Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 591 - Siren

Chapter 591: Siren

There were thousands of harpies this time which far exceeded the previous batch in terms of quantity and quality. Although Moore had shown great strength, the harpies had a vengeful character. Their previous retreat was not to flee but to gather companions.

After the harpies gathered more and stronger companions, they charged to the enemy again amidst the seductive singing of the sirens.

The graceful singing voice had a strong soul charm. Even Chen Rui had a strange illusion caused by this song despite his current strength, but he broke free from the illusion quickly. Nonetheless, odd expressions frequently appeared in his eyes.

This siren’s singing can actually make my soul throb and produce illusions. It should be the mutated talent mentioned by Earth Elemental King. If I can catch this siren, I can not only get the Siren’s Heart, but I can also refine my soul power. Worse comes to worst, I can use the God-Eating Mask to turn it into a puppet that obeys me.

It’s just that the 2 puppets are useful now. One is Nesta who is in charge of the training and formation of the cavalry legion in the Dark Moon. The other is Loki at the Fallen Angel Capital, secretly protecting Alice. Loki is the deputy general of Broc in the Jergal Fortress Broc. In the future, he may lead a legion. It is not easy to choose at the moment.

The siren’s singing seemed to have no effect on the harpies. Facing a large group of fierce harpies, Chen Rui thought of the viciousness and cruelty of this creature that Moore mentioned. After pondering, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, “Moore, take care of the Devil’s Snare Ship. Leave these guys to me!”

As soon as Chen Rui finished speaking, his figure appeared in the air to greet the monsters all over the sky.

The wings of the ordinary harpies were greenish brown. In this large group of the harpies, many of them were orange-brown wings which were far more powerful than the ordinary harpies. They must be the mutated elite leaders.

Due to the large number of enemies, the data of [Analytical Eyes] changed so fast that it was too late to distinguish them 1 by 1. Judging from his feelings, they should be the Great Demon King. A few faintly revealed the breath of the Demon Emperor. The most eye-catching one had fiery red hair and wing tips with green airflow surrounding her body. She already gave Chen Rui a rather dangerous feeling.

In order to avoid being affected by the mutated siren’s singing voice, Chen Rui wore the God-Eating Mask and flew toward the harpies fearlessly.

The harpies had the wind element attribute, so their speed was extremely fast. The huge dark cloud-like clusters surrounded the oncoming Chen Rui.

This scene made the Earth Elemental King on the Devil’s Snare Ship slightly frowned. He had sensed that there were not only the harpies of the Demon Emperor in this “dark cloud”, but even Harpy Queen that was close to the strength of the intermediate stage Demon Overlord.

Chen Rui’s surface strength is the peak stage of the Demon Emperor, but his spirit power level has reached the Demon Overlord level. It is impossible that he did not sense it. If he is not confident, he will not rush up like that.

At this time, the sea near the Devil’s Snare Ship began to show many subtle undulations. Under the surface of the water, one after another sturdy figures sneaked toward the Devil’s Snare Ship. These movements couldn’t escape Earth Elemental King’s senses, but what Moore cared about was not the approaching underwater creatures, but Chen Rui who was surrounded by thousands of harpies in the sky.

The “dark clouds” that made countless hissing noises were wrapped into a huge sphere that kept spinning as if to twist the enemy inside to pieces.

All of a sudden, Moore raised his brows and saw cracks of light appeared in the dense “dark clouds”.

The cracks grew wider and wider. A dazzling light suddenly burst out in all directions. The brightness even covered the 2 moons of the day. It was not the heat of the sun, but the brilliance of the stars.

The moment the “dark clouds” split, a voice sounded, “[Star Explosion].”

The “clouds” were scattered around. Time seemed to stop. In the next second, the scattered “clouds’ shattered under the dazzling brilliance. Countless feathers, broken bones, flesh and blood fell like rain.

Moore stared at the figure covered in the star-like armor in the sky. A term about this armor came to his mind. An expression of surprise appeared on his face, then he recovered his composure as he became even more certain of the level of the inheritance “grand master”.

At this time, the Devil’s Snare Ship had already begun to sway violently as if something under the water was trying to overturn the ship.

Tetenis’ ship was very ingenious in terms of design and craftsmanship. It was equipped with a magic balancer that ordinary ships did not have. The principle was similar to a roly-poly toy. Under a certain angle, the ship would not overturn no matter how much it swayed.

Meanwhile, the sandmen had their own special ability. Something like suckers spread out under their feet, firmly sticking their bodies to the deck so as not to lose their balance.

When the underwater creatures saw that it couldn’t work, they floated up to the water and attacked by shooting magic powers like icy arrows at the Devil’s Snare Ship. Moore just glanced at the ice arrows all over the sky inadvertently, and all the arrows suddenly stopped in the air, unable to move forward.

Moore was about to channel his power to launch an attack when the fascinating song in front of him gradually approached. He immediately turned his thoughts and did not use the killing move. A golden light was quickly condensed on his body. Those icy arrows that were shone by the light weakly dropped into the sea one after another.

Chen Rui, who was suspended in the air, coldly looked at the harpies who came together again with a blade-like light in his eyes.

His combat power was in peak condition now. A powerful [Star Explosion] in the [Royal Star Transformation] state caused a destructive blow to the harpies. Thousands of the harpies including 2 Demon Emperor level harpies all died under this blow.

If it was a normal enemy, he would have fled in a hurry, but the harpies had a strong vengeance and a fierce nature. They did not run away. Instead, they surrounded him again together with the harpies that were blown away.

They are really relentless.

The mutated siren’s melodious singing voice became clearer and clearer. Under the effect of this singing, the harpies’ eyes were bleeding red, and the ferocious vibe was suddenly strengthened. Obviously, the role of the siren’s singing was no longer to charm the enemy, but it was to buff the harpies.

The singing ability of this siren was far above the average of its kind.

The singing greatly boosted the power of the harpies. The red-haired and red-winged leader harpy screamed sharply, and the harpies made piercing noises simultaneously. Chen Rui could not help but feel annoyed, disoriented and nauseous.

In the whirr of the wind, the harpies pounced on Chen Rui one after another like meteors. The momentum was much more ferocious than last time.

A faint light glowed in Chen Rui’s hand as he waved in the air. The bodies of the 3 harpies a few meters away suddenly split into several segments as if they were cut open by an extremely sharp blade. After this [Aura Blade] attack succeeded, he teleported and instantly appeared in a higher position. With a few more strikes, he killed several harpies. Immediately after that, he teleported away again.

The death of their companions made the harpies more ferocious. Under the influence of the singing, the wind-like speed became more and more swift as they pounced on Chen Rui one after another.

Especially the red Harpy Queen, whose speed was even faster than Chen Rui in the [Royal Star Transformation] state, led several Demon Emperor-level elite harpies in close pursuit. The harpies of the Demon King level were able to spray mucus with the paralysis attribute. The long-range attacks of the Demon Emperor level harpies were mainly whirlwind. The most powerful was naturally the Harpy Queen. Not only could it activate long-range energy bomb attacks, but it could also activate a force field similar to the territory. Harpy Queen’s feathers could shoot out like a flying blade in this force field; every feather was a deadly blade.

It was just that Chen Rui’s whole body was covered by the Star Armor. Even his face was wearing the God-Eating Mask, so the feathers couldn’t penetrate the defense of the armor at all. Although Harpy Queen pursued Chen Rui all the way, it was difficult to make an effective attack.

Chen Rui’s prolonged battle had a strong purpose. After attracting a large number of chasing harpies, the voice of [Sonic Boom] sounded. His entire body suddenly changed the flight path and plunged into the densest group of the harpies.

In the blink of an eye, all the harpies within a range of tens of meters simultaneously shone with countless golden lights with Chen Rui as the center. It was like jumping music notes, but upon close inspection, they were sharp sword qi that was cutting at a high speed.

[True Destructive Aura Blow]——Aoe skill. Within a radius of 30 meters, all hostile creatures will be instantly sliced by the high-speed sword qi. Compared with the aoe skill of [Star Explosion]’s indiscriminate crushing, the features of [True Destructive Aura Blow] was that the stronger the enemy, the stronger the sword qi attack would be. However, the more aoe objects, the more power it consumed. Fortunately, Chen Rui was now in the [Royal Star Transformation] state, so the power loss was completely within the tolerance range.

This kind of aoe skill was extremely sharp. The harpies’ body was minced into countless fragments. They fell into the sea one after another like raining hailstone. The nearby sea water was dyed red with blood. There were countless scattered feathers floating on the sea.

The harpies screamed in sorrow, even overshadowing the siren’s singing. The red-winged leader was covered in blood. The initially decent facial features became distorted and hideous. Sharp fangs appeared in her mouth. Suddenly, she pounced on the body of the Demon Emperor-level companion and bit its neck. The blood spurted into her mouth. The harpy whose blood was sucked screamed, and soon, it turned into a shriveled corpse and fell from the air.

After Harpy Queen sucked the blood of several companions in the same way, her breath suddenly increased by 10 times. Her skin became dark green as her body became taller and bigger. The arms that were connected to the red wings were separated. The nail with a curved shape stretched about 1 meter like a sharp iron hook.

Harpy Queen fire cloud-like wings flapped as she charged toward Chen Rui in a roar. She reached in front of him in the blink of an eye. Her claws with sharp nails grabbed his head like a phantom, then only the shrill in the air sounded. It could be seen that the speed was very fast.

Chen Rui blocked with his arm in time, and he felt a strong impact. Because there was no place to divert the power in the air, his entire body was blown away. A shallow mark appeared on the star armor before it gradually healed automatically.

The power and speed of the Harpy Queen after the mutation were extremely astonishing. She turned into a red light, caught up with Chen Rui, and knocked him away again.

Chen Rui’s highly concentrated spirit power could clearly sense the lightning-like movement trajectory. He focused his mind to deal with it. On the surface, he was in complete passivity, but in fact, he was constantly compressing Star Power in the midst of the crazy attack of the Harpy Queen. He was patiently waiting for the moment to burst out once the opponent revealed a flaw. The ferocious roaring and shrilling air continued to sound in the air.

On the Devil’s Snare Ship, Moore floated to the surface of the sea, ignoring the ice arrows flying around. The golden light on his body flourished. As he pressed down, the sea began to tremble. Rocks and land popped up within a few hundred meters in the sea. The speed was very fast. It unbelievably turned into an island. The Devil’s Snare Ship, countless sea creatures, including those mysterious creatures underwater, were all pushed above the sea on this small island that appeared out of thin air.


A green figure plunged from mid-air and smashed the hard rock, forming a dent. Just as the figure was about to struggle to get up, a shining figure appeared out of thin air and punched the green figure’s back. Many cracks spread quickly in the ground nearby. A huge pit appeared with the green figure as the center. The ground in the pit seemed to be flattened.

The green figure was the mutated Harpy Queen. Blood shed all over the ground. Most of the blood was sucked from her companion. Chen Rui’s attack completely destroyed her last resistance and caused a strong recoil of the secret technique. Harpy Queen’s transforming power gradually faded, and she returned to her original appearance. She fell to the ground, losing her combat power at the moment.

Chen Rui teleported and came to Moore. He looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

After Harpy Queen’s transformation, she was just the intermediate stage of the Demon Overlord’s power. The harpies were closer to the demonic beast category. Compared with demons or humans, their territory power was not complete. Chen Rui did not feel proud of defeating the Harpy Queen. Instead, he was taken aback by this island that emerged out of nowhere.

“Moore, this…” Chen Rui looked at Earth Elemental King dumbfoundedly- This is not a river, it is a deep ocean! It’s too astonishing to simply create an island.

I remember that in the myth “Great Yu Who Controlled the Waters” in the previous life, there is a kind of soil that grows automatically. Could it be that Brother Moore is also a crossover?

“Remember our conversation on the ship yesterday afternoon? I said that you won’t drown with me around.”

Seeing the indifferent look of Earth Elemental King, Chen Rui was a bit speechless. Indeed, with you around, I won’t drown even if I am stoned to death.

What surprised Chen Rui was not only the emerging island, but also the creatures struggling on the island. These creatures seemed to be females. Their naked upper body was almost the same as a normal female. The lower half of their body below the belly button was in the shape of a fish.

This ‘familiar’ creature surprised Chen Rui. Since he was a child, he had read fairy tales about ‘her’. He couldn’t help but blurt out, “Mermaid?”

“My friend, their names are siren.” Earth Elemental King who was on the side corrected Chen Rui’s “title” error.

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