Heavenly Star

Chapter 350

Chapter 350

Lengya was so surprised that he didn't wait for his body to stand firm. He rushed up and covered her mouth. He didn't kill a woman or want to kill a woman. Blocking her voice became his only choice. But his movement was obviously a step slower, and the scream still overflowed between his fingers and spread far away.

"Where is Yanzhi dream?" Lengya's heart was cold. He suddenly raised the girl's collar and asked in a deep voice in a hurry. The girl's eyes widened when she heard the speech. He wanted to carry her back to the wooden cell she had just left. Suddenly, the "rustling" sound of stepping on the ground behind him sounded. There is no Yong hand in the North emperor Zong. They can reach it in a twinkling of an eye. Lengya had no choice at all. He flashed his eyes and showed a fierce look like a wolf to the girl. Then he let go of her body and ran into the cabin with great speed. With his eyes swept, he turned his body and stood behind the open thin wooden door against the wall.

He can only pray that the threatening eyes just now can scare the girl... However, he also knows that this can only be an extravagant hope, so... He stands behind the door and slowly raises the broken wind blade in his hand. It seems that his only choice is to raid and solve the two people in the shortest time without attracting the attention of others.

Lengya hid at the door and didn't see the panic expression on the face of the frightened girl who had just been caught off guard. Instead, she changed into a calm face. She quickly smoothed some messy clothes on her chest with her hands, and even rose an obvious glow of excitement in her originally depressed eyes. His face changes so fast that if lengya sees it, he will be stunned for a long time.

At the moment when lengya had just dodged behind the wooden door, the two guards of the northern emperor sect also rushed over. As soon as they entered, they shouted, "what's the matter?"

Although the woman was bored and tossed about their time every day, the scream just now was never heard. Moreover, the panic in the sound didn't seem to be pretended.

Lengya's eyebrows were tightly tightened, one hand gently pressed on the door, and the other hand had raised the wind breaking blade to a height close to the height of an ordinary person's neck. In the next second, he could shoot out suddenly like a lightning bolt, and one blade cut two people's throats

"Mouse, there is a big mouse!" The girl shouted with a panic on her face. The sound almost made lengya's breath when she just mentioned the peak come out, and her whole body softened. This feeling was like being ready and saving enough strength. The fist that he thought would hit the stone hit on a soft cotton. The huge contrast made him uncomfortable all over his body.


The air leakage caused a slight swing of the body. The tip of the right foot of lengya slightly collided with the wooden door and made a slight sound.

This silk voice is weak and inaudible in ordinary people's ears, but in the ears of an expert, it is enough to listen really. The guard on the left moved his ear, pushed his right hand with the sword and shot in the direction of the sound

Whoosh! Boom!

The long sword shot fast and fiercely. Across a door, lengya didn't notice the attack of the fierce breath for the first time. When he noticed it, his right foot hurt a lot. The long sword pierced through the wooden door, straight into his feet, then penetrated from the center of his feet and into the dead grass under his feet.

Lengya's whole body suddenly stiffened, and his face became as white as paper, but he bit his teeth, and there was no sound. He said that the biggest dependence is the degree. Whether it is to escape or a blast, it should be based on a very high degree. In such a crisis situation, it was more unacceptable for him to hurt his foot than to cut off his arm.

Blood trickled down and dyed a large area of hay under your feet. With the shooting of the sword, the girl's heart jumped violently. After she didn't hear any sound, she put her heart down a little.

"Well, the mouse has solved it. I said, "miss Ping'er, it's normal to have a mouse in such a place. Can you make such a fuss?" The man who just threw out the long sword said with his mouth curled. He didn't even notice that there was a man not far from his left front, let alone that he had just stabbed a man with his sword. Subconsciously, he never thought that someone would break into beidizong and enter this closed place.

"Yes, you dared to fight the young Lord at first, but now you are scared like this by a mouse, hehe." The other man said with a low smile.

Ping'er raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "shut up, you two hateful guys. How can I be afraid of a mouse? Suddenly something came out. Can I not be afraid!"

The man who threw the sword shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "forget it. What you say is what you say. Don't make such a fuss in the future. Let's stop more or less." With that, he stepped forward and wanted to pull out the sword inserted in the wooden door.

Lengya gritted his teeth to resist the sharp pain, lifted his heart again, and the broken wind blade in his hand once again revealed the murderous spirit that can explode at any time. As long as he pulls out the sword and sees the blood on the sword, he must be suspicious, so as to expose him.

With a cry, screen son suddenly blocked in front of the man and said with a wary face: "what do you want?"

The man quickly raised his hands: "don't worry, miss Ping'er. We will never step into your boudoir without your permission." He glanced at the empty cabin, smiled, and then said, "but my sword..."

"Who allowed you to stab my door with a sword! Hurry out and give me the sword... Hoo, it seems that I haven't practiced the sword for a long time, so I'll play with your sword. Go, go, go. I'll be upset when I see you. "Ping ER was angry at first, and then pushed him impatiently.

Lengya's heart hung down quietly, wondering why the woman called "Ping'er" was deliberately protecting him.

"Hey, you're clearly crossing the river and tearing down the bridge." The man said with a wronged face. They are already familiar with Ping'er's character. They can't be familiar with it anymore. They have no doubt at all. Instead, they think she is looking for something to play with. After all, the feeling of losing freedom is not so good. He turned his eyes and made an expression of helplessness. He turned and said, "forget it, since miss Ping'er wants to play, just play for her. I'll get another one."

Ping'er breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to throw them out immediately: "go, go, go, don't run in any more."

"Cut, please." The man threw his mouth and said. As soon as he had finished speaking, he suddenly folded his body without warning, bypassed Ping'er's body, stretched out his hand and grabbed the sword with laughter.


The earth trembled, and then a huge roar came from a distance, buzzing the eardrums. The guard who was reaching for the sword was suddenly knocked to the ground. He suddenly got up and said in a surprised voice, "what's the matter?"

"In the north, what are you doing? Let's go!" The other man steadied his body and rushed out on the still shaking ground. The guard who threw the sword quickly got up and followed up. He couldn't even pull out his long sword. He didn't even have time to say hello to Ping'er.

When they were far away, Ping'er turned back, held the sword handle in one hand, raised his eyebrow, quickly pulled out the sword, and then hurried to the cabin and closed the door tightly. The cold cliff originally hidden behind the door was squatting on the ground at this time, one hand on the pierced sole of the foot, and the dead grass under the foot was scarlet. But his expression was surprisingly calm, as if he didn't feel any pain.

As soon as ping ER was stunned, her heart filled with deep admiration. She squatted down and asked, "are you okay?"

Lengya looked up slightly, glanced at her, nodded slightly and stopped looking at her. At that glance, he had remembered her appearance. Short body, ten year old face, bright eyes and bright teeth, but his face is slightly waxy yellow and his head is a little messy.

"Hello! I ask you something... You don't want to ask me why I helped you? " Ping'er was almost excited by his reaction. When he spoke, he asked angrily.

"Where is Yanzhi dream?" Lengya pressed his hand on the soles of his feet to control the blood flow of the wound. A pair of sharp eyes stared at Ping'er's eyes and repeated the first sentence he had said to her before. He didn't ask the sentence "are you Yanzhi dream?" because the person in front of him would never be. Although he hadn't seen Yanzhi dream, he listened to ye Wuchen's story. The girl in front of him was not only a few years different from her age, but also her appearance and temperament.

Screen Er, who was lowering his head to check his injury, was stunned when he heard the speech. His eyes suddenly became blurred. He was low and absent-minded and read: "Miss......" then he looked up fiercely and looked at lengya again: "who are you? How did you break into here... You came here to find a young lady? "

Her reaction and her title to Yan Zhimeng made lengya's eyes sharp, and even the biting pain from his feet seemed to be forgotten. He stared at the strange girl's eyes and asked in a low voice, "you must know where she is... Tell me!"

Ping'er also stared at him... Three years ago, she never saw her again since she gave her life to stop Yan Ximing and let Yan Zhimeng escape. That day, Yan Ximing came back with a black face and let her know that Yan Zhimeng must have escaped in some way. Beidizong, who left far away, would not be captured or killed by him. After that, she didn't hear any information anymore. She was also locked up here and hasn't been allowed to leave for three years. The girl who likes to be lively has a miserable life here. But she made a big mistake of that year. She was not severely punished under the protection of Mrs. Yan. She was just closed here. She was very satisfied. Fortunately, her biggest concern was how Yan Zhimeng was now... Was the baby born safely... I heard that ye Wuchen didn't die at all. Would they have been reunited... If so, that would be good.

In these three years, there was no news of Yan Zhi's dream. The northern emperor Zong didn't find it. Where did she go? However, Yanzhi dream three years ago rarely went out of beidizong and didn't touch anyone outside... So who would this person come to her, could it be

Suddenly an outsider appeared in front of her, and she panicked instinctively. However, when lengya suddenly asked "where is Yan Zhi's dream", her panic completely faded, trying to protect him from the people called by her cry in the uncontrollable excitement.

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