Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The head teacher finished reprimanding Qi Sheng and strode over to Yu Zuojin’s side. “Yu Zuojin! Don’t think that taking off your suction cup means you can ignore what people say. I’ve informed the dormitory supervisor, and if you don’t return to the dormitory on time again, you won’t be allowed in!”

Yu Zuojin paid no attention to the other party as if he were a wisp of air beside him, and directly walked away.

There was no trace of respect.

Qi Sheng and the others followed.

“Fuck, Brother Yu doesn’t give Iron Head any face.”

“Doesn’t that mean Brother Yu won’t be able to get into the dormitory anymore?”

“How can he not get in? Brother Yu never uses the door normally.”

“Then how does he get in?”

“Through the window.”


Yu Zuojin and his group disappeared from sight, and Sheng Yuan withdrew his gaze, going downstairs to the supermarket to buy water.

[System: You could have your little brothers to handle such matters.]

Sheng Yuan grabbed a bottle of soda. “Your big brother prefers to do things himself.”

[System: Then why do you keep me around yet you don’t use me?]

“No one is exempt from reluctance.”

[System: What tasks have you given them that would cause reluctance?]

“Of the tasks you have given me so far, which one made you think I’m willing?”

[System: …]

‘You little scoundrel, just wait for this little system to handle this situation.

What a scheming bastard!’

Sheng Yuan took the water to the checkout counter and stood at the end of the queue. The students who were previously joking and playing around in front of him noticed him and immediately made way.

This kind of thing happened frequently in school. When some delinquents grew tired of queuing, they would intentionally curse loudly, causing the rest to panic and make way.

The students moved aside, waiting for Sheng Yuan to approach.

Sheng Yuan looked at the cleared path ahead. “What? Is this spot not for checking out?”

Then, in front of everyone’s eyes, he joined another queue.

Onlookers: “…”

What fairy move was this!

Sheng Yuan walked out of the supermarket with the water.

[System: When others made way for you just now, why didn’t you go forward?]

Pretending not to understand, Sheng Yuan said, “That spot wasn’t for checking out.”

[System: “If you continue like this, your delinquency points won’t grow, and you won’t be able to surpass Yu Zuojin. Moreover, there are others who covet the same position as you do.”]


[System: Chu Weitian, the leader of Class One.]

Sheng Yuan: “Isn’t the delinquency value for the target the highest?”

[System: Yu Zuojin doesn’t involve himself in school matters or get into fights at school, so Chu Weitian has taken the spotlight.]

Commonly known as: Playing the high-stakes game.

Sheng Yuan feigned distress. “Then I’ll have to find a way to befriend the target.”

[System: Why befriend him?]

“Haven’t you heard the saying, ‘One can get close to the moon when residing by the water’s edge’?”

[System: Ding! Daily task: Decrease Yu Zuojin’s delinquency value. Every ten-point decrease earns one life point.”]

The task was suddenly assigned, and Sheng Yuan was surprised. “No punishment?”

[System: “No, this task is available every day, and you can choose to do it or not.]

Sheng Yuan understood and didn’t ask further. He entered the classroom to the sound of the bell.

The Chinese teacher walked up to the podium. She was a thirty-one-year-old woman with a gentle temperament. “Students, before we begin today’s class, I have something to say.”

Although the presence of Sheng Yuan had quieted down Class Six to some extent, most of them were still minding their own business, with only a few murmurs.

Even if the students weren’t listening, the Chinese teacher dutifully delivered the message.

“The annual tri-school knowledge competition is approaching, and our school is going to select three students from our grade to participate. Interested students can go to the homeroom teacher’s office to fill out the registration form. Oh, by the way, your homeroom teacher, Miss Xiao Tao, will be back this afternoon. So those who want to register should try to go in the afternoon.”

The homeroom teacher of Class Six, Li Tao, had been absent due to illness, and the Chinese teacher had been taking care of the class.

“Xiao Tao is coming back?”

“Is Xiao Tao recovered from illness?”

Sheng Yuan was confused. “Xiao Tao?”

Xiao Pang explained behind him, “Miss Xiao Tao’s full name is Li Tao. Big brother, read her name backwards.”

Tao Li.

Sheng Yuan: “…”

*Sorry guys, failed to make the connection on this.

Indeed, everyone has their own strengths.

Although Class Six’s academic performance was not impressive, they had top-notch nicknames.

For the sake of his survival tool, Sheng Yuan went to the year three homeroom teacher’s office after finishing the chemistry class in the afternoon, and to also arranged for a dormitory for afternoon naps.

The office door was open on this summer day, and Sheng Yuan lightly knocked on the door.

He waited for an invitation to enter.

However, when the teachers in the office looked up and saw Sheng Yuan, they collectively fell silent.

After all, the school forum was not only open to students but also to teachers.

In the past, there had been several cases of conflicts between delinquent youths and teachers at No.1 Middle School.

Sheng Yuan: “Is Miss Xiao Tao here?”

A young male teacher said, “Yes.”

Sheng Yuan intended to approach, “You are…”

The other party quickly declined, “No, I am not.”

“Then is Miss Xiao Tao here?”

A female voice came, “Behind you.”

Sheng Yuan turned around, only to see emptiness.


Where is the person?

“Look down.”

Sheng Yuan lowered his head and saw Miss Xiao Tao, a young female teacher who was twenty-five years old, with a height of only 1.55 meters, barely reaching Sheng Yuan’s chest.

[System: Your homeroom teacher is so short.]

Sheng Yuan: “Don’t underestimate her.”

[System: ?]

Sheng Yuan: “This kind of person is incredibly fierce when setting exams and the beatings are painful.”

Miss Xiao Tao was still completely unaware that during her half-month vacation, their class had produced another notorious delinquent.

She smiled at Sheng Yuan, “Do you need something from the teacher?”

She took out a notebook, intending to write it down.

“I want to register for the tri-school joint knowledge competition.”

Miss Xiao Tao held the notebook, smiling brightly, “Ah?”

Hadn’t her illness fully recovered?

Why was she experiencing auditory hallucinations?

Sheng Yuan repeated, “I want to register for the tri-school joint knowledge competition.”

“Oh, alright. The teacher will note it down for you.”

Miss Xiao Tao’s hand holding the pen trembled slightly. She couldn’t help but look up at Sheng Yuan. Her previous impression of this student was when he had dyed his hair in various colors. However, she didn’t expect that upon her return from vacation, he had already dyed his hair black.

“The knowledge competition is not just a matter of registration. You also need to pass the selection within our school. Do you understand this?”

He didn’t know before, now he knows. So even if he knows now…

Sheng Yuan nodded.

“Alright, I will take you to the head teacher now.”

The registration deadline was before three o’clock. Miss Xiao Tao thought that no students from her class would participate, so she hurriedly took out the registration form. It was too late to fill it out now, so she directly took Sheng Yuan to the guidance office to fill it out.

When the two of them knocked on the door and entered, there were already three students standing inside the guidance office.

The head teacher touched his head, “Unless something unexpected happens, this year, it may still be the three of you representing…”

Seeing Miss Xiao Tao enter with a student, the head teacher asked, “What’s the matter, Teacher Li?”

“Our class has a student who wants to register for the tri-school joint knowledge competition.”

The head teacher stood up from his office chair in delight, “Who?”

There were only three students from the senior class who registered last year.

It was rare to have an additional one.

Miss Xiao Tao called out: “Sheng Yuan.”

Sheng Yuan stood behind Miss Xiao Tai.

Miss Xiao Tao: “Sheng Yuan, stand in front of me.”

The head teacher said, “No need, standing in front or behind is the same.”

Miss Xiao Tao: “…”

‘I must grow to 1.8 meters in my next life.’

The head teacher looked at this unexpected candidate. He was neatly dressed in the school uniform, and his hairstyle met the student standards. There were no messy bracelets or rings.

He was satisfied with what he saw.

Zheng Zilu had come across Sheng Yuan’s picture on the school forum before. He looked decent on the surface but was actually a delinquent behind the scenes. Zheng Zilu always despised delinquents and students with poor grades the most.

“Teacher, didn’t you say that unless something unexpected happens, the three of us will represent the school in the competition this year?”

The newcomer spoke up, “This counts as something unexpected.”

Zheng Zilu: “…”

‘Well, Sheng Yuan, you’re something.’

No.1 Middle School had not achieved any outstanding results in the tri-school joint knowledge competition for several years. The head teacher also hoped to have as many students as possible register, so that they could select the most excellent ones through the screening process.

However, the three students standing in the office at this moment were already the top three students in the senior class.

The head teacher didn’t beat around the bush and directly stated the participation criteria, “Next week, there will be a monthly exam, and the top three students will participate.”

Sheng Yuan: “Okay.”

The tone was relaxed.

Zheng Zilu looked disdainful.

He wondered how the other person had the audacity to boast here.

Miss Xiao Tao filled out the information at the guidance office and asked Sheng Yuan to wait outside.

When Zheng Zilu came out, he saw Sheng Yuan standing at the door.

“Hey! On what grounds do you register for the competition?”

His other two classmates didn’t expect Zheng Zilu to confront Sheng Yuan head-on and were frightened and quickly pulled him back.

“Stop it.”

“What do you mean by ‘stop it’? Can he beat me up in front of the guidance office?” Zheng Zilu shrugged him off and stared at Sheng Yuan with an unwilling expression. “The person I look down upon the most in my life is delinquents like you.”

Sheng Yuan put his hands in his pockets and looked down on the other person. He narrowed his eyes and listened with keen interest, waiting for Zheng Zilu to finish speaking.

Zheng Zilu managed to say everything without running out of breath.

Sheng Yuan raised an eyebrow, “Are you done?”

His voice was clear and pleasant to the ear, but the words were irritating when they reached Zheng Zilu’s ears.

[System: …]

‘Damn it, it turns out this special treatment isn’t just for me.’

Zheng Zilu: “I’m done. So what?”

Sheng Yuan: “Then it’s my turn to speak.”

Zheng Zilu was dumbfounded, “What are you going to say?”

Sheng Yuan leaned down and whispered softly, “You have food stuck in your teeth.”

Zheng Zilu:!!

Zheng Zilu instinctively closed his mouth, and his face instantly turned red.

Did he have food stuck in his teeth while lecturing Sheng Yuan?!

His companions closed their eyes, pursed their lips, and almost replayed the most heartbreaking moments of Zheng Zilu’s life. They tried to hold back their laughter but ended up snorting like pigs.


Zheng Zilu’s face flushed, and he pointed at Sheng Yuan, “You!”

Sheng Yuan asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Can’t you be more tactful with your words?!”

“Alright, it’s spring in your mouth.”

Zheng Zilu: “…”


‘You have a way with words.’

Zheng Zilu’s voice was somewhat noisy, and Sheng Yuan asked directly, “What’s your grade?”

Zheng Zilu’s arrogance emerged as he raised his chin, “Third in the whole school, with a total score of 701.”

Sheng Yuan remained silent.

Zheng Zilu sneered, “How about you…”

“Alright, I’ll take your place.”


Miss Xiao Tao came out, and Sheng Yuan followed, paying no further attention to him.

Zheng Zilu stood in place, “Stop boasting!”

Sheng Yuan turned a deaf ear.

Walking on the road, the system voiced its confusion.

[System: He spoke to you like that just now. Aren’t you angry?]

“Why should I be angry?”

[System: He has deep misunderstandings about you. Aren’t you angry?]

Sheng Yuan: “I don’t care about him, so I’m not angry.”

The system fell silent.

It had never seen someone like Sheng Yuan before.

Such a heroic and confident demeanor.

Back in the office, Miss Xiao Tao began to handle the arrangements for Sheng Yuan’s midday rest dormitory. After searching the dormitory website for a long time, she found that almost all the midday rest dorms were full.

She called the school dormitory management department to inquire if they could help arrange one.

“We have a vacant spot in the resident dormitory, Room 408. Would you like it?”

Miss Xiao Tao’s face wrinkled slightly, “Is this the only one?”

“This is the only one that can take someone through the backdoor. The rest will be allocated to those with a long-term desire to stay in the school.”

She looked at Sheng Yuan with difficulty and asked, “Are you okay with staying in Dormitory A, Room 408?”

Sheng Yuan was indifferent, “It’s fine, I don’t mind.”

“Or…” Ms. Xiao Tao wanted to persuade him further, but Sheng Yuan had already signed his name on the dormitory list.

“If you don’t have any other business, Teacher, I’ll go back to class.”

Miss Xiao Tao swallowed her words, “It’s alright, you can go.”

As Sheng Yuan’s figure disappeared, the homeroom teacher of Class Seven remarked, “I remember that Yu Zuojin lives in that dormitory. They won’t fight, will they?”

“They won’t. Sheng Yuan is a good kid.”


“Isn’t it?”

The homeroom teacher of Class 7 handed over her phone, showing a post about Sheng Yuan’s misdeeds.

Miss Xiao Tao:?!!

In the afternoon after school, Sheng Yuan planned to go to the bookstore to buy a few sets of exercise books for practice.

The evening breeze of summer caressed his face, devoid of the daytime’s dryness.

Sheng Yuan stood at the traffic light intersection.

[System: Isn’t that Yu Zuojin?]

The target?

Sheng Yuan raised his eyes and indeed saw the figure on the opposite side of the street. Yu Zuojin was too eye-catching, easily noticeable even in a crowd.

At this moment, his face looked gloomy. The external part of the hearing aid, which should have been hanging on his ear, was gripped in his hand, with his fist and sleeves stained with blood, but clearly not his own.

Sheng Yuan had no intention of approaching the target until he noticed five dollars falling out of the person’s school uniform jacket.

He picked it up.

As an honest person when picking up lost money, he intended to return it to its owner.

Yu Zuojin had long legs and large strides, so Sheng Yuan quickened his pace and pulled on the person’s clothes.


Yu Zuojin turned around, and even if he did nothing, his whole body exuded violence.

Veins on his neck, bloodstains on his fists, and those gloomy, beast-like eyes.

“You’re money fell.”

At this moment, Yu Zuojin couldn’t hear, but he watched the shape of the other person’s lips and made out the words.

Finally, he deciphered three words.

“I like you.”

In the next moment, his eyebrows furrowed tightly, full of extreme disgust.

“Not needed.”

His voice was like withered branches, continuously weathered by the wind and sand. Like parched land, devoid of clear water for irrigation, covered in numerous fierce cracks.

One sentence, two words, none of them in harmony.

After speaking, he left directly.

Sheng Yuan:?

‘Not needed?

Then it’s mine.’

He put it the money in his pocket.

Sheng Yuan went to the bookstore with the money, bought the exercise books, and then took a detour to Literary Road.

[System: What are you here for?]

“I have my reasons.”

Following the navigation on his phone, Sheng Yuan arrived at a charitable organization. He walked up to the donation box for disabled people and dropped the five dollars inside.

When he was leaving, a staff member stopped him, “Little student, you can leave your name on the love board.”

“Is that so?”

Sheng Yuan stepped forward and wrote two bold words on the board with a flourish.

Yu Zuojin.

Merit increased by one.

[System: Ding! Yu Zuojin’s Delinquency value reduced by 10. Daily mission completed.]

Author’s Note:

Sheng Yuan: Oh, I have discovered a new world.

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