Heavenly Star

Chapter 349

Chapter 349

When he again suffered as like as two peas of terrible power and completely insufferable suffocation, Yan Xi Ming changed his face. Now, in the North emperor's court, only he saw the miracle of the evil emperor's arrow shooting off the cliff at the beginning, and now he feels exactly the same as when he shot the arrow. As if the air was pulled away, the soul was pulled away. In the distant sky, a big pot cover was pressed down on the head, which was so dull that I couldn't breathe at all.

His feeling at this time is also the feeling of every Beidi Zongren present, including Yan duanhun and the two ultimate strong men with divine strength. Their bodies that had rushed out stagnated in the air at the same time, and one after another looked at the evil emperor in the air in horror. Their pupils contracted to the size of needle eyes in an instant, staring at ye Wuchen's slowly moving right hand.

It was a powerful pressure they had never felt or even imagined. Strong enough to make them feel a deep-rooted fear when they have almost no opponents in Tianchen mainland. It seems that they are fragile and have no resistance in front of this force. This feeling has never been.

On the bow of the northern emperor, the target pointed by the formed blood arrow is... Burning soul!

"Be careful, he used this arrow at the beginning... He would feel more pressure on himself every time he didn't say a word. When he finished a complete sentence, he almost exhausted all his strength.

Who in the whole Tianchen continent doesn't know the original startling arrow of the evil emperor? At this time, they suddenly heard that they still can't contain their fear. At this moment, they have personally felt how powerful it is to shoot Luochen cliff into two halves. These peerless experts who are proud of the world and don't know what fear is actually began to tremble. The feeling of death is so close.

"Protect the patriarch!" The two God level strong men suddenly woke up from the shock of this terrible force, stopped attacking ye Wuchen, turned back and blocked Yan duanhun. With their loud drink, more than ten experts behind Yan duanhun woke up and moved forward one after another in front of Yan duanhun and Yan Ximing. This momentum has demonstrated how powerful the next arrow will be. Even if a god level master is hit, he is likely to be killed by one arrow. And this arrow is clearly aimed at the burning soul. They dare not bet whether the burning soul can avoid it. They can only protect the front with their own body and strength.

The heavy shadow mixed with the smell of death in the air is an instrument of prohibition, which exerts irresistible pressure. At this time, if ye Wuchen can have divine strength, the pressure will increase several times, or even ten times.

What they don't know is that although the "blood killing sky breaking arrow" of the disaster bow has unparalleled power, it has an obvious defect - it takes a long time to accumulate the disaster power before shooting, and during this time, it can be interrupted as long as it attacks ye Wuchen's body. This is also a pity for the other two tricks of the disaster bow.

If the two divine level masters did not choose to return to protect Yan duanhun, but continued to attack ye Wuchen, it would be difficult to shoot the "blood kill wind arrow" again. But in that case, they had no second choice at all.

"Since you have the courage to be powerless to the emperor, please bear the emperor's anger..."


The sky suddenly darkened. Everyone clearly saw a bloody thin awn falling from the world and zooming in in the pupil. In that short moment, the whole world was left with only this thin awn. No breathing, no sound, everything solidified

"Protect the patriarch!!"


"Block down!!"





The earth trembled violently in the tremor. The surrounding world was completely covered by the flying dust. I could no longer see a trace of it. I could only hear the dull hum and miserable cry that kept ringing in the dust.



Another place.

Drops of sweat were continuously secreted from lengya, the forehead was covered with drops of water, and the tight clothes had been soaked with sweat. He curled up, curled his body into a tiny ball, tightly huddled in the corner of a firewood pile, half narrowed his eyes, and listened to every move outside.

He didn't know how long he had stepped into the land of beidizong. But if someone told him that he had been here for ten days and nights, he wouldn't have any doubt. Here, every step, every short step forward, we have to bear great pressure and take great risks. Every minute, every second, we should raise our vigilance to the highest point, dare not have even a trace of negligence, and live like a year, but so on.

Far away, he heard the commotion from the north, and people rushed out to the source of the commotion. He vaguely guessed what had happened. He didn't worry or hesitate. He immediately turned his attention back and approached the direction of the prison step by step. The commotion also attracted most of the beidizong masters. Only those with relatively low strength and relatively low status stayed in their own position and were not allowed to leave, which suddenly reduced the pressure on lengya and accelerated his pace, but his vigilance was never put down.

At this time, the pile of firewood where he was hiding was just diagonally facing the prison door. At the door, two people with long swords stood there, looking serious and solemn, without any sign of negative slackness. Lengya has been curled up there for a long time and hasn't found any chance. This is an extremely stubborn man. In this case, he still doesn't choose to avoid exploring other places for the time being, but just stays here and waits for the moment to enter. As time went by, the sweat on lengya's head kept falling on the dry firewood. Perhaps it was because it was close to the boundless swamp and full of a kind of soil rot. along the way, he didn't see anyone walking near the small prison. Although it was convenient for him, it didn't make him relax his vigilance. With his current hiding position and curled up posture, plus the breath of death and concealment, Even if an expert walks past him three steps in front of him, he won't appear if he doesn't deliberately bend down to look at him“ Hey! You two, come on in, come on! " In the originally quiet prison, a woman's shrill voice suddenly came out. From the voice, the owner of the voice seemed to be far away. Although it became weak when it reached lengya's ears, it was enough to hear clearly. At the same time, the two people standing at the door turned their heads, looked at each other with a bitter smile, and then walked in with their long sword with a very reluctant expression. God knows whether they came to look at her or listen to her. Lengya's eyebrows sank and his heart became quiet. At the moment when they turned and disappeared in their sight, he rolled out. He made a mistake and rushed to the direction of the prison door like a sudden wind. After staying at the door for a very short time, he gently clenched his teeth and rushed in. Although it is a prison here, strictly speaking, it is not a prison. Because there were no iron windows, bars and cables, and there was no pungent smell. On the contrary, everything was made of wood. The walls, windows and even doors of the cells were made of wood. The ground was covered with a thick layer of hay. After a short test at the door, lengya broke in without hesitation. These cells hold people who have committed not too big mistakes in the northern emperor Zong. For these experts with burning soul formula, there is no difference between iron windows and iron doors and wooden windows and wooden doors. As long as they want, they can easily break free. As long as they are locked up here, it means that they just think about the nature, only bind freedom, and will not be tortured. Therefore, no one will be stupid enough to escape, otherwise they will be punished more severely. Therefore, the cells here don't need iron at all. Those who make big mistakes or are caught from outside will be detained in the dungeon in the East, where there are real organs. Stepping on the thick hay, there was a slight "rustling" sound. He walked forward carefully for a while, but still didn't see any figure. In his ear, there was a vague conversation between a woman and the two people just now. He stood quietly for a while, felt around and walked slowly to the source of the sound. The conversation stopped, and the steps of lengya stopped at the same time. Gently, the body rose up in the air, like a black gecko firmly attached to the wooden roof above, motionless. Immediately, the sound of stepping on hay from far to near, and the two men went out with a murmur of dissatisfaction. The prison was very high. They didn't feel his presence when they came right below the cold cliff. They walked away in the sight of the cold cliff without feeling it. Then they turned two corners one after another, went out and guarded on both sides of the gate. Lengya's eyes turned back to the direction they had just gone. It was also a wooden cell. The wooden door was taken by the two people when they left. There was no lock, so they couldn't see the people inside. Lengya's heart turned sharply. The room was closed to a woman. He couldn't help paying attention. Taking a breath, he put his hand on the wall and adsorbed it tightly. He moved silently on the roof until he reached the wooden door. Then his palm loosened and fell gently from above. However, when his body was halfway down, the open wooden door was suddenly opened, revealing a girl with a slightly short figure and light yellow clothes. She was about to lift her step, suddenly stopped, stared at a dark figure suddenly falling from her, and couldn't help but scream out of her mouth“

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