God's Eyes

Chapter 1033 Old Ones!

Chapter 1033 Old Ones!

Jason was confused because he didn't understand the weird situation. He had been asked to meet up with the Gods of the High Rulic Dwarves, and then hear something about a weird prophecy.

However, the fact that the prophecy was highly likely to refer to him was even weirder, confusing Jason even more.

But that was not the most confusing thing as the High Rulic Dwarf Gods said that they wanted to return to their Universe.

This was truly unexpected, but even more so the fact that he was supposed to be involved in any of that.

'Isn't Queen Lilya a much better candidate for something like that?' Jason instinctively thought while scratching the back of his head.

He was not sure how to act in front of the two Gods, and they were, by no means, dumb.

As such, they noticed that Jason was growing uncomfortable and that he was confused.

Because of that, the God on the right side of the Goddess began to speak for the first time in the entire, short, yet impactful discussion. All this while he had only been observing everyone silently.

"All of this might be a little bit complicated, and we are sorry for this, but I hope you can understand that we are a little bit nervous as well.

After all, we tried our best to return to our universe, and approach the coordinates that are the closest to the overlapping Universe.

The only problem we had and have been trying to solve for more than 500,000 years is finding a way to pass through the overlapping void barriers.

We already tried enlisting a few Demi Gods, who are proficient with the Spatial affinity, to solve this issue but none of them were able to solve the issue at hand.

Some of them said that the problem lies with the void itself as it repels the spatial affinity. Meanwhile, others were of the opinion that it was possible to cut through the overlapping void barriers but that one would die upon passing through the barriers.

To prevent this, one would have to gear up the protection of the space between the overlapping void barriers, which would be quite difficult owing to the repelling effect of the void itself!

We gave our best to solve everything, but now that you are here, and have the capabilities just like the prophecy described, we cannot help but be a little bit hopeful.

It has been almost 500,000 years that we were searching for you, and we had almost given up, after all…"

As he was being bombarded with even more information, Jason could only thank his fast, and overly refined brain that could digest the information he received in an instant.

Thus, he was able to simply nod his head before asking,

"Does that mean, some sort of prophecy indicated that I will appear here and that I will help you guys out?"

Jason was still not sure why exactly he should help the High Rulic Dwarves, but he could somewhat grasp the gist of the situation.

'If someone was really able to tell I would appear here based on the prophecy, wouldn't that mean some Primordials should be able to figure out my location as well?'

This would be logical in his opinion.

The Primordials should have the capabilities to converse with a being that could see in the future.

But considering that he was not dead yet, this might not be the case. They would have killed him long ago if they knew any such being.

As such, Jason could only take a deep breath before he averted his focus to the Gods in front of him, once again.

"Just before something huge happened in our Universe, we found one of the Old Ones, and we were told the Great Prophecy of our Return!"

The Great Prophecy of their Return sounded great, but in the end, it was just some words of an unknown existence that didn't even give them a rough idea about how long they should wait in this Universe.

Thus, Jason wasn't really impressed by the ability of the fortune-telling Old One, thinking that Sira was far more impressive with her blessings.

Nonetheless, he couldn't help but be curious about one point.

"Old Ones? Are those comparable to Primordials in our Universe?" Jason asked, ignoring the other piece of information for the time being.

He could come back to it later after the first question was answered.

The male God just nodded his head before answering,

"You could say so!"

Jason was still not able to understand what he was supposed to do for them, but that was fine.

He was quite calm right now, which could be considered to be an achievement in itself while being in the presence of Gods.

However, that was not something Jason could be bothered about right now.

There was another race that required his help, which made him feel as if fate was much stronger than expected.

It bothered him a little bit that someone was able to foresee his arrival at the High Rulic Dwarves and update them, but it was not as if he could change that now.

"You guys live in, Kyrian, the crystalized abyss?" Jason asked, just to be sure that the Old Ones came from the Universe Kyrian belongs to.

When he stated the name of a specific place in their Universe, the two Gods looked at each other in astonishment, only for the Goddess to nod her head vigorously.

"Oh, you do know it?"

Jason just nodded his head in all seriousness and thought amusingly.

'I should really just go to Queen Lilya and ask her for help. Cutting a little bit through space and the void borders shouldn't be bad.'

Yet, what bothered Jason about their reasoning was something confusing.

'If they had fled from their old Universe, why would they want to return now?'

With that question in mind, he changed it slightly before asking out loud,

"But why do you want to return? Does every being of your race want that? I doubt all of them have retained memories of their lives in the old Universe. 500,000 years is quite a long time, and only the oldest of you should know about the High Rulic Dwarves' relationship with the other universe.

Or am I mistaking something?"

Jason was not mistaking anything, and he could clearly see that the Dwarf Gods were slightly uncomfortable answering the question in complete honesty.

"Well, there are only a few that know about our lives in Kyrian. As such, it would probably be the best for all of us, if we were to be able to return and come whenever we want."

A lot of doubts and questions popped up in his mind upon hearing this and he was way too intrigued about the prophecy, the beings called Old Ones, and some other things about other Universes.

But before he could ask any of that, he suddenly got a very good idea that made him smile lightly as he remarked,

"To be entirely honest, that is suitable with what I planned to do. I want to create a device with which I can create world bridges at every place I want, as long as I have the coordinates. It should be like this.

First I wa-..."

Forgetting about the High Rulic Dwarf's desire to return to their old planet, Jason simply continued to tell the two Gods about his plan to create a device that was ought to work like a Smartphone with bluetooth, and the function to allow him to be teleported to every single kind of bluetooth signal it receives.

At the same time, the device ought to remember the coordinates used before.

All of this might have started with his desire to stay in touch with Jennifer without being forced to stay next to each other.

However, after some time, Jason's plan had slightly changed.

His main goal was still to create the device to keep in touch with Jennifer and be able to meet her whenever he wanted irrespective of the distance between them, but there was also more behind everything, something that could end up with a magnificent result.

It might even help them against the approach of the beings behind the Veil.

But in order to achieve this, decades would have to pass.

This was a long time, but the result should be similar to the effect of interest in an accumulating equation.

When Jason was done revealing the plan he came up with, what functions the device he wanted to create needed to have, and all of the small details he had in mind, the baffled Gods looked at him in shock.

It was not difficult to tell that Jason had taken some time coming up with the plan he had in mind.

Yet, even if Jason seemed excited to create this device, he required the necessary wisdom to really achieve this.

And that was still a far-fetched thought as the two Dwarf Gods could tell that Jason's current knowledge was insufficient.

This included far too many topics, which was why the slightly healthy Dwarf God couldn't help but ask,

"Are…you confident to create this device? Or rather, if you are confident to manufacture it, how long do you think you will need to make it?"

Jason had obviously no answer, and he could only shrug his shoulders before answering,

"Well, I can only try, and if your prophecy is not completely wrong, I should be able to create it, right?

Speaking about the time I need to create it....I guess that depends on how much support I receive from others.

My current knowledge and wisdom is not exactly great.

However, I'm confident of being a fast learner!"

It was great for them that Jason was being honest with them.

However, it didn't really help them think of a solution about what exactly they were supposed to do.

Looking at each other, they knew that they were not able to solve the issue at hand.

Somehow, Jason was their only solution, which was quite frustrating, considering that they had left behind nearly everything on Kyrian, whether it was their technology, wisdom, or family!

They had never expected that their Universes would clash, let alone that their home would end up in the area of the overlapping void, cut off from the rest of the merged universes!

Thus, there was only one solution for them to go forward with, causing the Goddess to nod her head as the Dwarf God asked,

"If we help you with our resources, will you add the function to allow us to pass through the void barriers so that we can enter the places, worlds, and dimensions that went under the Universes when they began to overlap?"

Jason had expected to hear a different request, but he was more than fine with altering his plan on the creation of the device that was ought to become the masterwork of his entire lifetime!

With that in mind, and numerous other thoughts flashing through his mind, Jason put on the brightest smile he could show.

"That's perfectly fine, I can do that. However, because I want to take a look at the procedure of binding weapons, armors, armaments, and other devices to your soul…just let me read every single book in your library! I saw that I have too many restrictions.

That's fine, right?"

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