Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 590 - Sea ​​Creatures

Chapter 590: Sea ​​Creatures

On the surface of the sea, a dark red sea ship was sailing desperately, and a black ship was chasing tightly after it. If it was not for the black spider flag fluttering on the dark red ship, nobody would have thought that this ship that was chased around was actually the infamous pirate ship, Black Spider Ship, of the Dead Sea.

The Black Spider Ship’s Captain Jose’s cold sweat was blown dry by the sea breeze, but he was shocked. I thought I encountered a big fat sheep, but it is actually a giant dragon with its fangs wide open!

Now that the Iron Hook Ship and Blood Moon Ship were destroyed, Jose no longer had the slightest delusion he had previously nor the thought of revenge. There was only 1 thing in his mind – Run away!

If I don’t run away, I will end up like the 2 wrecked ships that sank to the bottom of the sea!

The second mate reported in a panic, “Captain! Although the ship behind is not familiar with the changes in water and wind direction, they are experienced in operating the ship. We still can’t lose them at all if this continues. The front is already the area of ​​sea creatures. What should we do?”

Jose looked at the sea with a faint mist and looming reefs, and he gritted his teeth, “Go forward! Don’t stop! We can get rid of enemies by using the reef and mist or we can use sea creatures to deal with those enemies!”

The second mate was startled, “But if we run into a sea creature…”

“Stop talking nonsense! Carry out my order!” Jose had a hideous look on his face as he raised the knife in his hand. The second mate hurried away.

Jose was very aware of the dangers in this area, but there was no other way. The magic crystal cannons of the ship behind are too terrifying. Once they cool down and are launched again, the protection magic of the Black Spider Ship will not be able to stop it. We might as well perish together with the enemy.

On the Devil’s Snare Ship, Chen Rui saw the Black Spider Ship in the distance sailing into the misty sea. He asked, “Moore, do we still pursue?”

Moore closed his eyes and sensed for a while, “The breath of the water elements in this direction is more intense. It should be the only way for us to go to the habitat of the water elementals.”

Chen Rui nodded, “Then, let’s keep moving.”

“This area is a bit strange. I have already sensed a lot of hidden reefs. I will ask the sandmen to control their speed a little and proceed cautiously.”

The Black Spider Ship rushed into the mist like a frightened bird. The mist seemed to be thin, but it had a very strong interference to the vision. Previously, they could see the indistinct shadows, but it later disappeared in the mist.

On the Black Spider Ship, the sailors were all nervous as they controlled the ship and sailed carefully. There is a terrifying pursuer at the back and equally terrifying sea creatures in the front. The only hope now is that the pursuer can’t catch up with us under the obstacles of the mist as well as the reef and we can overcome the mist to escape. This is under a condition that we don’t run into the sea creatures.

At this moment, singing sounds came from a distance.

This song sounded ethereal which felt relaxing. It made one couldn’t help but want to stop and listen. When one listened carefully, it felt very moving. His whole mind and even his soul were immersed in it, making him unable to extricate himself.

Jose’s strength was the peak stage of the Great Demon King which was only a step away from the Demon Emperor. Even though he was attracted by the singing, he instinctively generated a kind of alertness in his heart to struggle to get rid of the temptation of that kind of singing. The crew members beside him all showed obsessed expressions. As the whole ship was getting closer and closer to the source of the singing, he could not help being surprised.

“It’s the singing of the sea creatures! Don’t listen, get out of here!”

Jose’s furious yelling didn’t work as it should. Except for a few crew members with strong spirit power who were awakened, most of them were still indulged in it and couldn’t hear the reminder.

Jose slashed a few people in shock and anger, yet he was still unable to awake the sailors. He kicked the sailor at the helm and steered himself, “Loco! Raise the auxiliary sail! Teller! Use the burst magic pump to push forward! Let’s get out of this damn place first!”

The few people quickly began to move, but the graceful singing voice lingered in their ears. Even blocking the ears was useless. Everyone’s gaze began to fade again. Jose cursed as he was about to activate the emergency thruster, but he suddenly felt the light dimmed.

When Jose looked up, he saw dense black shadows appearing in the sky. He couldn’t help feeling devastated.

Countless shadows flapped their wings and swooped down toward the Black Spider Ship. Exclaiming, trembling voice, and screaming were like the music notes in a moving music. Soon, everything returned to tranquility; only the melodious sound of the heavenly singing remained.

The mist seemed to have a special effect. Chen Rui and Moore on the Devil’s Snare Ship did not know what happened to the Black Spider Ship. They were still cautiously venturing forward.

After sailing for a while, Chen Rui suddenly heard a faint sound in his ears, which seemed to be singing. Although it was vague, it carried a strange attraction which made people want to listen more clearly.

The Earth Elemental King showed a knowing look, “It turns out that this is their habitat…”

As Chen Rui was about to ask him, the singing gradually became clear. The sound was melodious and moving. Although there was no music accompaniment, it was as graceful as the sound of nature.

While Chen Rui marveled at this pleasant singing voice, he was keenly aware of a strong charm power at the same time. This power was a bit similar to the succubus family, but the difference was that the succubus mainly depended on appearance whereas this kind of singing had already exerted its terrifying charm ability before the singer was seen. It had a nearly fatal attraction to the soul; its power was far above the succubus talent.

Although the singing voice was very charming, Chen Rui was not afraid of this kind of supernatural power. He had experienced the temptation of the inner demon countless times in [Refined Mind]. After the inheritance of the ancient alchemy civilization, his spirit power reached S+ after a qualitative change. Not to mention the God-Eating Mask that was immune to spirit attacks and the Super System that would absorb invading spirit power.

Chen Rui nodded his head and praised, “Very melodious singing. This reminds me of a legend in my hometown. What kind of creature’s singing is this?”

“We entered the area of ​​sea creatures.” The Earth Elemental King looked at Chen Rui, “This is the singing of sirens who have special bloodline talents. The beautiful singing contains powerful spiritual charm and power which can even attract the soul. Soul mutated ones can even use the sound to create powerful hallucinations, making the listener lost and unable to extricate themselves. Unfortunately, in the ears of the elementals, these sounds are no different from the whirring sea breeze.”

“Sirens?” Chen Rui’s eyes lit up. 1 of the 2 materials that Guradam needs for advancement is the Siren’s Heart. Although the most important purpose of coming to the Dead Sea this time is to treat Isabella, I definitely can’t miss it since I encountered the sirens.

“The siren’s singing has a fatal attraction to most people, but everything has 2 sides. This singing can also cleanse and temper the listener’s soul power. My friend, I can sense that the spirit power you have almost reached the level of the peak stage of the Demon Overlord. However, due to lack of understanding of the real Demon Overlord level, your spirit power cannot really compare with the peak stage of the Demon Overlord in terms of quality. If you can use the sirens’ singing to continuously refine your soul power, it will help you break through Demon Overlord. In addition, your spirit power is likely to have some kind of mutation after the advancement. However, this degree of singing will not be useful because your spirit power is strong. You have to look for someone with a mutated talent.”

Chen Rui nodded, “It just so happens that Siren’s Heart is one of my goals this time. Are we looking for the sirens by tracking the singing?”

“Before that, let’s solve some small troubles. Compared with the sirens, this is a more aggressive creature. They are called the harpies. The harpies are also called harpy witches. They are violent and cruel. They like to use the bones of the attackers as a sign of their domain. They have a certain wind element power, fast speed, and special paralyzing effect in their attack so that the enemies are knocked down before they can counterattack. The harpies usually live with the sirens. They are also called sea creatures. There is a special dependence between the 2. Since the sirens have already performed the seduction singing, the harpies should come soon.”

Chen Rui’s expression was quite bizarre. The sea creatures in this world are somewhat similar to the Western myths and stories in my previous life. It seems that there are many amazing coincidences between different worlds.

After the ship had just sailed for a certain distance, Chen Rui immediately sensed something in the sky above. Soon, he saw dense black shadows appearing in the sky. With his eyesight, he could already see clearly that this was a group of female creatures with a female face and exposed chest. Their hands were attached to a pair of wings, and their lower bodies were entirely avian. The claws were very sharp.

The harpies’ attack methods were a bit special. First, they rose high, then they dived down fiercely from the sky in a parabola. Chen Rui could clearly see the thirst for cruelty in those eyes. At this moment, Moore pointed to the sky, and the harpy witches quickly ossified in the process of the swift diving. They only rushed to the top of the mast, before they turned into ice-cold stone statues, then the stone statues shot upward and burst out in the harpies group. There were wailing all around. There were feathers with blood floating everywhere. “[Petrify]? [Stone Flowers of Death]?” Chen Rui’s eyes lit up. Moore’s earth element magic doesn’t need to gather spirit power or chant. The control and connection of magic are natural and easy as if [Petrify] and [Stone Flowers of Death] are basically 2 parts of a kind of magic. This is not compound magic. It is just an ordinary use of magic like returning to the rawest form. Even Zola is inferior to him in terms of the earth element magic.

“You are wrong, my friend.” Moore shook his head, “The so-called magic is a way of using spirit power to arrange and combine elements’ power to exert the power. [Petrify] and [Stone Flowers of Death] are of the same origin, but the form of expression is different. I did not deliberately use a certain form; I just naturally activated the origin power.”

Magic is just a form? The true essence is the origin? Chen Rui understood something vaguely.

The Earth Elemental King noticed Chen Rui’s expression. With a wave of his hand, the harpies who dived down were stagnant in the air and they were unable to fall. He continued to maintain a calm tone and said, “In fact, the use of power from Lesser Demon to Demon Overlord is a kind of ‘form’. Very few people can understand the origin, yet this is precisely the key to the qualitative transformation of a high-level powerhouse to a super powerhouse. Throughout the ages, there have been countless people who have reached the peak stage of the Demon Overlord, but there are very few who can truly understand the origin. But ‘form’ is also indispensable as it is the foundation of ‘origin’… These things, initially I should tell you when you reach the peak stage of the Demon Overlord, but your power most probably comes from Pseudo-God powerhouse inheritance which is different from ordinary people. Perhaps understanding the origin earlier can allow you to recover the powerful strength of the inheritance faster.

Demon Overlord’s training is a kind of ‘technique’ or ‘skill,’ and the real super powerhouse is ‘Dao’? Chen Rui comprehended Moore’s words in his own way of understanding, and he seemed to see a new door. All methods come from the same origin. Whether it is the Super System or the training of demons, the road may differ, but the ultimate destination of the origin is the same.

Judging from the evolution of the Super System, it seems that it is a change from quantity to quality. Perhaps one day…

Chen Rui came back to his senses and nodded. Moore only said a few words, but it might have an unpredictable significance for him who was at the bottleneck.

“Keep in mind that the peak stage of the Demon Overlord is not the end for a real powerhouse. Instead, it is just the beginning.” The Earth Elemental King smiled when he saw Chen Rui finished contemplating.

Chen Rui just found out that the harpy witches had disappeared. A horrified tweet sounded in the distance. It seemed that they had escaped far away. He initially wanted to practice, but Moore had settled them all.

Moore saw through his thoughts, and he shook his head, “Aren’t you looking for the Siren’s Heart? The harpy witches are creatures with a strong vengeance. Even if they are startled by my power, they still won’t really give up. I believe we will encounter more enemies in front. But what I need to remind you is that the Siren’s Heart is the vital crystal on the forehead of a siren. After losing it, they will suffer a setback in their vitality. The sirens are not as fierce as the harpy witches, and their personality should be more gentle, but there is also a strong side. Without their own will, even if you kill them, you won’t get the Siren’s Heart.”

Chen Rui nodded, “Let’s go ahead and have a look. Perhaps we can find a siren who can help me temper my spirit power.”

The singing became clearer. It seemed that there was more than 1 creature. The high and low keys were in perfect coordination. The music seemed more ethereal and moving, but to Chen Rui, it was just melodious. Very melodious indeed.

Perhaps it is possible for the sirens to hold a concert or something… Just as his mind was wandering, a graceful voice sounded in his ears. Suddenly, all the singing voices were covered by this voice and seeped into his mind via his hearing sense. His soul trembled involuntarily.

Bright moon.

Bamboo forest with clear stream.

There was the fragrance of someone making tea.

This scene only appeared in Chen Rui’s eyes for a moment, then the Super System’s alarm sounded in his consciousness, “Found an intrusion of an unknown spirit power. Do you want to transform it into aura?”

At the same time, a large number of harpy witches appeared in the sky, flying toward the Devil’s Snare Ship. It was far more than the previous batch.

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