Heavenly Star

Chapter 533

Chapter 533

Why did Xiaomo appear on Tianchen continent? He has been doubting since a long time ago, who basically knows the characteristics of the chaotic pearl. Instead of convincing him, Sharon's explanation of the soul world deepened his doubts. Also that day, hearing that the demon emperor learned about the existence of the puppet Xuanshen a hundred years ago, he asked Xiaomo to find the chaotic holy pearl. His inner doubt flashed. Combined with the silence of the demon family today, on the way to the temple, a terrible guess slowly took shape in his mind.

If everything is as he expected, then if the devil who was defeated by the joint efforts of the southern emperor and the northern emperor is really awakened, he wants to destroy the land of God, but it is just a snap. Since then, no one dares to move the demon continent in chaotic space.

"I hope my guesses are just nonsense... But at present, everything seems to be developing as I expected." He paused and said, "God Emperor, if everything is as I said, you should be glad of your choice... Because if you don't come here with me and finally can't really destroy the black Xuan God, once the devil really wakes up... The land of your God will be destroyed!"

Think of what ye Wuchen said before, "let your God land turn into ashes", and the God Emperor looked moved. He didn't mean to joke at all.

Will everything really be like what he said? If not, how to explain these anomalies pointed out by him one by one.

Ordinary people don't care about the details ye Wuchen said. For example, the God Emperor never felt that Xiaomo went to look for the chaotic holy pearl, and then stayed in the unreasonable place of Tianchen continent... But these were said one after another by Ye Wuchen, and then connected together, but pointed to a terrible guess.

"This... This can't be true?" Thousands of people frowned and looked very dignified. Although he was in doubt, his face showed that he had believed most of it.

"Demon...... hum, it's not the same. No matter how much you come, you can cut it into nice minced meat." Blood night grinned and flashed in his eyes.

Lengya: "

"Let's go. We don't have much time. If you believe me... In order to condense the snow and pupil heart, I will do my best to destroy the black Xuan God. Since I say it, I will do it. And for the sake of the land of God, the God Emperor, please do your best, at least, help me save your daughter. "

With that, he went straight up into the abyss of thunder prison.



The south of the demon continent.

The huge black shadow moves forward step by step. Every step he takes forward will bring devastating disasters to the new area. His goal is very single, moving in a straight line to the south, as if chasing something... Indeed, he is chasing a demon - the demon emperor of the demon continent: Sha!

He looked only thirty years old. He was dressed in black, tall and looked like an eagle. At this time, he quickly retreated and blasted the dark light balls that looked ordinary but had great power to the black Xuan God.

There was no one around except himself, and he was the only one who attacked the black Xuan God. All the people were transferred away by him. They were not allowed to get close to him, let alone to the black Xuan God. In the south, those magic cities have become empty cities. People have fled one after another and gave everything to him under the command of the demon emperor.

There is only one sand devil attacking the black Xuan God. The black Xuan God who is aware of the riot instinctively chases the person who attacked him. Everywhere he goes, the earth collapses and everything will turn into ruins. Black Xuan God has real destructive power, but he has a big weakness... Maybe it's because his body is too big. Both black Xuan God and white Xuan God move very slowly. As the mysterious gods who exist for destruction, they don't need to move too fast, because they can destroy wherever they go.

However, at this time, Luo Xuan took advantage of this huge defect of heixuan God. He was outside the attack range of the black Xuan God, compressed his dark power, released a dark element bomb that could hit a super long distance, attacked the black Xuan God, attracted his anger, and made the black Xuan God completely unable to close the distance with him in the rapid retreat.

If he comes, he can take him where he wants to take him. But the price is that all the land and magic cities along the way have been destroyed!

If ye Wuchen's words to the God Emperor were heard by him, he would be shocked and change color, because every inference he said was not wrong... What he led the black Xuan God to was the real demon king of all demons... The great demon king who had been sleeping for countless years! Only he and his wife knew this, and no third person knew it. At least, he would not let anyone else know until he really woke up the great demon king. Because there can be no accident in this matter, otherwise it is very likely to be doomed. Therefore, he didn't follow anyone around him, and strictly forbid anyone to get close to the black Xuan God within a hundred miles!

When he got the existence of black-and-white Xuanshen from an ancient scroll, he had a plan for today after long consideration. First, if the black-and-white Xuan God is really so powerful, it is likely to be a force to awaken the great demon king. If such an opportunity is lost once, it is almost impossible to have another time. Second, it has become the only way to save the whole demon continent. He once thought about the great disaster of destroying the puppet Xuanshen. However, as a taboo weapon in the land of God, it must be hidden in the most secret place and has extremely strict defense. Moreover, with the power of the puppet Xuan God, can they really be destroyed by ordinary power?

He finally chose this road... He was gambling that the great demon king could be awakened by this powerful dark force, and then the great demon king could easily destroy the dark god, and it was also easy to destroy the land of God. He is the primitive devil that the southern emperor and the northern emperor can defeat together! Once awakened, it will be the most invincible existence, and the whole demon family will be truly invincible due to the awakening of the great demon king. If you lose the bet and the great demon king doesn't wake up... Then the demon continent will suffer the destruction of the black Xuan God. He has seen the power of black Xuan God, which is really an irresistible force against the sky. He can be fearless of life and death, but he can't let his children be involved in the great disaster that may come... Similarly, it's also for the last hope of the demon family after the disaster. Therefore, before that, Xiaomo and Saro were sent to Tianchen continent. If the great demon king wakes up, they can all get them back. If the great demon king doesn't wake up... They can live a safe life in another continent. No one can bully them with their strength. He repeated the same action and marched south. His spirit had been highly concentrated and kept a distance from the black Xuan God. If this continues, you can reach the southernmost tip of the demon continent, the forbidden place where the great demon king sleeps... That place has always been known only by the demon emperor of every generation. Evil... What is evil? The land of demons is born of the great demon king, which is formed by various negative emotions accumulated by the southern emperor and the northern emperor over countless years and condensed with their abilities as the carrier. Ugly, cruel, resentful, jealous, greedy... The great devil has all the negative factors. He is a really terrible devil. The demons of the demon continent... They are the descendants of the life body forged by the great demon king with their own strength. They have the name of the devil, but there are no negative factors of the great demon king. Except that their strength is darkness and a little death, they are not essentially different from the people of the heaven continent or the God continent. Demons are just the names of their races. If the great devil wakes up, he will destroy everything he can destroy with his evil hand, or let all creatures become his slaves. His cruelty will create countless nightmares... And this is an invincible and irresistible devil. His power should surpass any one of the southern emperor and the northern emperor. The southern emperor and the northern emperor have passed away. Looking at chaos, no one is qualified to resist him... Can such a devil really awaken him? Awaken the great demon king, which is a difficult choice made by Sha Ying. The awakening of the great demon king will create the abyss of countless disasters, but all the people with the name of magic in the demon continent are his descendants. As long as they do not disobey him, even if the great demon king destroys all, it should not defeat the demon continent, but destroy the enemies of all the demon continents. At the same time, what made him have to make this choice was the puppet Xuanshen of the land of God. Compared with the sky covering shadow inevitably followed by the awakening of the great demon king, he was more unlikely to accept the destruction of the land of God! One step, two steps, three steps... Every time the black Xuan God takes one step, the earth will vibrate. The dark forces ruthlessly destroy everything in his sight, and wherever he goes, the natural death force will turn a large area into a dead place, maybe a year or ten years, The strong and terrible power of death will make no more creatures appear and survive here. Everything was smoother than Sha Xuan expected. He was attacked by only one person. The enraged black Xuan God chased him behind him and approached the far south under his traction. Suddenly, Sha's footsteps suddenly paused, looked up fiercely to the southeast, and said a few words slightly. That's... Magic gas! That's the evil spirit of his son Sharon! No, no way! He has clearly been reborn in the distant sky continent through the method of blood reincarnation. In addition, the well of the magic wheel has already been destroyed, so he can't appear here. However, the evil spirit... How could he mistake the evil spirit of his only son. Moreover, the evil spirit is obviously approaching here quickly. The sea of sand's heart was turbulent, and his eyebrows coagulated unconsciously, but he immediately returned to calm, condensing his spirit and leading the progress of heixuan God. This is a gamble based on the future of the demon continent. It can't afford to lose. It's a gamble that can't have any accidents. He doesn't dare and can't distract his spirit. Wait... This power... God Emperor{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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