Fantasy Farm

Chapter 117 - Peaceful and Quiet Times

Chapter 117 - Peaceful and Quiet Times

Edited by Zaki

Many years later, Lu Qingjiu would still think of that afternoon when Bai Yuehu injected him into his physical body. Although he recalled some memories at that time, he was unable to connect these memory fragments together, so he was fooled into the physical body by Bai Yuehu.

And when Lu Qingjiu woke up in his physical body, he saw that the surrounding scenery had become smaller, especially the beautiful wife in front of him who smiled gently at him.

“Yuehu..” Lu Qingjiu called his name blankly.

Bai Yuehu reached out his hand to stroke Lu Qingjiu’s cheek, then lowered his head, and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Yin Xun also stood beside him, with tears in his eyes, and finally said to Lu Qingjiu the words he had been waiting to say for a long time: “Welcome back.”

Before Lu Qingjiu could react to Yin Xun’s words of ‘welcome back’, he was led into the bedroom by Bai Yuehu’s hand. At that moment, he didn’t realize what it meant to be led into the bedroom. It wasn’t until three days later that his memory fully recovered, he even thought he would die on the bed.

Bai Yuehu, that fake vixen, who had held back for three whole years, finally tasted meat again, so how could he give up so easily? In addition, Lu Qingjiu no longer had a human body, and his body was so good that nothing would happen to him even without food or drink for three days, so this once again created perfect conditions for Bai Yuehu.

Lu Qingjiu’s memory was scattered at first, but later, under Bai Yuehu’s intense stimulation, he finally remembered all the past events bit by bit. However, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Bai Yuehu, that bastard, actually lied to him. After deceiving him for several months, it wasn’t until he tricked him into bed that he realized that he was the poor beautiful wife.

Three days later, Bai Yuehu came out of the bedroom feeling refreshed, while Lu Qingjiu was lying on the bed, looking as if he was about to fall dead at any moment. Yin Xun went in to feed him a sip of water, only to find that Lu Qingjiu had tooth marks all over his fingertips.

“I’m going to die.” Lu Qingjiu said weakly, “You tell Bai Yuehu not to come in.”

Yin Xun replied: “Brother, I can’t do it.”

Lu Qingjiu: “If you still recognize me as a Brother, please help me!” If he would continue to do this, he would really die.

Yin Xun thought about it, and after going out, he told Bai Yuehu that Lu Qingjiu was angry and asked him to develop the relationship sustainably and take things slowly. Besides, he hadn’t eaten in three days. Didn’t he miss the food made by Lu Qingjiu?

Bai Yuehu sat in the living room to rest, after hearing Yin Xun’s words and contemplating for a few moments, he actually expressed his approval. It was true that they hadn’t tasted food made by Lu Qingjiu for a long time, and they missed it terribly. Besides, it was better not to force Lu Qingjiu into a rebellious mentality. There was still some truth to the saying of sustainable development.

So Lu Qingjiu finally got a chance to breathe. He originally thought that he would have to rest for at least a week before his body that seemed to be falling apart would recover. But he didn’t know what Bai Yuehu used to build his body, and after he had slept all night, the sore feeling disappeared by the next morning.

So Lu Qingjiu got up early and walked around the house.

After three years, the house actually hadn’t changed much, that is, the honey in the backyard was full but no one harvested it, and the chickens and rabbits in the front yard were on the verge of becoming a plague. The kitchen was not used by anyone, but it was still clean without much dust, presumably it was usually cleaned. What moved Lu Qingjiu the most was that the refrigerator was full of all kinds of food. It could be seen that Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu had already been preparing for his return.

Lu Qingjiu took a lot of ingredients from the refrigerator and made a hearty breakfast. He cooked everything from eight-treasure rice porridge, baked egg pancakes, cold noodles, everything that could be made fresh. By the time the food was served, it was almost ten o’clock in the morning. Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun obediently took their chopsticks and bowls and waited in front of the table.

Lu Qingjiu brought the food to the table one by one, and no one moved their chopsticks until the last food was on the table.

Tasting something he hadn’t tasted for a long time, Yin Xun’s eyes were a little moist again, but he reached out to wipe them away, and pretended to casually talk to Lu Qingjiu about what had happened in the past few years.

After Lu Qingjiu disappeared, Zhu Miaomiao was very anxious, so he went to visit her. He also traveled to most places in the country and saw many sceneries that he had never seen before. Lu Qingjiu listened carefully while eating, feeling that he had indeed missed a lot, but it was okay now, he was back.

Bai Yuehu was very quiet the whole time. He had been staying with Lu Qingjiu for the past three years, so he didn’t have much to say.

After Lu Qingjiu finished listening, he told the two of them that they had worked hard.

In the end, Yin Xun couldn’t hold it back and started sobbing. Bai Yuehu held Lu Qingjiu’s hand. The two of them intertwined their fingers and saw a gentle look in each other’s eyes.

Lu Qingjiu didn’t have many memories of the past three years, but he knew that Bai Yuehu must have spent a lot of effort in bringing him back to life.

Since that was the case, let’s live the rest of our lives well.

So Lu Qingjiu began to get his life back on track. First, he called Zhu Miaomiao to inform her that he was fine. On the phone, Zhu Miaomiao cried and cursed at the same time, scolding Lu Qingjiu for having no conscience. Then she laughed again, saying that when Lu Qingjiu’s Godson would be born, she would bring him back with her. Lu Qingjiu then learned that Zhu Miaomiao got married last year and was pregnant this year. He was pleasantly surprised and asked Zhu Miaomiao to take good care of the baby and that he would find time to go see her and make up to her.

After solving Zhu Miaomiao’s case, Lu Qingjiu opened his Taobao store again and was almost frightened to death by the information on the messenger. He had never seen so many messages before. His head was about to explode when he saw the dense number of messages. He clicked on two at random, and all he saw were customers crying sadly, saying, Boss, I’m just counting on your hair-growing lotion to make a marriage alliance, why don’t you open your store? If you don’t open your store, I will crash and die in front of you on the spot.

Lu Qingjiu: “….” It was too scary.

There were countless such messages. Lu Qingjiu thought about it and decided not to rush to get the items. Instead, he went to the backyard first to see the condition of the well. The halo above the well was still there. He shouted for a long time calling out the Lady Ghost. When Lady Ghost saw Lu Qingjiu, she greeted him and asked him how he was doing. It seemed that she also knew the news of Lu Qingjiu’s death.

“I’m fine. How are you now?” Lu Qingjiu asked, “Do you have enough believers? I’ll provide you with incense and candles tomorrow.”

“It’s okay, it’s fine.” Miss Ghost said, “If you are free, just continue selling hair tonic. In the past few years, my faith has weakened a lot since you stopped business.”

Lu Qingjiu said okay.

The two reached an agreement on this, and Lu Qingjiu decided to open the store again in a few days.

Three years was just a blink of an eye for a long-lived species like the Dragon Clan, but for humans, it was not a short separation. Lu Qingjiu arrived in the town and inquired about the news, only to find out that both Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi had been promoted and were now working as police officers in the city.

“It feels like there are so many changes around me.” Lu Qingjiu sighed while buying vegetables.

The vegetable seller said, “Isn’t that right? The town is about to be connected to a high-speed rail. Where have you been in the past three years? We haven’t seen you around.”

Lu Qingjiu said with a smile: “I travelled around a lot, and finally realized that home is good, so I came back.”

“Yes.” The owner of the vegetable shop sighed, “It’s better to be at home. People in the city are starting to move to the suburbs and they say that the air and water here nourish people.”

Lu Qingjiu smiled and replied in affirmative.

Since the fusion of the barrier, Yin Xun no longer has to guard those polluted souls, and the most amazing thing was that the villagers of Shuifu Village did not disappear, but continued to live like living people. Lu Qingjiu asked Bai Yuehu why it was like this and Bai Yuehu said that they were also considered a kind of non-human beings, but they didn’t know that they were non-human beings. It was like they were dead, but they didn’t realize their own death, so they acted like living beings and went on living like that.

Although Lu Qingjiu was a little worried, seeing that no one else noticed anything strange about the villagers, he thought that he could just forget it and just take it one day at a time and wait until something goes wrong.

Xiaohua’s wish was granted – Li Xiaoyu finally got admitted to his beloved junior high school. It was said to be the best junior high school in the city, and Li Xiaoyu got in with the top ten grades in his class. Xiaohua was moved to tears and said that his efforts finally bore fruit. It was the first time that he saw such a promising child like Li Xiaoyu. He must urge Li Xiaoyu to work harder and strive to get into a good high school.

Because the junior high school in the city was far away from here, Li Xiaoyu would only come back on weekends. At this time, Xiaohua would drive the minivan to take Li Xiaoyu home, although every time Lu Qingjiu was quite worried if Xiaohua would be arrested by the traffic police.

“It’s okay. I will be detained for a few days at most for driving without a license. When I come out, I will be a good man again.” Xiaohua said.

Lu Qingjiu criticized Xiaohua’s thinking, saying that, Is the key point driving without a license? Don’t you realize that you are a pig?

Xiaohua: “It’s time to transform.” In the following days, he began to struggle with how to quickly transform into a human.

The days returned to a calm rhythm, and Bai Yuehu reclaimed the land he cherished so much and planted many fruits and vegetables he liked to eat. The fruit trees planted in their home a few years ago had grown up, including apples, pears, peaches and plums. In short, they had everything. They were planted on both sides of the yard and around the paths. The trees were shady and would be full of fruits in autumn.

Seeing that it was the height of summer, Lu Qingjiu remembered the dead Zhu Rong and the other two Four Seasons Gods, and said, “Right, I forgot, have Zhu Rong and the others been resurrected?”

Upon hearing Zhu Rong’s name, Bai Yuehu’s expression became subtle.

Lu Qingjiu thought it was because Zhu Rong was not resurrected and Bai Yuehu was like this. He was about to say a few words of comfort when he saw Bai Yuehu nod: “He’s alive.”

Lu Qingjiu: “Alive, why didn’t I see him yet?”

Bai Yuehu: “You want to see him?”

Lu Qingjiu was at a loss, and didn’t understand what Bai Yuehu’s subtle tone and expression meant, until the next day, when Bai Yuehu carried in three crying little toddlers from outside the door, Lu Qingjiu was dumbfounded.

“Where did you steal these kids?” Lu Qingjiu said in horror, “What will their parents do if they find out?”

Bai Yuehu held the little ones by their collars and said, “It’s okay, they don’t have parents.”

Lu Qingjiu took a closer look, only to find that these kids were obviously not human beings, because no human parents would dye their children’s hair in various colors and even make them wear strange colored contact lenses.

Lu Qingjiu took a closer look and realized that these toddlers looked familiar. He immediately thought of something and asked in disbelief: “They are the Gods of the Four Seasons?”

Bai Yuehu nodded and threw the kids in front of Lu Qingjiu.

The three white dumpling-like babies cried and hugged each other. They looked at Bai Yuehu as if they were looking at a big devil.

Lu Qingjiu’s expression twisted: “Why did they become like this?”

Bai Yuehu said: “It’s okay, they will be fine next year.” He explained that after the death of the Four Seasons God, they would return to the appearance of a child, but it was not a big problem, as long as they went through a few years of baptism, they could return to their previous appearance .

Lu Qingjiu said: “Then do their memories still exist?”

Bai Yuehu: “Yes, unless something unexpected happens like the Winter God.”

Lu Qingjiu: “No, I mean do they still have their memories?”

Bai Yuehu said: “Yes.”

Lu Qingjiu: “Then wouldn’t they all remember how you bullied them?”

Bai Yuehu said calmly: “So what if they remember? Come and beat me if they don’t accept it.”

Lu Qingjiu: “…….” You are actually only three years old, right?

The cries of the little kids in the yard were so painful that Lu Qingjiu began to regret his request to see the God of Seasons. Bai Yuehu originally wanted to pick up the three of them and throw them out. Lu Qingjiu looked at them, and they looked so pitiful that he couldn’t bear it, so he took a lollipop and stuffed one into each of their mouths, and then he managed to coax them. Seeing their chubby, white and tender cheeks bulging with lollipops in their mouths, Lu Qingjiu still couldn’t hold back and reached out to pinch their cheeks.

Zhu Rong was the most courageous, and he whispered thank you, Autumn God was a little dazed after being pinched, and Gou Mang was the most shy, and hid behind Zhu Rong after being pinched.

Lu Qingjiu said, “So cute.”

Bai Yuehu was a little dissatisfied: “You were much cuter than them when you were a child.”

Lu Qingjiu: “Really?”

Bai Yuehu: “Of course it’s true.”

Lu Qingjiu: “Even if I didn’t try to catch you in your dragon form?”

Bai Yuehu: “…….”

Seeing that Bai Yuehu’s expression was wrong, Lu Qingjiu immediately comforted him by saying that he was joking, how can a vixen be as good-looking as our black dragon, our black dragon’s scales are shiny, much prettier than that vixen’s.

Bai Yuehu: “Touch the tail?”

Lu Qingjiu; “Touch.”

Bai Yuehu: “Tsk.”

Lu Qingjiu laughed awkwardly, but his hand still touched the fluffy tail on the back of Bai Yuehu’s buttocks. It’s been almost three years since he touched such a soft tail. He really missed it.

There was no need to guard the memorial tablets in Shuifu Village, and Yin Xun could roam around. Lu Qingjiu went to the city and bought him a car so that Yin Xun could travel around. When buying a car, Bai Yuehu asked if he wanted to get another one, but Yin Xun ruthlessly refused.

Last time, he brought back a slug, who knew what he would bring back next time, Yin Xun didn’t have a heart as strong as Lu Qingjiu’s.

Besides, since Lu Qingjiu changed his body, his physical fitness has improved a lot. He hardly caught a cold on ordinary days, and if he occasionally hurt his skin, he would heal quickly. But this wasn’t what made Lu Qingjiu the happiest. What made him happiest was that every time he wanted to eat lotus roots, he could just go to the kitchen, roll up his sleeves, and chop off a piece. The chopped off part would immediately turn into a lotus root, still fresh, with dewdrops and a fresh scent. Moreover, he felt no pain, and the severed limb would recover quickly.

This kind of lotus root used for cooking was different from the lotus roots sold in the market. When half-raw, it was crispy and sweet. When cooked, it became soft and sweet and even the inner pulp that came out was very fragrant, sweet and very tasty. Lu Qingjiu used part of it as cold sauce, part of it stewed with pork bones, and part of it could be filled with meat stuffing, wrapped in flour and deep-fried in oil. In short, it was delicious no matter how you made it.

Of course, Yin Xun, who was eating the lotus root, said that if it wasn’t for the fact that this lotus root came off Lu Qingjiu’s body, it might have been even more flavorful, and Lu Qingjiu sniffed and said quietly, “If it came off my body, shouldn’t it be more flavorful? Come on, have some more.”

Yin Xun: “….”

Because they gave each of the Gods of the Four Seasons a lollipop before, they sent Lu Qingjiu a good person card, and wanted to come to the house again, but they were also afraid of Bai Yuehu, so every day when Bai Yuehu went out to go to the fields in the morning, they stood on tiptoes and knocked on the door, stared at Lu Qingjiu with their round eyes, and asked Brother Lu in a low voice if he still had any candies ah.

When Lu Qingjiu was asked such a question, his heart softened. He took out candies from home and filled their pockets with them, then pinched their little cheeks, and with an incomparably kind smile, he watched them disappear in front of his door.

Yin Xun stood behind with a broom, and asked Lu Qingjiu with a complicated expression why he could accept them so easily, as if there was no psychological shadow.

Lu Qingjiu felt very baffled by Yin Xun’s words: “What kind of psychological shadow?”

Yin Xun said helplessly: “Haven’t you ever thought that if they recovered their memories and remembered that they came to our house every day to beg for candies, wouldn’t that be horrible?” He shivered when he thought of Zhu Rong’s tough looks and serious expression.

Lu Qingjiu didn’t think there was any problem, and said very calmly: “What’s wrong with that, then I will be their elder from now on, because I watched them grow up.”

Yin Xun: “….” He couldn’t refute the logic.

The days passed day by day like this, everything was back on track, and the peace of the past was restored.

Once the autumn harvest was over, it would be a snowy winter again. Because of the experience of that year, Lu Qingjiu was slightly worried about this season. As in previous years, he stored a lot of food in his cellar, and at the same time prepared all the daily necessities, waiting for the severe winter.

But what he didn’t expect was that this year’s winter was not harsh, and compared with previous years, it could be said to be much milder.

After the first snowfall, the temperature began to drop slowly. It was not until the second snowfall that the road in Shuifu Village was closed.

After Lu Qingjiu’s body had changed, he found that he was no longer afraid of the cold at all. He could even roll around in the snow in unlined clothes like Yin Xun. Although he would feel a little cold, he would not catch a cold or get sick at all. So the whole winter became more interesting.

He fell straight into the soft snowdrift, leaving the first trace of a human figure on it, grabbed the snowball and stuffed it into his friend’s collar. The family plus two pigs laughed like a group of young fools.

When you’ve had enough fun, take a hot bath, put on a thick sweater, and hide in a warm bed. If you’re bored, you can take out your knitting needles and work hard to knit a sweater.

Lu Qingjiu has very ambitious goals this year. He planned to knit a black sweater and a scarf for Bai Yuehu. Although the pattern was not good-looking, it was real wool and was very warm. Thinking of this, Lu Qingjiu couldn’t help laughing.

Bai Yuehu went to dig sweet potatoes in the fields and Yin Xun hadn’t come over yet. He heard a thud from the window and thought some naughty child was hitting his window with snowballs. Lu Qingjiu put on his clothes, walked to the bed, and opened the window, but he didn’t see any child.

The winter in Shuifu Village was very lively this year. The villagers had not disappeared, but continued to live like normal humans. Xiaohua and Xiaohei were quite popular with the children in the village, they would come to his house to find the two little pigs to play with.

Lu Qingjiu was looking around when he heard a chuckle from above his head. He looked up and saw the God of Winter sitting on the top of his apple tree, looking down at him with a smile.

“Xuan Ming” Lu Qingjiu was startled, “Why are you here?”

“Why can’t I be here?” Xuan Ming said, “Long time no see, Lu Qingjiu.”

“Long time no see.” Lu Qingjiu replied.

In that battle, the God of Winter gave him a feeling of coldness and ruthlessness, but strangely, from the expression of the God of Winter in front of him, he actually saw the gentle feeling of Xuan Yu. The corner of his eyes curved as he smiled at Lu Qingjiu: “How are you doing lately?”

Lu Qingjiu hesitated and said: “Not bad, are you Xuan Ming or Xuan Yu?”

The God of Winter said: “It doesn’t matter who I am, as long as you know that I am the God of Winter.”

Lu Qingjiu said: “Then, why did you come?”

The God of Winter raised his hand and threw something to the window. He said, “This is what your Grandpa left for you.”

Lu Qingjiu caught the thing and took a look, only to find that it was a pair of earmuffs.

“He said he loves you very much, but he couldn’t help it, because the person he loved most was your Grandma.” Winter God said warmly, “Only when the two worlds merged, could he have the chance to resurrect your Grandma, so you shouldn’t blame him too much.”

Lu Qingjiu clenched his earmuffs: “I don’t blame him.”

Winter God smiled: “That’s good, I’m leaving.”

Lu Qingjiu: “Wait.”

Winter God: “Yeah?”

Lu Qingjiu asked: “Do you have anything else you want to tell me?”

Winter God: “Other things?” he tilted his head, “Nothing. In fact, knowing too much is really not a good thing. Besides, who doesn’t have a few secrets?”

Lu Qingjiu was stunned, and then he saw the Winter God turn into a butterfly and flew away. Unlike spring, the butterfly he turned into was crystal clear, showing a beautiful blue color, and disappeared into the snow curtain on the wind.

Lu Qingjiu heard the sound of the door opening behind him. It was probably Bai Yuehu’s return. At this moment, he actually felt that what the God of Winter said was right. Who didn’t have a few secrets, but whether these secrets were solved or not, they were still there. It didn’t matter anymore, at least he was happy now.

He had a warm house, delicious food, and the company of his lover and friends. Lu Qingjiu raised his hand to close the window, carefully put the earmuffs into the drawer and locked them with his Grandma’s diary, as if sealing a piece of history away.

His body was hugged from behind, Lu Qingjiu smiled and said to him: “Welcome back.”

He was back, and he never wanted to leave.


The author has something to say: It’s over la la la, thank you very much for your company for several months

Ela ~ The baby Gods were the best <3

This brings us to the end of the main story! I was quite emotional as I finished it – but more on that later after the 3 extras Thank you for supporting the translation.

Zaki~~ There’s still three chaps??? *drops dead*

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