Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 3

There was something furry against Jiang Xu’s chest. He pushed it in annoyance, and heard Shen Fangyu groan a few times.

“You look thin, how come you’re so heavy to carry …….”

“You’re the one who’s fucking…… heavy.” Jiang Xu raised his head, and with the effect of alcohol, the two men even became disconnected in their speech.

“You can’t …… Jiang Xu,” Shen Fangyu spread out on the pillow, his arm flung to the side of the bed, “You’re drunk from those few……no wonder Zhong Lan …… doesn’t like you.”

Jiang Xu was dizzy but as soon as he heard the words, he smacked Shen Fangyu on the face and covered his mouth, “Your face …… is so hot you could boil an egg, you think …… you’re not drunk?”

“I’m not drunk ……,” the drunkard waved his hand, “I can take a thousand glasses.”

Jiang Xu gave a chortle at his words, “Whether you can drink a thousand glasses or just one, Zhong Lan …… doesn’t like you anyway.”

The stabbed Shen Fangyu rubbed his face, “Zhong Lan ……” he muttered, as if he was caught up in some memory, “I suddenly remembered, Jiang Xu… …I fucking rejected even the class flower’s confession back then because of you.”

“You think …… only you were miserable,” Jiang Xu said, “When I graduated …… I rejected dozens of love letters, just to compete with you …… I didn’t even have the time to open the letters.”

“So why in the end did you want to compete with me?”

“Why don’t you ask …… yourself?”

The two men who had been wasting their time because of their grudges were getting angrier and angrier, and with the addition of alcohol, it was unknown who started the fight, but they were suddenly scuffling together, wishing they could just send each other to heaven.

Fortunately, their minds were not too clear and their eyes were not seeing clearly, so nine out of ten blows were not in the right place. Jiang Xu’s tie had already been torn loose, and the top button had fallen off at some point, revealing an expanse of cold white neck.

He leaned against the bed, pressing the bridge of his nose repeatedly, while Shen Fangyu, who had been throwing empty punches for a while, collapsed on the bed with his eyes closed, panting.

After a long time, he seemed to lament, “Emotions are really metaphysical, I never thought …… Zhong Lan liked women.” Perhaps he found the hotel’s overhead lights too harsh, so he flicked them off with a snap, leaving only the two warm yellow bedside lamps above the bed.

He turned his head to look at Jiang Xiu and suddenly remembered the man in the bar earlier, “Say …… you’re not gay too, are you?”

A fist hit him squarely in the abdomen. Jiang Xu cracked his knuckles, half lifted his eyes and looked at him coldly, “I’m 1 metre and 88 cm, even if I’m gay …… I’m still a 1.”

He was so drunk that he didn’t even know what he was saying, and if he was in his senses, he would have realized that Shen Fangyu’s nonsense had led him into a pit.

Fortunately, Shen Fangyu was also half-drunk and didn’t notice the huge loophole in his words, but sensitively caught the height and subconsciously dissed him, “I’m 1 metre and 88.4 cm”.

Jiang Xiu: “I’m 1 metre 88.43 cm.”

Who can’t count decimal points.

“Ha,” Shen Fangyu suddenly laughed out loud, “I’m 1 metre 88.44 cm.”

“Shit…” Jiang Xu glared at him, but Shen Fangyu was already on top of it, “Not only am I taller than you, believe it or not, my whatever is longer than yours too.”

“I don’t believe it.”

It was as if the desire to win between men was engraved in their DNA, especially with the added benefit of alcohol. Without them noticing, it had swallowed their senses.

Shen Fangyu immediately stripped off his trousers and reached for Jiang Xu’s trousers, the man’s long legs wrapped in the tailored trousers were particularly pleasing to the eye.

Jiang Xu was probably too drunk as his mind was filled with triumphing over Shen Fangyu, so he let his trousers be pulled down. They both looked down at the same time, then looked at each other and said in unison, “I’m longer than you!”

“Impossible,” Shen Fangyu pulled Jiang Xu’s hand straight over and pressed it to himself, “You can compare with your hands.”

Jiang Xu’s hand was very white, the long, slender fingers had thin calluses, and because there was little flesh, you could still see the light green veins on the back of his hand.

Probably because he had been drinking, his blood had all gone to his head and his hands were a little cold. The moment his hand touched Shen Fangyu, the latter suddenly trembled a little.

“Don’t move.” Jiang Xu’s mind only had a single-thread which was focused on testing the length. His hand rubbed against Shen Fangyu in a certain position, and the latter lowered his head in a daze, the visual stimulation making his brain muddled.

Those hands, which usually performed surgical operations in an orderly manner, were moving and rubbing against his body, and his heart inexplicably began to beat wildly.

“What are you doing?!” He cursed his reaction while fumbling to grab Jiang Xu’s hand. The latter was interrupted midway and he raised his eyes to look at him irritably, a few strands from his bangs slightly falling in front of his eyes with the movement of his head.

Only then did Shen Fangyu realise that Jiang Xu’s glasses had been knocked off at some point.

Jiang Xu had inner double eyelids, perhaps because of his myopia, he looked a little dazed with the glasses off. His eyes, which had always looked stern under the lenses, flowed with a natural softness under the light of the warm yellow bedside lamp.

This kind of Jiang Xu made Shen Fangyu feel strange. The alcohol made his body and brain feel light, like he was on a cloud or in a dream.

Shen Fangyu stared blankly at Jiang Xu for a while and suddenly noticed that he had a small mole under his eye.

The mole was so small that he had never noticed it because it was usually blocked by his glasses, but now that he had suddenly noticed it, Shen Fangyu stared at it like he was addicted to it, unable to move his gaze.

Inexplicably, Shen Fangyu felt that the mole was a bit seductive.

Jiang Xu’s face was a cold white colour, which made the black dot particularly clear. He was dazzled by the mole, and when his Adam’s apple rolled, he suddenly forgot who was before him.

So in the next second, Sheng Fangyu’s lower lip lightly pressed against the tiny mole.

Jiang Xu’s eyelashes trembled, his eyes were half-closed, seemingly dazed. His consciousness was fuzzy, and after a moment of confusion, he tilted his head away.

Shen Fangyu propped one hand on the pillow and looked down at Jiang Xu. The moment he tilted his head, Shen Fangyu keenly noticed that he also had a small black mole on his neck.

“My mother said that people with fair skin are prone to growing moles, and it’s true.”

After saying that, he bowed his head and kissed it like a pigmented mole collector.

Shen Fangyu’s lips were cool, and when they suddenly touched the hot neck, Jiang Xu subconsciously tilted his head, his jawline was beautiful, and it looked extra clear because of the tilted head.

Shen Fangyu tried to go lower, but Jiang Xu put his hand against his chest.

“It’s hot,” Jiang Xiu said with his eyes closed, rubbing the folds out of the pure white pillow as he spoke bluntly, “Go turn on the air conditioning.”

After obediently turning on the air conditioner, Shen Fangyu came back with his chin in one hand, his eyes downcast as he looked down at Jiang Xiu, who was lying on his back. The two of them had just been tossing and turning on the bed, and Jiang Xu’s shirt had already rolled up his waist.

‘This Dream Jiang Xui is cute,’ Shen Fangyu thought, ‘not too noisy, and although he looks unreal in the warm yellow light, he is pleasing to the eye.’

Shen Fangyu’s gaze skimmed over the smooth, thin waist, and tore off the few buttons left. Because he hadn’t been exposed to the sun, the skin on Jiang Xu’s chest was exceptionally white, adorned with a small mole.

Unlike the previous ones, this mole was red, like it had a shining drop of blood hidden inside.

Dr. Shen stared at it for a while and rubbed his eyes again, his heart burning inexplicably.

He lifted a finger and pressed the little red mole like a switch, and suddenly, there was an indistinct gasp from above his head.

Shen Fangyu’s brain went numb.

“Shit, don’t provoke me ……”

He took a deep breath and tried to get up. Jiang Xu who was also in a trance suddenly realized what was going on and kicked Sheng Fangyu in annoyance. “Get lost!”

However, the kick fell short and as Shen Fangyu dodged the attack, he grabbed his ankle with his hand.

Jiang Xu’s ankle was very thin and the skin was smooth, so Shen Fangyu couldn’t help but rub it for a while longer.

There was another low, muffled groan.

Unlike the kind in those movies, the man’s voice was a little hoarse, and a little cold and faint, yet inexplicably capable of igniting a fire.

Shen Fangyu suddenly lowered his head, his gaze obscurely looking towards the end of those legs.

This dream was too powerful!

The author has something to say.

Shen Fangyu: I vow to visit every mole on Jiang Xu’s body.

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