Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3252 Speculations After Speculations

Chapter 3252 Speculations After Speculations

"-Clara's Will might've been completely taken over. I researched about this matter while trying to access the Library in Master's palace using my soul body, but Master directly descended and offered me advice. Apparently, this phenomenon is known as Heaven's Descent and would only occur to rebellious Heaven's Warrior who refused to listen to the Call of the Heavens multiple times."

"It would make them align with the mystical thoughts of the heavens and override their own priorities, leaving their Will on the sidelines at least until they finish the duties etched into them at that time or die."

Ellia spoke in a solemn voice, causing Davis's expression to churn.

He took a few moments to digest her words before he asked again.

"The Call of the Heavens… is that the influence imposed to eradicate all anomalies of divergence?"

"Yes, that is what Master termed as she seemed to conduct research on Heaven's Warrior back in her prime. No one would dare to pry into the secrets of the heavens, so this would be almost impossible in the true immortal world, but in this world, with enough time and boldness, some research could be conducted."

Davis raised his brows, never imagining Saintess Lunaria to be so daring despite her outlook.

After saying that she doesn't want to get killed by him numerous times, it seemed like she was only saying that to appear humble. She also had the chance to use Fallen Heaven, but she decisively chose to throw it away.

'She truly knows how to maneuver with her own power…'

With Fallen Heaven, Davis came to think one would suffer a calamity almost as a matter of course. Myria was of the same opinion, telling him to abandon it.

However, Fallen Heaven was his buddy through thick and thin for all he cared. He gave it his word, and it gave its word to let be used by him, giving him free reign. They grew together, their souls shared, although it seemed to be capable of influencing him more than he could impose on it, but in truth, it didn't bother doing that, earning his trust.

Nonetheless, speaking of a certain someone…

"Come out already. I told you to wait, but you just can't stop worrying about me, following me around."

Davis looked towards his left, speaking out. Ellia blinked, wondering who he was talking about, when her eyes froze as she saw a white-robed silhouette slowly turn into a beautiful woman, almost like a mirror image of her if it wasn't for the white hair.

"Elder sister Myria…" Ellia worded out with joy and puzzlement, wondering why she was hiding.

Myria walked forward as she glared at him, having a pair of quivering eyelids that said that she didn't want to be exposed like that, as it was embarrassing before she turned to look at Ellia.


For the first time, Ellia's knowledge about Divergents seemed to have surpassed her own with Saintess Lunaria's teachings. As the elder sister, she was curious and proud.

As for Davis, he still gazed at Myria with an amused look. He told her to wait, but she still concealed herself and watched Clara along with him, thinking that she had successfully hidden from him, but the whole time, he was aware of her presence.

He imagined she must've had her own thoughts, and since she didn't say anything while looking at Clara, he knew even she was at a loss as to what to do about Clara.

Ellia eyed the two of them before she pursed her lips and opened her mouth.

"According to Master, resisting this call seems to vary from person to person, so it is quite impossible to say when Clara would give up, but as far as I could see, she maintained lucidity even when influenced and remained steadfast in her way the previous times, having the extreme determination to not harm us, so there's no way she would completely lose herself the next time the influence descended. That was also Saintess Lunaria said, so I think this might have to do something with Tia, but she still hasn't woken up."

Ellia's expression turned hesitant as though she didn't know whether to say this or not, but she eventually said, "I also had Mingzhi check on Tia with her Enigmatic Heart Laws, and it certainly didn't feel like someone possessed her, but it didn't feel like she had the will to live either. I also confirmed this by checking the undulations of her soul. At this rate, I think she might enter a comatose state like Tina once did."


Davis's eyes widened in shock.

Why would Tia lose the will to live?

He was also maddened. Not only did the heavens influence the lifeforms present in its universe, but it also took over them if they didn't listen? Because it gifted them with extreme powers, it can also use them as it pleases?

This kind of logic was truly fitting that of a tyrant, making him inwardly angered, but he maintained his calm, only trying to see a way out of this mess.

First of all, he already understood that the presence of Divergents was harmful to the universe like they were a cancerous entity, so it made sense for the heavens to hunt them but for it to influence its favorites and take over their Will, completely changing the way they look at things and relationships didn't make sense at all.

'Is this because Clara continuously sides with me, an Anarchic Divergent that the heavens could no longer see its warrior suffering…?'

Davis tried to think of this from another perspective, but his head hurt just to take heaven's side.

The Call of the Heavens and the Heaven's Descent. The former was the calling to eradicate anomalies of divergence, while the latter was a temporary possession that could last until they finish what they were etched with, their mind completely in line with the way the heavens see and act in correlation with their own personalities.

If that was the case, he imagined that Clara needed to kill someone to return to normalcy.


Davis doubted, his mind ringing, but then he knew he wasn't here, so how was he supposed to be Clara's target?

He thought of Evelynn and Logan, one trying to treat her while the other tried to lock her up. Were they Clara's targets? Or was it Ellia who was a Divergent?

But for some reason, his gaze moved from Ellia, and he looked at the mansion where Tia was resting.

'It can't be…'

His eyes narrowed, wondering if it was all of them instead, as the condition for Heaven's Descent to disappear was unknown, even to the Heaven's Warriors themselves, only able to rely on their senses to unleash their verdict.

"What do you think?" He turned to look at Myria.


Myria seemed to be in contemplation like he had been. She stayed silent for a few seconds before she opened her mouth.

"From Ellia's account, I can understand that this matter is extremely difficult to resolve. If Tia really did protect Clara from something, it might be related to a karmic backlash, which can mean that something unknown to us happened. Until we find that out, it would be extremely difficult to resolve this situation."

"That's what I thought too, but Tia used a technique and whispered something which I couldn't hear clearly and only heard about 'self', which didn't make sense unless she implanted something in Clara in order to harm or protect her…"

Ellia spoke, but in the end, her voice was low as she didn't know which one was the truth. If Tia tried to harm Clara, then she was most likely possessed, but if she wasn't possessed and tried to save Clara from a karmic backlash, then that would mean something different went on. But in that case, why wasn't Tia waking up to explain this matter?

From her soul undulations, Ellia could tell that she was still awake but refused to wake up, wanting to slumber. Mingzhi even mentioned Tia was full of sorrow, which gave them no idea about what was going on.

Davis couldn't help but wryly smile at the complexity of the situation. They didn't know if it was even Heaven's Descent reacting to Evelynn's treatment or Tia's actions that prolonged and worsened the situation, and it only made him confused beyond compare if it was both.

He smiled but had the rage contained within, enough to crush a mountain into fine particles of dust.

"Then let's go hear it from Tia's own mouth."

Davis lightly uttered as he walked into the mansion, and Myria followed. Ellia pursed her lips, wondering if Tia would even wake up as they already tried many methods to wake her up, but they didn't work at all. She was worried for Tia that Davis might force her to awaken, which might badly affect her psyche, but heaving a sigh, she also followed them into the mansion.

A minute later, they finally arrived at the chamber where she was sealed. The three of them entered together, looking at Tia sleeping on a bed with her brows scrunched, seemingly deep in sleep but appearing to be troubled as though fighting with something, perhaps a possession or a bad dream.

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