Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 5

The sound of flowing water came from the kitchen again, and the commotion in the restaurant subsided as Sheng Yuan returned to his seat.

He accidentally caught sight of a four legged creature on the ground. A short-legged, big-bottomed corgi was circling around the old man’s feet.

It hadn’t been there before, so it must have just run out from the kitchen.

It seemed to be well fed, as it was as fat as a gas tank.

[System: Host, please pay attention! Host, please pay attention! The target has appeared, the target has appeared.]

The system’s voice sounded like an air raid siren, ringing alarm bells in his mind.

Sheng Yuan was dazed for a few seconds. “You mean that dog?”


The target can be mysterious, but not outrageous.

[System: The hearing-impaired person who appeared just now is your ultimate target, Yu Zuojin. You’ve also seen his delinquency value, it is as high as one hundred million.]

Yu Zuojin, the name sounded somewhat familiar.

Sheng Yuan racked his brain, recalling that he heard it from Huang Mao of No.2 Middle School yesterday.

[System: Yu Zuojin is the delinquent with the highest delinquency value. Once you surpass him, you can unlock the system and regain control of your life.]

Sheng Yuan casually asked, “How much is my delinquency value now?”

[System: 500.]


[System: Why aren’t you saying anything?]

“I’m looking into the future.”

[System: Looking into the future of becoming the top delinquent?]

“Looking into the future and seeing how I can be reborn into the next life.”


The host must achieve the ultimate goal for the system to upgrade. It had no choice but to put aside it’s ego.

[System: Host, please don’t be disheartened. For now, let’s set a small goal.]

Sheng Yuan: “Tell me about it.”

[System: Earn one hundred million first.]

Sheng Yuan: “…I’m not interested in delinquency value.”

‘Come on, let’s hurt each other with the language of capital.’

[System: Yu Zuojin comes from a political family, a true second-generation official. He also has congenital hearing impairment. As a delinquent, you have more advantages than him.]

“What advantages?”

The System listed them one by one: [Your ancestor was a rebel against the court, your great-grandfather was a local ruffian bandit, your father was a motorcycle gang member in his youth, your mother was a former sister boss.]

Sheng Yuan: “Today, I’m going to make a decision that goes against my ancestors.”

System: […]

Naturally stubborn.

After finishing his meal, Sheng Yuan felt that this barbecue restaurant had a good taste. “Is this restaurant owned by the target?”

[System: No, the information shows that the other person is only working here. I don’t know anything else.]

Sheng Yuan didn’t ask any more after hearing that. Xia Zhiqi took out his wallet and called the old man over to settle the bill.

Noticing Sheng Yuan reaching for his pocket, Xia Zhiqi spoke, “Brother Shen, this meal is on me. You don’t have to pay.”

“Who said I was going to pay?”

Xia Zhiqi breathed a sigh of relief.

The next second, Sheng Yuan pulled out a fifty percent discount coupon from his pocket.

“Bill, please.”

Xia Zhiqi: “…”

When Brother Shen says it’s going Dutch, even if the Emperor himself comes, we still go Dutch.

Sheng Yuan walked out of the barbecue restaurant amidst Xia Zhiqi’s clamor, crossed the tree-lined avenue, and returned to the school.

Upon seeing the two of them come back, Xiao Pang swiftly rushed over, taking a few unsteady steps in his haste and speaking in a flustered voice, “Big brother!”

Xia Zhiqi raised his hand and lightly tapped his head, “Why are you so flustered? If you have something to say, say it.”

Xiao Pang rubbed his head. ‘I was just about to speak!’

He handed over the envelope he had clenched in his hand. “Big brother, Wu Di from No.2 Middle School has challenged us.”

Jin Anzhu, who was sitting in front, turned his head and looked over. “Is it that delinquent leader from No.2 Middle School?”

“Fuck, it must be those bastards who couldn’t beat Brother Shen yesterday. After spreading rumors that nobody believed, they got angry and went to find their boss.”

Xia Zhiqi cursed and grumbled, feeling quite conflicted. Wu Di was a tough character, the top dog at No.2 Middle School, and was quite well-known in the circle. Although he now recognized Sheng Yuan as his big brother, it was ultimately the trouble he caused Sheng Yuan.

He felt guilty inside and turned his gaze to Sheng Yuan, who was touching his chin, his expression inscrutable as he looked at the crumpled letter of challenge.

Sheng Yuan pursed his lips slightly, “Ummm…”

Xia Zhiqi nervously asked, “Brother Shen, is something wrong?”

Sheng Yuan handed over the letter.

Xia Zhiqi practically skimmed through the contents of the challenge letter, finding it no different from the ones he had received before.

Challenge letters were all written like this.

“Do you see it?”

Xia Zhiqi asked, “What?”

“Two spelling mistakes.”

Xia Zhiqi: “…”

Xiao Pang: “…”

Jin Anzhu: “…”

‘Big brother, isn’t the focus a bit skewed?’

But no one dared to say anything.

After reading the letter, Sheng Yuan pondered for a moment and asked Xiao Pang, “The other side seems pretty formidable, right?”

Xia Zhiqi blamed himself, “Brother Shen…”

“To actually escape nine years of compulsory education!”

Then he took out his textbook and immersed himself in diligent study.

Xia Zhiqi: “…”

For Sheng Yuan, even a bit of emotional investment was too much.

The appointed location for the fight was right in front of the gate of No.1 Middle School tonight. However, Sheng Yuan turned a deaf ear to the world outside and focused solely on reading the words of sages.

It was as if he had no connection to any of it.

[System: Why aren’t you nervous at all.]

Sheng Yuan didn’t even lift an eyelid. “Nervous about what?”

[System: Although the location is written as the gate of No.1 Middle School, the actual fighting spot is definitely not there. It’s just that this guy named Wu Di and his gang will be waiting to ambush you at the gate. What will you do then?]

Sheng Yuan replied, “I have two legs. What do you think I’ll do?”

The system suddenly had a bad feeling.

[System: You’re not planning to run away, are you?]

Sheng Yuan said, “Congratulations to this system for winning the pointless guessing game.”


‘Shame, shame, shame!!!!’

In just three days of following Sheng Yuan, it had lost face a thousand times over.

The system felt hopeless, knowing that any more persuasion would be futile, so it decided to give Sheng Yuan a delinquent task that must be completed.

[System: Delinquent task: Skip tonight’s self-study session. Completion reward: 10 life points, 10 delinquent points. Deductions will be made for task failure.]

Sheng Yuan calculated that he had been in this world for three days, and he only had 35 life points from the beginner’s package.

“Alright, I’ll take on the task.”


‘This kid won’t refuse to do tasks in the future, right?’

But after three days with Sheng Yuan, the system had also learned to cherish the present. Who knew what variables the future held, so it was better to focus on the present.

This kid always kept his word.

However, as the bell for the self-study session at 6 o’clock rang, Sheng Yuan remained seated and motionless.

One minute, two minutes… half an hour…

[System: Why aren’t you running away?]

Sheng Yuan replied, “In a moment.”

Two hours later…

[System: Why aren’t you running away?]

Sheng Yuan said, “In a moment.”

During the last period of the self-study session…

[System: You…]

Sheng Yuan interrupted, “In a moment.”


You little bastard, are you playing with this little system?’

Finally, in the last five minutes before the end of the self-study session, Sheng Yuan stood up with his backpack, took large strides, and ran out of the classroom.

He ran at an extremely fast pace, his hair flying in the evening breeze.

[System: Leaving in the last five minutes, what kind of truancy is that?]

Sheng Yuan said, “You can call it truancy or not.”



At the gate of No.1 Middle School, a group of seventeen or eighteen-year-old teenagers had gathered.

They had different expressions as they stood by the roadside, smoking.

“Where is he?”

“Brother Wu, he’s hiding in the woods over there.”

After all, this was the school gate, and it would attract too much attention if they carried baseball bats or similar weapons. It wouldn’t be good if the police noticed.

Wu Di looked at the grand gate of and became a bit impatient.

“Why hasn’t that kid come out yet?”

Huang Mao flattered, “He must be scared of Brother Wu and hiding inside the school. Otherwise, how could he still be studying in there?”

After this statement, the people around burst into laughter.

“Scared of Brother Wu’s punishment, pretending to be a good student inside the school.”

“He was so arrogant before.”

“Hahaha, I can‘t wait to see what kind of wimp he is.”

“We have come to No.1 Middle School, if Chu Weitian and Yu Zuojin find out…”

“What does Chu Weitian know? He barely spends a few days at school in a month, and Yu Zuojin doesn’t bother with these trivial matters.”

Huang Mao craned his neck and looked inside. It was almost ten o’clock, the time when self-study session at No.1 Middle School ended.

Wu Di was getting bored and slapped one of his lackeys on the back. “You guys wait here, I’ll go over there and have a smoke. Call me when he comes out.”

“Okay, Brother Wu.”

Wu Di walked out of the crowd, tapped his ear, and went to smoke against a wall.

On the other side, Sheng Yuan, with one shoulder carrying his backpack, ran out of the teaching building and casually found a wall to climb over.

After all, when playing truant, one didn’t usually go through the main entrance.

“How about that? Isn’t your brother considerate?”


What on earth is this indulgence?

Sheng Yuan, who had been pursuing an all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics, and labor since childhood, landed gracefully after effortlessly scaling the wall with a few swift movements.


Sheng Yuan landed and asked, “What did you say?”

[System: I didn’t say anything.]

Then who was it?

Feeling something unusual under his feet, he looked down and saw a person beneath him, their eyes rolling back.

“What the hell!”

Sheng Yuan quickly retracted his foot, squatted down, and checked the person’s condition.

“Hey! Are you alright?”

[System: Do you think he looks alright?]

Sheng Yuan: “…”

He crouched beside the person, gently patting their face twice.

“Can you hear me?”

On the other side, Xia Zhiqi, who had just run out of the school side gate, happened to witness this scene.

Thinking that Sheng Yuan was in a hurry to engage in a lone battle, Xia Zhiqi had quickly stood up and followed him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out, Xia Zhiqi saw Sheng Yuan squatting beside Wu Di, whose eyes were rolled back, and slapped him.

“Fuck! Brother Shen! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!!”

Xia Zhiqi’s jaw dropped, unable to believe what he was witnessing.

Wu Di lay unconscious on the ground, while Sheng Yuan was completely unharmed.

He even humiliated him by slapping him.

Without a word, and with just one scene, Xia Zhiqi had already imagined an action-packed drama.

When the group of people from No.2 Middle School heard the commotion, they rushed over one by one. They were all stunned to see Wu Di lying unconscious at Sheng Yuan’s feet, their jaws dropping in disbelief.

What the hell is going on!

And from the moment Xia Zhiqi appeared, Sheng Yuan’s delinquency points began to skyrocket.

Sheng Yuan inwardly thought it was not good and wanted to stop Xia Zhiqi’s next move.

However, in the next moment, a resounding voice swept through the sky.

“Brother Shen is awesome!!”

“With all due respect, everyone else is trash!!!”

Author’s note:

Xia Zhiqi: I speak on behalf of Brother Shen.

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