Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Looking at Yu Zuojin’s icy expression, Class Ten fell into a hushed silence, afraid to even breathe.

Usually, when the teacher stepped down from the podium, this was the spot where they lingered the longest.

The class monitor’s heart was in turmoil, as if his heart had grown hands and legs, skipping ropes around his ears in a cool and death-defying manner, causing his eardrums to tremble.

Yu Zuojin looked at the desk directly facing the podium. Most of the students around him kept their heads lowered, but a few brave ones dared to sneak glances at him.

His voice was like coarse grains of sand, sending shivers down people’s spines.


The class monitor’s heart was about to leap out of his throat. “Yes, this is Classmate Yu’s seat. The seating arrangement in the class has changed, and it’s Classmate Yu’s turn to sit here this week.”

“If… if!”

The class monitor broke out in a sweat. His hands trembled, and he didn’t dare speak to Yu Zuojin. He wished he could rush out and find the teacher right away. But he was the class monitor, and what was a class monitor? He would understand it as the father of all the students. With a brave face, he pushed forward, “If Classmate Yu doesn’t feel satisfied, we can switch seats.”

Everyone looked towards the first desk of the fourth row.

“…Is there a difference between switching and not switching?”

Hey! Don’t make these meaningless sacrifices!

Rumors had it that the other party had a volatile temperament. Just when everyone thought Yu Zuojin would explode in anger, he walked calmly to the first desk of the third row. With his slender and graceful hands, he pulled out the chair, and there was chalk dust that had drifted down from the blackboard on the desk.

The boy sitting on the left side hurriedly approached and used his sleeve to wipe it clean, and also wiped the chair.

“Brother Yu, please have a seat.”

Yu Zuojin’s dark eyes moved. Like a wooden puppet, only his eyes were moving. He glanced at him.

The boy instantly felt weak in the legs and nervously returned to his seat.

Yu Zuojin sat down, and the pressure within a radius of half a meter instantly descended. It was as if a dark cloud had enveloped Class Ten’s classroom, and not even a hurricane could blow it away.

Ask who in Class Ten wasn’t afraid of him? There was no one, not even in the whole school.

Yu Zuojin rarely showed up, and his classmates knew very little about him, but the versions of rumors about him were endless, one more terrifying than the other.

Beating teachers, assaulting classmates, throwing people from the third floor—wasn’t that attempted murder?

He was like a time bomb, with no one knowing when it would explode, living in constant fear of the explosion.

The immense source of fear came from the unknown and the power of imagination.

Class Ten’s classroom discipline reached its peak at this moment.

The Chinese teacher entered the classroom, holding a textbook and teaching materials, placing the book on the lectern, and then bowed his head, searching his pocket for a USB drive.

He didn’t notice anything unusual.

The class monitor saw the teacher’s arrival and stood up, shouting, “Stand up!”

The students of Class Ten stood up and greeted, “Good morning, teacher.”

The Chinese teacher was two minutes late today, but when he entered the classroom, Class Ten was quiet as a chicken.

“Your class has good discipline today.”

The Chinese teacher took out a USB drive, smiled, and raised his head, only to meet Yu Zuojin’s gaze.

The Chinese teacher: “…”

His smile froze on his face, and his small eyes shrunk in shock, causing his forehead wrinkles to bunch up.

Yu Zuojin!

Yu Zuojin was tall, and the Chinese teacher looked up at him with a dazed expression.

He was the notorious troublemaker who transferred to the prestigious No. 1 Middle School after assaulting a teacher. He had only attended three Chinese classes in three years of high school but engaged in countless fights outside school. He was a delinquent who wouldn’t stop until blood was drawn.

Yu Zuojin, a problematic student at No. 1 Middle School.

The Chinese teacher touched his heart, feeling a sudden pang of pain. He wasn’t feeling well now.

He regretted rejecting the sales call from the insurance company yesterday.

Sure enough, karma was real.

The students in Class Ten stood up and surrounded him, but Yu Zuojin’s overpowering presence was so strong that it seemed to assimilate the students around him.

The Chinese teacher took a deep breath. He mustn’t judge students with biased eyes.

As a teacher of the people, he should treat everyone equally.

“Please, take your seats, students.”

The Chinese teacher forced himself to remain calm and wrote “Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng” on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.

“Today, we will continue where we left off in the previous class.”

As he spoke, he glanced at Yu Zuojin with some concern.

“For those who haven’t learned the previous material, you may study with other classmates during class or come to my office.”

The second half of his sentence was softer than the first half.

The Chinese teacher nervously taught the class, and Yu Zuojin furrowed his brow, making the poor teacher wonder if he had made the topic too complicated.

But surprisingly, he managed to remember what was taught, even though his handwriting was messy.

When he stepped down from the podium, his toe stumbled, and his short and stout body quickly leaned forward. Although he didn’t teach physics, the Chinese teacher’s mind quickly calculated that if he fell, his glasses on his face would undoubtedly be shattered.

It made quite a commotion, and the students sitting in the front saw the Chinese teacher stumbling and shouted in surprise.

“Ah, Old Zhang!”

Due to the rapid descent, he didn’t have time to defend himself. Just as the Chinese teacher’s facial features twisted in terror, about to hit the ground, a sudden tightness gripped his back, stopping him in mid-fall.

Yu Zuojin was sitting in his seat, extending his arm and grabbing the fabric of the Chinese teacher’s clothes, preventing him from crashing down.

The Chinese teacher was trembling with fear.

He was just a hair’s breadth away from hitting the ground.

Yu Zuojin coldly observed everything, effortlessly holding an adult male with one hand.

The surrounding students were also dumbfounded.

When the bell rang, Yu Zuojin stood up, and as the chair legs scraped against the floor, he threw the Chinese teacher into his seat and walked out of the classroom.

It felt like a thrilling ride at an amusement park, even more exhilarating.


The Chinese teacher closed his terrified eyes. He had hypertension….

He told the students that class was over and went to his office to take his blood pressure medication.

Class Ten fell into silence for a few seconds, and then a male student leaning on the door frame, peeking out. Yu Zuojin turned the corner and disappeared from sight.

“Did he leave?”

The male student nodded, “He left.”

Class Ten exploded in excitement.

“Oh my god!! It’s really Yu Zuojin!!!”

“Why did he suddenly come to class!!”

“I used to read those posts about how scared people were of him. I thought it was his little brothers pretending to be him and bragging. But he’s really intimidating. So damn fierce.”

“Poor Old Zhang, he couldn’t even speak properly during class because of the fear.”

“I couldn’t even breathe properly when sitting next to him.”

“The class monitor was like a little chick when he’s with him.”

Class monitor: “…”

Do any of you consider my feelings?!

“But damn, he’s so handsome. Did you see that just now? He lifted Old Zhang with one hand.”

“Fuck, it’s incredible. I’m dumbfounded.”

“So, this is the leader of the delinquents. Mind-blowing!”

“He’s so damn cool. Even if he sticks pink plasters on himself, he’s still cool.”

“What if I put one on my ear too?”

Yu Zuojin returned to the dormitory with his Chinese textbook. Room 407 was locked, and Zheng Zilu’s book was placed on the table in Room 408.

He opened both books and compared them.

One had neat and graceful fonts, while the other looked like a dog’s crawling mess.

A satisfied look flashed in Yu Zuojin’s eyes as he closed the books.

They were exactly the same.

On the other side, Lin Xiaoyuan led the photography team of Class Six to the studio. They used their mobile phones to navigate and search for the quickest and most time-saving route. They arrived at the bus stop and boarded the 721 bus since it was the fastest and most efficient way.

The bus was crowded, not only with them but also with students from other schools returning to their campuses after lunch break. There were no available seats, so they had to stand. The midday heat made Sheng Yuan take off his school uniform jacket and hold it in his hand. At one stop, as people entered and exited the bus, he noticed something ahead and furrowed his brows.

He saw a girl in a white and dark green school uniform holding onto the handrail, her face filled with tears, tightly pursing her lips, her eyes red and full of restraint.

And behind her stood a tall and fat figure in a suit, pressing against her right side.

Sheng Yuan cursed under his breath, slung his jacket over his shoulder, and walked against the flow of people. He stood behind the girl.

The man in the suit temporarily stopped his actions, pretending to look out of the window. When the bus stabilized after a while, his broad palm extended towards the side again.

It moved around the person’s back and then moved downward, with a lecherous smile slowly appearing on his face. He reached out his hand to touch it and squeezed it hard.

Then his wrist was suddenly caught by tremendous force.

Sheng Yuan’s forehead throbbed with veins.

“You pervert, where the hell do you think you’re touching?!”

As the bus stopped at the next station, the rear door opened, and a large shadow was instantly thrown off the bus.

With a loud thud, he fell to the ground.

The people around were frightened and quickly scattered.

Cun Tou and a few boys got off the bus and grabbed the perverted man by his collar.

“Damn, you pervert! How dare you touch my brother’s ass!”

“My brother’s ass is not something you can touch!”

“If you touch my brother’s ass, you’re touching mine too, damn it!”

Xia Zhiqi helped Sheng Yuan, who had a twisted expression, off the bus. Due to this sudden incident, the Class Six small team collectively got off the bus at this stop.

Lin Xiaoyuan looked at the perverted man lying on the ground, wishing she could spit on him.

“Let’s call the police directly! Let’s see if he dares to do anything!”

Upon hearing the mention of calling the police, the man in the suit stood up indignantly. “Who gave you the right to call the police? Did anyone see me touch him? Do you have any evidence?!”

“I have evidence!”

Two girls from the crowd stepped forward, and one of them was the girl who had been harassed earlier.

She looked at the suited man being held down by several delinquent boys.

“I have evidence. He… he touched me earlier too! My friend captured it on video!”

The two girls hadn’t dared to speak up on the bus, so they secretly recorded a video as evidence, planning to get off the bus and report the incident. But someone came to their rescue first.

Cun Tou angrily kicked the man, sending him sprawling. “You animal! You even touched this young girl!”

The surrounding crowd took out their phones and started recording.

Meanwhile, Sheng Yuan leaned against Xia Zhiqi, silent.

Xia Zhiqi was also at a loss.

His brother Sheng had never experienced anything like this before. Could it be that being groped by a pervert had shaken him so much?!

[System: Host, are you okay?]

Genuine concern from Truly Ambitious.

Sheng Yuan clenched his teeth and didn’t respond.

[System: Host, although in today’s society, a man’s chastity is the best dowry for marriage, you shouldn’t take it too seriously.]

Sheng Yuan: “What are you talking about?”

[System: Aren’t you feeling unclean because your butt was groped?]

“Who said that?”

[System: Then what’s wrong with you?]

Sheng Yuan’s face showed a restrained anger, unable to hold back a curse. “My fucking ass was pinched so hard it cramped!”

In such a public place, he was too embarrassed to even rub it.

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