Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

“I refuse to go to the police station!” He worked for a state-owned enterprise, and if he went to the police station, he would lose his job!

He just touched someone! He wouldn’t allow that to jeopardize his position! Absolutely not!

He was on the verge of a promotion by the end of this year; he couldn’t afford to make any mistakes at this critical juncture.

In a fit of anger, he fell to the ground, pointing at the girl with the evidence.

“How could I have touched her? Did I touch her? Clearly, she shamelessly pressed herself against me. Otherwise, why would I have touched her for no reason? Can’t she see what she looks like herself?”

“Delete it! I’ve told you to delete it, did you hear me?”

His ugly face contorted, and he struggled to break free from the grasp of the short-haired girl to snatch her phone.

The girl screamed in fear, continuously evading his advances.

Sheng Yuan stepped forward with a stern expression, blocking the girl and swiftly delivering a kick at the man.

The man was instantly kicked aside, and he writhed in pain beside the flower bed.

Sheng Yuan approached and leaned over.

“Try saying another word and see what happens.”

He is a man and even he found the man in the suit sleazy and vile, utterly repugnant.

Not to mention the immense physical gap between him and the girl.

His buttock still throbbed with pain.

The last time Xia Zhiqi saw Sheng Yuan with such an expression was during his conflict with Chu Weitian.

Brother Sheng was truly angry.

Sheng Yuan’s icy gaze was fixed upon the man as he reached out and grabbed the him by the collar, pressing him against the ground. “What are you babbling about? You don’t have a shred of human decency in your filthy mouth.”

He took out his phone from his pocket and aimed it at him, giving him a cold command:

“Look into the camera.”

The man in the suit hurriedly raised his hand to block.

“How dare you film me?! I’ll sue you for violating my privacy!”

Sheng Yuan pressed harder against his torso with his leg.

“Why are you blocking? Weren’t you lying on the ground, inviting me to film you?” Sheng Yuan sneered down at him, his tone mocking. “Scum.”

At that moment, the man in the suit felt an overwhelming sense of humiliation.

“Don’t film me! Don’t film me!!!”

The man in the suit cried out in anguish.

Xia Zhiqi, Cun Tou, and Xiao Pang all turned their gaze towards the distance.

Needless to say, Brother Sheng had become somewhat twisted.

Lin Xiaoyuan reported the incident to the police, and they quickly arrived at the scene. The group accompanied them to the police station for clarification.

“You groped this girl on the bus and then continued to harass this male student.”

Sheng Yuan: “Innocent.”

The male police officer was an intern, and today was his first time on duty. “Oh, he continued to harass this innocent male student.”

Everyone: “…”

While the officer interrogated the man in the suit, Sheng Yuan handed his phone to Xia Zhiqi.

“Upload it online, expose him.”

Xia Zhiqi: “Okay Brother Sheng.”

[System: Why don’t you upload it yourself?]

Sheng Yuan: “Leave professional matters to professionals.”

[System: …]

When it came to using a loudspeaker, no one was better than Xia Zhiqi.

The girl holding the video also approached. “I can provide a video too. I’ve censored it.”

Xia Zhiqi took the phone and began editing.

In the interrogation room, Cun Tou sat next to Sheng Yuan.

The man in the suit spoke first, “I admit I touched that girl, but I didn’t touch this male student.”

Cun Tou couldn’t sit still. “Nonsense! You clearly touched him!”

The man in the suit stubbornly denied, “Why would I have any reason to touch him?”

“And why wouldn’t you?” Cun Tou replied. “My big brother is young and handsome!”

Sheng Yuan: “…”

Another formidable general, just below Xia Zhiqi.

Soon, the parents of the two girls and the school teachers arrived. Upon learning about what happened to the girls, they couldn’t control their emotions and began pummeling and kicking the man in the suit. Even the security guards couldn’t stop them.

They were determined not to reconcile and planned to sue the man in the suit for molesting a minor. They regarded him as less than an animal.

The man in the suit was beaten and fled in panic.

This incident quickly sparked a frenzy online, and the man in the suit became an internet sensation, surrounded by a sea of curses.

Yu Zuojin was washing dishes in the kitchen of a barbecue restaurant. At this moment, a group of customers had just left, and it was a quiet period. Auntie Chen was next to him, engrossed in her phone.

“Attacking children, he’s worse than a pig or a dog! How can he be so wicked?”

The old man walked over. “What’s happening?”

“Some guy was touching high school students on the bus, not sparing boys or girls.”

The old man squinted his eyes. “Isn’t that the classmate who takes little Yu every day?”

Yu Zuojin’s hand holding the plate paused, and he walked over quickly, snatching the phone from Auntie Chen’s hand. Sure enough, there was Sheng Yuan’s figure in the video.

He was bowing his head, leaning on Xia Zhiqi with an expression of endurance.

A voice in the video said, “Don’t worry, the police have been notified, and they will come to Nan’an Road soon.”

Yu Zuojin stared at the man in the suit, who was being pressed to the ground, and his eyes turned bloodshot.

Sheng Yuan sat in the police station, and Sheng Chenggong and the headmaster soon arrived as well.

Although the man in the suit was a pervert, he still had basic human rights, and to ensure his personal safety, two policemen stood in front of him during the continued investigation to prevent any violent incidents.

The headmaster launched a barrage of scathing words at the man in the suit.

Pointing his finger into his face, he stomped his foot and cursed, “You’re an adult! How can you actually commit such an act! Shameless! Shameless!”

The man in the suit turned as red as a tomato. “Who do you think you are to call me shameless?”

Sheng Chenggong joined in. “Red-faced like tomato paste, shameless! Shameless! Shameless!”

The man in the suit was mentally and physically suppressed, and his whole being reached its breaking point.

After the interrogation, the police first took him into custody.

He was handcuffed, and then escorted out of the interrogation room.

At the entrance of the police station, Xia Zhiqi and Cun Tou were squatting on the steps, checking the popularity of the incident on their phones.

Cun Tou had a younger sister who was two years younger than him, and his anger was still simmering.

“Damn it, this despicable animal dared to touch a little girl. If it weren’t for the chief of police dealing with him, I would have beaten him to a pulp.”

At that moment, a figure with a sinister aura passed by them and entered the police station.

Cun Tou looked at a pair of long legs passing by and looked up.

“This person seems a bit familiar, somewhat like Yu Zuojin.”

Xia Zhiqi turned back to glance at the person who had already entered the police station. “Not just familiar, it is him.”

Cun Tou widened his eyes in disbelief. “Fuck, what is he doing at the police station!!!”

A delinquent coming to the police station was practically an act of self-destruction.

He was full of rage, like a storm about to unleash upon the darkened sky.

Veins protruded from the back of his hand, his forearm muscles tensed, and his expression was terrifying.

As soon as the man in the suit was brought out of the interrogation room, Yu Zuojin stepped forward and delivered a punch to his face.

The man in the suit screamed in agony as he fell to the ground, half of his face numb with pain. His howls were piercing, a pitiful sound that lingered in the air for three days.

The nearby officers immediately rushed to intervene. The ones who had previously lost control and resorted to violence were mostly victims’ family members so one of the officers approached Yu Zuojin’s family member and said, “This family member, please calm down!”

But Yu Zuojin dragged him forward, defying their efforts to hold him back.

His strength was like that of a monster.

The man in the suit rolled desperately and crawled under a table.

Xia Zhiqi and Cun Tou stood dumbfounded not far away.

They had no idea why Yu Zuojin appeared here and why he attacked the man in the suit as soon as he saw him.

Could it be…

Xia Zhiqi was in shock.

Could it be Yu Zuojin had also been groped before.

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