Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 6

The resounding sound split the heavens and devoured mountains and rivers.

In the summer night, the sparrows perched on the trees were startled, their flight stirring the branches and leaves rustling in the evening breeze.

Sheng Yuan’s hair and his entire being were disheveled in the wind.

‘Thank you, loudspeaker.’

Xia Zhiqi was still immersed in the heat of the moment, tilting his head and continuously winking at Sheng Yuan.

‘You’re welcome, Brother Sheng.’


As if frozen in a frame, Sheng Yuan stiffly turned his head and looked behind him.

There, the group from No.2 Middle School was fierce and terrifying, their faces distorted and their molars nearly grinding to bits.

Some people had already determined how their opponents would die even before capturing them.

“Sheng Yuan!!!”

The leader, Huang Mao roared angrily and was about to charge forward.


Huang Mao cursed aloud, “Wait, the fuck!”

Sheng Yuan patted the dust off his pants and calmly stood up.

“Do you really think that I would come to this appointment alone and face you all?”

Xia Zhiqi: ?

‘Brother Sheng, I’m here too.’

He silently walked to Sheng Yuan’s side, bringing his face close to Sheng Yuan’s.

‘Brother Sheng, I’m here.’

Sheng Yuan: “…”

He pushed Xia Zhiqi’s face away with his hand, put his hands in his pockets, and raised his chin at the group from No.2 Middle School. “Look behind you.”

Was it an ambush?!

The dozen or so people all turned around to look, only to see an old lady leisurely crossing the street.

A sense of vigilance sprouted in their hearts, and they quickly turned back.

Sheng Yuan had long pulled Xia Zhiqi and run a hundred meters away.

Even though they were already far away, Xia Zhiqi’s loud voice was still exceptionally clear.

“Idiots!!! Hahaha, go eat my Brother Sheng’s fart!”

The dozen or so people: !!!


“Sheng Yuan, you’re fucked!”

“Sheng Yuan!!!”

The shadow of the young man continually cast upon the wall, swiftly disappearing from one side and suddenly reappearing on another.

The footsteps from behind were thunderous, shaking the ground beneath their feet.

Sheng Yuan pulled Xia Zhiqi and ran swiftly.

‘Damn it! I’m truly screwed!!!!’

Sheng Yuan pulled Xia Zhiqi forward, while Xia Zhiqi boasted arrogantly towards the back.

“That’s all you got!

“You’re all trash!”

“From now on, what my Brother Sheng says goes at No.2 Middle School!!!”

Then he followed with a burst of maniacal laughter.


Sheng Yuan: “…”

He finally understood why on the day he saved Xia Zhiqi, it wasn’t a one-on-one duel but six people ganging up on him.

His glasses were askew, so he took them off and stashed them in his pocket.

The figure of the young man was like an agile deer in the forest, running through the tree-lined avenue, and finally hiding in a corner. He covered Xia Zhiqi’s mouth, and successfully threw off the chasing group.

Sheng Yuan observed the outside and, finding that the group from No.2 Middle School was nowhere to be seen, released his hold on Xia Zhiqi. He sat on the ground to catch his breath.

He bent one long leg, half of his body mysteriously concealed in the shadow of the corner.

Xia Zhiqi hadn’t yet calmed down.

It was too damn thrilling!

This was much more exciting than any dream he could ever have!

“Brother Sheng, you’re so damn awesome!”

“Xia Zhiqi.”

Hearing Sheng Yuan call him, Xia Zhiqi lowered his head. “What’s wrong, Brother Sheng?”

“It’s my good fortune to have you.”

Xia Zhiqi rubbed his head in embarrassment. “You’re exaggerating, Brother Sheng.”

Sheng Yuan: “…”

‘Can’t you tell that I’m being sarcastic?!’

Forget it, even if he spoke seriously, Xia Zhiqi would never understand.

Sheng Yuan was drenched in sweat, his hair was tousled, and was without his glasses, his eyes and brows shone particularly bright.

Xia Zhiqi looked at him, somewhat amazed.

“Brother Sheng, you look so fucking cool.”

“Stop swearing from now on.” Sheng Yuan wasn’t in the mood to listen to his flattery. He took off his school uniform jacket and draped it over his shoulder. “Alright, go home.”

As he finished speaking, he strolled away casually, leaving Xia Zhiqi behind with a worshipping expression.

That night, the news of Sheng Yuan defeating the leader of No.2 Middle School’s delinquents spread like wildfire on the forums of both No.1 and No.2 Middle Schools.

“Fuck! Sheng Yuan is amazing!”

“He’s from No.1? How come I’ve never heard of him before?”

“Is the news reliable? Are there any on-site photos?”

“Five pictures! These are the moments when Sheng Yuan slapped Wu Di.”

“Cool cool cool!”

“He’s so arrogant, knocking people down and humiliating them with a slap.”

“Are there more? I want to see more.”

The photos were candid shots, mostly taken by No.1 students who happened to pass by at the time, and were hiding in the corners.

With delinquency prevailing, the most discussed topics on the school forums were often related to it.

“There’s more, let me post them.”

In the next second, numerous photos of Sheng Yuan pulling Xia Zhiqi and sprinting appeared on the school forums.

Sheng Yuan led the way, and was pulling Xia Zhiqi, a group of people chasing after them.

The youth had a picturesque face, exuding a striking elegance. The people behind him were in pursuit as he shuttled through the tree-lined avenue. Fragmented light and shadows cascaded onto his hair, front and side, creating a captivating effect.

As soon as the photos were posted, hundreds of comments exploded.

“Why does he look different from the delinquent I had in mind?”

“This isn’t a delinquent, he’s the hero of my youth!”

“This Sheng Yuan is quite handsome.”

“Brother Sheng! My only brother!”

“Ahhhhh, he’s so handsome, I like him!”

“Defeating the leader of No.2 Middle School’s delinquents, gaining great fame, and being handsome. This guy is stacking buffs.”

“Brother Sheng! Brother Sheng!!!”

“Fuck, these photos have such a vibe. Can someone help photoshop my face onto the guy’s face in the back?”

“The one in the front is Brother Sheng, and the one in the back is his brother. Sisters, don’t be too funny.”

“It really looks good. I want to photoshop too!”

“If you’re photoshopping, then I will too.”

“If everyone’s doing it, then count me in.”


Qi Sheng stuck his fingertip in his red hair, looking at Sheng Yuan in the photo. “Fuck, you’ve got some skills, kid.”

“Who’s that making you hold the phone and stare?”

“The boy who helped Aunt Chen at the shop this afternoon.”

“What happened to him?”

“He beat up the guy from No.2 called…” He glanced down for a moment. “Oh, Wu Di. He beat that guy up.”

“The one who only knows dirty tricks?”

Wu Di did have a reputation in their circle, but it wasn’t particularly glorious.

“Well, he’s got some skills. Teaching Wu Di a lesson. But seriously, this kid does look good, just a bit worse than me.”

Qi Sheng chuckled and scolded, “Brother Yu, isn’t it time for you to finish work? It’s almost eleven.”

One of the little brothers standing beside Qi Sheng couldn’t help but ask, “Boss Qi, I heard Brother Yu comes from a wealthy family. Why is he still working here?”

Qi Sheng gave him a cold glance, and the little brother shuddered instantly.

“Don’t ask what shouldn’t be asked.”

The person next to him quickly pulled him back. “Brother Qi, he just joined us a few days ago and doesn’t know any better. He won’t pry into things in the future.”

The little brother kept his head down, pretending to be obedient.

He just didn’t understand.

He had heard about it, their classmate Brother Yu shared the same surname with the current mayor…

However, Yu Zuojin not only lived in the school dormitory every day but also worked outside, washing dishes.

Seventeen-year-old Yu Zuojin had a hard time finding a job because most places refused to hire him. First, they were afraid of legal issues with employing a minor, and second, they were worried that Yu Zuojin might cause trouble, not to mention his reputation…

Initially, people in their circle made fun of Yu Zuojin for working as a dishwasher, but after he beat up a few troublemakers, his reputation grew, and no one dared to say anything anymore.


Sheng Yuan was completely unaware of the frenzy on the forums. He hurried back home before the curfew, changed his shoes, and didn’t go to his room but sat down next to Sheng Chenggong in the living room.

Getting straight to the point, he said, “Dad, I want to buy a ride.”

Sheng Chenggong put down his teapot, and his eyes lit up. “Alright.”

As he picked up his phone, he said, “At your age, you should be a bit wild and crazy. When I was your age, your dad used to race cars every day.”

“What kind of car do you want?” Sheng Chenggong found some pictures. “Or you could get a cool motorbike?”

“A bicycle will do.”

Sheng Chenggong: “…”

Sheng Yuan took the phone from him and showed him the one he had in mind. “This one will do.”

The bicycle even had a little bell on it.

Sheng Chenggong’s face only said: What on earth did you choose?!!

“You just need to pitch in 200 yuan, and I’ll cover the rest.”

Sheng Chenggong: “You want to deduct it from your own allowance? No need, Dad will just buy it for you.”

“No.” Sheng Yuan said, “There’s a study competition in a week or a month. I’ll use the prize money to buy it then.”

Sheng Chenggong: “…”

Study competition!

Since when do delinquents win study competitions?!

Sheng Chenggong was stunned.

How did his son become such a diligent student?!

It hurt! It hurt so much!

Sheng Yuan handed the teapot back to him, got up, and went back to his room with his clothes for washing, intending to go to the bathroom.

[System: Why did you suddenly want to buy a ride?]

Sheng Yuan: “Remember those people who chased after me earlier?”

[System: I remember. What about them?]

Sheng Yuan: “If I win this time, I live; if I lose next time, I die.”


It thought it was to have a means of transportation, but it turned out to be a survival tool.

The next day, Sheng Yuan woke up as usual at 5:30 a.m., grabbed a slice of bread, and left the house.

When he arrived in the classroom, he noticed that there were more classmates who arrived on time compared to yesterday.

Classmate Wildfire was also not wearing a skirt over his sports pants this time.

When Sheng Yuan entered, he was greeted with cheers.

Class Six seemed to have traveled back to the Stone Age, filled with ape-like sounds.

“Brother Sheng is awesome!”

“Brother Sheng, we’ve heard about your glorious deeds.”

“Brother Sheng, you’re so damn amazing!”

“Oh yeah!”

The commotion settled down only after Sheng Yuan took his seat.

Xiao Pang handed over the breakfast he bought for Sheng Yuan, but Sheng Yuan pushed it back.

“Big brother…”

Sheng Yuan randomly picked up a topic to distract the other party from persuading him to accept breakfast.

“Let me ask you something.”

“Big brother, what is it?”

“Why did you come to school on time today?”

Xiao Pang said, “Hey, don’t you know, Tie Tou is back.”

“Tie Tou?”

“That’s the head teacher. Remember when we had that earthquake at our school? He broke his bones after leading the evacuation. Now that he’s recovered, he’s back. I guess the number of people skipping school will be less. If you get caught by him, you’ll receive quite a beating.”

Not only them, but even Chu Weitian and Yu Zuojin dared to say that this guy had an extraordinary tolerance for pain. That’s why they called him Tie Tou, which meant “Iron Head.”

He made the delinquents a bit scared, but Sheng Yuan was somewhat curious about this head teacher.

After class, when Sheng Yuan planned to go to the supermarket to buy water, he saw the head teacher.

“That student, what kind of nonsense are you wearing with your school uniform? Get in line for me!”

“What’s wrong with your hair, young man? I’m going to cut it today, and if I see it again tomorrow, I’ll shave it all off!”

“Using foul language! Using foul language! Using foul language! Say it again, and I’ll twist your mouth off!”

Speaking with a demonic accent from northeastern China, he scolded one student after another without discrimination.

“All of you are shameless bastards.”

Sheng Yuan: “…”

At this moment, the head teacher noticed a figure approaching quickly.

“Yu Zuojin! I heard from the dormitory supervisor that you didn’t return to the dormitory until after 3 AM yesterday. The curfew is at 10:30 PM! What were you doing so late?”

Yu Zuojin ignored him and lifted the suction cup attached to the side of his head.

—’I can’t hear you.’

The head teacher exclaimed, “You, you little punk!”

“Tie Tou, you’re back!” Qi Sheng, who was beside him, grabbed the head teacher’s neck, portraying a close friendship between the two.

“Don’t act all high and mighty with me, you bastard! What’s up with your hair? Dyed it red? Are you trying to defy the heavens!”

When Yu Zuojin appeared, Sheng Yuan’s gaze immediately fell upon this target.

The incident that happened in the store yesterday was vivid in his mind.

The other party was remarkable in every aspect, but just by standing there, his aura was suffocating. It was as if he could drain all color from wherever he stood, and there was no trace of human brilliance emanating from him.

Sheng Yuan: “I have a question for you.”

[System: “What is it?”]

Sheng Yuan: “Since we’re all destined to become top delinquents, why didn’t you choose him as the host from the beginning?”

Let’s not mention the fact that he wasn’t even given an option.

[System: It’s different. People like Yu Zuojin can only be observed from afar.]

“What about me?”

[System: You were born to be played with.]

Sheng Yuan: “Seems like the little system has a thing for debauchery.”

[System: …]

Author’s Note:

No one can surpass Brother Sheng in trash talk! (Xia Zhiqi is another story)

Later on, I will use “Iron Head”,  English translation of the Headmaster’s name instead of Tie Tou.

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