Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3235 World Master's Descent?

Chapter 3235 World Master's Descent?

The world reverberated ever so lightly as though heralding a calamity. However, it was missed by every single existence in the world and almost escaped another person's senses.

An illusory silhouette manifested in the forlorn crimson skies. The clouds above were crimson from the apocalyptic flames' fumes, but a figure appeared amidst them.

From the shape, the figure appeared to be a woman.

She wore a black robe, one that was symbolic of the ultimate conservativeness as she was covered from head to toe. Not a single shade of her skin could be seen. In fact, nothing of her features could be seen other than her clear eyes and her voluptuous curves that could make one speculatively say that she was a woman.

She gazed down, appearing to look at the clock circle that was the twelve sectors and the location where the realm concoction was going to begin.

"How did you get here?"

Abruptly, another figure arrived behind the mysterious woman, appearing quite some distance away from her.

It was none other than the World Master of the First Haven World.

The mysterious black-robed woman didn't turn to look back. Instead, she kept looking down, her gaze seemingly searching for something before she spotted what she appeared to be searching for as her eyes widened.

"Did you not hear me?"

The grating voice that belonged to neither a man nor a woman echoed again, fueled with the intent to kill.

"I didn't get here." Finally voiced the mysterious black-robed woman.

However, she didn't turn back, still looking at what she perceived to be a man.

He was clad in a purple robe and had a bevy of women and followers following him, appearing to be full of charisma as he laughed and joked around with them. A strange sense of emotion enveloped her heart, her eyes turning moist.

In fact, tears flowed out, but she refused to shed them as the tears disappeared in the blink of an eye. It was like she didn't even react emotionally just now.

"I was never here. We were never meant to be here."

She turned around, finally looking at the World Master as she removed the veil that covered her face thoroughly.

"Isn't that right, World Master? Or, should I say-"

Her rosy lips moved and continued, uttering a name that caused the heaven and earth to reverberate ever so lightly as though it was furious, making World Master's eyes widen.

"How do you know my name?"

Their words seemed to be full of surprise and shock, "Not even the ones who gave birth to me would remember my name after millions of years. For you to remember- wait…"

Their eyes flickered, finally recognizing the woman before her, "It's you."

They gazed at the mysterious black-robed woman, once again taking a good look with shock visible in their eyes. The World Master was unable to believe that such a person could arrive here when they knew for a fact that she was still in the First Haven World, cultivating to the best of her ability.

They checked again and again but couldn't help but arrive at the same conclusion. The person in front of them was still present in their First Haven World.

What's more, their perceptive gaze clearly told them the mysterious black-robed woman who was no longer as mysterious as before was as strong as them, perhaps even a bit more, as they weren't able to fully see through her. This instance caused countless thunders to echo in their mind, making them unable to think properly.

"But… that's impossible. What you did is impossible... Time… cannot be changed- but… wait… you are not alone, are you?"

The mysterious woman didn't respond.

However, as though suddenly understanding something, the World Master's gaze flickered, "No… no wonder. You all broke a universal taboo to arrive at this time and place. You will not live past through this day- no, perhaps, not even an hour…"

Their eyes were still wide, and they were even able to hear the pounding of their heart so loudly.

"That's right, so I hope World Master won't block my path anymore. Otherwise, my action to reveal myself at a steep cost to avoid a confrontation with you would be useless, and our actions will not be fruitful, leading to the same outcome that we hope to avoid."

Her words fell as melodiously as a tune, but carrying with it was a multitude of emotions that made the World Master take a deep breath.

"I don't know what kind of outcome you are hoping to avoid, but— I won't interfere anymore. This is interesting beyond compare but also horrifying to watch as it could have untold consequences not only for you all but everyone else."

"The consequences are untold if I don't interfere. The crux of this endeavor was nothing but a fleeting dream until we remembered one of your trials. Therefore, you have our undying gratitude, World Master."

The black-robed mysterious woman veiled herself, completely cloaking herself again before she went on one knee and cupped her hands.

The World Master looked at the kneeling figure before them, but the next second, she had already disappeared as though she had never been there before, causing them to sigh ever so lightly.

"How many taboos did the four of them break in order to arrive here?"

Looking down, the World Master saw the mysterious woman arrive before a man like a ghost, making him utterly cautious as he backed a few steps and solemnly asked for the identity of the mysterious black-robed woman. At the same time, they focused their perception on their own world and saw the myriad of beings but focused on a select few.

"I see…. So they chose this time to act because of this matter, but it couldn't be the only reason…"

The World Master finally understood a bit about what brought about this situation as they viewed the Aurora Cloud Gate and another location. Nonetheless, a loud sigh escaped from their mouth.

"Sigh, despite inevitably changing the fabric of fate so much with your advent yet also trying not to have an intensely adverse effect on it by staying clear of slaughter and not reaping the karmic luck of many heavenly geniuses, it seems like you are still plagued by an immense karmic burden that simply wouldn't let things go as you planned. At this rate, would my world even be able to endure your Immortal Emperor Annihilative Heavenly Tribulation?"

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