Fantasy Farm

Chapter 115 - Rebirth

Chapter 115 - Rebirth

Edited by Zaki

Yin Xun thought he would die when the beast pounced on him, the folding knife in his hand couldn’t even break through the beast’s body, but he still summoned up the last of his courage, and clung to the beast’s front claw with a deadly grip, so that it couldn’t go around himself to chase after Lu Qingjiu.

The beast naturally had no pity for the little insect that was blocking its way, and opened its mouth to bite down on Yin Xun. Yin Xun closed his eyes in horror, and then felt his head separate from his body. The only good thing about Yin Xun was that he didn’t feel any pain, and even after his head was bitten off, he could still see the surrounding area using his Mountain God’s ability.

He was probably going to die, Yin Xun thought silently in his heart as he lay on the ground and was bitten for the second time. Ordinary people were usually afraid and angry when facing death, but the strange thing was that his mood at this time was particularly calm. He was so calm that he could even distract himself and think about whether Lu Qingjiu had already reached the top of the mountain and had seen Bai Yuehu, and fulfilled his final wish.

The beast lowered its head and took another bite. Yin Xun shuddered and felt as if his body only had two legs left. Although he could be reborn, he had never experienced the feeling of being completely eaten, nor did he know if I could recover his body as before after being completely eaten.

But at this moment, the beast in front of him bared its white teeth at Yin Xun. The action of lowering its head and biting suddenly stopped. Yin Xun felt inexplicably worried when he saw this. He was wondering if this beast was tired of eating and wanted to try something new to suit its own taste, but he saw the beast slowly taking a step back and leaving his body.

Then, some subtle expressions appeared on the beast’s face.

Yin Xun initially thought he was mistaken, after all, it was just a beast, could there still be a change of expression on its face? But he soon realized that he was indeed not mistaken. The beast’s expression became a little distorted, it gave a low growl and scratched the ground with its front paws, looking like it was feeling uncomfortable somewhere.

The next moment, the beast turned around and rushed into the jungle beside the road, leaving Yin Xun behind.

Yin Xun felt happy when he saw this, and then felt a little strange. He thought that this beast was showing mercy and suddenly felt pity for him. However, he heard a subtle noise coming from the forest. He was very familiar with this noise. It was the sound that could be heard when he ate a meal that he had cooked himself and when he and Lu Qingjiu were fighting for the toilet.

Yin Xun: “…..” He didn’t expect that his medicine would be so powerful that even a beast with such a huge body wouldn’t be able to bear it.

In Nature, it was always the survival of the fittest. Yin Xun never thought in his life that his weak body could actually resist the harm of other species in this way.

The beast had diarrhea in the forest for a long time. Yin Xun originally wanted to run away, but unfortunately he only had two legs left in the end. It was very difficult to stand up. He finally struggled to get up. But he saw that the beast had solved the problem and slowly walked back to Yin Xun.

A tear fell from the corner of Yin Xun’s no longer existing eyes, thinking that he would be eaten immediately, but unexpectedly the beast’s ferocious and terrifying face actually showed a look of disgust towards Yin Xun’s broken body. Then it turned around without hesitation and left without looking back.

“Wait, wait!” Yin Xun shouted with all his strength, “Brother, you just left like this and didn’t finish eating.”

The beast turned around and said, “I won’t eat it.”

Yin Xun: “You really won’t eat?”

The beast said: “Heh, if you want to eat it, you can eat it yourself. Don’t try to trick me into eating again.” It had just arrived in the Human World. In the Other World it was said that human beings were fresh, tender and soft, and were the most delicious food. When it saw the humans, it naturally wanted to taste them, but it only took two bites and almost put itself to death. In the end, it even thought that its intestines were about to come out. This hateful human actually wanted to trick itself into continuing to eat. If it continued to eat, it would definitely die on the spot. It could be seen that human beings were not good things, and were not good food. As soon as it thought of this, its stomach growled again, and he was forced to hide in the grass next to it again.

Yin Xun, who was lying on the ground, realized at this moment that he had been rejected. The ferocious beast in front of him ruthlessly abandoned him, leaving only his broken body.

Wuu wuu wuu…” Yin Xun cried aggrievedly, “Everyone dislikes me so much.”

The beast was gone, and Yin Xun was once again alone in the forest. He couldn’t help but start thinking wildly, and as he was thinking about it, he noticed something strange in the sky. He saw that the originally dark sky had actually cracked with golden lights filtering in through the cracks. From the other side of the cracks, dazzling red lights shot out. Those red lights looked like flames at first, but after careful observation, you would find that they were actually fiery Zhulongs. When Yin Xun saw this, he immediately became nervous. He even forgot about the miserable condition of his body. He worked hard for a while before he got up from the ground with difficulty and staggered forward, trying to climb to the top of the mountain to see what happened. If anyone were on the mountain right now, they would definitely be frightened when they saw Yin Xun’s appearance, because Yin Xun, who had lost his body, had only two legs left and was running forward uncoordinatedly, one leg trying to follow the other. After falling down from time to time, it took a lot of time to get up. This situation was particularly scary in the dark.

Yin Xun worked hard for a long time, but he only climbed halfway up the mountain, then the sky changed again, he heard the mournful roar of the dragons, and saw a white light, rising into the dark night sky. That light was like the bright sun, but not as blinding as the sun, instead it was incomparably soft, with an air that embraced all things.

Yin Xun looked at the light blankly, not understanding what was happening.

The light gradually rose, reached the dome, and then spread. Wherever the white light went, the golden light began to recede, and the sky returned to its previous appearance.

Yin Xun suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. His premonition had no reason but was extremely accurate. He climbed up from the ground with difficulty again and walked towards the top of the mountain. When the white light dissipated, the black night sky appeared above Yin Xun’s head again. The night sky was full of stars and a bright moon, just like in the past. The surroundings were silent, there was no sound of people, no insects, not even the wind.

Yin Xun could only hear his own footsteps, and he became a little flustered, calling Lu Qingjiu’s name with his spiritual power.

Naturally no one would respond to him.

After an unknown amount of time, Yin Xun finally reached the top of the mountain, only the view from the top made him feel fearful, the thick fog that had previously shrouded the mountain had already dissipated, and as he stood on the top of the mountain, he was able to take advantage of the moonlight to have an unobstructed view of the surrounding scenery. He saw the abyss, and in the abyss, half of the mountain peak that had been shattered.

However, what scared him the most was that there was no trace of Lu Qingjiu on the top of the mountain. The mountaintop wasn’t big enough to hide from anyone, and there was only one way to go up and down the mountain, so if Lu Qingjiu came back halfway up the mountain, he would surely come across him, but from the beginning to the end, he hadn’t seen Lu Qingjiu’s figure. His best friend had disappeared.

Yin Xun stood frozen in place, suddenly felt a coldness on his cheeks, he reached out and touched it, only to realize that it was raining, pattering drizzle rustling down from the sky, and then the once dark sky was flooded with the long-lost morning light. This was the first spring rain this year, Lu Qingjiu did not wait.

In the sound of the rustling rain, there was the sound of crushed stones on the edge of the cliff. Yin Xun was overjoyed when he caught the sound, and hurriedly ran towards the edge of the cliff, calling Lu Qingjiu’s name cheerfully. But when he reached the edge of the cliff, what he saw was not Lu Qingjiu, but Bai Yuehu, who was in an extremely terrible state.

Bai Yuehu had wounds all over his body, and even his eyes were covered with blood. He grabbed the stone wall with his hands and climbed to the top of the mountain little by little. When he had just climbed to the top of the mountain, his entire expression froze for a few seconds as he saw the two bare thighs on top of the mountain.

Yin Xun was a little embarrassed, but he couldn’t be blamed, after all, he had been eaten from his butt, leaving only the part above his knees, so he couldn’t be required to wear pants, how could he wear pants without a butt?

Bai Yuehu was silent for a while, then called out in a hoarse voice: “Yin Xun.”

Yin Xun bent his knees, indicating that Bai Yuehu had guessed right.

Bai Yuehu: “If you speak directly with your mental power, I can hear you.”

Yin Xun spoke quickly and said, “Bai Yuehu, how are you? Have you seen Lu Qingjiu? He ran to the top of the mountain to find you.”

Bai Yuehu closed his eyes, his expression full of exhaustion, and he replied, “I know.”

Yin Xun: “Where is he?”

Bai Yuehu said: “He shouldn’t have come.”

Yin Xun’s eyes widened slightly, he had a terrible guess, but soon, he suppressed this guess again, because if something really happened to Lu Qingjiu, Bai Yuehu would not be so calm.

Sure enough, Bai Yuehu stretched out his hand, his palm was bloody and wounded, but in this palm, a teardrop-shaped crystal emitting shimmering light attracted Yin Xun’s attention.

“The body is gone.” Bai Yuehu said, “But fortunately the soul is still there.” He showed a gentle expression, lowered his head and kissed the thing in his hand.

Yin Xun heaved a sigh of relief. He was not a human being, so he knew that the loss of a physical body was not a big deal, but if the soul dissipated, it would be terrible. Since Lu Qingjiu’s soul was still there, it meant that there was still a chance of resurrection. But what happened to make Lu Qingjiu’s body disappear?

Yin Xun didn’t ask this question, and Bai Yuehu didn’t intend to answer. He seemed a little tired. He said he wanted to rest for a while, then lay down on the ground and fell asleep. The crystal representing Lu Qingjiu’s soul was placed on his chest.

Yin Xun also lay down beside Bai Yuehu, and the light rain fell on them. Although he was sleepy, he couldn’t sleep, so he quietly felt the breath around him. He found strangely that the breath of the Other World had dissipated. Shuifu Village was the entrance between the two worlds, so he could always feel some breath of the Other World before, only at this time this boundary became no longer obvious, as if the last passage between the two worlds had also been sealed.

Yin Xun was a little surprised. He couldn’t help thinking, could this change have anything to do with Lu Qingjiu? But before he could figure it out, sleepiness welled up in his heart. He stared at the dark sky above his head and fell into a deep sleep. .

Bai Yuehu slept on the top of the mountain for more than a month before barely recovering, but perhaps because he didn’t eat food, the wound on his body didn’t show much signs of improvement. On the day they left the top of the mountain, Bai Yuehu woke up and directly lifted up Yin Xun’s legs and asked, “Why do you only have legs left?”

Yin Xun explained what happened to him at the foot of the mountain, and Bai Yuehu fell silent after listening. He didn’t know whether to sympathize with Yin Xun or the beast that ate Yin Xun.

The two people followed the mountain road back home. At this time, the ice and snow in Shuifu Village had melted, and spring was once again in full bloom. The dense grass on both sides of the road was filled with brightly colored wildflowers as Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun arrived at their home.

After not coming back for a month, the house did not become a mess. Xiaohua and Xiaohei took charge of feeding the poultry and cleaning, and they did it in an orderly manner. It’s just that when they saw Bai Yuehu coming back with two human legs, they were still quite frightened. Their first reaction was whether Bai Yuehu had added humans to his diet.

Bai Yuehu was so tired that he didn’t bother to explain to Xiaohua and Xiaohei. He dragged a basin out of the bathroom, filled it with water, and put Yin Xun’s legs in it. According to Yin Xun’s previous recovery speed, he would take at least three months to become a complete human being.

Bai Yuehu slept for a while, and then went out, taking Lu Qingjiu’s soul with him, and before Yin Xun could ask him where he was going, he had already disappeared completely.

Yin Xun was left at home, while Xiaohua and Xiaohei took on the job of adding water to him every day.

“What the hell is this?” Xiaohua couldn’t hear Yin Xun’s spiritual power, and Bai Yuehu didn’t explain it to him, so he looked at these two legs every day with a sad face, “Is this soaking food or what?”

As his younger sister, Xiaohei naturally didn’t know either. She looked confused when listening to her brother’s questions.

But fortunately, Yin Xun’s body was growing quite fast. Xiaohua soon discovered that these two legs were constantly growing, and when Yin Xun’s butt grew out, he finally became something that needed censorship.

“Xiaohei, leave the watering work to me from now on.” Xiaohua educated his sister, “You’re not married yet, so you can’t just look at other men’s butts.”

Xiaohei gnawed on the corn cobs at home and had no idea what her brother was talking about. She was just a little pig, and it was too early for her to think about a man or a woman.

While changing the water for Yin Xun, Xiaohua scorned and said how could Bai Yuehu bring back such an obscene thing.

Yin Xun: “….” What the fuck are you looking at all day long.

Bai Yuehu went out and never came back. Even until Yin Xun’s body completely recovered, there was no trace of him.

After three months of hard work, Yin Xun, whose skin was about to peel off after being soaked in the water, finally grew his own head. Xiaohua changed Yin Xun into a large bathtub, and soaked him in it. He was on his tippy toes adding water to Yin Xun, when he saw Yin Xun’s head sticking out of the bathtub, startling him.

“Damn it, Yin Xun, when did you come back?” Because Xiaohua was shorter than the bathtub and disliked the body soaking in it, he didn’t bother to look at it except to add water, so although he knew that the thing was growing, he didn’t know it had become Yin Xun.

“Haven’t I been at home all this time,” Yin Xun said as he reached out to feel his skin, all wrinkled from being soaked in the water for a long time.

Xiaohua widened his little eyes: “You are those two legs.”

Yin Xun nodded.

Xiaohua: “I’m sorry, friend, I didn’t mean to dislike you.”

Yin Xun reached out and touched his head and said it didn’t matter. I didn’t hear you dislike my short legs and white ass at all, really not at all.

Xiaohua: “….”

Under Xiaohua’s embarrassed look, Yin Xun wrapped himself in a bath towel and went out. He had been lying in the bathtub for three months. He naturally wanted to know what was going on outside at this time, and also wondered where exactly Bai Yuehu had gone off to as well, and what was the situation with Lu Qingjiu.

Yin Xun found some food at home. After filling his stomach, he took out his mobile phone, looked through the numbers on it, and called Bai Yuehu. Only to his dismay, Bai Yuehu’s cell phone was turned off, obviously unable to contact him. But although Bai Yuehu couldn’t be contacted, he should be able to ask other people. Yin Xun thought about it and dialed a number.

“Hello.” Shaohao’s voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Hey, is it Shaohao?” Yin Xun asked, “Do you know what’s going on over there at Bai Yuehu?”

Shaohao said: “You want to know?”

Yin Xun hummed.

Shaohao said: “Okay, I’ll come to pick you up and let’s meet.”

Yin Xun agreed.

Although Shaohao once wanted to eat him, after this incident, Yin Xun felt that he was no longer afraid and could eat him if he wanted. He would be a full man again after three months, and hell knows how long he would have to poop after eating so much.

Shaohao was very efficient. He drove over to pick Yin Xun out in the afternoon. When the two of them arrived at the restaurant, he ordered a big meal for Yin Xun first and watched him devour it with a smile: “You must be hungry.”

Yin Xun replied, “Just a little.” Without Qingjiu, Xiaohua and Xiaohei couldn’t get on the stove and could only cook the simplest food. He had been eating corn on the cob these days.

Yin Xun asked vaguely while eating: “What happened to Bai Yuehu? He never came home.”

Shaohao: “You didn’t know something happened to Lu Qingjiu?”

Yin Xun: “I know.”

Shaohao wondered: “Isn’t it normal for Bai Yuehu to be abnormal? Don’t be too sad. Human beings will be reincarnated. Bai Yuehu probably went to find Lu Qingjiu’s reincarnation.”

Yin Xun was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that Shaohao didn’t seem to know that Lu Qingjiu’s soul was still there, and Bai Yuehu didn’t seem to have told anyone else about it. He hesitated for a moment, but still didn’t tell Shaohao about it. He didn’t say it out loud, but nodded slightly to indicate that he understood.

Shaohao continued to talk about other things, for example, Shuifu Village no longer had to worry about itself, the entrance of the two worlds was completely closed. This was the last chance for the two worlds to merge, obviously the Zhulongs did not seize it. And although there were still some cracks that could allow non-human beings from the Other World to come in, they would not be powerful monsters.

“Then Bai Yuehu can’t go back?” Yin Xun suddenly thought of this.

“It’s different.” Shaohao took a sip of his wine and lazily replied, “Although there are many Zhulongs, the number of Yinglongs is already very small, and most people even think that their race has become extinct.”

Indeed, before meeting Ao Run and Bai Yuehu, Yin Xun’s inherited memory said that the Yinglong Clan was almost extinct.

Yin Xun exchanged a lot of information with Shaohao, and was finally sent home by Shaohao.

“You can leave Shuifu Village now. Do you want to go somewhere?” Shaohao asked Yin Xun.

Yin Xun said that he still had to think about it.

Shaohao nodded, turned around and left without asking any more questions.

After Yin Xun returned home, he found the only bank card he had ever opened. This was done for him by Lu Qingjiu. He hardly used it usually. Lu Qingjiu seemed to be putting money into it every month, although he didn’t know how much it was.

Yin Xun took the card and went to the town, clumsily plugged it into the ATM, and then entered the password. When he saw the six-digit number on the display screen, his eyes immediately became wet. All the emotions that had been suppressed in his heart exploded instantly, he put his head against the screen, sobbing lowly, and vaguely whispered Lu Qingjiu’s name, asking when he would be able to come back.

Naturally, no one would answer his question, how he wished that someone would reach out and pat him on the shoulder lightly at this moment, and when he turned around, he would see Lu Qingjiu standing behind him.

Yin Xun cried for a while before wiping away his tears and taking out the card.

After he got home, he started to prepare his luggage. Xiaohua and Xiaohei asked him where he was going, and he said that he planned to travel around and see the scenery that he hadn’t seen in other places.

“Then when will you come back?” Xiaohua asked worriedly.

“If Bai Yuehu comes back, please contact me, and I’ll be right back.” Yin Xun stroked Xiaohua’s head and said, “I don’t want to stay here anymore.” Staying here, he would think of Lu Qingjiu every day, and also think of Bai Yuehu from time to time. Although he knew that he had always been regarded as a reserve food by Bai Yuehu, it was indeed the best period of Yin Xun’s life. He couldn’t forget it, and he didn’t want to forget it.

But as long as he stayed here, he would keep thinking about this matter. Every plant, tree, brick and stone in the courtyard was telling the beauty of that time, and the coldness and desolation of this time.

Yin Xun went to the town to buy a phone and a phone card, and left the phone to Xiaohua and Xiaohei, telling them to call him if they couldn’t handle anything, and he would come back as soon as possible.

Xiaohua and Xiaohei saw that Yin Xun had decided to leave, so they stopped trying to persuade him and promised him that if Bai Yuehu came back, they would notify him as soon as possible.

Yin Xun dragged his luggage and boarded the train in the town, and when the train started and slowly traveled out of the city and over the mountains and forests, for the first time in his life, he finally saw the scenery outside Shuifu Village in this world.

The spring was just right there, and the neat wheat fields were being blown by the breeze, making green ripples. There were swallows sitting on the electric wires, and old farmers carrying farm tools walked slowly in the fields.

Yin Xun smelled the fragrance of flowers and heard the gentle sound of wind in his ears. The whole world was gentle, and the warm sunshine shone on his cheeks, making him drowsy.

Everything was just right, except for his own side, which was missing a friend named Lu Qingjiu.

But it didn’t matter, no matter how long, he was willing to wait. The barren grass in his soul had been revitalized, and beautiful flowers bloomed above the lonely grave. The crows were still sitting on the branch, calling Lu Qingjiu’s name, but the voice was no longer sad, but filled with hope and longing.

Yin Xun couldn’t wait to see Lu Qingjiu again and say the words, welcome back, to him. Thinking of this, the sadness on his face lessened slightly, and he finally revealed a light smile.

Ela ~~ This chap made me feel so many emotions.. I was laughing hard at the disillusionment that the beast faced after eating YX! XD LOL .. but at the same time.. It was a great chap for YX.. finally free of the shackles of the village. Good to explore the world.

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