Fantasy Farm

Chapter 100 - A Little Accident

Chapter 100 - A Little Accident

Edited by Zaki

Because of Miss Ghost’s generosity, two wild men suddenly appeared in the family. Not only Lu Qingjiu, but even Yin Xun who had stood silently beside him without saying a word, was not spared. Before Bai Yuehu came home, the two of them took a long time to get rid of the rest of the hairs from other parts of their bodies, leaving only a head full of hair like that of primitive men.

During lunch time, both Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun were a little restless, as if there were needles stuck in their buttocks, Bai Yuehu asked, “Why don’t you guys cut your hair too?”

“It seems a pity to cut it off when it’s this long.” Lu Qingjiu said, “It just so happens that I need to go to town in the afternoon, so I thought I might as well sell it to a barber shop.”

Bai Yuehu frowned slightly when he heard the words: “What are you selling to a barber shop?”

It was only then that Lu Qingjiu remembered that Bai Yuehu didn’t know that hair could be sold for money, so he explained it to Bai Yuehu. He said that hair could be sold for hundreds of dollars at least, and if the hair quality was particularly good, it could even be sold for thousands. After he finished speaking, Bai Yuehu’s expression became very delicate, with surprise mixed with disappointment, disappointment mixed with regret, and he took a while before saying: “Even hair can be sold for money.”

Lu Qingjiu was suddenly reminded that Bai Yuehu seemed to have cut his long hair many times before, and every time he turned into a real body, his hair would grow longer. Before, he was afraid that cutting his hair too frequently would cause the barber shop to suspect him, so he didn’t talk to Bai Yuehu. When Bai Yuehu said this statement, he understood. It seemed that the impoverished fake vixen in his family was full of fluctuations in his heart, and even suspected that he had missed a hundred million.

“So hair can be sold for money.” Bai Yuehu said, “I didn’t know that before.”

Lu Qingjiu quickly comforted Bai Yuehu, saying that he couldn’t sell hair often, otherwise the people in the barber shop would be suspicious if they found out that the hair was always sold by the same person. Bai Yuehu hummed casually, obviously he didn’t listen to Lu Qingjiu’s words, and all his attention was focused on the key word of a few hundred yuan. Seeing this, Lu Qingjiu was a little helpless, he could only think about adding some pocket money to Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu next month. It seemed that the current pocket money could not meet the growing material and cultural needs of his family members

In the afternoon, Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun quietly went to town, very carefully found a barbershop they had never been to, and sold their savage-like long hair.

Although the quality of the hair was average, it was long enough. The owner of the barber shop gave the two of them 500 yuan each. Bai Yuehu was also present when the barber gave the money. Lu Qingjiu could clearly see that the other party’s eyes were glued to the money. There was a little bit of grievance in his expression, making him remember the hair he had cut beforehand. Ah, what a fortune that was, and he lost it so casually, Bai Yuehu thought desolately.

After spending some time changing into a refreshing hairstyle, Lu Qingjiu hurriedly invited Bai Yuehu to have a sumptuous meal with the money he got from selling his hair, so as to comfort Bai Yuehu.

It was the first time Bai Yuehu ate something and didn’t really savour the taste. Finally after repeated promises from Lu Qingjiu at the dinner table that he would definitely bring Bai Yuehu to sell his hair after the next transformation, he reluctantly showed a smile.

Lu Qingjiu: “…..” Hei, he really needed to add more to the pocket money. The children in the family need to feel rich so as not to be suffocated with small desires.

Although his head has been replaced with refreshing short hair, the other parts still needed to recover for a while. The weather was quite hot this summer, and the hair on the soft parts had turned into short stubbles, making those parts of the body extremely itchy. The worst part was that those were private parts and one could not scratch them in public. They could only wait till the evening when they would take a bath.

Lu Qingjiu was so tormented that his consciousness was blurred. He thought in his heart that he should stay away from the lady ghost next time. He really couldn’t bear this torment.

The weather in July was getting hotter and hotter. In order to cool Lu Qingjiu who could not use the air conditioner, Bai Yuehu’s lower body has changed back to the original. Of course, it wasn’t a fox’s prototype but a dragon’s. The black scales were icy and cold, and when wrapped around his body, it was very antipyretic. Lu Qingjiu wished he could stick his whole body on him. However, Yin Xun was a little afraid of Bai Yuehu who looked like this. He would avoid the other party whenever he saw him, and was forced to face Bai Yuehu only when he was eating.

Lu Qingjiu felt that Bai Yuehu’s tail was actually very beautiful. Each black scale reflected  the color coldly and when one touched it, you could feel the hard and smooth texture. The scales on the abdomen were more fine and soft, with a little body temperature, it felt very good in the hand that Lu Qingjiu simply couldn’t stop touching. It was just that every time he touched, Bai Yuehu’s expression was a little indescribably subtle. At first he asked what was going on, but later seeing that Bai Yuehu didn’t say anything, he didn’t ask at all, and just touched it cheekily.

As the weather got hot, Lu Qingjiu’s appetite also decreased, especially after cooking for several hours in the hot kitchen, he didn’t want to eat anything. But in order not to worry Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun, he would stuff himself with whatever he wanted, pretending that the food was delicious.

However, his appearance could only deceive the stupid Yin Xun, who believed in everything, but Bai Yuehu still saw it, so Bai Yuehu began to bring all kinds of strange-shaped food to the house during this time, including birds and animals. The only thing they had in common was that they tasted good and were very appetizing to eat.

Today, Bai Yuehu brought back a big fish with six bodies. When he brought it back, the fish was still alive, flopping about in the water tank.

Yin Xun stretched out his hand to poke it, and said, “This fish actually has six bodies, doesn’t it mean it has six belly parts?”

Lu Qingjiu slowly fanned himself with a hand fan and replied: “How do you want to eat it, braised in brown sauce, sweet and sour, or steamed?”

Bai Yuehu said: “Whatever is convenient for you.”

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while: “There’s so much meat, let’s make a whole fish feast.”

One part was braised in brown sauce, one part was steamed, one part was sweet and sour, and the rest was made into fish balls for soup. And lunch was resolved this way.

The quality of meat of this fish was very good, without any fishy smell or small thorns. When Lu Qingjiu was cooking the fish, he casually mentioned to Yin Xun that there would be a Speciality Product Fair in the city the day after tomorrow, and asked him if he wanted to go together.

“What is the Specialty Product Fair?” Yin Xun was chopping the fish meat into a puree, adding some starch later to wrap it into fish balls.

“It’s a fair that sells Special Products from various places.” Lu Qingjiu said, “You can go and see what you haven’t eaten, and buy some to eat when the time comes.”

“All right.” Yin Xun said, “I really haven’t been there before.”

Bai Yuehu definitely wanted to follow. Since the Wang Rumeng incident happened last time, every time Lu Qingjiu went to the city, Bai Yuehu had to follow Lu Qingjiu, just because he was afraid that something might happen to him again.

The Specialty Products Fair was actually very interesting. It was held several times a year in the city, but the types of special products were different each time. Most of them were crops, and occasionally snacks and dry goods.

Shaohao casually mentioned this expo, and Lu Qingjiu became interested after hearing it, and planned to bring his two family members who seldom participated in such activities to join in the fun.

There were all kinds of food at this expo, both raw and cooked. After applying for booths in huge restaurants, manufacturers from all over the world put out their goods. As soon as Lu Qingjiu and the others entered, they could smell a strong aroma. This aroma was not the same type of food, but the smell of various foods mixed together was very tempting, even Lu Qingjiu was a bit greedy, let alone Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun.

Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun had never been to such a place before. As soon as they entered through the door, their eyes turned into stars, and their shining appearance was just too cute. Needless to say, Yin Xun’s two cute canine teeth had long been exposed. Although Bai Yuehu had no expression on his face, Lu Qingjiu could guarantee that if his tail was exposed, it must be wagging happily. Although it was a dragon tail.

Lu Qingjiu generously took out a few hundred yuan and put it in the hands of the two, saying that the entire exhibition was open to them, if there was not enough money, then ask him for it, and he will just sit at the door. Both Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun hesitated, but finally went in under Lu Qingjiu’s urging.

Lu Qingjiu bought a bag of small twisted doughnuts at the door, and sat on the rest seat outside the door while eating and playing with his mobile phone. His interest in food was not as great as that of Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun, and he couldn’t eat too much, so he simply waited at the door.

The taste of this little twist was very good, with moderate sweetness, crispy and soft. Lu Qingjiu thought that if he had time, he would go back and make some by himself and he could also try to make other snacks by hand.

He was thinking about this when he heard noisy voices and terrified calls from outside, as if someone had seen some terrible scene. Lu Qingjiu stood up suspiciously. As soon as he walked out, he saw the billowing smoke and the flames soaring into the sky not far away.

“It’s on fire, call the police”

“Why did it suddenly catch fire and where is it?”

People were discussing intensely, and more and more people gathered at the door. Lu Qingjiu looked towards that place, but was shocked to find that the one on fire was actually the Yinjian building that he had been to before. The glaring flames shot out from a place close to the top of the building, and the flames were accompanied by a strong burnt smell and black smoke.

Lu Qingjiu felt his arm being grabbed by a hand, he turned his head and saw Bai Yuehu with a serious expression.

“Is the Yinjian building on fire?” Lu Qingjiu asked, “What happened to Zhu Rong and the others?”

Bai Yuehu said: “I don’t know.” He paused for a moment, “But I can feel the breath of the Zhulong.”

“Zhulong?” Lu Qingjiu was startled, “He set the fire?”

Bai Yuehu said: “I don’t know, but it should have something to do with him.”

“Zhu Rong and the others will be alright?” Lu Qingjiu was a little worried.

Bai Yuehu replied: “Let’s go and have a look.”

Lu Qingjiu nodded.

The fire was very large and quickly spread on the floor, and because the fire was on the top floor, even if the fire truck came, it might not be able to do anything. For this kind of high-rise fire, the only option was to evacuate the crowd and wait until the building was almost burned to extinguish itself. There were very few other things that could be done.

Lu Qingjiu, Bai Yuehu, Yin Xun rushed against the flow of people towards the Yinjian building.

Lu Qingjiu originally thought that this building would burn for a long time, but he didn’t expect that when they got there, the originally huge fire had already been extinguished, at least no traces of open fire could be seen from the outside.

“Destroyed?!” Lu Qingjiu was a little surprised.

Bai Yuehu’s expression was very serious, he said: “You and Yin Xun wait outside, I’ll go in and have a look.”

Lu Qingjiu nodded, telling Bai Yuehu to be careful.

Probably because they were afraid of the fire spreading, there was no one around at the moment, Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun hid in the corner, watching the billowing thick smoke continuously rising from the burning building.

“Who do you think set the fire?” Yin Xun whispered, “Is it Zhulong?”

Lu Qingjiu replied: “I don’t know, but it should have something to do with them.”

Yin Xun seemed a little uneasy. “What are they doing in the human world, could it be..” he suddenly stopped talking, dumbly lowering his head, only to see a sharp knife sticking out of his chest, the sharp blade directly penetrating his chest.

“Yin Xun!” Lu Qingjiu cried out in horror.

“Run!” Yin Xun spat out two words with difficulty, and fell to the ground weakly. Lu Qingjiu saw the person standing behind Yin Xun. It was a handsome young man, but he was different from ordinary people. His eyes were red like flames, and there was a cruel smile on his face: “Ah, you are Lu Qingjiu?”

Lu Qingjiu turned around and ran away.

The young man put away his knife, and immediately planned to pursue him, but a figure jumped out from the tall building beside him, and threw the young man to the ground; it was Bai Yuehu who had entered the tall building to check. The boy’s body didn’t seem to have a fixed shape, and when Bai Yuehu pounced, it dissipated like smoke and dust.

Seeing this, Lu Qingjiu hurriedly stepped forward to help Yin Xun, and said, “Yin Xun, Yin Xun, are you okay?”

He stretched out his hand to feel under Yin Xun’s nose, only to find that there was no breath there. Lu Qingjiu was frightened out of his wits: “Yuehu, Yuehu, it’s not good, Yin Xun is not breathing!”

Bai Yuehu’s face remained calm, and he walked slowly to Yin Xun’s side. After briefly checking Yin Xun’s condition, he said, “It’s okay, once we go back and soak him in a bath, he will be fine again.”

Lu Qingjiu: “Ha??”

Bai Yuehu said: “It’s just a fake death mechanism.”

Lu Qingjiu: “….”

After Bai Yuehu’s explanation, Lu Qingjiu finally accepted the fact that Yin Xun was fine. Bai Yuehu said that creatures like mountain gods had no abilities and were very fragile, so they have evolved many defense mechanisms, such as eating them will make people feel sick and have diarrhea, or if they were hurt in a vital point, they would be in a fake death situation, and other such passive defense mechanisms making the carnivores who covet his body would lose interest. After all, most carnivores only eat living things.

Lu Qingjiu was in a mixed mood when he heard that, he was happy that Yin Xun was fine, but at the same time he was thinking about how many tragic past events they had to go through to evolve such abilities

“Where is that Zhulong, has it run away?” Lu Qingjiu helped Yin Xun up from the ground, and asked Bai Yuehu what he was worried about, “And Zhu Rong and the others?”

Bai Yuehu frowned and said, “I suspect that their goal is not the Yinjian Building.”

“Not the Yinjian building,” Lu Qingjiu said, “then where?”

Bai Yuehu shook his head, indicating that he didn’t know at the moment, but since Zhulong’s target was not Yinjiang, Zhu Rong and the group of little monsters should not be in danger, and according to Bai Yuehu, the fire has been extinguished. He went up to make sure and there were almost no casualties. Only after hearing this did Lu Qingjiu feel relieved, and planned to carry Yin Xun on his back.

Seeing this, Bai Yuehu stopped Lu Qingjiu’s movements, stretched out his hand, lifted Yin Xun up like a sack, and said, “Let’s go, go home.”

En.” Lu Qingjiu wasn’t in the mood to continue shopping.

The three of them found the minivan and went home. Lu Qingjiu was thinking about the Zhulong all the way. He didn’t understand what the Zhulong wanted to do. Setting a fire in the Yinjian building, was it just to provoke Zhu Rong? But now that he carefully thought about it, Zhu Rong was not only the God of Summer, but also the God of Fire. Flame was not a terrible thing to him.

“Are you scared?” Seeing that Lu Qingjiu was silent, Bai Yuehu seemed a little worried.

Lu Qingjiu quickly shook his head, indicating that he was fine: “No.”

Bai Yuehu said: “I shouldn’t have left your side. ”

Lu Qingjiu showed helplessness: “How can I blame you for this matter? Can you stay by my side 24 hours a day, besides, I am also an adult, I should always be responsible for myself for some things.” Although he and Bai Yuehu were lovers, they were also two independent individuals. Even if Bai Yuehu protected him tightly, there would be omissions in the end. But even if there was an omission, it was not Bai Yuehu’s fault, he should be responsible for himself.

“Don’t blame yourself, it’s not your fault.” Lu Qingjiu continued to comfort him.

Bai Yuehu stopped talking, his lips pursed into a tight arc.

In the tormented atmosphere, they finally arrived home. Lu Qingjiu hurriedly put Yin Xun into the water for soaking as Bai Yuehu had said.

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“How long should he soak?” Lu Qingjiu looked at Yin Xun with a little worry.

“At least half a day.” Bai Yuehu replied.

Lu Qingjiu hummed, and planned to go to the kitchen to cook but saw that Bai Yuehu was not as enthusiastic about food as usual and was just sitting in the courtyard with a gloomy face thinking about something.

Lu Qingjiu understood what Bai Yuehu was thinking in almost a moment. Obviously Bai Yuehu was still sullen about leaving him just now. Lu Qingjiu thought about it, didn’t try to coax him, turned and went into the house.

The noisy cicadas became especially ear-piercing at this moment. Bai Yuehu was sitting in the yard with half-closed eyes, and his whole body exuded low air pressure. If Yin Xun was still around, he would definitely avoid him and walk around him.

Lu Qingjiu was inside the house for about half an hour before coming out with a bowl of bright red smoothie in his hand. Strawberry juice and hawthorn sauce were poured into the smoothie, and watermelon grapes were placed on top of it. The smoothie looked very attractive.

He walked up to Bai Yuehu, put down the smoothie and spoon, and said: “Eat.”

Bai Yuehu didn’t move.

Lu Qingjiu smiled and asked, “You want me to feed you?”

Bai Yuehu gave a muffled hum. Hearing this, Lu Qingjiu raised his hand to scoop up a spoonful of smoothie and was about to put it in his mouth. Seeing this, Bai Yuehu reached out and grabbed Lu Qingjiu’s arm, frowned and said: “You can’t eat ice.”

Lu Qingjiu: “I’m not umm..

It was a not-so-gentle kiss, with a little anxiety of being afraid of losing the other party. It wasn’t until Lu Qingjiu responded that Bai Yuehu’s movements softened.

After the kiss was over, Lu Qingjiu’s breath became a little messed up, and he said, “I really don’t blame you.”

Bai Yuehu said: “But I blame myself.”

Lu Qingjiu replied: “Okay, don’t talk about that, you won’t be angry after eating the smoothie anymore, good boy.” He fed the smoothie into Bai Yuehu’s mouth with a spoon.

Bai Yuehu held the spoon in his mouth and said vaguely, “I don’t want to eat smoothies.”

“Then what do you want to eat?” Lu Qingjiu asked

“I want to eat you.” Bai Yuehu sucked Lu Qingjiu’s fingers.

Lu Qingjiu raised the corner of his mouth, leaned into Bai Yuehu’s ear, and softly agreed.

When Yin Xun came out of the water basin, it was already dark, the big hole in his chest had completely healed and he could no longer feel any difference. In fact, when the knife struck in, he didn’t feel any pain at all. His last thought was to let Lu Qingjiu run away quickly. After all, he could be reborn, but Lu Qingjiu couldn’t.

Now that he has returned home safely, it meant that Lu Qingjiu was fine, so Yin Xun was relieved. He slowly crawled out of the basin, found the clothes next to him and put them on, touched his hungry stomach and planned to go into the house to find something to eat, but as soon as he walked to the door, he heard the sound of moaning and ambiguous movements from the house. The voice belonged to Lu Qingjiu. Yin Xun’s face burned when he heard it, and he turned around and went home.

There were only three fucking humanoid creatures in this village who could breathe and now the other two humanoids are together, leaving Yin Xun alone with no place to get together. But having said that, the ghost lady in the backyard was quite beautiful, and she was not married, so he didn’t know if he had a chance.

Yin Xun, who was stimulated by Lu Qingjiu, suddenly had an immature idea

The next day, Yin Xun went to Lu Qingjiu’s house for dinner as usual, but this time when he went there, he also had a bunch of beautiful wild flowers in his hand. Lu Qingjiu saw the flowers in Yin Xun’s hand and asked who Yin Xun wanted to give them to, there were two pigs and a fox left in the house, did Yin Xun also have any interest in small animals?

Hearing this question, Xiaohua cast a vigilant look at Yin Xun.

Yin Xun quickly explained that he didn’t have such a heavy taste, and he would never be so hungry that he would attack small animals. Lu Qingjiu said, “Then who do you give the flowers to?”

Yin Xun said: “Fu Ziying is such a good name.”

Lu Qingjiu was drinking soy milk at the time and almost choked himself to death, his face turned red from coughing: “You don’t even let off dead ghosts!”

Yin Xun said bluntly, “Aren’t I also a dead ghost?”

Lu Qingjiu: “……” That seemed quite reasonable.

Yin Xun: “We are all dead ghosts, we must not dislike each other.”

Lu Qingjiu fell into deep thought.

Yin Xun said: “You cook first, I’ll go to the backyard to see her.”

Lu Qingjiu wanted to say something else, but he saw that Yin Xun had already happily rushed to the backyard. Looking at Yin Xun’s happy back, Lu Qingjiu really couldn’t bear to remind Yin Xun. Did he already forget the last time? Yin Xun had cried even more than him at that time.

Forget it, after all when the child grows up, it’s normal for him to want to fall in love, Lu Qingjiu comforted himself like this.

As a result, half an hour later, Yin Xun appeared in the kitchen crying. Lu Qingjiu was stunned by his appearance: “Yin Xun, what is that thing on your eyes?” Yin Xun had long black strings hanging from his eyes.

Yin Xun cried and said, “Damn, I thought leg hair is fine, why the hell are eyelashes counted as hair?”

Lu Qingjiu: “Pfft”

Yin Xun: “I can’t see anything”

Lu Qingjiu laughed out loud, and almost died from laughing. Yin Xun wept and said that it seems that this ghost lady was not blessed to enjoy the joys of love.

Lu Qingjiu wiped away his tears, patted Yin Xun’s shoulder, and said it’s all right, if fate comes, he will always find it.


The author has something to say: Yin Xun: I want to fall in love

Lu Qingjiu: Request

Yin Xun: Alive

Bai Yuehu: Why are you so demanding?

Yin Xun: (T_T)

Ela ~ Wow 100th chap already Somehow the novels I picked all have 117 chaps Unfortunately unlike ADBPA I cannot do any daily release for this novel. Each chap is quite long here.. But I will try to stock chaps to see if I can make weekly post.

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