Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 5356 – May I Fill The Role?

Chapter 5356 – May I Fill The Role?

“I can’t argue with that.” Li Qiye chuckled after hearing this.

“Because I merely speak the truth, Young Noble. Top cultivators had no issue kneeling before you because they are insects in comparison. I’m an even smaller insect so I feel no shame in this.” Ferocity’s skin became increasingly thicker.

“You are certainly more pragmatic than most.” Li Qiye said with a smile.

“Young Noble, you may not know this but I was a vagrant cultivator. It’s just that as my strength grew, so did my ego.” Ferocity turned red after hearing this.

Unlike Li Zhitian who was born with a golden spoon, Ferocity struggled to survive each day in the past. Those who came from prestigious clans couldn’t imagine his suffering.

Xiao Hu certainly sympathized with Ferocity after hearing this because he lived the same way before meeting his master.

“Is that why you’re here?” Li Qiye smiled.

“Vagrant cultivators’ knees buckle when they see emperors and dao lords, they aren’t qualified to be in one’s presence. The same case applies here.” Ferocity said.

Xiao Hu agreed because when he was a beggar, he never had the chance to see dragon lords, let alone emperors. Kneeling before them was an honor.

After traveling with Hallowed, seeing them became a normal occurrence so he stopped thinking that it was a big deal.

“Your clever flexibility is both your best qualities and your downfall, the reason why you can’t catch up to Supreme.” Li Qiye said.

“He had a noble origin so it’s rather unfair. If I had been stubborn, I wouldn’t be alive right now.” Ferocity responded.

He had tasted bitterness unknown to prestigious clan members. Although he was successful now, it was a tough road. He witnessed other vagrant cultivators fall along the way despite struggling just as hard as he did. Pride and dignity didn’t save them.

Xiao Hu, unlike the others, had no problem with Ferocity’s act today. 

Li Qiye stared at him and said: “It’s fine to be pragmatic. Nothing is constant in this world, dignity and honor are what you make of them. However, there are things that must be upheld or you will fall into depravity.”

“My aspiration for the dao is strong but if my heart ever wavers, I will be aware of it.” Ferocity understood the message.

“It seems you understand the core tenets, Impressive.” Li Qiye held him in higher regard after hearing the answer.

“Then will you take me in, Young Noble?” Ferocity could see that Li Qiye had a good impression of him.

“Aren’t you with Divine Alliance?” Xiao Hu couldn’t help but interject.

“I am only a guest there. I owe Swordsea nothing, only working for certain benefits.” Ferocity responded: “Young Noble, I can see that you are missing a servant. May I fill the role?”

“Am I invisible to you?” Xiao Hu smiled and said.

Ferocity glanced at the youth. Normally, he would make mincemeat of any brat daring to speak to him like this. Alas, the guy was with Li Qiye.

“No need.” Li Qiye refused.

“Then I can be an errand boy, make you tea and such.” Ferocity asked again.

“I’m already doing that.” Xiao Hu seemed afraid that someone might take his position.

“The road is large, you can go wherever you want.” Li Qiye smiled and said.

“That’s good, that’s good.” Ferocity was glad to hear this since at the very least, Li Qiye wasn’t chasing him away.

“Aren’t you a famous dragon lord often compared to Supreme? What happened?” Xiao Hu said.

“Just a false reputation.” Ferocity shook his head.

Whenever people brought up Ferocity, they would talk about his past rivalry with Supreme. Thus, comparing the two was unavoidable but in reality, there was a considerable gap between them.

He went on to say: “I am no match for Supreme who is a role model for all dragon lords. My cultivation is decent but that’s it. It’s a shame that I never got the chance to meet Space Dragon Emperor and Ox-dragon Ancestor, unable to see the pinnacle of the dragon lords. Nonetheless, Supreme leads the way now.” 

Xiao Hu wanted to tease the guy but didn’t expect him to be so honest with his assessment.

“Why didn’t you go to Heaven Alliance then?” Xiao Hu asked.

“Two different matters. Supreme only wants those who are ready to die for him, Swordsea offered a business deal, nothing more.” Ferocity said.

Xiao Hu thought that this made sense.

“How about this, let’s trade spot? I’ll take care of the young noble and you can just rest.” Ferocity sat down next to Xiao Hu and said.

“No thanks, you’re being too obvious.” Xiao Hu gave him the side eye.

“Am I? Let me show you my sincerity then.” Ferocity said and took out a resplendent pagoda exuding mysterious light.

“Isn’t this a good treasure?” Ferocity wanted to bribe the youth.

“You think you’re the only one who has treasures?” Xiao Hu said before casually taking out a precious jewel containing an entire yin-yang cycle.

“...” Ferocity didn’t expect the brat to outdo him with a random treasure.

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