Heavenly Star

Chapter 478

Chapter 478

Chu Jingtian stepped back a few steps away from his broken wind blade, turned his hand, and cangming sword returned to his hand: "I can be defeated in your hand... But I must not die in your hand... You are not lengya, not... If he wakes up and knows to kill me, he will die... Yes, lengya, you have no father, no mother, and I also have no parents, I always know how you feel and how you feel. Believe it or not, I am the one who knows you best in the world. Because I know you, I will make friends with you. Although you are used to loneliness and indifference, I know you have always taken me seriously as your friend. Besides me, you have many friends. You are not only a person. How can you be willing to lose your nature like this... You are not you at all... If you can hear me, defeat the demons in your heart, Wake up quickly... "


"Uh huh!!"

The bloody light in the pupil was like a bloody star, sometimes strong and sometimes dim. The broken wind blade in his hand fell to the ground, and the whole person suddenly knelt down on the ground, covered his head with his hand and howled like a beast... Indeed, it was not the voice of cold cliff, nor should it be the voice of human beings. Such a voice can only make them think of beasts.

He is struggling. He doesn't know what he is struggling with.

Chu Jingtian clenched his hands and walked forward a few steps. With one hand, he pressed on his shoulder. Suddenly, the red mans in the cold cliff pupil shot. He suddenly gave a long hiss like a devil's roar, retreated Chu Jingtian for several steps, and then grabbed the broken wind blade on the ground with a terrible breath, cut the air, cut the space and stabbed Chu Jingtian. As soon as this blade came out, yanduancang, tens of meters away, felt a repressive suffocation.


The green light flashed past. Chu Jingtian hurriedly shot the cangming sword blocked by him, and half of it flew out and the other half flew in the other direction. Fly far away... Just like Chu's heart falling into the abyss.

The broken wind blade still didn't penetrate Chu Jingtian's body, and stopped at the moment when it touched his skin.

Divine sword cangming, break!

"Cangming... Cangming..."

Chu Jingtian felt nothing when the broken wind blade hit his chest. For example, he suddenly lost his mind, his eyes lost focus, his eyes became lax, and he could not feel the slightest pain in his bleeding right palm... Cangming sword, he regarded life, even something heavier than life... No, for him, it could not be called something, it was his life dependent partner, But was cut off by his best friend.

Lengya, like him, stayed there. The red light in his eyes suddenly dimmed. The disappearing blue awn made him seem to understand what he had just done. He knelt down silently, but suddenly he flew up and his body went away. The speed was fast to an unimaginable level... In a moment, Then disappeared in everyone's sight and disappeared.

"Cangming... Cold Cliff..." Chu Jingtian whispered softly, staring blankly at the direction of the disappearance of cold cliff.

Lengya, cangming sword... His most important partner and best friend left him on the same day. The world seems to be empty from this moment, empty and colorless.

Ye Wuchen also fell from the air at this moment. He was just about to catch up with the cold cliff that was suddenly far away. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the black bear lying on the ground. His eyes narrowed suddenly, he suddenly lowered his body and squatted next to the black bear.

"Master!" Seeing ye Wuchen's appearance, the three donkeys who found the backbone to reassure them gathered around him at once, but their hearts were heavy and could not relax. Looking at the black bears on the ground, their tears could no longer be suppressed. They clenched their lips one by one and raised their heads to prevent others from seeing their tears, but also suppressed their sobs. Men don't shed tears easily... This is the first time they shed tears since they became a man, only because they reached the most sad place.

Ye Wuchen's hand left the black bear and clenched it in trembling. Finally, he sighed and closed his eyes. If he was only seriously injured, he could save him immediately, but the black bear had no vitality... He hurt not only his heart, but also a dark force poured in with his wound, spread in his body and devoured his life.

"Husband." Long huang'er fell into his arms and finally sobbed. In front of him, she would never be the queen, but the girl who pestered him to hold her and asked him to take her to play three years ago.

Yan duancang's eyes were wet, but he immediately steamed them with Yan soul formula. He sighed: "master, black bear, he..."

"Needless to say." As soon as ye Wuchen waved his hand, he hugged the frightened longhuang'er and gently stroked her back: "tell the black bear's parents, uncle 17 and aunt 17... Then, everything is up to you."

Ye Wuchen's voice showed a deep weakness. With a long sigh, he loosened the Dragon Phoenix son, picked up the small foam around him and flew to the direction where lengya had just left.

Ye Wuchen found the abnormality of lengya a long time ago, and often guessed something in Xiaomo's words. However, it is obvious that the hidden things on lengya are far more serious than he thought. It doesn't just seem to be cut off, it's more like... Hiding a powerful and crazy time bomb.

"Xiaomo, what did you notice?" Ye Wuchen asked calmly facing the cold wind.

"I......" Xiaomo hesitated, but didn't say it.

"I always knew what you didn't say to me. Now, tell me. I can't make mistakes again and again. " Ye Wuchen looked ahead and said. In Xiaomo's flashing eyes several times, he knew what she had hidden from him. With Xiaomo's attachment to him, her concealment must have an unspeakable reason. He never forced her to say it.

Xiaomo finally didn't hide any more. He bowed his head and said, "the magic Qi on him... Was very familiar... At first, it was strange, but it became more and more familiar, like... Like..."

"Like what." Ye Wuchen frowned fiercely.

"Like... Like I've been killed by one of the three saints in heaven... Brother."

Ye Wuchen: "!"

He stopped in the air and stared at the front. Because the evil spirit that guided the cold cliff disappeared without a trace. He paid close attention to every creature and grass within his perception range, but he couldn't find the cold cliff at all.

Xiaomo didn't speak again. He was very nervous and shrank in ye Wuchen's arms. From time to time, he secretly looked at his face with his eyes. Ye Wuchen was quiet in the wind for a long time, and finally turned back.

The original tranquility was disturbed again.

And will this be the beginning of another chaos.



The black bear was buried under the broken soul, where he was born. On that day, there was no evil sect in the Tianchen continent, because on that day, all the people who were the leaders of the evil sect, people who once lived under the broken soul abyss with the black bear, no matter men, women, young and old, no matter how important tasks and important things were in their hands, returned to the broken soul abyss that day, without exception.

Black bear is the first person to die after they came out of the broken soul abyss.

Hundreds of people gathered in front of the black bear's tomb, one with tears in their eyes, and some were already sobbing. People outside will never understand the close relatives of people in their original world. The black bear's parents stood in front of the grave, looking at his tombstone without any focus. Their father didn't say a word all day, and their mother had already cried dry tears. They have only one son in their life.

People offered incense one by one. On this day, long huang'er was also brought by Ye Wuchen. They said goodbye to the black bear together. Black bear's greatest interest was eating. They brought him everything he liked to eat. They piled a lot. He died for long huang'er. Both ye Wuchen and long huang'er will be grateful to him all his life.

However, in a few days, Chu Jingtian seemed to be ten years old at once. He was once energetic and elated. He didn't know the taste of worry. He was decadent like an old man who had just experienced too much wind and frost. His hair was messy and his face was full of beard. He stood silently behind the crowd until everyone said goodbye to the black bear. Then he stepped forward with heavy steps... Knelt heavily in front of the black bear's grave.

No one spoke and no one pulled him up. They all know that he is atoning for lengya and repenting for lengya... Only in this way, his heart may feel better.

"Daniel." Uncle 17, the father of the black bear, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly opened his mouth at this moment. His hoarse voice made so many people familiar with him feel strange: "get up, lengya is the master's friend. The wicked can't become the master's friend. We all know that he is just confused by something. We don't blame him... We really don't blame him... When he comes back, we will forgive him. So don't blame yourself. We really don't blame him. "

The hatred of killing children was so lightly erased by the sad father. The black bear's mother sobbed and nodded heavily to Chu Jingtian. They grow up in a pure world and are always so kind and tolerant to their friends. Chu Jingtian turned around, and there were two tears on his face. He suddenly knelt down in front of his 17th uncle and his wife and shouted: "the black bear is gone... And I have no father and mother since I was a child... Later, you will be my parents. I will take care of you for the rest of your life, provide for you... Die..."

Both those who have seen Chu Jingtian and those who have not seen him are moved by his purity and goodness at this moment. This tall, tiger backed, usually laughing, silly Kendo genius has such a kind heart. For the black bear, for his friends, for the black bear's parents

Therefore, ye Wuchen is always willing to call him "brother Chu".

The heartstrings of the Yan seventeen couple were severely stirred. They hurriedly stretched out their hands to help Chu Jingtian up. The black bear's mother nodded with tears: "OK... Ok... We have another son... Another son..."

With their recognition, Chu Jingtian knocked his head three times on the ground, his lips moved, and finally shouted for the first time in his life: "Dad... Mom..."

He had his own parents today, and the Yan seventeen couple also had another son on the day they lost their beloved son. The scene of their hugging and crying made many people cry quietly, and the tearful warmth also quietly diluted the deep sadness.

————————Seven days after the black bear died. Chu Jingtian came to Ye's house with a long sword on his back. From the scabbard and handle, it is still cangming sword - but it can only be cangming that has been broken. The broken sword has almost no possibility of recovery“ Brother ye, I'm leaving. " Today, the first thing he saw ye Wuchen was not to laugh. Although he tried to laugh as before, he pulled the corners of his mouth a few times, but he couldn't laugh. His voice was not as colorful as before, but full of deep loneliness“ Where are you going? " Ye Wuchen asked“ Go find lengya. "..." He has asked the people of South emperor sect, North emperor sect and evil sect to pay full attention to the whereabouts of lengya“ I'll find it myself... I must find him. " Chu Jingtian said. From the lonely voice of his low voice, ye Wuchen heard the determination that could not be changed“ Go, lengya may be waiting for you somewhere, but remember to come back often and let me know that you are safe. " Ye Wuchen sighed silently and said softly. An unexpected change made Chu Jingtian become another person overnight. Changing a person can really be very simple... Rivers and mountains are easy to change, and nature is difficult to change, because it doesn't touch what he cares about most in his nature“ Um... Brother ye, take care. I'll bring lengya back. Because he is my best friend like you. " Chu Jingtian nodded, didn't stop, turned and prepared to leave“ Brother Chu. " Ye Wuchen stopped him and said, "although cangming sword has been destroyed, it doesn't have to use a real sword. Fingers can be a sword, hair can be a sword, and every part of the body and even the heart can be a sword..." Hmm! " Chu Jingtian looked back and replied heavily. At this moment, he finally showed a smile on his face. But this is a smile ye Wuchen has never seen on his face. Chu Jingtian, a true Kendo genius and genius, an eternal and insurmountable Kendo myth that spreads in the future generations of Tianchen, and a God who was originally human but was called "Tianjian God", has really stepped on the road to his peak after a heart transformation from this moment on{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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