Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

The girl was wearing the uniform of No. 12 Middle School.

Confronted with this femal student who claimed to be his girlfriend, Sheng Yuan didn’t recognize her at all.

According to propriety, there should be no physical contact between men and women, and he instinctively wanted to pull his arm away.

“Student, you’ve got the wrong person.”


The girl became agitated, and she exerted more force on Sheng Yuan’s arm like a drowning person clinging to the reeds by the bank. “I didn’t get it wrong!”

Her face was extremely pale, her lips devoid of color, and her eyes filled with panic and fear.

Obviously, she also knew whose arm she was holding onto at this moment.

Sheng Yuan, the notorious boss of No.1 Middle School.

She had only heard rumors about him, and of course, rumors about delinquent boys always depicted the individuals involved in a horrifying manner.

She was afraid too, so afraid that she felt like fainting.

But she couldn’t let go.

Fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and fear distorted her face into an awkward smile that was uglier than tears.

This time, her voice was barely audible, like a mosquito’s buzz.

“Please, please help me.”

“I beg you.”

Sheng Yuan was taken aback, only then noticing the injury on the girl’s wrist.

The girl’s pleas persisted, accompanied by apologies. “I deeply apologize. But I have no choice. Please help me.”

It was a faint sound, audible only to the two of them.

The girl trembled with every breath she took, her entire body quivering in terror.

She wasn’t sure if the delinquent boy before her would help her.

Sheng Yuan didn’t remain silent; instead, he inquired, “Is someone watching you now?”

The girl nodded.


His tone was casual, as if engaged in casual conversation.

“On the right,” the girl replied.

Sheng Yuan lifted his gaze and, as expected, spotted a group of ruffians on the opposite side of the road.

Sheng Yuan had never seen the school uniform worn by the other party.

Sheng Yuan stared at the group of people and they were taken aback.

“Fuck? That bitch was serious?”

“Didn’t Nian Xue say she was lying?”

“So, Sheng Yuan is really dating her?”

Several vocational high school students caught sight of Sheng Yuan’s gaze but pretended not to notice, averting their eyes, and turning away.

The two clung to each other, with Yu Zuojin observing coldly from behind, doing his best to contain himself. His chiseled face wore an intense gloominess. He stepped forward, attempting to separate the two by pulling Zheng Zilu, who was in front of them.


Zheng Zilu: ? ? ?

Am I flying?

Before Yu Zuojin could take action, Sheng Yuan swiftly turned around and took out his phone to transfer fifty yuan to Zheng Zilu.

“I won’t go today, Zheng Zilu. Take him for candied haws.”

Zheng Zilu was shocked. “Just the two of us?!”

What’s the difference between this and sentencing him to death?

Sheng Yuan explained, “Something unexpected has come up.”

Once the ruffians left, Sheng Yuan distanced himself from the girl, and the girl also let go.

Before leaving, Sheng Yuan turned back and added, “By the way, buy strawberries for him.”

In this case, “him” referred to Yu Zuojin.

Then, Sheng Yuan led the girl away.

That was it!

Zheng Zilu stiffly turned to look at Yu Zuojin, only to find him standing there, desperately needing a punching bag. The air around him was oppressively heavy, and even the dogs on the roadside had to detour upon seeing him.

Zheng Zilu gulped.

“Student… Student Yu, let’s go. The candied haws… they’re not for nothing.”

Yu Zuojin fixed his dark eyes on Sheng Yuan’s departing figure, his entire being radiating a sense of violence.

Zheng Zilu tremblingly brought Yu Zuojin to eat candied haws, but along the way, no matter how he tried to break the ice, the other party remained silent.

In the past, he detested delinquent students, believing those who didn’t study diligently were not upright individuals, let alone worth conversing with, but he found it was easy to get along with Sheng Yuan.

But he dared not say a word to Yu Zuojin.

The other party could really beat him to death.

It was evident that Sheng Yuan’s departure left him displeased.

The two arrived at Tianqiao Road, where Zheng Zilu purchased three candied haws and handed the strawberry-flavored ones to Yu Zuojin.

“Please, enjoy them, classmate Yu.”

Upon seeing the food, Zheng Zilu felt much better. It was really fragrant~~

The Candied Haw Uncle remembered Yu Zoujin immediately. Yu Zuojin‘s striking appearance and well-proportioned figure made him stand out from the crowd, leaving a lasting impression.

“Student, why don’t I see that little classmate with beautiful eyes and a refreshing look by your side this time?”

Although Zheng Zilu had always referred to Sheng Yuan as a dog, wasn’t that a general description of Sheng Yuan?

Zheng Zilu’s eyes widened in astonishment.

Uncle, why do you insist on stirring up trouble!

Yu Zuojin’s expression turned even more sour, almost reaching sub-zero temperatures.

Zheng Zilu feigned indifference as he continued to enjoy his candied haws; he would never walk into a trap willingly.

The uncle’s candied haws stall was exceptionally popular. Every passerby on the bridge across the river would stop to purchase a bunch, and they would quickly sell out.

The uncle began packing up his belongings and pushing the cart back. However, as he ascended the uphill path, the cart’s wheels suddenly came to a halt, rendering it immobile.

He stooped down to investigate the issue.

“It’s really difficult.”

Zheng Zilu pondered, “Boss, what seems to be the matter?”

The old man replied, “The chain is twisted inside, rendering it immovable. If it were detached, I could still manage, but without a tool to untangle the twist, it’s impossible.”

If the wheels couldn’t move, how would he push the cart home?

Zheng Zilu became aware of the gravity of the situation. It was already past ten o’clock in the evening, and the temperature dropped significantly at night.

Without hesitation, he bent down, unconcerned about the black oil on the chain, and attempted to pull it out, but his efforts proved futile.

“Step aside.”

Zheng Ziluvwas puzzled, then his eyes went wide open.

Yu Zuojin was standing behind him with an icy tone.

Upon hearing this, Zheng Zilu hastily moved away.

Yu Zuojin stepped forward, his long legs extending, and with a powerful kick, he sent the cart soaring ten meters ahead, despite the uphill terrain.

Monstrous strength.

Zheng Zilu’s eyeballs nearly popped out of his sockets.

If that kick struck him, his life would be over.

Fortunately, the twisted car chain was now exposed, a scenario the uncle had never anticipated.

Zheng Zilu came back to his senses and gave Yu Zuojin a thumbs-up.

“Your strength is truly extraordinary.”

Zheng Zilu’s teeth chattered. Ever since Sheng Yuan’s departure, Yu Zuojin’s countenance had remained gloomy, he was clearly infuriated.

On the other side, Sheng Yuan led the girl through two streets until he was sure no one was tailing them. He turned to look at the girl.

“Why did you claim to be my girlfriend?”

Standing beside the delinquent boss, the girl’s breath became erratic, fearing Sheng Yuan’s anger. She quickly lowered her head and apologized.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I truly had no other choice.”

Sheng Yuan was taken aback and hurriedly held her shoulders to prevent her from bowing.

The girl couldn’t hold back her tears any longer; they streamed down her face as she recounted the truth.

A month ago, while dining with her friends in the cafeteria, she accidentally collided with another girl, splashing vegetable juice on her clothes. She immediately apologized and took the girl’s clothes to the sink to wash them.

Later, filled with remorse, she went to the supermarket to purchase a bag of snacks as a gesture of apology when returning the clothes.

However, upon receiving the snacks, the girl stated that she hadn’t yet forgiven her and made her run errands for two days. Her temperament was soft and she didn’t feel anything was wrong as it was she who accidentally dirtied the other party’s clothes first. Additionally, their classrooms were located on different floors, so in those two days after class, she diligently helped her to purchase items and delivering them to her class.

She assumed the matter would end there, but the situation worsened. The other party began demanding money and resorted to threats and intimidation when denied, even involving her vocational high school brother to intimidate her.

Without delay, she sought help from a teacher. Unfortunately, the other party had a reputation for academic excellence and discipline, so the teacher didn’t believe her.

After being extorted for 500 yuan, she found herself without any pocket money for the month. Moreover, she endured a slap yesterday. Her parents work long hours as laborers so they wouldn’t be able to help with the situation. To make matters worse, her clothes were even torn apart.

Consumed by fear, she impulsively claimed that Sheng Yuan was her boyfriend.

He was the most notorious delinquent during this period.

Only Yu Zuojin surpassed him, but as long as her tormentors weren’t Yu Zuojin, victory was assured.

“I sincerely apologize, I’m sorry.”

She truly found herself without any alternatives.

“May I know your name?”

The girl gazed at the boy before her, momentarily stunned. “My name is… Qin Yuxian.”

Sheng Yuan inquired, “Do they block you every evening after school?”

Qin Yuxian nodded, revealing that they would approach her almost every day, demanding money.

Sheng Yuan looked up at the stars in the sky and declared, “Okay, I shall go there tomorrow.”

[System: You have no connection or reason to help her, why are you intervening?]

Sheng Yuan replied, “Because I simply enjoy meddling in other people’s affairs.”

Leaning against the street fence, Sheng Yuan’s eyes shimmered with starlight.

“However, it’s essential to clarify later that we are merely ordinary friends.”

Qin Yuxian hastily nodded, overwhelmed with gratitude that he was willing to assist her.

“Thank you very much, thank you.”

Sheng Yuan confirmed the time when school would be over.

Self-study at No.12 Middle School ends at 10 o’clock after school, and it would take only ten minutes for Sheng Yuan to ride his bike there.

“Beforr I arrive, under no circumstances should you leave the school gates, regardless of who approaches you.”

“Okay, I understand.”

Qin Yuxian observed Sheng Yuan who was brimming with confidence.

“Aren’t you angry?”

Sheng Yuan responded, “It’s alright.”

After all, Xia Zhiqi was by his side, and when it came to rumors, he had his own loudspeaker.

“May I ask, why are you willing to help me?”

Sheng Yuan pondered the question seriously.

“Who knows?”

He couldn’t be bothered to dwell on it any longer. “Let’s go home.”

Perhaps that willingness was simply a reflection of youthful spirit. At the age of seventeen or eighteen, young men were like warriors, wanting to conquer all.


Yu Zuojin returned to Room 408, his gaze falling upon the tidy dormitory. Every corner looked displeasing.

He took off his shirt and entered the bathroom, removing the suction cup and the external cochlear implant unit. He turned the shower on to its maximum flow.

The imprisoned beast within his heart broke free, and he emerged from the bathroom with a towel draped over his head, overcome with a sense of despondency.

His eyes remained fixed on a single spot, motionless, while the veins on his arms bulged and water droplets traced the contours of his muscular spine. He struggled to contain the anger simmering within him, unable to move from his rooted position.

A lingering sense of hostility permeated the air from start to finish.

–I like him.

–I obviously like him!

However, Sheng Yuan would come over tomorrow at noon. That was the sliver of sanity Yu Zuojin managed to hold on to, preventing him from wreaking havoc in the dormitory once more.

Unable to find solace in sleep while lying in bed, he finally reached a breaking point. He got up, grabbed a pen and paper, and wrote something under the moonlight.

The next day, the headmaster promptly arrived at the office and noticed a letter silently lying on his desk.

“A report letter.”

The headmaster wrinkled his face when he saw it.

Whose handwriting was this? It resembled the erratic crawl of a dog.

However, as it was a report letter, the headmaster had no choice but to read it attentively.

To his surprise, the opened letter contained only two sentences.

The crooked words on the paper read:

“After the evening self-study session, someone confessed at the school gate. Damn it.”

The headmaster: !

Puppy love!

He had to address this!

During the morning assembly that day, he directly targeted the group engaged in teenage romance, warning them not to let him catch them.

Xia Zhiqi gasped, “Why is Iron Head suddenly talking about this?”

“Who knows.”

When Sheng Yuan returned to Room 408 at noon, Yu Zuojin was nowhere to be found. Due to the strong winds over the past two days, they had relocated their tutoring session to the dormitory, but Room 408 stood empty.

In the evening, Yu Zuojin went to work at a barbecue restaurant. As soon as he entered, the old man at the counter could sense his mood and looked at the sink with pity.

Today, the dishes were bound to clatter during the washing.

And indeed, Yu Zuojin worked much faster than usual.

Yu Zoujin: “Leaving early.”

The old man understood what he meant. After 9:30 PM, the restaurant would have no customers anyway, and Yu Zuojin had finished all his tasks.

“Sure, of course. But aren’t you waiting for your little classmate to pick you up?”

Yu Zuojin didn’t answer, picked up his jacket, and left.

On the other side, at No.12 Middle School, Qin Yuxian stood at the entrance of the teaching building, too afraid to venture outside.

Her friend had sent her a photo taken outside the school gate.

Nian Xue’s brothers from the vocational high school came to support her again.

Qin Yuxian was terrified upon seeing it, and she immediately pocketed her phone, heeding Sheng Yuan’s advice. She wouldn’t leave the school gate until Sheng Yuan arrived.

However, Nian Xue still sought her out. Qin Yuxian was unsure of who she had borrowed the school uniform from, but she was accompanied by two vocational high school boys dressed in No. 12 Middle School uniforms.

Frightened, Qin Yuxian turned her head, intending to run, but found herself blocked by three individuals.

“Why are you running? Come with us.”

Qin Yuxian was forcefully led out of the school and dragged into an alley. Her friend was running over anxiously only to see Qin Yuxian being pulled away, but she managed to capture the group’s actions on her phone.

She couldn’t gather the courage to move forward, so she turned around and hurried back to the school security guard.

In the alley, Nian Xue grabbed Qin Yuxian’s collar and slapped her, saying, “You’re looking for support, right? I’ll give you some support!”

Qin Yuxian cried out in pain as she was beaten. She couldn’t bear it any longer. The constant threats from Nian Xue had pushed her to her limit. Fear overwhelmed her, and her face burned with pain. Unable to endure any further, she raised her hand, gripped Nian Xue’s hair, and bit her face.


The piercing scream echoed through the alley, reaching the depths of their eardrums.

The boy behind them quickly intervened, pulling Qin Yuxian away and causing her to fall to the ground.

Half of Nian Xue’s face was left bloody and mangled from the bite, and the pain brought tears to her eyes as she howled in agony.

“Get her! Strip her!”

“I’ll take a photo and post it in the group, let everyone see how she looks!!!”

“No! Don’t touch me! No!!!”

Qin Yuxian clung tightly to her clothes, but those individuals reached out their hands towards her.

At that moment, someone kicked the entrance to the alley open. The lookout was hit, and he clutched his stomach as he writhed on the ground, eventually vomiting.

Nian Xue’s eyes widened in shock.

What was happening?

She saw a tall figure clad in black walking into the alley.

Everyone stood stunned, turning their heads to observe the unfolding situation. Qin Yuxian was too terrified to utter a word. In the next moment, the boy who was pulling at her clothes was sent crashing into the wall, blood flowing from his head.

Screams erupted, resonating with the night’s eerie silence like a symphony that pierced the soul.

Nian Xue sat on the ground, looking at her brothers who lay defeated and unconscious. The lookout had fainted and lost consciousness. She quickly fled from the alley. The other boy was too frightened to remain, and he dragged away his unconscious brother and ran away.

The brutal scene terrified Qin Yuxian to the point where her legs went weak, and she dared not cry out.

As the approaching figure drew nearer, she spoke with chattering teeth, “Who are you?”

In response, the other party’s voice echoed like the growl of an avenging spirit asserting dominance.

Word by word, through gritted teeth, they declared, “I am Sheng Yuan’s girlfriend.”

Before Qin Yuxian could react, she was roughly lifted by the person.

“Do you know who I am?”

Fear gripped Qin Yuxian, and tears streamed down her face as she replied, not daring to withhold the truth, “Sheng Yuan’s! Sheng Yuan’s girlfriend!”

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