Fantasy Farm

Chapter 116 - Reconstruct

Chapter 116 - Reconstruct

Edited by Zaki

Back then, Gong Gong and Zhu Rong fought against each other, and Gong Gong was defeated. In a fit of anger, he bashed his head against Mount Buzhou, causing a huge gap in the sky. Goddess Nuwa collected colorful stones to mend the sky. From then on, the Demon World and the Human World were separated, and the spiritual energy was no longer as abundant as before. Before Goddess Nuwa’s death, she cut her belly open to take out her intestines, which were then spread widely between heaven and earth, and these were the legacy of Goddess Nuwa’s bloodline, which was recorded as Goddess Nuwa’s Intestines in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

There were ten people created from Goddess Nuwa’s Intestines, carrying her bloodline, guarding the boundary between the two Worlds and living with the human race and continuing to produce offspring. Some boundaries gradually merge, and their descendants’ bloodline has faded away and merged into the mortal world, while others broke down, and their descendants use the fragments left behind by Nuwa to patch up the sky with their own bodies.

Lu Qingjiu not only had the blood of the Dragon Clan, but was also a descendant of Nuwa’s Intestines. He was born to guard the Shuifu Village as one of the Dragon Clan and fulfill the responsibilities as someone carrying Nuwa’s bloodline.

It was a pity that spiritual power was now very thin, it was the last era of the Dharma, so people with bloodline of the Nuwa’s Intestine had almost completely disappeared, leaving only Lu Qingjiu’s lineage behind. Lu Qingjiu didn’t know his identity, and he didn’t even understand why his Grandmother insisted on getting him to leave Shuifu Village, but she herself refused to take a step outside the village. Now that he thought about it, she might have known the truth a long time ago and didn’t choose to tell Lu Qingjiu. Although Lu Qingjiu didn’t know what happened, he completed his clan’s due mission by mistake. Although he died, his soul was fortunately protected by Bai Yuehu, and he only had to wait for resurrection.

There was indeed no water in the Shuifu Village. It was only named because its original Master was Gong Gong, the Water God. The Yinglong Clan also accepted Goddess Nuwa’s instructions and sent a clan member from each generation to assist the bloodline of the Nuwa’s Intestine in guarding the Shuifu Village.

The Yinglong of this generation was Bai Yuehu.

After the incident ended and the final passage was sealed, Bai Yuehu took Lu Qingjiu’s soul to many places. Trying to bring someone back to life required many precious herbs and exotic things, and even Bai Yuehu had to spend a lot of effort.

But he didn’t complain. On the contrary, when he did these things, he was filled with joy. When he thought that he would be reunited with his lover again in the near future, his eyes could not help but reveal joy.

If Lu Qingjiu was just an ordinary person, his soul should have completely dissipated.

However, the one-fourth of the dragon bloodline preserved in his body gave him a chance to live on. The dragon bloodline was the most overbearing, and this bloodline allowed Lu Qingjiu’s soul power to be much stronger than normal people and not dissipate instantly. After Bai Yuehu got Lu Qingjiu’s soul, he hurried to the Other World to find something to nourish his soul.

It was an ordinary-looking little flower, only the size of Bai Yuehu’s palm. He carefully placed Lu Qingjiu’s soul crystal inside. He watched as the soul crystal emitted a faint glow before it was wrapped in the petals of the small flower.

This was just the beginning, there were many things to do next, the first thing was to remodel Lu Qingjiu’s physical body.

Although this flower could nourish the soul, when Lu Qingjiu’s soul becomes stronger, the flower would no longer be able to carry it and he will have to change the carrier.

The materials used to make the body were naturally all kinds of strange things. Bai Yuehu thought about whether to use Taisui to shape Lu Qingjiu’s body, but finally gave up on the idea. For no other reason, Yin Xun was a painful example. Taisui’s physical body was too weak and had almost no strength. And the most important thing was that the food made by such a physical body was very likely to cause diarrhoea to the person who ate it. Although Bai Yuehu himself had no problem, he couldn’t bear to let Lu Qingjiu run to the toilet all day long, so after being entangled with this matter, he still didn’t choose Taisui, but found other materials.

In the end, Bai Yuehu chose a special lotus root to create a body for Lu Qingjiu. The great demon who gave him the lotus root said that the quality of the lotus root was very good. The Bodhisattva used this lotus root to reshape the body of a little Immortal named Nezha. It was not only very strong, but also capable of regeneration. The key point was, it was quite delicious.

What impressed Bai Yuehu was the last sentence. He looked at the lotus root, then looked at the soul in the little flower in his hand, and made his decision.

After ordering the body, there was a long process of polishing and warming the soul. The whole process took about three years. This process was already very fast. After all, Bai Yuehu couldn’t wait to see Lu Qingjiu.

The Three Gods who had passed away were also reborn at the same time as Lu Qingjiu.

Under normal circumstances, after the death of the Four Seasons God, it might take dozens of years before they could be reborn, but it was a very special circumstance that the three Seasons Gods died at the same time. It had only been three years since their deaths when Bai Yuehu saw Zhu Rong’s figure arrive.

It was a hot summer, and Bai Yuehu returned to the human world with Lu Qingjiu, who was still sleeping.

At this time, everything was ready to resurrect Lu Qingjiu, just need to choose an auspicious time to inject Lu Qingjiu’s soul into the physical body.

Their home was still the same as it was before they left, but Bai Yuehu did not see Yin Xun, and it was Xiaohua and Xiaohei who took care of the house. The number of chickens in the yard were frighteningly large. There was a cute calf in the cowshed in the backyard, but Bai Yuehu didn’t want to understand. He remembered that the cow was a male, so how could there be another calf suddenly?

Of course, this matter was not very important, so Bai Yuehu didn’t worry too much. After he came back, he tidied up the house, cleaned the places that Xiaohua and Xiaohei couldn’t take care of usually, and killed more than twenty chickens, put in the freezer, thinking that when winter comes next year, they could be used to make chicken soup for Lu Qingjiu.

While tidying up the house, Bai Yuehu heard the sound of children laughing and playing outside the house. He opened the door and saw three tender, chubby little kids outside the house, playing chase and catch. The three little toddlers were all very cute, their faces puffed up like soft buns, but their hair and pupil colors told Bai Yuehu that they were not ordinary children.

“Zhu Rong.” Bai Yuehu called out to the child with red hair and red eyes.

The child turned to look at Bai Yuehu, his eyes full of confusion, and it was obvious that he had not recovered his memory. Bai Yuehu suddenly had a wicked thought. He walked to the child, stretched out his hand and pinched the child’s chubby little face, and said: “Why are you running around here?”

“Hurts.” Zhu Rong, who had turned into a little toddler, completely lost the toughness and coldness of being a Summer God. His eyes filled with tears when Bai Yuehu pinched him, and he almost cried.

Bai Yuehu smiled and asked Zhu Rong to take the children away from here. Then he showed his white fangs and said, “Otherwise, I will eat you.”

Zhu Rong cried loudly, and even the God of Autumn and the God of Spring cried together. However, Bai Yuehu was not moved at all. He grabbed the three buns and threw them aside, and then happily shook his ears and told them to go home.

Xiaohua and Xiaohei watched Bai Yuehu’s childish behavior of kicking the little children out, but they did not dare to express any opinions. They just asked Bai Yuehu tactfully if he wanted to eat corn cobs or sweet potatoes at night. These two kinds of food were the only ones left at home, and fortunately they didn’t have much to choose from.

When Bai Yuehu heard the question, he thought of his vegetable plot. After he went to see it, he found that it was already overgrown with weeds. He thought to himself that after Lu Qingjiu came back, he must tidy up his vegetable plot.

Now that everything was ready, Lu Qingjiu would be back in a few days. Thinking of this, Bai Yuehu’s steps home became lighter.

Yin Xun, who had been wandering around outside for three years, learned that Bai Yuehu had returned home, so he bought a ticket back without stopping and rushed back to Shuifu Village overnight.

When he pushed open the door panting with his luggage, he saw Bai Yuehu sitting in the living room, but did not see that familiar figure. He couldn’t help but say: “Yuehu, where is Jiu’er?”

Bai Yuehu heard his footsteps, but replied without raising her head: “We still need to wait.”

Yin Xun asked: “How long do we have to wait?”

Bai Yuehu: “Soon.”

Since Bai Yuehu said he had to wait, then just wait. After all, Yin Xun had no other options. Over the years, he finally left Shuifu Village, which was once like an iron bar that imprisoned him, and went to many places he had never been to. However, the more places he went, the more he missed this place. Missed this courtyard and his friends who were busy at home.

Yin Xun tidied up all the places in the house and washed all the beddings and clothes that needed to be washed. He wanted Lu Qingjiu to see a clean home and make him feel like he had never left.

The days passed like this, and just when Yin Xun felt that he could hardly wait any longer, Bai Yuehu carefully brought out a pot of small flowers on a gentle moonlit night.

There was nothing special about that flower. From the appearance point of view, it was just the most common wild flower on the side of the road. The five petals were slightly closed, making it difficult to see the stamen inside.

Yin Xun was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask Bai Yuehu what he was going to do, but he saw Bai Yuehu raise his index finger and make a silencing gesture.

Seeing this, Yin Xun quickly closed his mouth, and fixed his eyes on the pot of small flowers. It was probably because of a change in his mood that he changed his previous thinking. He felt that the seemingly ordinary little flower in front of him had a strange charm that made him unable to look away for a moment.

Bai Yuehu brought the flower under the moonlight, the gentle light sprinkled on the flower, the petals began to overflow with a little fluorescent light and floated towards the air, then it seemed to have absorbed enough strength, and under the gaze of the two people, it slowly bloomed.

After the petals opened, the soft stamens came into view, and there revealed a tiny person lying on the stamens, sleeping peacefully.

The little man was curled up into a ball, not as big as Yin Xun’s little finger, but even so, Yin Xun still saw his appearance clearly. Lu Qingjiu, that’s right, lying in the stamen, was his best friend, Lu Qingjiu.

“Qingjiu!” Yin Xun couldn’t help but call out Lu Qingjiu’s name.

When Lu Qingjiu heard the voice outside, his eyelashes trembled slightly, but Bai Yuehu stretched out his finger, stroked Lu Qingjiu’s head lightly, and called again: “Jiu’er.”

After Lu Qingjiu was touched, he opened his eyes blankly. He slowly sat up from the flower core, stretched out his hand to rub his eyes, and looked around: “Ah!

Probably because he hadn’t completely recovered his mental acumen, Lu Qingjiu didn’t recognize the identities of Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun, but was frightened by the two pairs of big eyes staring at him, and hugged the stamens to hide in. Bai Yuehu gently grabbed him and said, “Don’t be afraid.”

“Who are you?” The little Lu Qingjiu asked timidly, his face was also very immature at this time, his voice was soft and trembling, like a newborn baby bird.

I am your man.” Bai Yuehu was very direct, “He is your friend.”

Lu Qingjiu was stunned by the fright. In his eyes, Bai Yuehu was as big as a monster and could crush him to death with a fingernail. What did it mean that he was his man? Was it the kind of meaning he understood or was his understanding wrong?

“No, it’s exactly what you think.” Bai Yuehu ruthlessly broke through Lu Qingjiu’s self-deception, “We are married.”

The little Lu Qingjiu was startled by Bai Yuehu’s words. His newly reborn mind couldn’t understand how such a small self married Bai Yuehu, but he was a little scared and didn’t dare to ask questions, so he gave a resigned hmmm, hugged the stamen and lowered his head, looking aggrieved and pitiful.

Yin Xun’s heart melted at what he saw. He also wanted to touch Lu Qingjiu, but under the eyes of Bai Yuehu, he still didn’t dare. After all, Bai Yuehu didn’t have diarrhoea after eating him, and could swallow him in one big gulp

“Don’t scare him.” Yin Xun said, “Why is Jiu’er so small? When will he grow up?”

Bai Yuehu said: “It will take a month or two. After the soul takes shape it will be warmed up for a period of time and when his mind recovers, his soul will be able to enter the physical body I prepared for him.”

“There is still a physical body?” Yin Xun originally thought that Lu Qingjiu would grow up like this, but when Bai Yuehu mentioned physical body, he hurriedly said, “You can’t make him a body out of Taisui.”

Bai Yuehu glanced at Yin Xun with disgust: “Of course not.”

Yin Xun silently wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye.

Lu Qingjiu was resurrected. Although the method of resurrection was a bit novel, he was slowly recovering. From that day on, this little flower became their family’s key protection target. No one could touch it casually, and anyone who came near it had to apply for permission.

Lu Qingjiu was ignorant and didn’t understand what was happening around him. He just felt as if he had slept for a long time. After waking up, his mind was in chaos, he had neither memory nor thoughts, and only felt instinctive fear. After all, he was too small. If someone didn’t pay attention while walking, he could be trampled to death.

Bai Yuehu could discern Lu Qingjiu’s mood, so he stayed with him almost all day, introducing him to the things at home, such as Xiaohua and Xiaohei, the chickens and rabbits in the yard, the Qinyuan bees, the female ghost in the backyard well, and the cows in the cowshed.

After getting used to the things for sometime, Lu Qingjiu also realized that Bai Yuehu did not have any malice towards him, but every time he heard this exceptionally good-looking man say that the two of them were lovers, he would feel a little embarrassed. He was so small, and thinking how to fall in love with the person in front of him, was really a distressing thing.

Bai Yuehu would usually go to the Otherworld every two or three days to fetch the food that Lu Qingjiu needed to eat, so Lu Qingjiu was now eating all the things that nourished his divine soul. Those things could not be left in the Otherworld for long so Bai Yuehu needed to retrieve them one day in advance.

At this time, Yin Xun took on the role of a parent and stayed beside the flower pot without moving.

Lu Qingjiu was holding a corn kernel and chewing it,he took two mouthfuls and looked at Yin Xun, then took two mouthfuls and looked at Yin Xun again.

Yin Xun, who was provoked by this small appearance, couldn’t help laughing. In his impression, Lu Qingjiu was the calm and steady one and had never seen him so childish. At this moment, he finally understood Lu Qingjiu’s feelings when he watched him being silly, it was simply like a mountain of majestic fatherly love ah!

“What’s the matter, Jiu’er?” Yin Xun asked him.

“Where’s that man?” Lu Qingjiu put down the corn kernels in his hand.

“Who…” Yin Xun deliberately teased him.

Lu Qingjiu said, “That’s… the one who looks particularly good-looking.”

Yin Xun said: “Your man?”

Lu Qingjiu blushed again, and after stammering for a while he hummed in agreement, Yin Xun laughed out loud when he saw this. If Lu Qingjiu wasn’t too young, he really wanted to pinch his cheek and ruthlessly pull it.

“He went to find food for you.” Yin Xun explained, “Don’t be too anxious, he will be back soon.”

Lu Qingjiu responded softly.

Yin Xun thought for a while and asked, “Have you remembered any memories from the past?”

Lu Qingjiu hesitated for a while, nodded and shook his head, saying that he did remember some things, but his memory was very chaotic, and he couldn’t connect these things together, it was like his memory was broken into fragments, which couldn’t be connected into chapters at all, so he couldn’t understand the implications.

“Then what did you see?” Yin Xun asked.

“A lot of things.” Lu Qingjiu said. “I saw a skinny poodle, but we don’t have dogs at home, right?”

When Yin Xun heard this, he looked at the fox cub squatting at the door to bask in the sun, and fell into silence.

Lu Qingjiu ate a corn kernel and soon felt full. He rubbed his belly and lay on the flower petals before falling asleep again. Probably because his body was small, so the cycle was very fast, almost full after eating, sleep when full, wake up and continue to eat, because he was in the state of the soul, so there was no need to solve physical problems, which could be said to be very convenient.

When Bai Yuehu came back, Lu Qingjiu was already asleep. Yin Xun sat beside him and watched Lu Qingjiu sleep with interest.

“Sleeping?” Bai Yuehu asked.

En, he went to sleep.” Yin Xun said, “He was asking where you were just now.”

Bai Yuehu put down the things in his hands and asked Yin Xun to do his own thing. He could just watch over now. Yin Xun didn’t argue with Bai Yuehu either, he now completely understood the inseparable relationship between the two of them, without Bai Yuehu’s efforts, Lu Qingjiu would not have been able to revive so quickly.

After Lu Qingjiu woke up, he saw Bai Yuehu when he got up. He grumbled that he was hungry, and Bai Yuehu handed him the food that had been prepared long ago.

While Lu Qingjiu was eating, he asked Bai Yuehu where he had gone, saying that he hadn’t seen him for a long time.

“I went to find something for you to eat.” Bai Yuehu said, “Then I’ll wait for you to sleep next time before I go out.”

Lu Qingjiu whispered yes. Probably because his mind was like a toddler’s, he didn’t notice at all that he had become petulant, and Little Qingjiu, who had been cajoled by Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun would say whatever he was unhappy about, not at all like the adult who would consider his words before speaking.

At night, he would sleep next to Bai Yuehu, ensuring that he would be able to see Bai Yuehu’s face when he woke up.

Anyway, Bai Yuehu said he was his lover, so it was normal for him to want to stay with his lover, Lu Qingjiu told himself so justifiably, besides, he was also so good looking, in case he was seduced by someone else, and he was so small that he couldn’t even beat his love rival.

When Lu Qingjiu thought of this, he felt a surge of strength in his heart again, thinking that he must be good, work hard to eat, and strive to grow up as soon as possible.

The days went by like this, day by day, the little Lu Qingjiu’s divine soul at home was also gradually healing, he recalled a lot of old memories about himself, at first it was the memories of having fun with Yin Xun when he was a child, and then it was about leaving Shuifu Village to go to school outside, until finally, he finally remembered Bai Yuehu.

“Wow, it’s you.” Lu Qingjiu woke up early that morning, he sat on the petals of a flower and danced with excitement, “I remember, aren’t you the one who ate so many of my xiao long bao”

Bai Yuehu’s face was slightly gloomy as he didn’t really want to admit that he looked like a starving ghost at that time.

Lu Qingjiu was very happy, saying that he remembered everything. He remembered that the Bai Yuehu at that time was very good-looking, and eating a steamed stuffed bun made him feel like he was eating delicacies from mountains and seas.

“Then when did you fall in love with me?” Lu Qingjiu asked shyly, “Did you just fall in love with me after eating my buns?”

Bai Yuehu said: “Yes.”  It’s just that, it wasn’t quite the same as it was now, he could see Lu Qingjiu’s identity as a guardian at that time, and knew that it was his meal ticket that had come.

Lu Qingjiu didn’t know it, hugged the stamen and started to laugh again, saying that he was very happy to have married such a beautiful wife, and his Grandma would be very happy too.

When Yin Xun heard this, his expression was very subtle. He couldn’t help but think of a scene he saw on the computer and felt sympathy for Lu Qingjiu again. Why on earth did he feel sorry for Bai Yuehu together with Lu Qingjiu in the first place? The person who should be pitied the most was Lu Qingjiu himself.

Bai Yuehu did not expose Lu Qingjiu, but just told him to eat well and eat more so that his wife would not run away. His gentle smile when he said this gave Lu Qingjiu great encouragement, but Lu Qingjiu didn’t realize at all that he was the poor wife who was “working hard”.

After a full three months of nurturing like this, and after confirming that Lu Qingjiu’s soul was very stable and would already able to merge with his body, Bai Yuehu took out the body he had shaped for Lu Qingjiu, intending to revive Lu Qingjiu completely.

Yin Xun was a bit surprised at this, saying that Lu Qingjiu had not yet fully recovered his memories, so how could he merge with his body?

At this time, Lu Qingjiu only remembered the previous days when they got along, and he didn’t even remember falling in love with Bai Yuehu.

Bai Yuehu said calmly: “It doesn’t matter. Once your physical body recovers, you can remember everything with another stimulation.”

Yin Xun was confused: “Stimulate, how?”

Bai Yuehu didn’t answer, but smiled at Lu Qingjiu.

Seeing this smile, Yin Xun trembled all over, and instantly had a bad memory. He remembered the appearance of Lu Qingjiu walking out of the bedroom one morning with a limp and a gloomy expression.

Yin Xun glanced at Lu Qingjiu, who still didn’t know what was going on, and silently prayed for him in his heart.

Lu Qingjiu was still gearing up and thinking about doing a great job when his body came back. He looked at Bai Yuehu’s smile, and thought in his heart that he really kept his wife waiting for a long time, completely unaware of the horrors that awaited him.

“When Jiu’er becomes an adult, you must repay me well.” Bai Yuehu said.

Lu Qingjiu nodded, with a serious look on his face, and said, “Wife, don’t worry, I will definitely repay you well.”

Bai Yuehu laughed again. His cute little Jiu’er was getting cuter and cuter every time he looked at him.

Chinese Mythology –,Spear%20(%E7%81%AB%E5%B0%96%E6%A7%8D).

Ela ~~ Lights a candle for Lu Qingjiu

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