Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know

Chapter 47 –

Chapter 47 – Deception

“What is this?” Hè Wenzhao said furiously, holding a message talisman.

It had shown up in his room at some point. The Shangqing Sect had already strengthened its defenses, hearing that Wenren È had long since been interested in Baili Qingmiao and afraid he would show up to take her.

Despite having been married to Liu Xinye for many years, Hè Wenzhao’s heart was still on his little shimei. Also, as he continued to gain strength, he came to believe that there was nothing wrong with a man taking three or four wives. The leader of the Nanguo clan was a Mahayana cultivator with a horde of wives, who he all treated lovingly, and who helped him manage his estate. Hè Wenzhao was currently the youngest Void Boundary cultivator in the cultivation world and was sure to rise to Mahayana in the future, so he very well could take multiple wives.

In Hè Wenzhao’s heart, the position of his true wife was reserved for Baili Qingmiao. He had always seen her as his wife, so when he heard that Wenren È liked her, he saw red.

Thinking back to the events on True Yin Mountain, Wenren È had asked Baili Qingmiao to leave with him. Fortunately, shimei had refused.

Hè Wenzhao found it unbearable that someone so powerful wanted his shimei. “Master,” he asked, “how can I get rid of this scum of the cultivation world?”

“Let’s see…” The Blood Demon Elder chuckled in his mind. “Hasn’t your Sect Master just woken up? Let me use your body to tell him something.”

“Why should I give you my body?” Hè Wenzhao felt reluctant. Every time he let his master use his body, he would have a blank patch in his memories, and had no way of knowing what his master did. This made him uncomfortable, and he started having misgivings toward his master.

“Because I suspect Wenren È placed a gu parasite in you at True Yin Mountain, and might now be able to hear your thoughts,” said the Blood Demon Elder. “Best that I use your body, and you distance yourself from this matter for a time. If this plan fails, we’ll be unable to overcome Wenren È. When he kidnaps your little shimei, he’ll have all the evil sorcery in the world to cast on her. A single spell could make her forget you forever.”

Hè Wenzhao hesitated for a few more moments, then gritted his teeth and said, “Fine, I’ll let you have my body for the next few days!”

The revisions of God of Annihilation stopped there, though Abusive Romance continued on a little further, recording how Hè Wenzhao had paid a visit to Baili Qingmiao. Baili Qingmiao had felt that something was off about him, but when she was about to ask, he knocked her unconscious. Su Huai seemed to have also been knocked unconscious.

The readers of Abusive Romance were all asking what had just happened. Had Liu Xinye taken Hè Wenzhao’s appearance to harm Baili Qingmiao? The comments were full of discussions and questions. Wenren È knew, though, that Hè Wenzhao was likely possessed by the Blood Demon. He had no knowledge of his actions.

Odd. Cen Zhengqi would know that Hè Wenzhao was the protagonist, so it made sense that he wanted him possessed, but why did he want to knock out Baili Qingmiao? Wenren È had thought that turning Cen Zhengqi’s attention toward Baili Qingmiao would focus more of the plot into Abusive Romance, so he could use it to monitor the situation. How did Cen Zhengqi think of Baili Qingmiao?

Something was off about this situation.

A chessboard[1] appeared before Wenren È. He set down two white pieces, and the board suddenly changed unpredictably. Black had now, without its knowledge, been surrounded by White.

God of Annihilation had three volumes. It wasn’t difficult for Cen Zhengqi to figure out that he had the first volume. But Abusive Romance had only one volume and he had been the first to get it. The only other who knew of it was Yin Hanjiang, who would never let information leak.

Wenren È held two black pieces and closed his eyes, considering how best to place them down in order to turn the tables.

Cen Zhengqi, Wenren È, Blood Demon, Hè Wenzhao, Burning Sky Immortal…

His eyes flew open, and he placed the pieces down decisively. The circumstances changed in an instant. He smiled slightly. No matter who he was facing, he could counter a thousand plans with one of his.

Two months later, Altar Master Yuan received a message from a disciple walking outside and rushed to meet with Wenren È.

“Venerable, this is bad!” he said frantically. “Our Message Carriers have heard a rumor in the cultivation world, that in the past two months, seventeen Body Unity and above cultivators of the righteous sects and cultivation clans have been killed. One of them was at Mahayana. They all died of, of…”

The Message Carriers was a special organization in Xuanyuan Sect, managed by the Main Hall Master. They posed as wandering cultivators, sometimes becoming guests of the cultivation clans, tasked with uncovering information about the cultivation world.

“How did they die?” Wenren È said calmly.

“They were all dissolved into blood and absorbed…” Altar Master Yuan took a fearful glance at Wenren È and backed away a few steps. “The Shangqing Sect has shared comprehensive records of the battle against the Blood Demon ten thousand years ago, spreading word that blood cultivators have to absorb other cultivators’ souls to gain power, and were sure to become demons. If people are dying this way, then it means… the coming of a demon.”

“Shut your mouth!” Yin Hanjiang, standing behind Wenren È, kicked Altar Master Yuan over and pointed his sword at his throat.

Most people in Xuanyuan Sect knew by now that Wenren È had become a blood cultivator. Things had remained peaceful because no one knew a blood cultivator’s cultivation methods. Now that he had heard the information from Shangqing Sect, Altar Master Yuan was rightfully scared. However, Yin Hanjiang wouldn’t permit him to suggest that Wenren È had committed those murders.

The Venerable may cultivate a demonic path, but he would never become a demon. Even if he wanted to kill people, he would do so in open battle like he had in the Great Sect War or the destruction of True Yin Mountain. He wouldn’t commit such underhanded murders.

“No need to be angry, Sect Leader Yin,” Wenren È said. “Altar Master Yuan is just reporting things as they are.”

Yin Hanjiang stiffly withdrew his sword. Wenren È clapped his hands. “What a masterful move. Instantly, they’ve put this Venerable in an impossible situation.”

The Blood Demon had used Hè Wenzhao’s body to assassinate experts of the righteous sects. In doing so, he could increase his own power, and at the same time lead Shangqing Sect to spread knowledge of blood cultivation, making people think that Wenren È had caused these seventeen deaths.

After the news was out, the righteous sects and cultivation clans would start making plans to kill him.

The people of Xuanyuan Sect would be thrown into a panic. Few people would be willing to take on the entire cultivation world for Wenren È, and many would backstab him.

At the same time, after absorbing the seventeen cultivators, the Blood Demon’s power had probably returned to the peak of Mahayana.

He had isolated Wenren È, while uniting the righteous sects and cultivation clans against him. He even managed to use Wenren È as a shield while increasing his own power. All the while, he had avoided showing up in the revisions, making his moves in the shadows. It was truly a masterful plan.

Altar Master Yuan got to his feet and backed away a few more steps. Only after putting some distance between him and Wenren È did he say, “V—Venerable, I hear they’re planning to act against you. W—what should we do?”

“‘We’?” Wenren È raised an eyebrow. “At this moment, the Xuanyuan Sect is still willing to fight alongside this Venerable?”

“Naturally, we’re completely loyal to the Venerable. Even if he were to consume us to increase his power, w—we have no complaints!” Altar Master Yuan said, backing away.

“Listen to that,” Wenren È said with a smile to Yin Hanjiang. “If this Venerable really led this bunch into battle, I’d probably find a knife in my back.”

“The Venerable doesn’t need them,” Yin Hanjiang said. He put down his sword, standing unarmed before Wenren È, using his actions to signal his loyalty and trust in him.

“At least you trust this Venerable,” Wenren È said, placing a hand on Yin Hanjiang’s neck. He felt a shudder run through Yin Hanjiang under his palm.

His smile faded. He said coldly, “If you trust me, then why are you shaking?”

“This subordinate is not. This subordinate…” Yin Hanjiang lifted his head helplessly, not knowing how to explain.

“Fine,” Wenren È said, seeing that he had no answer. “If none of you trust this Venerable, this Venerable cannot trust in you. Sect Leader Yin, you have greatly disappointed me.”

He transformed into crimson light, departing Xuanyuan Sect.

“This— With the Venerable gone, what are we supposed to do?” Altar Master Yuan said, looking helplessly at Yin Hanjiang.

“If the Venerable is not here, the deputy will represent him. If the deputy is not here, the Right Protector will. What must be done will be done!” Yin Hanjiang picked up his sword and hopped on it, pursuing Wenren È in the direction he had vanished.

Altar Master Yuan had no choice but to inform the Right Protector.

When Shu Yanyan received his message, she was lying in Helian Chu’s[2] lap, eating spiritual fruit. Helian Chu heard the message together with her.

“Protector, would the Venerable really consume people’s souls?” Helian Chu said, looking fearful as he held Shu Yanyan tighter.

Shu Yanyan shoved him off. “If you’re not scared, quit acting. If he wanted to consume you, you think you could escape?”

Flushing, Helian Chu said, “Isn’t this subordinate taking the chance to get closer to the Protector? Protector, do you think he’s someone who would secretly consume people? In this subordinate’s eyes, he doesn’t seem like it.”

“Why?” Shu Yanyan said.

“Thirty years ago, when the Venerable returned after the Great Sect War, he possessed this subordinate’s body. Do you still remember that?”

“Hm? Didn’t you not like bringing this up?” Shu Yanyan said with interest. Wenren È had possessed Helian Chu, causing Shu Yanyan to not immediately realize that he had returned, exposing her ambitions in front of him. Helian Chu had lost his position and been ignored by Shu Yanyan for years. After studying literature for thirty years and memorizing a few poems, he had finally regained her favor.

“The situation’s different now,” Helian Chu said. “Anyway, when this subordinate was possessed, the Venerable could’ve destroyed my soul at any time, yet he hadn’t. I feel that he’s not the type to kill someone secretly. If he wanted to consume someone’s soul, he would probably send them a message declaring his intentions, then defeat them in open combat. He wouldn’t act in the shadows.”

“You’ve gotten smarter after reading books.” Shu Yanyan stroked his cheek. Her smile gradually faded, and she said seriously, “If even you think so, then probably no one with a brain will be fooled.”

After putting her clothes on properly, she headed to the Main Hall to take over management of the sect. Everyone else had received Altar Master Yuan’s message and soon assembled there.

The first to arrive was Protector Qiu. Upon seeing Shu Yanyan, she said, “I don’t believe it. Even if I used my pinky toe to think, I’d know it wasn’t Wenren È who did it.”

Shu Yanyan smiled brilliantly. She pointed at Qiu Congxue, saying to Helian Chu, “See? Even people without brains don’t buy it.”

Qiu Congxue: …

Helian Chu: …

After everyone arrived, Shu Yanyan said, “I know many people have doubts right now. Likely, some want to use this as an opportunity to cause trouble. But I urge everyone to be patient. Even if you want to take Wenren È’s position, we should wait until we confirm our information. Everyone still remembers the punishment they got last time, right? Personally, this Protector doesn’t wish to get punished again so soon.”

Remembering his punishment, Altar Master Ruan shuddered. He spoke out first. “Whoever wants to backstab can go ahead, but I don’t dare to.”

The other Altar Masters also successively declined.

At that moment, a message talisman flew into the hall, sent from a Message Carrier. Altar Master Yuan opened it and played it for everyone to hear. “According to intel, Baili Qingmiao has been captured by the Blood Demon and taken to the Blood Hell, currently in mortal danger.”

An image was attached to the message, which Altar Master Yuan displayed. A scene appeared in the air. Baili Qingmiao and Su Huai were dangled above the sea of the Blood Hell, both unconscious. From time to time, the spray from the sea would land on them.

The Blood Hell was the seal that the primordial gods had worked together to create, and it contained the primordial chaos energy of the cosmos. It looked to be a sea of crimson water, but it was actually the reflection of primordial chaos energy. Every drop of water contained terrifying power.

The 180 thousand demonic gods ceaselessly attacked the seal, and over the centuries, the demonic energy had fused with the primordial chaos, becoming a corrosive power that could consume everything. A drop of water fell on Baili Qingmiao’s leg, and instantly, half of the flesh on her leg rotted. The pain shocked her awake. Looking around, she found she was no longer in the mountains of Shangqing Sect.

The sea kicked up a spray again, and Baili Qingmiao hugged Su Huai to her chest, sending out her silk to block the droplets. However, her power was no match for the Blood Hell’s water, and the Moonlit Frost Silk instantly disintegrated. With her bonded weapon destroyed, Baili Qingmiao’s dantian was injured and she spat up a mouthful of blood. Holding Su Huai in her arms, she fainted again.

“Despicable!” Seeing the scene, Qiu Congxue didn’t think about who had set the trap. She transformed into a spring breeze and flew off, evidently to the Blood Hell.

“Oh my, how heartless,” Shu Yanyan said, rubbing her temples. “Since that idiot wants to go throw away her life, I better go stop her.”

Dragging Helian Chu, she set off in pursuit, leaving the Altar Masters staring at each other.

They had no plans to go help, and without understanding the situation, they didn’t dare to act. After a bit of discussion, Altar Master Yuan said, “Why don’t we all manage our own territories for now and observe the situation. After the dust settles, we can figure out who’s the new Sect Master.”

Thinking it over, they all found it reasonable. Even if they wanted to cause chaos, this wasn’t the time for it. Plus, this had occurred too suddenly, so it was probably a ploy. None of them wanted to be used, so they might as well copy Altar Master Ruan and turtle up.

After everyone departed, a lone figure came to the Xuanyuan Sect forbidden grounds, the location of the sect’s only immortal artifact, the Burning Sky Drum.

“Wenren È has been lured away, Yin Hanjiang has followed him, and Protectors Qiu and Shu are also gone. The timing is perfect for me to take control of the Burning Sky Drum.”

The person took out a book. It was God of Annihilation: Volume 2.

He flipped to a certain page in the back. It read, “The Burning Sky Immortal was actually the Xuanyuan Sect Left Protector Yin Hanjiang. After sustaining mortal injuries in the cultivation world, a remaining fragment of his soul hid within the Burning Sky Drum, slowly regaining its strength. The Burning Sky Drum was an abandoned weapon of the immortal lord. He eventually found it in the cultivation world and wanted to take it back to refine it anew, but he was devoured by Yin Hanjiang, who had now become one with it. Taking over his body, Yin Hanjiang became the Burning Sky Immortal. He was still loyal to Wenren È, and was filled with hatred toward Hè Wenzhao and his people. In the cultivation world, he had secretly harmed Baili Qingmiao and Hè Wenzhao countless times. At first, he had not yet absorbed the immortal lord’s soul, and could only send his underlings against them. After a thousand years, he absorbed his soul and finally took action personally, setting out to kill Hè Wenzhao.

“The Burning Sky Drum might’ve been the immortal lord’s bonded weapon, but it’s been left in the cultivation world for many years and has lost its connection to him. I just need to place my blood and a wisp of my soul within it to begin consuming its power. I’ll be able to refine the immortal and demonic energy inside it and become an invincible immortal lord,” that person muttered as he read. 

“Since getting this book, I’ve waited a long time for this chance. After battling the Blood Demon, even if Wenren È survives, he’ll become a monster who only wants to consume souls. Yin Hanjiang will probably be the first to get devoured, hahaha…”

“Who will be the first?” said a voice from the bottom of the ravine where the Burning Sky Drum lay.

A figure leapt out of the ravine. It was Yin Hanjiang.

“D—didn’t you follow Wenren È?” the person said in shock.

“The Venerable ordered me to guard the Burning Sky Drum,” Yin Hanjiang said. He raised his sword. “Why are you here, Altar Master Yuan?”

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