Fantasy Farm

Chapter 101 - The Significance of Spring

Chapter 101 - The Significance of Spring

Edited by Zaki

A few days later, Lu Qingjiu learned that the fire caused by the Zhulong did not cause any casualties. Although the situation looked very critical at that time, it seemed that because Zhu Rong returned in time, only some humans were injured by the thick smoke, but fortunately there was no danger to their lives.

However, this was just the beginning. The Zhulong hidden in the human world began to create chaos, either setting fire or eating people, causing panic in the whole city, and no one knew what he wanted to do.

This morning Lu Qingjiu read the news, it was said that someone found three headless corpses in a park last night, and the murderer has not yet been brought to justice. The news urged citizens not to go out as much as possible during this time. Even if they did go out, they must choose places with many people and bright lights

After reading the news, Lu Qingjiu immediately thought of the Zhulong. He called Hu Shu and asked about the details of the case.

Hu Shu didn’t expect that Lu Qingjiu would be interested in this case, so he gave Lu Qingjiu a general introduction to the case with great enthusiasm. It was said that the three corpses did not have heads, and the heads seemed to be bitten off by some fierce beast, the abdomen was also dissected, and all the soft internal organs had been eaten as well. However, because the content was too bloody, the police station temporarily withheld information about the case and did not disclose it. According to the condition of the corpse, the forensic doctor judged that the perpetrator could not be a giant beast in the city.

“Brother Lu, do you have any thoughts on this case?” Hu Shu asked Lu Qingjiu expectantly. He was pressured to death by these cases recently. Although the cases were being handled by people higher up in the chain, there was no indication on what or who could be the murderer. There was not a single clue.

“No.” Lu Qingjiu didn’t dare to reveal anything in his tone. Zhu Rong and others who knew about the Zhulong would definitely think of this kind of beast immediately. Those who didn’t know, it was simply throwing away lives, trying to catch the Zhulong.

Hu Shu said: “Then if you have any clues, you must talk to me ah. This murderer is too cruel, and he will commit crimes again in the near future.”

Lu Qingjiu agreed affirmatively.

Then at night, Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu talked about the Zhulong. Bai Yuehu said that the Zhulong might not be able to suppress his ferocious nature to do these things. After all, there were no human laws in the other world, and they could kill everywhere, without any restraints or care for the surroundings.

Lu Qingjiu thought of his grandfather: “Will the corrupted Yinglong do the same?”

Bai Yuehu nodded: “But they are more picky.” They usually only eat what they like the most and what they hate the most. As for other small fish and shrimps, they were too lazy to spend too much effort on them.

Lu Qingjiu hummed in understanding.

Bai Yuehu said that he might have to go out tomorrow, and told Lu Qingjiu to be careful and not to leave the yard. Lu Qingjiu responded obediently, saying that he would cook sauerkraut at home tomorrow, and he would not leave the house for a day.

Bai Yuehu still looked worried and until Lu Qingjiu promised that he would not leave the courtyard, he was reluctantly assured.

It seemed that Bai Yuehu was also busy with Zhulong’s affairs. It was difficult to find the Zhulong’s breath after it had hidden. In addition, this was the human world after all, so many methods could not be used, otherwise it might cause harm to humans.

Since there were so many restraints and taboos, it was no wonder that the Zhulong hadn’t been found yet.

The next day, after Bai Yuehu left, Lu Qingjiu started making sauerkraut. This sauerkraut was originally best made in winter, but Lu Qingjiu couldn’t stand the too cold environment, so he had to change the time. He washed the cabbage, dragged out the sauerkraut jar and a large amount of salt, and planned to stack the cabbage neatly one by one.

They liked to eat sauerkraut here, especially the sauerkraut made at home. Compared with sauerkraut bought from the store, homemade sauerkraut had a stronger sour taste and a crisper taste. Sauerkraut fish, sauerkraut vermicelli soup, or putting some sauerkraut on a barbecue gave a wonderful taste. Especially in summer, this kind of peculiar pickle was even more useful. It tasted sour, crisp and refreshing, and one could even eat two more bowlfuls of rice with it.

Yin Xun also came to help, with a lollipop in his mouth. He sat beside Lu Qingjiu and washed the cabbages.

All the cabbages were homegrown. It was crispy and sweet, and hence when made into sauerkraut, it would be very delicious. Lu Qingjiu put the cabbages on a bamboo mat to dry in the sun. When making sauerkraut, it was best to ensure the cabbages were dry, otherwise it would easily damage the bacteria in the sauerkraut jar and cause mould. After drying, it can be fermented in a cool place with salt. In a few months, delicious sauerkraut will be ready.

They still have some left over from the pickles they made last year. After drying the cabbage, Lu Qingjiu went to clean up other jars as well.

He was lowering his head to do it, but heard a thud from the doorway, as if something had hit their doorway.

Lu Qingjiu’s and Yin Xun’s movement stopped at the same time, and they glanced at each other, seeing doubts in each other’s eyes.

“Who’s outside?” Lu Qingjiu called out.

No one answered, and it was very quiet outside.

“Who is it?” Yin Xun wiped off the water in his hands on his clothes, walked to the door, looked out through the peephole, it was not known what he saw, but he took in a sharp breath, “This, this is, what is this ah.”

“What’s wrong?” Lu Qingjiu asked.

Yin Xun said, “Come and see for yourself.”

Lu Qingjiu walked over, and also looked at the cat’s eye at the door. This iron door was replaced by Bai Yuehu. Previously they had a fragile wooden door. Although the cold and hard style of the iron door seemed incompatible with the whole yard, it was still good. The safety was sufficiently guaranteed. Although the sight range of the cat’s eyes was very narrow, Lu Qingjiu could barely see what was going on outside.

There was no one outside, only flowers blooming everywhere.

These flowers were colorful, blooming in the emerald green grass, there were even colorful butterflies fluttering in it, which looked too beautiful to behold. The flowers were like a thick blanket, directly covering the outside of Lu Qingjiu’s door, but although the picture was beautiful, it gave Lu Qingjiu a feeling of chills on his back. He turned his head to look at Yin Xun, and on Yin Xun’s face, the same terrified expression could be seen.

“I don’t know what it is either.” Lu Qingjiu said, “But it doesn’t feel like a good thing.”

Yin Xun replied: “Let’s call Bai Yuehu.”

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, but shook his head. Instead, he sent a text message to Bai Yuehu. He was afraid that Bai Yuehu’s fight with people might be at a critical juncture. If it was not a critical moment, then Bai Yuehu would definitely hear the ringtone of the text message from the phone.

Fortunately, the flowers outside the door did not change, so Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun went to the yard and continued to wait.

But soon, there was another strange thumping sound outside the door. Yin Xun couldn’t hold it back. He moved closer to the cat’s eye and took a closer look and said in a trembling tone, “Qingjiu ah! The flowers are increasing!”

Lu Qingjiu: “There are more flowers?”

Yin Xun nodded quickly.

Lu Qingjiu also took a look, and found that the flowers outside the door were indeed increasing. This change made people very disturbed, as if something terrible happened under their noses.

“By the way, can’t you see the situation of the entire Shuifu Village?” Lu Qingjiu suddenly remembered Yin Xun’s ability, “Can you see it now?”

Yin Xun thumped his thigh and exclaimed, “Oh, I forgot!” He usually used this ability to see the situation on the mountain, but he forgot that he could also see the village’s situation.

“Let me see.” Yin Xun closed his eyes.

Lu Qingjiu sat by the side and waited, but found that Yin Xun’s face with his eyes closed became more and more ugly, and finally he was trembling all over his body. When he opened his eyes again, his entire face was full of fear, and even his voice began to tremble: “Qingjiu”

“What’s there outside?” Lu Qingjiu hurriedly asked.

Yin Xun started to reply but stopped: “I…”

Lu Qingjiu asked: “What?”

Then finally Yin Xun said, “Let’s wait for Bai Yuehu to come back.”

Lu Qingjiu was taken aback for a moment, he wanted to ask Yin Xun what the flowers on the ground outside were, but Yin Xun pursed his lips tightly and didn’t want to say any more. Seeing this, Lu Qingjiu couldn’t force him and he couldn’t figure out what exactly Yin Xun saw to show this kind of resistance.

The atmosphere in the yard was terrifyingly quiet. Lu Qingjiu couldn’t take it anymore, he stood up and asked Yin Xun if he wanted to eat, but Yin Xun shook his head in a panic.

“I don’t want to eat.” Yin Xun muttered, “I’m not hungry.”

Lu Qingjiu hesitated to speak.

Yin Xun replied: “Jiu’er, I know you want to ask what is outside, but I think it’s better not to know about it.” His eyes were a little empty, “I..”

“Okay, I won’t ask any more.” Lu Qingjiu saw that he was a little stimulated, and quickly pressed his shoulder to comfort him, “Don’t be afraid.”

A wry smile appeared on Yin Xun’s face.

The best way now was to wait for Bai Yuehu to come back, but there was no response from the other end of the text message sent by the phone. It seemed that the situation on Bai Yuehu’s side was not particularly optimistic, otherwise he would not stop looking at the phone.

Lu Qingjiu thought about it, and simply took a bag of melon seeds from the house and sat down in the yard to eat them slowly. Yin Xun was infected by Lu Qingjiu’s calm attitude, and his mood eased a lot, but he still refused to say anything. He did not look from the cat’s eye again but did not stop Liu Qingjiu from looking.

The dense flowers had already filled their eyes as far as they could see outside the house. The beautiful flowers were so delicate that they were surrounded by bees and butterflies, as if in full spring.

Just what this gorgeous scenery meant, Lu Qingjiu was full of doubts. He couldn’t figure out what exactly Yin Xun saw that caused him to have such a fierce reaction.

As the sky gradually darkened, Lu Qingjiu’s phone rang. He picked up the phone and looked at it, it was a call from Bai Yuehu.

After the call was connected, Lu Qingjiu heard Bai Yuehu’s voice. His tone was a little hurried, and he asked where Lu Qingjiu was now and if he had gone out. It seemed that he just saw the message Lu Qingjiu had sent him.

“I haven’t gone out yet.” Lu Qingjiu spat out a melon seed, “You don’t have to worry about me, Yin Xun and I have been waiting for you inside the house.”

“Okay, I’ll be right back, you must not go out.” Bai Yuehu reiterated.

Lu Qingjiu said: “En, we are all fine, don’t be in a hurry, you must pay attention to safety.”

Bai Yuehu hung up the phone after responding.

“Bai Yuehu will be back soon.” Lu Qingjiu coaxed Yin Xun, “Don’t be afraid.”

Yin Xun had a complicated expression on his face. He licked his lips and whispered, “Jiu’er, do you really want to know what’s going on outside?”

Lu Qingjiu naturally wanted to know, people were curious by nature, no matter what the answer to a question was, there would always be a desire to know. Just looking at Yin Xun’s terrible state, Lu Qingjiu couldn’t bear to let him speak out, so facing Yin Xun’s question, Lu Qingjiu shook his head to indicate that he didn’t want to know. Bai Yuehu would be back later, so if he asked Bai Yuehu directly, he should be able to know what was going on.

Seeing this, Yin Xun lowered his head, feeling very depressed, and Lu Qingjiu didn’t know how to comfort him.

About five or six minutes later, there was the sound of the door opening. Lu Qingjiu rushed to the door and saw Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu stood among the flowers on the ground, but his extremely gloomy face created a sharp contrast with the delicate flowers under his feet.

As soon as the door was opened, before Bai Yuehu opened his mouth to speak, a round object flew over from the distant sky, smashed directly into Lu Qingjiu’s yard from the door, and rolled in a circle. Wherever it went, flowers blossomed everywhere. Lu Qingjiu was stunned for a moment, and reflexively looked at the round object, but Bai Yuehu immediately tried to reach out to cover Lu Qingjiu’s eyes, but before that, Lu Qingjiu had already seen clearly.

It was a human head, cut off from the neck, the eyes were peacefully closed, but he could still recognize the face he had seen before.

Relying on his memory, Lu Qingjiu quickly remembered where he had seen the owner of the head, Gou Mang.

This was Spring God – Gou Mang, that beautiful girl-like Spring God dressed in fancy clothes was actually dead.

Wherever his head rolled, there were hundreds of flowers in full bloom, like the full bloom of spring.

Lu Qingjiu froze in place: “That sound just now…” Lu Qingjiu turned his head to look at Yin Xun.

Yin Xun was extremely depressed, and he answered Lu Qingjiu’s question in a low voice: “There is a person who threw Gou Mang’s head from a distance…” and smashed it on the iron gate of their house.

Boom, boom, boom, one after another, like a life-threatening urging, the head bounced off the door and rolled towards other places, blooming flowers all over the place.

No wonder the sounds kept coming one after another, no wonder the flowers on the ground became more and more prosperous.

This was the blanket that Spring God had laid out with his death, and the bees and butterflies on it were the painful cry of the Spring God.

“Who did it?” Lu Qingjiu asked with difficulty, “Is it the Zhulong?”

Neither Bai Yuehu nor Yin Xun spoke, and they both fell into a strange silence at the same time.

And Lu Qingjiu got a clue from this silence, an unbelievable thought popped up in his mind, and said: “It’s not Zhulong, is it? It’s actually…”

“It’s your Grandfather.” Bai Yuehu’s answer confirmed Lu Qingjiu’s guess, “To be precise, it’s your Grandfather after being corrupted.”

Lu Qingjiu was dumbfounded. At this moment, he finally understood why Yin Xun was unwilling to tell him what happened outside, because his Grandfather was standing at the door, smashing this head on the black door of their house one after another.

“Why would he do this?” Lu Qingjiu didn’t understand.

“Killing is just instinct.” Bai Yuehu said, “There is no need for a reason.”

Lu Qingjiu closed his eyes in pain.

Bai Yuehu said: “That’s how it is in the Other world, without the restraint of the law, it’s a chaotic and barbaric world.”

Lu Qingjiu didn’t know what to say anymore. The rolled head rested on a luxuriant flower, and a beautiful butterfly was born. That butterfly flapped its wings and landed on the tip of Gou Mang’s nose. Gou Mang’s expression did not show any pain. It could even be said to be a peaceful expression. This made the scene even more grotesque and terrifying, but it still has a terrifying beauty.

“The God of Spring is dead, what about spring?” Lu Qingjiu asked.

“He will be resurrected.” Bai Yuehu walked to Gou Mang’s side, reached out and picked up his head, “It just takes some time.” The Gods who were entrusted to the four seasons were immortal and as long as there was still spring, he would still have a chance of resurrection. After many years, perhaps in a certain flower that blooms in spring, a God dressed in fine clothes would appear, holding an umbrella that could produce all things in his hand, lazily yawning as if awakening from a long sleep.

Hearing that Gou Mang could be revived, Lu Qingjiu breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the head in Bai Yuehu’s hand and asked, “Then what should we do with this head?”

Bai Yuehu took a look: “Send it to Zhu Rong.”

Lu Qingjiu: “Oh.” Before he finished replying, he heard Bai Yuehu say, “Or just sell it to Shaohao, doesn’t he like gardening the most?” This head could continuously produce a flower tapestry, and could be said to be very environmentally friendly.

Lu Qingjiu: “…”

Bai Yuehu saw his expression and replied: “It seems a bit inhumane.”

But Lu Qingjiu asked: “How much can I sell it for?”

Bai Yuehu: “I think it was sold for 500 yuan last time.”

Lu Qingjiu’s expression twisted for a moment, he couldn’t fail to notice the key words in Bai Yuehu’s words: “Last time”

Only then did Bai Yuehu realize that he had slipped up, and explained: “The last time was an accident.”

Lu Qingjiu: “You sold the accident for 500 yuan?”

Bai Yuehu stared at the head in his hand and fell silent.

Lu Qingjiu: “And why only sell it for five hundred, isn’t that too cheap?”

Bai Yuehu said: “Then how much will it sell for?”

Lu Qingjiu: “At least, let’s add another five hundred.”

Bai Yuehu: “All right.”

Yin Xun, who was originally terrified and pained, fell into a bewildered silence after listening to the conversation between the two. Judging from his expression, it seemed that his consciousness was even more blurred. Lu Qingjiu was a little worried about him, so he hurriedly spoke a few words of comfort. Yin Xun shook his head, saying that he was fine, and asked what to do with the flowers in this place.

Lu Qingjiu didn’t know what to do, so he looked at Bai Yuehu, knowing that he must have enough experience.

Bai Yuehu looked at it and said not to worry, without Gou Mang’s head, the flowers would be gone by the next day, and asked Lu Qingjiu to wait at home, and said he would send the head to Zhu Rong first, otherwise the yard would continue to bloom. Lou Qingjiu agreed and saw Bai Yuehu leave again.

“Do you want to eat something?” Lu Qingjiu asked Yin Xun, because they had been waiting nervously in the room, they didn’t even eat dinner. After the tension had reduced, Lu Qingjiu felt hungry.

“I want to eat some meat.” Yin Xun wilted like a cabbage that had lost its moisture, and although Bai Yuehu explained the situation, he was still immersed in the image he had just seen and could not extricate himself.

Lu Qingjiu probably also understood his state, and said, “Then let me make fried chicken for you, okay?”

Yin Xun nodded in agreement.

Their family seldom ate fried chicken, Lu Qingjiu only cooked it once in a while.

There were still leftover chicken drumsticks at home. Lu Qingjiu took it out and thawed it, marinated it, then wrapped it in bread crumbs and deep-fried it at low temperature. Fried chicken was generally fried twice. The first time using a low-temperature oil to make the chicken thoroughly cooked, and the second time using high heat to make the outer layer of the chicken crispy and golden, forcing out the oil inside.

After Lu Qingjiu finished frying, he also made dipping sauces. The two chose a movie in the living room and watched while eating fried chicken.

Yin Xun drank iced cola, Lu Qingjiu drank chocolate milk, the atmosphere finally eased down.

Bai Yuehu came back as quickly as he left, and when he came back, he nestled on the sofa and ate fried chicken. The three of them temporarily forgot about the bloodstained flowers in the courtyard and put all their attention on the movie in front of them.

Lu Qingjiu chose a warm comedy, and after watching it, he felt that his soul was also purified. Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu obviously preferred the fried chicken in their hands, they both gnawed on it seriously, and after a while their faces were covered with bread crumbs.

After eating fried chicken, it was almost twelve o’clock. Yin Xun got up and said goodbye to go home, Lu Qingjiu watched him leave.

“Did you encounter any trouble today?” Lu Qingjiu turned to ask Bai Yuehu.

“Yeah.” Bai Yuehu said, “That Zhulong is evolving.”

“Evolving?” Lu Qingjiu said, “What do you mean?”

Bai Yuehu said: “It means he can control himself better.”

Lu Qingjiu: “But shouldn’t this be a good thing?”

Bai Yuehu sighed: “It’s not a good thing.” Only then did he explain what evolution meant. It turned out that Zhulong was born with a strong desire to destroy, and this desire for destruction made him easy to find, but if Zhulong evolved and controlled the desire to destroy, which might be good for the time being, but in time, they would not be able to find the Zhulong. And if Zhulong was allowed to live in the human world, once it got out of control, it would be a devastating disaster. Now was the best time to find the Zhulong, but at present, the search process was not very smooth. The Phoenix who was in charge of this area of Shaohao’s family had gone into Nirvana. Xiaomei was not very familiar with this area, and she was very slow in finding it. And most importantly, the Zhulong seemed to have found a place to live.

Lu Qingjiu also became a little worried when he heard this, but he really couldn’t help, so he could only comfort Bai Yuehu with food.

“Maybe there are other ways to comfort me.” Bai Yuehu looked at Lu Qingjiu, and said suddenly.

Lu Qingjiu didn’t understand until Bai Yuehu kissed him on the lips.

After the kiss was over, Bai Yuehu directly hugged Lu Qingjiu and headed towards the bedroom carrying him in his arms. The weather was hot at the moment, and cicadas were singing everywhere on the treetops, but it did not make people irritable, perhaps because the person beside him soothed the most manic part of his heart.

Lu Qingjiu lay on the soft bed, gently biting Bai Yuehu’s furry ears, with a gentle smile on his face, he closed his eyes, but suddenly the image of the lush flowers in the courtyard with Gou Mang with his eyes closed among the flowers, flashed in front of his eyes. Fortunately, this scene only flashed by, and soon Lu Qingjiu’s field of vision was filled with Bai Yuehu. Bai Yuehu’s scorching eyes eliminated that bad memory, so Lu Qingjiu could only focus all his attention on the focused black dragon in front of him.


The author has something to say:

Bai Yuehu: I want to fill all your vision.

Lu Qingjiu: Okay.

Bai Yuehu: And your body.

Lu Qingjiu: ……


Zaki~ I was really going to be sad for the death of Gou Mang…until they were talking about selling the head for gardening….LOL

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