God's Eyes

Chapter 78 - Second Soulbond

A few minutes passed until Jason arrived at the floor where beasts gave birth or laid their eggs.

He was impatient right now, and it took him another 10 minutes until they reached their final destination.

In his mind, it took an eternity until he reached the breeding grounds of his future newborn soulbond as he activated his mana eyes.

Jason saw that there was no color radiating from the beasts but he had already accepted that fact.

There was already a rough plan constructing in his mind and he adjusted it to the soulbond he picked while the theory about purity was the main point Jason wanted to use.

If the theory wouldn't work, Jason had to make preparations and his mind rattled while thinking carefully about the options he had when he came closer and closer to the small newborn beasts.

The attendant next to him noticed Jason's impatience and said

"Sir if you want to make a basic potential test to figure out which beast is the best to choose from, you have to wait at least 24 hours"

"No, it's fine!" Jason said with a resolute voice.

He already saw that the potential or core purity was around the same and Jason couldn't detect any differences.

As such testing the potential and waiting for a whole day would be a waste of time and lessen the effect of the soulbond between each other.

The attendant knew that forming a bond as soon as possible would be the best for their soulbond, but not even caring about the potential of your future companion was odd.

Forming a soulbond with the chance of having the potential to reach higher ranks would be more important in his opinion

But it was not his choice and the attendant told Jason to decide which one he wanted to pick.

The beast mother was exhausted and sedated so she wouldn't be able to do anything

Even if she was awake, the attendant would prevent it from doing anything to Jason.

Jason came closer to the newborn beasts and there were dozens of one centimeter long scorpions with a soft yellowish green exoskeleton in front of him.

Right now they looked extremely weak and would probably even be killed by a small wind current but it was said that these Miniature Parascors in front of him had a potent, paralyzing poison that could even numb beasts at the same rank.

Their strength was weak and the only strong characteristics of this kind of beast was its exceptional hard and endurable exoskeleton with the lethal poison.

Jason chose the miniature Parascors as his second soulbond because of multiple reasons which included it being a three-star wild beast, its strong exoskeleton, and as a most important reason for Jason the scorpion's natural occurrence of molting while growing up.

This molting could change Jason's plan to a certain extent because he wanted to give his soulbond some of the holy white bacuri fruit before the molding.

Maybe with this, the cleansing of impurities could be naturally included in the molding.

The possibility for this was slightly higher compared to other beasts without the ability to naturally mold and it was worth a try.

Jason didn't really care about which miniature Parascor to pick as he picked up one of them who sensed his presence.

This particular miniature Parascor came closer with the thought that Jason was his mother in its mind.

Once he had picked up one of the yellow-greenish miniature Parascors he stepped back and looked at the attendant like he was ready to go.

"Can I pay now and form the soulbond contract or is there anything else I have to do?"

The attendant looked at Jason not listening clearly

"Hmm?.. No, I only have to fill the formula which says that one of the miniature Parascors was sold to you, so we can administer everything cleanly…

The only thing Sir has to do is to pay the fee for the beast which is slightly higher compared to normal beasts because it is rare and the beast gives birth only twice in its life at most. " The attendant explained and looking at Jason's clothes he was sure Jason would be able to pay the price as he was still wearing his school uniform which told the attendant that Jason was a student at the prestigious Vanguard affiliated school.

A holographic screen with a contract appeared in front of Jason and after reading through it he signed it.

Jason had to pay 25.000 credits for the newborn miniature Parascors which was extremely high for a wild beast but apparently, it was extremely rare.

The additional fee for purchasing a newborn beast was also high because the strengthened bond would help out their communication and teamwork.

To Jason, these 25.000 credits weren't too much if his purity theory worked.

With his theory working out, the price for the beast would be negligible compared to the fortune he would need to afford for treasure which would cleanse one's core.

After the transaction was done, the attendant was still determined to see Jason forming his soulbond with the beast to avoid receiving complaints about neglecting his job and they left for a secluded room.

Jason's future soulbond was lying down because it was exhausted to be born less than an hour ago and once he entered the secluded room, he took out one of the knives he normally used to throw and stood there ready to cut the thumb of the hand holding the knife because inside his other hand was the small miniature Parascors.

Before he cut his thumb, Jason entered his soul world and loosened up a thread of his soul which he led it carefully through his body into his thumb.

Cutting his hand, dark red blood with a golden hue could be seen.

Jason didn't waste any time as a thick drop of blood shimmering in a golden hue fell on the Parascor draining it completely in blood.

It felt an uncomfortable feeling before the soul thread invaded the Parascor before the unpleasant feeling vanished.

Jason felt a connection getting built between him and the miniature Parascor while the small fellow in his hand trembled for a second before a small yellow-greenish magic circle appeared, with his new soulbond vanished inside him.

It would probably take a few hours before the soulbond was perfectly established and it was best for contractor and beast to stay as close a possible for this period which was also the instinctive decision the newborn Parascor took.

Seeing that the soulbond was finished, the attendant nodded his head.

Filling out the formula a minute passed and the attendant guided Jason, who sweated slightly due to his soulbond outside without saying an additional word.

It was the second time Jason formed a soulbond and it was still extremely difficult even if it was much easier than the first time.

Jason wondered if he would ever get proficient in moving around his soul threads with time passing.

For others it would be entirely useless because most people only had 2 to 5 soulbonds, but not for Jason.

Jason and the attendant didn't talk with each other and the only thing they said, was goodbye when he left the Beast Pagoda.

The attendant didn't really know what to think about the youth in front of him, because he contracted a three-star wild beast while being a student in one of the best schools on Astrix.

Even if it was only the 6th affiliated Vanguard school, it was still among the top 20 high-schools on Astrix island, including the affiliated schools of the other two out of the big three.

It was extremely uncommon and rather stupid for such a prodigious individual to form a contract with a wild beast without any potential.

To be blunt, a wild-ranked beast was almost everywhere seen as trash or useless to form a contract with and most wild beasts were used as food for stronger bonds.

There were only three apparent reasons to breed wild beast


→Using for errands

→Getting an advantageous mutated wild beast with a high potential in order to sell for a lot of credits.

Jason wouldn't mind if the attendant found him weird but more importantly was that he could get home and some food because he was extremely hungry.

Thinking about food, Jason was pondering what food to purchase for his new soulbond while waiting for the shuttle to arrive in front of the Beast Pagoda.

When the shuttle arrived Jason finished his research about scorpion food and they ate almost everything small enough for them to eat.

Sitting down inside the shuttle, he decided to purchase a batch of grade-1 mana fireflies with a small amount of mana causing them to illuminate the night sky.

They were nutritious and easy for a small beast like a newborn miniature Parascor to eat and digest.

Inside Cyro-City with the dense mana around, the growing phase of his second soulbond would probably take only two months at most while Jason wanted to increase its speed even more so, that the miniature Parascor would reach adulthood before the class battle began.

Thereby he would use mana stones for that and the holy white bacuri fruit in addition.

After deciding roughly what to do in the next few weeks, Jason practices the Heaven's Hell technique inside the shuttle until he arrives at the Fler′s house.

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