“Who does he like?” Qiu Congxue finally got back to her feet.

Shu Yanyan’s smile vanished the instant she saw her. “Not you,” she said coldly.

“So anyways, Baili Qingmiao is precious to Wenren È. No one better mess with her.” With a sly smile and those words, Shu Yanyan left.

That night, a person sat alone in a room, flipping through a book and rereading several lines. He said to himself, “When this book said that Wenren È had fallen for Baili Qingmiao, fighting Hè Wenzhao for her, I thought it was a lie. How could a cold-hearted man like him fall for a girl? But it turns out it was a love tribulation?”

His appearance was indistinguishable in the dark. He kept flipping through the book, muttering, “But Wenren È ought to have books too. How could he not know how he died? Is this an opportunity, or a trap?”

He took out a message talisman, which the Blood Demon Elder had borrowed Hè Wenzhao’s body to send him. As he predicted it, what the Blood Demon did after taking over Hè Wenzhao’s body shouldn’t be recorded in the book. Therefore, he hadn’t given out his name when meeting Hè Wenzhao, and only revealed his true identity when the Blood Demon was in charge of Hè Wenzhao’s body.

“Wenren È, Blood Demon, Hè Wenzhao, Baili Qingmiao—none of you know what my goal is. Even if this is a trap, all I have to do is be careful and never reveal my identity,” the person pondered.

“Fine, if you want to lure me into action, then I’ll be the fisherman, and while the sandpiper and clam fight amongst each other[1], I’ll be the ultimate victor.” In the wavering lamplight, that person made his decision and sent his message to the Blood Demon.

When Wenren È returned to his room after yelling at everyone, Yin Hanjiang said, “If the Venerable wishes to save Baili Qingmiao, then this subordinate is willing to charge into Shangqing Sect and risk his life for her.”

Hearing his words, Wenren È paused, looking at Yin Hanjiang’s dedicated expression that said he was willing to die for his Venerable, just like the fourth male lead who had quietly stood guard at Baili Qingmiao’s side.

Wenren È worked his mouth, unsure how he should explain to Yin Hanjiang.

He didn’t let Yin Hanjiang read Abusive Romance because the story was only halfway revised. The latter half was still the same as the original book, recording Wenren È risking his life for Baili Qingmiao over and over, treating her tenderly, and at last sacrificing himself for her. Wenren È didn’t like reading it himself. He absolutely could not let Yin Hanjiang see it.

In both Abusive Romance and God of Annihilation, Wenren È’s death at the end hadn’t yet been revised. Wenren È was not certain he could defy heaven and change destiny. He couldn’t promise Yin Hanjiang he wouldn’t die.

After some thought, he only said, “Baili Qingmiao is important, but not just to this Venerable. She’s important to the entirety of the three realms, so this Venerable is helping her.”

Yin Hanjiang half-kneeled in front of Wenren È, quietly listening.

“This Venerable doesn’t wish to hide anything from you. It’s possible that there’s someone out there who knows more than I. He’s acting in the shadows, so this Venerable intends to lure him out. Those words out there were half-truths, but mostly they were a show for his benefit. As for whether or not it’ll work, this Venerable can’t say.”

Yin Hanjiang worked up the courage to grab Wenren È’s hand. He said in a tone of forced calm, “Is the Venerable in any danger?”

“I’m uncertain.” Wenren È shook his head. “The enemy is not necessarily weaker than I. And I also need to use this opportunity to get rid of a threat.”

“The Venerable will not die,” Yin Hanjiang said stubbornly. “This subordinate will not allow him to.”

“Who knows? Humans make plans, but heaven decides whether or not they succeed.” Wenren È sighed. After all, the Blood Arts weren’t without weaknesses.

Yin Hanjiang looked at his expression, and felt the Army Crushing Sword jerk in his grasp. He clenched it tight, hiding the vicious look in his eyes.

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