Heavenly Star

Chapter 477

Chapter 477

Yesterday, they lived in the same yard, but they didn't go back to their room to sleep. Instead, a group of people lay in the yard and looked at the stars. They said that with the joy of Ye Wuchen's wedding, they let go of their hearts and talked about the hype. They listened to them about their past life in the broken soul, and all kinds of interesting things they encountered after they dispersed to Tianchen mainland, Listen to Chu Jingtian's boring days before he left the North... All night, the sound of laughter hardly stopped. It's so comfortable to be with each of them, without any restraint and pressure.

The black bear's childlike smile and sound of laughter were still in his heart yesterday, but it was as if God had made a huge joke with them, but for half a day, it was Yin and Yang separated... It was lengya who killed him as his best brother and partner... The pain in his heart was far better than them.

Hearing Chu Jingtian's cry, lengya's body stagnated for a while. In this neutral position, he was hit by Yan duancang with a gloomy face. The "Yan soul breaks the cloud hand" was right in the chest. This punch that can crack the hill sank lengya's chest, but his body didn't retreat. Yan duancang hadn't had time to be surprised, A reaction force several points larger than his attack just now came from the part where his fist connected with lengya's body. "Click", his wrist dislocated directly, and his body was turned over by the reaction force.

But this punch also made lengya wake up from the confusion about the voice just now. Looking at yanduancang's body staggering to the ground, the broken wind blade in his hand was slowly raised to the same height as his forehead, and then suddenly rowed down

The strongest skill of lengya, one blade is deadly - yixiantian!

Yan duancang has been more and more surprised when he just fought with lengya. He saw the strength of lengya with his own eyes, but today he is not the lengya he knows. Every second he fought with him, he has to endure a strange smell that makes his heart lake uncomfortable, as well as the painful feeling of cutting when he waved his broken wind blade. At the moment, facing his "one line of heaven" personally, I really understand how terrible his unique skill of killing the elder Yanzheng of the northern emperor with the strength of the first level of heaven was. At the moment when the wind breaking blade came down, the air wave from the air was like a sharp and heavy knife, which cut in front of him. With his ability, he smelled the smell of death approaching. Before his mind didn't respond to the resistance to death, his body had turned all its strength into a protective force to block him in front of him.


The defense of yanhunjue was torn in a moment, and "yixiantian" finally didn't cut yanduancang's body. The impact of resisting made him fly backwards again. A shallow blood line was drawn from his left forehead to his right leg. At that moment, yanduancang felt that his body had been cut in half.

The crisis didn't end because of this. The broken wind blade of lengya was raised again, but his hand had not yet fallen. A sound that made his heart shake suddenly rang in his ear:

"Sword Divine formula... The way of heaven is impermanent!"

Cangming's sword, imbued with strength and flashing blue light, flew from above him and stabbed his wrist. The blue light made the blood pupil of lengya flicker slightly, and the action stopped again. But then, the blood light flashed again. He broke the wind blade and cut it on cangming's sword. Chu Jingtian, who was connected with the breath of cangming's sword, turned white fiercely. Cangming was hit by a blade and flew far away

Chu Jingtian stared at cangming sword, gasped for a long time, and shouted: "lengya... Wake up, I know you are not you... You must not be such a person... Wake up! What's the matter with you! "

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three Qi arrows roared through the air and shot at lengya's chest and legs respectively. Lengya threw his right hand, "bang bang bang" three times, and three of them were shot by Yan duancang. Even the God level experts at the same level would not dare to connect the Yan soul Qi arrows at the same time. Yan duancang, who was bleeding slowly, was stunned for a moment, and his heart was covered with a more and more heavy haze... Black bear, died.

Blood kills magic pupil... Will this be his side effect?

"Ah!!! I'll kill you! "

The three donkeys, who could no longer hear the black bear's silly smile, all got angry and rushed frantically to the cold cliff, but suddenly, a man stood in front of them. Chu Jingtian pointed at them with cangming's sword that had just taken back his hand, calmly faced and shouted in a firm voice: "don't come... No one is allowed to come! Give him to me alone! "

"Get out of the way!"

"Give him to me!!!"

A thunderous roar made several people stunned there. Chu Jingtian in their impression is a simple, honest, easy-going and a little silly person. They have never seen him like this, such an expression and never heard his voice like this. Looking at his painful face, they suddenly thought that the most painful thing was not them, but him... Because his brother killed his friend!

"Leave it to him... Now lengya is obviously confused. Maybe he can wake him up." Yan duancang gasped, and lengya saw all the reactions to Chu Jingtian's voice.

They finally stepped back, stood beside the black bear and looked at lengya with complex resentment.



On the other hand, long huanger has just left Ye's house.

Ye Wuchen came to huashuirou's room quietly. Huashuirou was lying on her side on the wedding bed, with a little smile on her face and traces of rain and dew at the beginning of last night, which lined her smile with a trace of moving charm. Ye Wuchen was soft in his heart and gently sat by the bed. At this time, Hua shuirou opened his eyes, half shy and half infatuated.

"Why don't you sleep more." Ye Wuchen believes that he who doesn't make a sound won't wake her up. She opens her eyes at the moment. It's clear that she hasn't fallen asleep all the time.

"I changed my bed... So I woke up early." Hua shuirou answered him honestly. She woke up earlier than long huang'er. Since she remembered, she has been sleeping on the bed in her room and has never changed. Last night, it was her first time to sleep in another place and on another bed. Her lovely habit of recognizing the bed was also exposed.

"I'll get used to it slowly. My little Rourou will sleep next to your husband forever." Ye Wuchen said with a smile.

"Hmm..." Hua shuirou answered with her head down, not daring to look into his eyes. Unconsciously, she kept pulling the quilt that covered her chest and slipped down. Her breasts were half exposed. She was stripped naked last night. At this time, her upper body had been covered with intimate clothes, but she was very shy. She secretly put on the clothes in the quilt before ye Wuchen came.

Her chest was much fuller than when ye Wuchen first met her, and the two groups of cotton milk in bud looked bulging under her intimate clothes. Ye Wuchen's mind swings. He puts his hand into the quilt and presses it on her chest. A mass of fragrant soft is held in his hand and rubbed it gently. The flower water is as soft as water. Although this is their new house, and there are only her and ye Wuchen, she is so ashamed that her pretty face looks like powder and grease. She couldn't bear to refuse him. She only whispered in shame and begged for mercy: "husband, don't... Now... It's dawn. People outside... Will hear you."

"Don't worry. No one can hear it." Ye Wuchen comforted softly, grabbed Huashui's delicate and small jaw and kissed it. Hua shuirou bit her lips, and a pair of water eyes looked at him affectionately. Her beautiful face was red and fragrant, and she was ashamed to bear the lightness of Ye Wuchen. Her shyness stems from her natural nature. Even if she has been close to ye Wuchen, she still can't wipe it off, but her fairy face cooperates with her natural shyness. Under the combination, it produces a charm that can make any man's blood boil, but resist madness, and just want to be as gentle as possible to her.

However, she closed her eyes and waited for a long time, but she didn't wait until ye Wuchen kissed her lips. The hand that stirred the bud in front of her chest also stopped. She secretly opened her eyes, but found that his eyebrows suddenly rose and looked slightly stunned.

Holding Hua shuirou's shoulder, let her lie down in bed and help her pull up the quilt. Ye Wuchen said softly in her ear, "wait for me, I'll go out first."


With a kiss on her forehead, ye Wuchen left the room. At the moment he turned around, his face sank and a dignified look appeared between his eyebrows.

Stepping out of the room, the day was approaching daybreak. In the courtyard, a small and exquisite figure was silently looking at the direction of the palace. When she saw ye Wuchen coming out, her eyes flashed and said, "magic Qi!"

"Well, I feel it." Ye Wuchen nodded. At this time, it was the moment when lengya opened his blood eyes and a devil's ferocious smile appeared on his head.

Yan Tianwei fell from the sky and fell to ye Wuchen. He hurriedly said, "master, it's the black shadow again. It's the shadow of the devil I mentioned with you last time. If it's really the power of lengya, as the master said, then... Is there any terrible enemy over there?"

"Old man, look here." With that, ye Wuchen rose into the sky and flew to the palace. Xiaomo followed without hesitation. Ye Wuchen felt it, paused and waited for Xiaomo to catch up, and then hugged her body and left quickly.

Yan Tianwei's eyebrows beat violently for several times, and he felt inexplicable uneasiness.



"Cold Cliff... Ice face! I know it's not your fault... You're just fascinated by something, not your fault... If you understand me, wake up quickly! " Chu Jingtian's whole body tightened, his teeth trembled and shouted loudly.

The bloody eyes struggled in the flicker, lengya shook his head, suddenly roared and rushed to Chu Jingtian, and the body wrapped in black gas pulled a long black shadow.

"Sword magic formula - flying dragon rage volume!!"

Cangming's sword whirled and flew away, bringing the whirling air wave to attack the cold cliff directly. The cold cliff still waved it casually, flying cangming's sword that no one dared to face its awn, and sprinting to Chu Jingtian in an instant, with a blade stabbing his chest

Without blood splashing, the green blade tip stopped very close to his chest, the cold cliff's eyes were flashing, his hands were shaking, and the broken wind blade swayed left and right, but he couldn't move forward any more. The frightened three donkeys and others almost jumped out of their bodies. Seeing this situation, they were at ease. Yan duancang, who was almost shot by an air arrow, also breathed a long sigh of relief.

He also recognized Chu Jingtian, reason, and did not completely lose it. At the moment, they couldn't get close to Chu Jingtian and let him guide him slowly. Their appearance may make him go wild again.

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