God's Eyes

Chapter 79 - First Purification

The first week of school passed and Mr. Greil did not teach any martial arts to his students.

Instead, he focused on improving the mana absorbing aptitude of everyone slowly, which brought them many benefits, as almost everyone's speed increased to a certain extent.

Jason was the most astonishing student among the small-batch, as he picked the best spot with the thickest mana flow, every time they were supposed to gather mana, increasing his already astonishing mana absorbing speed even more.

Because he was still unaccustomed to the mana flow inside Cyro-city that was already extremely dense, Jason had some problems to continuously absorb mana.

It was taxing for him, to focus on gathering mana, circling it through his mana channels, and absorbing it into his mana core at the same time for over two hours straight.

While the others were doing it slowly and steadily, Jason was becoming more and more greedy.

He didn't even need to use mana stones in order to increase the mana in his surroundings because he couldn't even handle the mana around him.

Thinking about the first day of school where he broke into the 6th Novice rank, Jason felt extremely motivated and determined.

His mana absorbing speed increased thanks to him moving to an A-grade city with its high-density mana everything and now his full potential was awakening slowly.

Others felt like he was a demon because Jason completely disregarded his surroundings as he absorbed all the mana greedily as if he was the center of the world.

Becoming stronger was his ambition and he couldn't take care of everyone in his surroundings, so they had to either step back or fight him for the spot.

Not a single classmate of his dared to come closer to Jason than 3 meters to absorb mana as the mana around Jason was fully absorbed by him.

As for fighting for the spot, first comes first serves was the rule implemented here, as fighting classmates was strongly forbidden with the exceptions of practical lessons and Class ranking battles.

Even their teacher was astonished to see Jason absorbing the mana in the surrounding so fast and he wondered how a 6th Novice rank could be able to multitask so excessively, without having practiced a technique that improved his mind.

Techniques to improve one's mind and brain were extremely rare and only royalty or higher-ups would be able to practice such technique.

Seeing Jason being able to gather and convert the mana so fast, Mr.Greil was extremely astonished.

He himself could only do something like that when he reached the Expert rank as his mind was continuously refined with each breakthrough.

Till Greil knew that Jason was somehow special but each day passing caused him to be more and more surprised about the young black-haired youth with his golden eyes.

There were also other things Mr.Greil found weird.

Jason came to school on Wednesday with a one-centimeter small yellow-greenish newborn miniature Parascor in his hair which was almost not noticeable, if he wasn′t continuously radiating some of his mana.

After asking Jason about that, he just replied it's his soulbond which caused him to be taken aback.

A miniature Parascor was only a three-star wild beast once matured, and completely useless for Jason as he was already much stronger than most three-star wild beast.

The amplification provided by the small three-star wild beast would be negligible.

Mr.Greil concluded that Jason had a combat prowess of a peak five-star wild beast or one of the lowest awakened ranked beasts while being at the 6th Novice rank which was more than astonishing for someone without great backing.

Maybe high nobles or children from the Kingdoms of Canir could do that but on the Archipelago, this was already seen as being a prodigy.

That's why it was even more astonishing for him to comprehend a reason, why Jason wasted precious place from his soul world on a beast without growing potential.

For Till Greil, even evolved beasts were seen as useless because his soul energy was higher than 500 when he had his soul-awakening at the age of 14.

He couldn't even remotely understand Jason′s train of thoughts and was somehow disappointed about his promising student wasting his potential.

Even if Jason didn't need mana stones around him in order to absorb mana faster, he did it nevertheless because of a certain reason.

His new soulbond, he named Scorpio, absorbed the pure mana around them greedily in order to strengthen itself, to accelerate the maturing process.

There was a big difference between Artemis and Scorpio, Jason noticed.

Artemis was able to absorb and digest as much mana as she wanted to, even if it should have been harmful to her, while Scorpio could only absorb a marginal amount of the mana stone before he had to stop as it was exhausting harmful to absorb to much of it.

It was the last day of the week when Jason finished the practice of his Heaven′s Hell technique.

Looking at Scorpio, he thought it was time for the first experiment.

Scorpio was almost 2 centimeters at that time and it was time for his first molting.

Ordering it to lie down on the table, Jason took out a graded syringe, that was used for magical fruits, nervously.

Putting the syringe down, he took out the grade-2 perennial neoxid box with the two magical treasures inside.

Taking out the Holy white bacuri fruit, he closed the box once again.

Inside the holy white bacuri fruit was a certain juice, Jason wanted Scorpio to drink.

There were multiple reasons for Jason′s decision. The most obvious reason was that the two-centimeter-long Scorpio wouldn't be able to gulp down a fist-sized fruit while the second reason for Jason to do so, was that the juice within the fruit shone in the feeblest black he had ever seen, indicating its lower purity effect.

He hoped that it would cause his second soulbond less pain.

Piercing through the outer shell of the holy white bacuri fruit with the syringe, Jason filled the syringe up, before he took out a test tube, where the syringe′s content was emptied in.

The Holy white bacuri fruit was now damaged and would decay faster than before.

As such Jason filled the syringe another three times before he had three testing tubes completely filled.

Storing the holy white bacuri fruit and other tools away, only one testing tube was left in Jason′s hand while the others were safely packed in a box with soft materials to provide the best protection inside the cooling freezer.

The cooling freezer temperature was perfect for the testing tube to prevent the magical effect from decreasing too much over the next few days.

Jason estimated that it would take less than two months for the holy white bacuri fruit to completely lose its cleansing effect even inside the grade-2 perennial neoxid box.

In his opinion, this was more than enough time Scorpio would most likely require to finish the fruit.

With each day the cleansing effect would lessen and Jason wasn't even sure if the cleansing effect would still be strong enough in two months to cause his miniature Parascor to cleanse his core in the initial phase in order for it to reach the awakened rank.

That was why Jason decided to fasten up the process.

If today′s experiment would be successful, he would feed Scorpio with the holy white bacuri juice every day until he was large enough to eat small pieces of the fruit with more nutrition and the magical effect inside.

Even if Scorpio′s race was called miniature Parascor, in the end, it was just a very small paralyzing scorpion.

He would grow to a size of 10 centimeters with his initial race characteristics at least.

However, Jason was sure its size wouldn′t remain at 10 centimeters at that time when it reached higher ranks.

He was confident about this experiment on the outside but his whole being was worried on the inside when he ordered Scorpio to sit on his open palm.

Picking up the syringe with his other hand, Jason filled it with some holy white bacuri juice before he dropped two drops into his palm, right in front of Scorpio.

Jason didn′t dare to order Scorpio to drink the two drops in front of him as soulbonds couldn′t decline orders if their soul energy was weaker than their contractors.

He knew that the instincts of beasts were particularly strange, once they saw something which benefited them, as he had seen with Artemis as she picked out the cores of beasts, before eating them without receiving an order from Jason.

Scorpio crawled slowly towards the two drops, sniffing their aroma before he drank them up wholly, without leaving a single tiny bit.

After that, he looked up to Jason greedily.

At first, Jason felt weird, but he could sense that Scorpio asked for more, which made him extremely happy.

Drop after drop was consumed by Scorpio and almost a whole test tube vanished in his tiny body, when Jason suddenly saw his small soulbond writhing in pain, throwing his body around.

His mana eyes witnessed the whole process and his eyes widened with worry and pain due to their shared emotions.

Jason felt suddenly apologetic about doing something so stupid as he fed Scorpio more and more potent holy white bacuri juice.

His worry increased, even more, when Scorpio completely stopped moving after a few minutes of squirming around in pain.

There was not a single mana fluctuation coming out from Scorpio and Jason was extremely worried.

If he couldn't feel that his soulbond was still alive, he would have been devastated, thinking that he had killed Scorpio.

Only after half an hour passed, Jason noticed mana fluctuations spreading out from Scorpio as he began to flinch violently, forcefully expelling its outer shell which was yellow-greenish with thick black dots on it.

Scorpio was now three centimeters long and Jason noticed that the exoskeleton turned slightly greener from its initial color.

Inspecting its core, which was still at the one-star wild rank, Jason noticed that there was still no color radiating from it.

The only thing Jason noticed was that the mana inside Scorpio was slightly stronger compared to before.

`Did it work or not?` Jason didn′t know but it was obvious that Scorpio grew in strength, even if it was still a one-star.

The color of its exoskeleton changed slightly after a single usage of the cleansing juice and it grew in size.

There were small signs of Scorpio abandoning the path predetermined as a weak three-star miniature Parascor, leading it to a prosperous future.

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