Heavenly Star

Chapter 532

Chapter 532

Ye Wuchen and lengya stood in the middle of the Dharma array. With this space array that can be transmitted at any time, he had no plan to use Xiangxiang's space ability. Xiangxiang's ability is naturally to save a little. The God Emperor stopped talking and stood in the array. In front of Ye Wuchen, because of the pain and deep guilt in her heart, she was completely unable to pose as the emperor of the divine world. She was obviously suppressed by him in terms of momentum and words.

The transmission array lit up a dark light, and then. Qianchong suddenly ran in with the vibration of the ground and stood next to the God Emperor: "Your Majesty, if you really fight with the black Xuan God, we can't let you go alone."

Seeing that Qianchong ran into the array, Xueye also walked into the transmission array with a funny and cold smile: "well, since the big brother said so, of course, I will protect your majesty together."

The God Emperor nodded calmly without saying much. His right hand was across his chest and read slightly in his mouth. The black light suddenly rose into the sky and shrouded the five people. Took them out of the land of God.

The land of demons, once the abyss of thunder prison.

It was dark here, almost no light was injected, and I couldn't see my fingers. But there's nothing else. God Emperor, blood night and Qianchong have all been here and know the horror of the thunder prison abyss. Now, the lightning that even they can't support for too long has really disappeared - it's all gone.

The God Emperor couldn't help looking at ye Wuchen and said, "the black Xuan God is now in the south of the demon continent."

"Yes." Ye Wuchen answered casually and looked at lengya: "demon emperor Shayu, you should know where he is."

Lengya releases its magic Qi in silence to feel the distant surroundings. The dark power of lengya comes from Saro, and the father son relationship between Saro and Saro is cut forever. Their father and son are extremely sensitive to each other's power and breath. Not long after, lengya opened her eyes and indicated a direction - the same is the south.

Ye Wuchen did not show a relieved look, but showed a dignified flash. He nodded slightly and said, "let's go to heixuan God. If we are afraid of death, we'd better not follow."

"Afraid of death? Hum, I've never been afraid of anything except blood night, injury and anger. " A thousand heavy voices came from behind ye Wuchen.

"Oh, am I so terrible?" Blood night's smiling voice came. Only when she spoke to Qianchong, her voice would not carry any cold and piercing tone.

"Let's go." The God Emperor should float up first and fly up.

The once thunder prison abyss has a terrible depth under the destruction of perennial lightning. It's day now, but here is a dark night without any light. They flew for a long time and still didn't see the light. But ye Wuchen suddenly said after a long silence: "the news that the black-and-white Xuan God is about to be awakened has been leaked out a long time ago. A hundred years ago, the demon emperor Sha Ying already knew this secret. God Emperor, do you know why he knew it?"

The God Emperor frowned a little and listened to him.

"Today, you didn't spread the message that black and white Xuan God was about to be awakened, but people in the whole God continent already knew it and talked about it everywhere. Do you know why?"

God Emperor: "

"The demon emperor has known and the news has been completely spread. With the power of black-and-white Xuanshen, when he wakes up, it is almost equal to the date of the demise of the demon continent. And this is a matter of life and death. The demon continent should have tried its best to stop it, but since the news was spread to the black and white Xuan God was awakened, the demon continent has no movement. Don't you think it's strange that there is not even an intruder? "

God Emperor's eye wave fretting. In fact, this has always been a huge doubt in her heart. If the demon continent invades, she is not surprised, but thinks it should. But there was no movement in the magic land, which really made her unable to understand. Now that you know the secret of black and white Xuan gods, you should know their power. Why are you indifferent... Or does the demon emperor Sha Ying think he can defeat the puppet Xuan gods?

"What do you want to say to me?" The God Emperor couldn't hold his breath and asked.

"I want to say that some things you think are too simple." Ye Wuchen smiled, and then the smile on his face suddenly disappeared: "the fact is that the demon emperor Sha Xuan is not afraid of the arrival of the black Xuan God, but is looking forward to... Because he has been waiting for the arrival of the black Xuan God for too many years. Although the black Xuan God will cause no small disaster to the demon continent, it is more - it is a great gift! With this, he will destroy the land of your God with no effort. "

God Emperor: "...!?"

Thousand weight: "

Blood night: "

Lengya: "

The eyes of the four people focused on ye Wuchen. None of them understood the meaning of his words.

"Do you think I'm talking nonsense? Oh, some things you really think are too simple. In fact, you should have noticed a long time ago. Since Sha Xuan has long known the existence of black-and-white Xuanshen, why hasn't there been much movement for so many years to destroy these two sources of disaster that can destroy the demon continent once awakened? Is this really normal? If it were you, when your opponent has a secret weapon that can destroy all of you, would you have trouble sleeping and eating, or could you be so quiet for a hundred years? "

God Emperor: "..." although she was silent, her eyebrows were tighter and tighter. These details that would be ignored at will were put forward by Ye Wuchen one by one at the moment, but they severely sounded an alarm for her. As he said, it seemed that everything she thought was too simple“ You should know that a hundred years ago, Sha Zhen asked her daughter to lead the magic soldiers to the Tianchen continent to look for the holy beads. Therefore, Ning Xue and Tong Xin came to the Tianchen continent for this reason... But is Sha Zhen really for the four holy beads of chaos to get the power to defeat the black and mysterious God? " Ye Wuchen shook his head and said coldly, "no! He is the demon emperor. He should know that the location of the chaotic holy bead generally forms an extreme place. With the power of his daughter Sha Xiaomo and those magic soldiers, it is impossible to get close to those extreme places. Even if they find it, how can they really get the chaotic holy bead, and even if they get it, they can't use it at all. If Sha Zhen really wants to get the chaos pearl, why not go to Tianchen mainland himself? He asked Xiaomo to go to Tianchen continent, in fact, he wanted her to stay there and can't go home... And the well of the magic wheel, the only entrance of the magic continent to and from Tianchen continent, should not have been damaged in the battle with you, but destroyed by Sha Ying himself, and spread that it was destroyed by the continent of your God. Otherwise, with your strength weaker than that of the demon clan, how can the demon clan let you destroy such an important thing so easily. The well of the magic wheel is destroyed, and Sha Xiaomo has no possibility to go back in a short time. He can only stay in Tianchen mainland all the time. "“ And... "Ye Wuchen glanced at lengya and Xueye, and then said," what you don't know is that after Shazhen's son saruo was killed by Xueye, his demon soul was reborn through the method of blood reincarnation more than 20 years ago, sharing a body with another soul. Originally, his father told him that he was looking for and accompanying his sister Sha Xiaomo, but... In fact, it was also Sha Zhen's intention to transfer his only son far away from the magic land, at least in the short term. "“ God Emperor, do you know why Sha Zhen deliberately transferred his daughter and son far away from the demon continent? For this reason, he tried his best to make everything go so naturally. Even Sha Xiaomo and Sha Luo don't know the reason. " Ye Wuchen looked at the God Emperor whose breath fluctuated obviously not far away, and his look was as solemn as ice“ I don't know. " The evil emperor can only answer that. At the same time, ye Wuchen's words gradually cast a gray shadow on her heart. Because what he said clearly means that Sha has been planning a terrible plan since a long time ago, a plan that has been hidden from everyone“ You should know how the demon continent appeared. " Ye Wuchen said. The divine emperor pondered for a while and said, "in those years, the violent, greedy and resentment accumulated by the southern emperor and the northern emperor in the years of struggle... Many negative emotions finally solidified into an entity and turned into a powerful demon under a terrible opportunity. Later, the devil was defeated by the southern emperor and the northern emperor, fled and hid in an unknown land. Later, with his power, he made a large number of demons with huge dark forces on this land, and let these demons attack the southern emperor and the northern emperor, and finally they were still defeated by the southern emperor and the northern emperor. Since then, these demons have also multiplied rapidly on that land and become a demon family, and that land has also become a land of demons. Soon afterwards, the southern emperor and the northern emperor left their last words and disappeared together, and the devil never appeared again... "That..." ye Wuchen interrupted the words of the divine emperor at this time and said coldly: "if this can be defeated by the joint efforts of the southern emperor and the northern emperor, what if the devil who has never appeared again awakens from countless years of sleep!?" The God Emperor's flight stopped fiercely and stood still in the air in incomparable horror. Ye Wuchen's words, like a heavy hammer, hit her hard in the depths of her heart“ Don't forget that the attribute of magic is darkness and death. Sha Xuan knows the existence of black-and-white Xuan God, and it is very likely that he will be sent to the demon continent immediately after the formation of black-and-white Xuan God. Therefore, he has been planning since then... Why will the devil no longer appear? Maybe he's dead, or maybe he's sleeping. If the latter, why sleep? And he didn't wake up for such a long time... Because he was defeated by the joint efforts of the southern emperor and the northern emperor, it was too difficult to recover from that level of battle, and the strength needed was incomparably huge. Therefore, it has been sleeping in a corner. But what if a huge source of darkness and death suddenly appeared? Will... Wake up the sleeping devil!? " Ye Wuchen looked at the God Emperor and said every word very clearly. He was very satisfied with the God Emperor's expression at the moment{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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