Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

“Ah! Help! Help!”

The man in the suit covered his face and desperately tried to hide under the table, like a helpless herbivore discovered by a predator, going mad in its attempts to flee. If caught, he would meet a gruesome end.

With just that one punch, his face was now swollen and unrecognizable, and he was unable to open one of his eyes.

He didn’t even get a clear look at who came in; he only knew it was a dark figure that instantly pounced on him like a black bear.

“Help! Why aren’t you protecting me?”

“Protect me!”

He struggled inside the table, hitting his head against the top several times, but compared to the injuries on his face, it was like drizzling rain.

This commotion attracted a lot of attention.

When the headmaster came out of the interrogation room and witnessed this scene, he was almost frightened to death.

It would cause a major uproar even in the entire public security sector.

Taking a deep breath, he roared in a hoarse voice, “Yu Zuojin! What are you doing! How dare you attack a police officer!!!”

A police officer was clinging to Yu Zuojin’s legs, being dragged by him on the ground like a fish out of water, unable to struggle. His eyes were lifeless, as if there was no soul, fully aware of the futility of resisting.

He couldn’t be stopped; his strength was like that of a bull, impossible to restrain.

Sheng Yuan’s figure appeared at the door of the interrogation room.

In Yu Zuojin’s peripheral vision, he caught sight of Sheng Yuan’s gloomy expression, and his clenched fist hesitated, neither striking nor withdrawing.

As the headmaster approached to scold him, his face showed obvious signs of guilt that couldn’t be concealed.

His gaze drifted into the distance.

The man in the suit tried to climb out, but Yu Zuojin shot him a menacing look, frightening him into silently retreating.

But compared to earlier, the clamoring flames seemed to have been extinguished by a bucket of cold water, vanishing instantly.

Sheng Yuan had said it more than once that violence shouldn’t be dealt with violence.

The headmaster looked at his guilty expression, and thought he was hallucinating.

This kid has a conscience!

To think that a conscience could actually exist in Yu Zuojin! He thought that when Pangu separated heaven from earth or when Nüwa created human beings, they didn’t give Yu Zuojin such a thing.

But after all, what had happened just now didn’t look good. Even if it was just for the sake of it, he had to reprimand him.

“Why are you causing a ruckus in the police station? And you even assaulted a police officer?!”

“I didn’t hit him.”

Those who were familiar with his voice were already used to it.

Those who didn’t know, upon hearing it for the first time, thought there was a duck quacking.

It sounded hoarse, as if he had never drunk water before.

Listening to it made people uncomfortable all over.

This was the first time the headmaster scolded Yu Zuojin, and it was the first time the other party responded to him.

The police officer straightened himself up from the ground, panting heavily and brushing off the dirt. Being a public servant was not an easy job!

He looked at Yu Zuojin, who was nearly two meters tall.

Are children being raised so well nowadays? What are they eating to grow this strong? His grip was so tight that his hand turned red, but two people still couldn’t hold him back.

Judging from his appearance, he was around seventeen or eighteen years old. He might be the older brother or younger brother of one of the classmates who had been molested. The anger over the victim’s ordeal had ignited uncontrollable emotions in him.

Yu Zuojin stubbornly insisted he hadn’t hit anyone.

The police officer helped explain, “Indeed, he didn’t hit us. This student is a family member that might have been too agitated and assaulted the suspect.”

Yu Zuojin’s face turned cold and stiff, and the air fell silent for a few seconds.

Then he said, “I only hit him once.”

Only hit him? Once?

What are you trying to argue, kid?!

When you came out, you looked like you wanted to kill someone.

The headmaster was infuriated and gritted his teeth, “Only hitting him once isn’t considered hitting? And who the hell are you, a family member? Whose family member?!”

There were three victims in total, Sheng Yuan and two female classmates from No. 12 Middle School.

The headmaster turned around and, despite Yu Zuojin’s reckless behavior and disregard for consequences, couldn’t help but notice his exceptional appearance and stature. Even in the police station, he stood out.

At this moment, the two female classmates looked at him wide-eyed.

They knew him.

The delinquents at school often mentioned him and imitated his style of dress and Band Aid.

The rumored Yu Zuojin turned out to be even more handsome than in the photos.

Some people despised deliquents, while others admired them. After all, it was quite trendy to date a bad boy these days.

The two female students’ eyes were shining.

The headmaster was shocked, thinking that Yu Zuojin had taken a liking to No. 12 Middle School’s “cabbages”, and he quickly pulled him to a corner, pinching his arm.

“You, you!!” With the other party’s parent nearby, the headmaster lowered his voice, “Are you in a relationship? When will you stop causing me trouble!”

Yu Zuojin said, “No.”

The headmaster exclaimed, “You still deny it! You still deny it!”

Yu Zuojin’s face turned black, “I don’t like him.”

“If you don’t like her, then why did you come to the police station to assault someone?”

* “Him” and “her” sound the same in Chinese.

Yu Zuojin didn’t answer.

He was his, his possession. No one was allowed to touch him.

He had a strong sense of territory, like a wild beast. Anything that fell within his boundaries was his, and if anyone tried to take it away, he would launch an attack.

No one should even think about taking away what belonged to him.

“No.” Yu Zuojin’s voice was hoarse, stubbornly denying, and then added, “I didn’t hit anyone.”

The Headmaster almost suffocated.


Did his two eyeballs exist just for show?

The headmaster scrutinized him.

If I believe your nonsense, my name isn’t Pan.

“You better hope I don’t catch you.”

Yu Zuojin’s eyes shifted and looked at him.

In his calm, lifeless black pupils, there was an indescribable disdain and contempt.

His gaze revealed only two words.

You, really?

The headmaster: “…”

Yu Zuojin didn’t say anything, but the headmaster got the message.

It was loud and clear.

–You old man, even if you catch me, what can you do? The next day, I’ll still be lawless, and you won’t be able to control me.

Sheng Chenggong came out of the interrogation room. “You guys at the police station are really caring. You even raise ducklings.”

The police officer shook his head repeatedly.

Sheng Chenggong was puzzled, “You didn’t raise them? Then why did I hear ducks quacking just now?”

“It was that student speaking.”

Sheng Chenggong followed his gaze and saw Yu Zuojin standing next to the headmaster with an angry expression.

He exuded a strong aura, although he was wearing a school uniform, his dignified demeanor made it clear that he wasn’t a good student.

Sheng Yuan was surprised to see Yu Zuojin there.

Why was he here?

Seeing the swollen face and tears streaming down the face of the man in the suit, he seemed to understand what had happened.

His gaze fell on Yu Zuojin, and he had a guess in his mind.

Sheng Chenggong bumped into Sheng Yuan’s shoulder.

“Is that your classmate?”

Sheng Yuan: “Yes, but we’re in different classes.”

“What’s his name?”

“Yu Zuojin.”

“Nice name, nice name.”

Seeing Sheng Chenggong’s envious gaze, Sheng Yuan asked, “Why are you looking at him like that?”

It was as if flowers were blooming on Yu Zuojin’s face.

Sheng Chenggong praised, “I’m just wondering what kind of family can raise such a pleasing child.”

A delinquent, tall with long legs, skilled in fighting, obviously spending his days outside. Even if his family came looking for him, he wouldn’t go home.

Is this his son’s classmate?


He was simply Sheng Chenggong’s dream child!

Sheng Yuan raised his left wrist to check the time on his digital watch, but the dial was pitch black, showing no time. He didn’t know if the battery had died or if it was broken during the altercation with the man in the suit.

He said to Sheng Chenggong, “I’m fine now. You should go back.”

The noodle shop was short-staffed, and he was afraid Feng Juan would be overwhelmed alone, so he asked Sheng Chenggong to go back first.

Almost immediately after the incident occurred, Sheng Yuan fought back, successfully teaching the other party a lesson according to his expectations. Apart from his cramped buttock, he didn’t have any psychological or physical trauma, and his emotions were only filled with disgust towards scum.

Sheng Chenggong called Feng Juan to let her talk to Sheng Yuan and make sure he was okay before leaving the police station.

After Sheng Yuan came out of the interrogation room, Yu Zuojin didn’t hear a word from the headmaster.

The headmaster was so angry that his beard trembled and his eyes widened.

“What’s wrong with you? Can’t you understand what I’m saying?”

“You dare to come to the police station and assault someone? Aren’t you afraid of getting detained along with him?!”

The words “assault someone” struck Yu Zuojin’s ears, and his brows twitched. Rarely did he lower his head to someone, and his voice dry and hoarse. “Keeo your voice down.”

The headmaster: “…”

Was this his way of reprimanding him?

He never listened to his own reprimands, and now he was being reprimanded in return?!

It was true that speaking loudly in public was not good, but the headmaster, who had been teaching for many years, couldn’t control his booming voice. He blushed furiously, feeling that this kid was deliberately embarrassing him!

He hadn’t found this kid troublesome even when he caused trouble before!

But now, the other party had the audacity to find fault with him!

The headmaster’s middle-aged heart shattered into pieces.

“When will you ever understand? I didn’t even mention the things you did in the past, but just look at you now!”

The headmaster rubbed his gradually balding head.

Thanks to Yu Zuojin’s reminder, his voice really lowered, almost speaking in a whisper, preserving public order.

Recognize your mistakes and make a change.

Teachers should lead by example.

He looked at the unruly delinquent in front of him. Just before receiving the call to come to the police station, he was thinking of having a conversation with the language teachers in the Chinese department. Little did he know that right after the Chinese teacher from Class 10 started the topic, he received the call and rushed over to the police station in a hurry.

But this topic was quite novel.

Yu Zuojin went to class.

Not only did he attend class, but he also took diligent notes.

The headmaster couldn’t believe his ears. After all, Yu Zuojin going to class was almost as rare as the sky falling. But this topic was perfect for using it to reprimand him now.

“Do you know where I was before I came here?!”

“Do you know what your language teacher told me?!”

The headmaster earnestly and softly said, “Your language teacher told me that you went to Chinese class. I was actually planning to praise you, but then you…”

“Speak louder.”

A hoarse voice reached his ears.

The headmaster was dumbfounded.


Yu Zuojin glanced at Sheng Yuan, who was not far away, with an expressionless face.

“Speak louder.”

The headmaster’s suppressed voice couldn’t reach him.

It would be best if everyone at the police station knew about the incident that should have earned him praise.

The headmaster’s facial muscles twitched, and he squeezed out a few words through gritted teeth, “You little brat.”

He raised his hand and gave Yu Zuojin a pat on the head. “So, you’re playing with teacher, huh?”



Author’s note:

Brother Yu: I did well, please speak louder.

The headmaster: “…”

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