Dragon King’s Son-In-Law

Chapter 239 - In Front of Everyone

Chapter 239: In Front of Everyone

Translator: Noodletown Translated Editor: Noodletown Translated

In the early morning sunlight, the white jade bracelet glittered white. On a closer look, Hao Ren could sense the Nature Essence in it.

This was not an ordinary bracelet, but a dharma treasure! Xie Yujia bought it at the Trading Convention on the Fifth Heaven.

Xie Yujia took the bracelet off from her wrist and looked at it against the morning sunlight pouring from the window.

It was sparkling and clear without a trace of impurities! It was translucent!

The bracelet would have been sold for tens of millions of yuan on the auction market.

Xie Yujia sild it back onto her wrist and her gaze moved slowly toward Hao Ren. “I dreamed that the old grandma bought the bracelet for me. When I woke up, I found the bracelet on my wrist.”

Hao Ren looked at her, at a loss for words.

“Let’s go back to the previous question.” Xie Yujia stared at Hao Ren. “Last night, were you in my dream?”

“Ugh…” Hao Ren thought for a while. “Today when we return to East Ocean City, I’ll go with you to visit the old grandma.”

“Ok.” Xie Yujia nodded. She was baffled but didn’t ask any more questions.

She thought that if last night’s dream was real, then she had really held Hao Ren and cried in his arms…

Carefully, she looked up at Hao Ren, blushing. She had thought it was a weird and sad dream, however…

Hao Ren looked at Xie Yujia’s pink face in the morning light and thought for a while. “I’m sorry, Yujia.”

“For what?” Xie Yujia lifted her head.

“For everything,” Hao Ren said.

They fell into silence while white sunshine crept onto the table.

“I don’t want you to leave,” Hao Ren broke the silence and said.

“Last night in the dream, I cried like a baby,” Xie Yujia said after a few seconds of hesitation.

“I know,” Hao Ren answered.

Xie Yujia stared at him, and Hao Ren exhaled deeply. Once again, they fell into silence.

“You are here enjoying the sunshine so early in the morning!” In a long striped dress, Ma Lina appeared at the entrance of the café, a brown purse in her hand.

Her appearance broke the silence between Xie Yujia and Hao Ren. Xie Yujia hid her melancholy and smiled at her. “Why are you here so early?”

“I spent the night at my aunt’s. Since I had nothing to do in the morning, I came back to play with you. I found you were not in the room and guessed you might be having breakfast in the café!”

Ma Lina winked at them. “Am I the third wheel here?”

Xie Yujia rolled her eyes and asked, “Have you had breakfast yet?”

“No. I was waiting for your invitation!” Ma Lina sat down beside Xie Yujia and said.

“What do you want to eat?” Xie Yujia asked her.

“Two meat buns, one bowl of soya bean curb and one plate of steamed dumplings!” Ma Lina said.

“You have a big appetite…” Xie Yujia stood up and went to buy breakfast for her.

When Xie Yujia was gone, Ma Lina looked at Hao Ren meaningfully; she smiled and pointed her finger at Hao Ren. “You are good. Yujia was never close to guys, but you won her heart in one day, right?”

When she came back, she saw Hao Ren and Xie Yujia sitting together at the table next to the window and looking at each other in silence. It was the kind of chemistry between lovers.

Seeing the relationship between Hao Ren and Xie Yujia go so well, Ma Lina began to think he was a good match for Xie Yujia.

After all, the girls were always concerned about such stuff. Xie Yujia had once claimed that she wouldn’t fall in love, but now she had gotten a boyfriend, it was a great topic of gossip for Ma Lina.

“I just met the Class President in the café,” Hao Ren looked at her and explained.

“Don’t play innocent with me!” Ma Lina was all smiles, poking her finger into Hao Ren’s shoulder. She sat up immediately when she saw Xie Yujia walking to them carrying her breakfast.

“Here! Big eater!” Xie Yujia put the breakfast down before Ma Lina and sat back down.

Ma Lina didn’t hesitate; she picked up the chopsticks and began to eat. Between bites, she asked, “What’s the plan for today? When do we leave for Sanmu University?”

Xie Yujia took out a paper towel to clean her hands and was about to answer the question when Ma Lina suddenly dropped her chopsticks and grabbed Xie Yujia’s wrist. “Wow! The bracelet is so pretty! Where did you get it?”

“Oh… I… bought it at the night market last night,” Xie Yujia said after a moment of consideration.

“Really? I’ll go buy one, too!” Ma Lina cried in excitement.

“I bought it at the night market, and we’ll have to leave today,” Xie Yujia told her in exasperation.

“I don’t care! Today you and I stay behind to buy the bracelet. It’s so pretty!” Ma Lina yelled willfully.

Girls had a maniac passion for anything beautiful; Ma Lina was especially excited when she saw the extraordinary bracelet.

Helplessly, Xie Yujia moved her arm out of her grip. “They probably don’t have another one.”

“No! Sell yours to me! How much did you pay for it? I’ll double it!” Ma Lina pestered Xie Yujia with her demand.

“Hey! We are not in the dorm! Stop it.” Xie Yujia reminded her with a nudge of her arm.

At her reminder, Ma Lina realized Hao Ren was watching her. Knowing she had lost her composure, Ma Lina immediately faked a cough and lowered her voice. “This bracelet is so beautiful. Will you sell it to me? I’ll pay you three times the original price. How about four times? Five times?”

Watching Ma Lina’s anxious expression, Hao Ren thought, “That bracelet can’t be bought with money.”

Seeing Xie Yujia was unmoved by her badgering, Ma Lina finally gave up. “Forget it. I’ll try my luck on Taobao. I’ll go and find out if the guys have gotten up yet, so I won’t play the third wheel here.”

She stood up and walked out of the café, leaving a speechless Xie Yujia who didn’t know how to explain the situation.

“Yujia, why don’t you go back to your room and rest?” Hao Ren suggested.

“Ok.” Xie Yujia nodded before she blurted out, “It’s still early. How about going to your room for a visit?”

“Ugh?” Hao Ren was surprised.

“What? I can’t go to your room?” Xie Yujia stared at Hao Ren.

“No…” Hao Ren thought about Lu Linlin and Lu Lili in his room. Although they were doing nothing and had only stayed the night in his room, it would be hard to explain to Xie Yujia when she saw them.

“Then you come to my room,” Xie Yujia offered. “I’ll call Ma Lina into my room, and the three of us can play cards.”

“Play cards… If we include Lu Linlin and Lu Lili, we can play Mahjong…” Hao Ren thought to himself. He said after a moment of consideration, “I’ll go to your room.”

“Good!” Xie Yujia gave him a faint smile before leading Hao Ren to her room.

Xie Yujia’s room faced north. It was very tidy, and the bed was made, another proof of her good life habits.

Her pillow was still damp, and Hao Ren guessed she must have been crying when she woke up this morning.

Xie Yujia also noticed the tear stains on the pillow. She walked over and flipped it over. Turning on the TV, she was about to go out and find Ma Lina when a knock sounded at the door.

Xie Yujia opened the door and saw Ma Lina at the doorway. Ma Lina walked into the room and saw Hao Ren. She immediately retreated and looked at Xie Yujia slyly. “Oh, it’s a bad time for me to visit you!”

“Ma Lina, come and play cards with us! We were about to go find you!” Hao Ren called out to her.

“No! I won’t play the third wheel here!” Ma Lina backed out of the room and shut the door behind her.

Xie Yujia blushed and glanced at Hao Ren in embarrassment.

“Ok, we can watch TV.” Hao Ren picked up the remote control.

“Ok.” Xie Yujia took off her windbreaker and hung it in the closet. Underneath she wore a pale blue shirt which accentuated her elegant figure.

She kicked off her shoes and leaned against the headboard, turning her gaze to the TV.

Hao Ren had been sitting on the edge of the bed. He moved slightly to one side so that he wouldn’t block the TV.

Although they were only watching TV, the fact that they were alone in the room was not lost on them. Hao Ren thought about Lu Linlin and Lu Lili in his room, but he had no time for them now.

“Hao Ren, do you think I’m unlikable?” Xie Yujia leaned against the headboard with her hands clasped before her. She asked him in a low voice.

“No. Probably because you are the Class President, everyone is respectful towards you,” Hao Ren said.

“I wanted to make everything in our class perfect,” Xie Yujia bit her lip and said.

“Because of you, everything in our class is quite orderly. Look at the mess other classes got themselves in, and you’ll find our class is a very organized and consolidated unit,” Hao Ren looked back at her and said.

In the fitting shirt, a long skirt, and long socks, she looked like a pretty girl from a comic book. Her legs resting on the white sheet were so slim and long that they would make most of the girls in the school jealous.

Seeming to have sensed Hao Ren’s gaze on her legs, Xie Yujia quietly shifted and folded her calves under her thighs.

However, this posture accentuated the fullness and sexiness of her thighs.

“If I stay in East Ocean University, I’ll quit as the Class President,” Xie Yujia said abruptly.

“Ugh?” Hao Ren looked at her in surprise.

“People think I’m power hungry and some girls hate me. That stuff is trivial, but they make me uncomfortable,” she said, pursing her lips.

Evidently, she regarded Hao Ren as her intimate friend. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have talked about such trivial stuff.

The topic went on, and she began to tell him many small incidents in the girl’s dorm. Hao Ren listened to these gossips and suddenly felt as if he was her boyfriend who was listening to her complaints when she came back from school.

Xie Yujia was the Class President, but she was also an ordinary college girl who didn’t like other girls to badmouth her behind her back and minded the guys’ opinions of her.

Four episodes of a historical drama ended on TV when the arms of the clock pointed to 12 o’clock.

“Let’s go to meet them in the hall!” Xie Yujia looked up at the clock and said.

Hao Ren found he had stayed almost four hours in Xie Yujia’s room listening to her talk about the trivial things in her life. If the guys had known about it, they would have killed him with their disdainful eyes.

Quickly, Xie Yujia pulled on her short boots and her windbreaker. A neat and pretty Xie Yujia stood before him in seconds.

“Let’s go! I’ll walk with you to your room to get your stuff!” Picking up her bag, she pulled Hao Ren out of her room.

Yu Rong was walking out of a room across the corridor. He rubbed his eyes, thinking his eyes were playing tricks on him. Big news! Hao Ren just came out from Xie Yujia’s room!

With Xie Yujia close behind him, Hao Ren forced himself to open the door to his room. He was relieved to see that Lu Linlin and Lu Lili had left and they even made the beds.

“Your room smells fragrant,” Xie Yujia took the opportunity to look around his room and commented.

“Ugh… I spilled the shampoo last night.” Hao Ren thought quickly.

His sharp eyes saw several long hairs on the bed close to Xie Yujia. If she saw them…

Ruff! Ruff! At this crucial moment, Little White crawled out from under the bed.

“Little White?!” Xie Yujia looked at Little White in pleasant surprise before glancing at Hao Ren. “No wonder you didn’t invite me to your room! You brought Little White with you!”

Little White scratched Xie Yujia’s long stockings with its claws before jumping up into her arms. It stuck out its tongue and licked her neck!

This creature was fawning on Xie Yujia!

“It’s settled! Settled!” Outside Hao Ren’s room, Yu Rong and others were piled up against the door while whispering in excitement.

A pet dog and a perfect couple. Obviously, they had finally become a couple after one day and one night.

“It seems Xie Yujia has agreed to be Hao Ren’s girlfriend after one day’s consideration!” Yu Rong at the bottom of the pile heaved a sigh of relief. He turned to look up at the five heads above him and extended his hand. “Pay up! I told you Ren could win the Class President over!”

“Yeah… Hao Ren has indeed won over our beautiful Class President!” The other guys exclaimed as if they regretted having not made a move themselves before Hao Ren did.

However, a bet was a bet. They had to pay Yu Rong the money they lost in the bet.

Xie Yujia obviously liked Hao Ren, and everyone could see it from the way she held the pet dog and the way she looked at him.

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