Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Jiang Xu was awakened by a phone call.

He always put the phone next to his pillow before he went to bed, so he could pick it up as soon as something happened.


As soon as he spoke, Jiang Xu was taken aback by his own voice, his throat was hoarse and he didn’t know if it was due to the lack of water from the hangover, but it also hurt a little.

“It’s Xiaoxu, your aunt-“

Jiang Xu thought for a while, his mother was an only child, he shouldn’t have an aunt. He was just about to speak when the other side explained, “I’m your mother’s neighbour’s second cousin’s brother in law’s cousin.”


Since becoming a doctor, Jiang Xu felt that his relatives, acquaintances and friends had at least doubled.

Jiang Xu rubbed his brow, inexplicably feeling his arms were also a little sore, as if he had lifted weights all night last night.

“What’s wrong, auntie?” He coughed twice, his throat still uncomfortable.

“It’s like this. I’ve spoken to your mother about your sister Lili, she’s due in two or three months and we want to ask if you could deliver her baby?”

“……” Jiang Xu: “I don’t know how to deliver babies.”

“Oh, you’re a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, I heard from your mother that you’re also the deputy chief. Ha, okay, come to auntie’s house for dinner over the weekend and —”

If it was any other day, Jiang Xu would probably have explained, but today, he was so weary that he didn’t want to say a word more, so he gave an extremely perfunctory “mmm”, planning to ask his mother what was going on later.

Many people have the misconception that obstetricians and gynecologists are the main force in delivering babies, but the truth was that for most women who are healthy and have good labor, there will probably be no doctor from the time they enter the labor ward to the time they are discharged.

A purely normal birth is mainly led by midwives, and only when the birth process does not go well, when there is hemorrhaging, or when there is resuscitation, in short, when there are all kinds of unexpected emergencies, doctors will urgently participate in the birth process and decide whether to send the woman to the operating room for emergency surgery.

As for those sent to Jiang Xu, the odds are that they have critical illnesses, or need a cesarean delivery due to a difficulties during labor.

Just like there are always some patients who want the attention of their doctors, yet the fact that there are a bunch of directors and deputy directors surrounding you every day most often means that your illness …… is not easy to treat.

So for this sister Lili, Jiang Xiu’s best wish for her was that she didn’t meet him at all.

After hanging up the phone, he felt extraordinarily tired. He lazily put the hand holding the phone down, and with a “bam”, hit something furry with the back of his hand.

His eyes snapped open and he saw a head under his hand …….

A few messy memories flooded his mind as an afterthought. He frowned for a moment, racking his brain to think about what he did last night; as if he had a meal, and was rejected by Zhong Lan, then what?

…… Then he and Shen Fangyu went to a bar together.

Jiang Xu suddenly panicked a little.

He carefully pinched the quilt over that head, and pulled it up to take a look.


It was really fucking Shen Fangyu.

He was so furious that he kicked Shen Fangyu off the bed with half of the blanket. He didn’t know why Shen Fangyu’s sleep quality was so good, as he didn’t wake up even after falling out of bed.

As a result of this kick, Jiang Xu sucked in a breath of cold air.

The bones in his body felt like they had been removed and glued back together, causing him to cringe, especially in a subtle place where the muscles were tingling.

What had he done last night? He hadn’t been up all night fighting with Shen Fangyu, had he?

He shook his head, trying to remember something, and then some earth shattering and inappropriate images suddenly pushed their way into his mind.

Jiang Xu’s eyes widened abruptly, and after a long moment, he moved his neck stiffly to look down.

Question:. When you and your nemesis wake up in the same bed, with hickeys, handprints all over your chest and inner thighs, and a strange pain coming from behind, what is the most likely thing that happened between you two?

A. You slept with each other.

B. You slept with each other.

C. You slept with each other.

Jiang Xu grimaced: “I choose D.”

D. You were slept on.

Fuck you.

Jiang Xu silently glanced at Shen Fangyu on the ground. Half of the man’s body was exposed, it was a beautiful body with a standard build, no excess fat, muscles, well-defined bones and clear veins.

–A perfect model for anatomy lessons.

Jiang Xu even felt he had a good idea of where to start cutting.

After reciting the core socialist values ten times, Dr Jiang resisted the urge to kill and disremember Shang Fangyu.

The bed was a mess, the sheets were wrinkled, pillows were thrown everywhere, clothes were scattered on the floor, and everything about the scene seemed to support the absurdity of last night.

Jiang Xu took a deep breath and decided to leave this place of right and wrong sooner rather than later, lest the core socialist values were no good.

He had never showered, washed, ironed his shirt and dressed neatly in one go. When he looked in the mirror again, Jiang Xu was back to the calm, self-possessed and refined Dr. Jiang he had always been.

The only thing that seemed to be missing was something around his neck.

Jiang Xu’s eyes fell on the black tie that had been tossed aside. It was a new tie he had bought and worn for the first time yesterday.

However, the moment he reached out to touch the tie, a certain passionate scene suddenly flashed through his mind —some idiot used this tie to bind his hands and push them over his head.

Some people looked alive, but they were already dead.

With a “rip”, the unlucky tie was torn in half and the ruthless Jiang Xiu threw it into the rubbish bin in the hotel lobby without a backward glance.

He had the first table in the morning, a patient with ovarian cancer. Fortunately, the patient discovered it early and all pre-operative assessments were satisfactory.

The heavy smell of disinfectant permeated the operating room, and Jiang Xu wore a surgical mask and sterile cap, with only one pair of eyes exposed.

The operating theatre was unusually silent today. From the time he entered the operating theatre until now, Jiang Xu had not said a single extra word, except for the necessary instructions.

Yu Sang followed him as an assistant, and he glanced at Jiang Xu’s face cautiously, his heart pounding.

The patient’s condition after the abdominal exploration was even better than the previous tests had predicted, there was little infiltration of metastases and the lesions were not difficult to remove.

The originally arranged surgical plan could have been carried out normally and should have made people feel relaxed, but Jiang Xu looked at the laparoscopic view with a sullen face, making Yu Sang wonder if he had missed any details.

But apparently not. The operation went surprisingly well, and Jiang Xu’s technique was as neat and clean as ever. After removing the lesion and clearing the surrounding lymph nodes, he handed the table over to Yu Sang to do the suturing as usual.

He changed his contaminated gloves and stepped back to watch Yu Sang operate. When he wasn’t busy, Jiang Xu strictly supervised his students, he could see the slightest hint of confusion or intent to make a mistake and stop it in time, so every time a new young doctor operated under Jiang Xu, he would be extremely nervous.

Fortunately, Yu Sang had become more and more familiar with surgery, and now that he has performed some less difficult operations under Jiang Xiu’s supervision, he was not as afraid of him as before.

However, today’s Jiang Xu really scared him, and Yu Sang’s eyelids jumped so much that he felt something bad was going to happen today.

But it turned out that his premonition was right, halfway through the suturing process, the operating theatre’s sensor light came on and an unexpected visitor sauntered in. Yu Sang looked up and bumped into familiar peach blossom eyes.

At the same time, he felt as if the air around him had frozen.

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