Heavenly Star

Chapter 534

Chapter 534

From a long distance, they have deeply felt the terrorist power from the black Xuan God. The sky in the south of the demon continent was reflected with a hazy gray color - is this power really what they can resist? What exactly did ye Wuchen say to destroy the clank language of heixuan God.

The black Xuan God must be destroyed within three hours. But ye Wuchen didn't seem anxious. His flying speed didn't reach his limit, and the slow thousand weight didn't fall. Three quarters of an hour later, with the rapid enhancement of the oppressive feeling of the dark power, the dark shadow of the black Xuan God finally appeared in his sight. It is marching towards the South step by step. Every step will be accompanied by earth shaking huge destructive power.

Ye Wuchen motioned lengya with his eyes. Lengya nodded slightly, walked forward, bypassed the position of black Xuan God, and quickly approached the position of Shazhen through feeling. Magic Qi, only one. It also means that there is only Shayu there.

When the breath was approaching, Sha Zhen retreated several kilometers at the fastest speed, looked up into the air, his eyebrows suddenly sank, and looked coldly at the five people approaching. His eyes first fell on the leading lengya. After shaking his eyes for a while, he swept them one by one on the faces of God emperor, ye Wuchen, Qianchong and Xueye, and his face became more and more depressed.

The people of the demon continent and others may not know the God Emperor, but he didn't know. He wondered why she appeared here in peace. And the person who releases Saro's breath is a strange face... Maybe it's just the same breath, but why is the agitation in his heart when he looks at him?

The earth is shaking regularly, which is the footsteps of the black Xuan God. Five people fell from the air and looked at each other, but no one spoke for a moment.

"God Emperor, long time no see. Are you here to witness the disaster that the dark god has brought to my demon continent? " Sha Xuan's calm face showed a trace of sneer.

"This is really what I want to see." The God Emperor answered calmly. Her eyes turned to the nearby Black God in the distance, and her eyebrows were light. She still can't make herself really believe that ye Wuchen has a way to destroy it.

"There should be no one in the world who knows more about the power of black Xuan God than the God Emperor, so the God Emperor is also convinced that it is enough to wipe out your demon continent, and there is no need to take risks. Devil emperor Sha, you are the most powerful devil, but do you think you have the possibility to defeat the black Xuan God? " Ye Wuchen said.

Sha Xuan turned his eyes to him and finally looked at him seriously: "who are you?"

In the face of him, the devil king Shaying, the stranger he met for the first time did not show any strange look or voice, and his calm was unreasonable.

"It doesn't matter who I am. You just need to know that we are not here for the gratitude and resentment between the land of God and the land of your demons, nor for the enemy with you, but for the destruction of the black and Xuan God." Ye Wuchen said positively.

"Destruction?" Deep surprise flashed on Sha Xuan's face. He looked at emperor fiercely, but found that she didn't show any attitude of denial.

When the God Emperor just appeared, he felt the sinking of his heart. He took advantage of the weakness of black Xuan God's slow action to attract its anger and lead it to the sleeping place of the great demon king. This process can not be disturbed by anyone. If another person attacks the black Xuan God, or the black Xuan God finds another target, the situation can easily get out of control. The arrival of the divine Emperor... Black and white Xuanshen is awakened by the divine emperor and will also obey the orders of the divine emperor. When the divine emperor arrives, his plan will be difficult to realize, and the demon continent is in danger!

However, he never thought that the man who came with the God Emperor said the words of "destroying the black Xuan God", but the God Emperor did not have any opposition, competing as if he came together to destroy the black Xuan God.

"Ridiculous, that's ridiculous." Sha Zhen sneered sarcastically, and his black face showed an incomparably deep look: "God Emperor, the hatred between you and my two races is different, and you want to destroy each other in your dreams. Now, you wake up the mysterious God enough to destroy all of me and send it to my demon continent. How can you kindly destroy it... Do you think I'm a fool?"

Ye Wuchen shook his head silently, and his voice was as calm as before: "Shahu, you don't have to test. We really came to destroy the black Xuan God. Now the consciousness of the black Xuan God has been confused. We won't obey anyone's instructions except simple destruction. I have a reason to destroy it - Oh, because I need your help, it doesn't hurt to tell you. White and Princess black are the most important people in my life. Only by destroying black and white, can I save them, and the God Emperor has a reason to destroy him - me and the God emperor, You must be prevented from waking up the real demon king who should not be awakened! "

Sha's calm look finally had a moment of violent turbulence, and his whole body suddenly stiffened. Only he and his wife know this great secret, and no third person can know it any more. Now it has been revealed by others. How can he not be surprised.

How could Sha Xun's startled face escape ye Wuchen and the God Emperor's eyes? At present, ye Wuchen no longer doubts his guess. The God Emperor's eyes turned and slowly said, "Sha, it seems that you really want to wake up the great demon king who shouldn't exist. Although the great demon king is the ancestor of all your demons, have you ever thought about what terrible consequences he will bring once he wakes up!"

"Terrible consequences? Ha ha...... "Sha Zhen smiled wildly:" the first consequence will be that your God's land will be destroyed. Even if it is immortal, all the so-called gods in your God's land, including your God Emperor, will become slaves of the great demon king! Your Protoss will be trampled on by my demon clan forever! If you dare to use the mysterious God, I dare to use the mysterious God to awaken the great demon king! "

"I'm afraid it's not only the protoss that will be enslaved and destroyed, but also your demon family." Ye Wuchen said coldly, "what a terrible devil the great demon king is, demon emperor Sha, no one in the world knows better than you. He is generated by all kinds of the ugliest negative emotions relying on the power of the southern emperor and the northern emperor. It will always be evil... Even if you are his descendants, do you think he will care whether you have any root connection with him? At that time, not only the land of God will be enslaved, but also your demon family! And once he gets angry, your demon clan will also disappear in his mind! He is thousands of times more terrible than the black-and-white God. Compared with the black-and-white God, he should not appear in this world! "

"Hum." Sha Xuan uttered a disdainful snort, "I only know that if I don't make this choice, my demon continent will be completely destroyed in the hands of black Xuan God!"

Ye Wuchen's eyes coagulated, his look and voice eased down at the same time, sighed and said: "you're right. From your position, what you have to do is really good. On the one hand, you are destroyed by the black Xuan God, on the other hand, you wake up a terrible demon king and destroy the enemy, and your own side will only encounter disaster. If I were you, I would do the same when I was finally set foot in the territory by the black Xuan God. The great devil should not appear, nor should the black-and-white Xuan God... In a word, all this comes down to the incompetence and stupidity of the divine world. They don't rely on their own strength to defeat their opponents, but just want to rely on this kind of anti heaven force that shouldn't exist, and even sacrifice their relatives! "

God Emperor: "

The God Emperor looked away without refutation. She has been deeply regretting... But now, what can regret be. At the same time, if it weren't for ye Wuchen, the great demon king might really be awakened by the sand. At that time, it would be the real difficulty to destroy the top. In other words, it can even be said without exaggeration that the whole land of God was saved because of Ye Wuchen. Even if she is regarded as the God Emperor, she is not qualified to refute.

These words made his heart filled with cold hatred ease suddenly, and his eyes to ye Wuchen were much more comfortable. Originally, he had deep hostility and surprise to ye Wuchen who came with the divine emperor, but this time, he heard his sarcasm about the divine emperor and the divine race. He was very happy when he heard it. He couldn't help looking at ye Wuchen more and more... What surprised him more was that, The God Emperor was so frank and sarcastic in front of him that he didn't say a word, which made him even more surprised about the origin of Ye Wuchen. Who can make the God Emperor make such a gesture... Who will this person be! When did such a person appear in chaotic space.

Ye Wuchen sighed and said, "we don't have much time to use. If we can destroy the black Xuan God and the demon emperor, are you still willing to wake up your great demon king?"

Sha Xuan was a little silent and said coldly, "since you have come here, it is impossible for me to wake up the great demon king even if I want to. Ah... Young man, I appreciate you very much. Just tell me what you want me to do. You don't seem to be a big talker. If you can really destroy the black Xuan God, I can agree to your arbitrary requirements. Speaking of it, I suddenly want to make friends with you. "

Ye Wuchen looked sluggish and suddenly smiled vaguely: "in fact, we are already friends... Because your daughter is my daughter."

Sha Ying: "!?" Even though he was the demon emperor, he didn't turn around for a moment before this sentence.

"Xiaomo is all right now. She lives in my home. No one will bully her and won't let her suffer any grievances. It's just that she misses her parents... And I," ye Wuchen smiled: "although she is a little uncomfortable in her youth, she likes to call my father, and has been calling for more than a year."

Sha Zhen's eyes were in turmoil. He took a deep look at ye Wuchen, suddenly took a step forward, stretched out his dark hand, patted ye Wuchen on his shoulder, and looked at him for several times. What he wanted to express was undoubtedly revealed in his eyes and actions. It was an unspeakable deep gratitude. For his daughter's safety, he kept him away from the demon continent, but his daughter was alone in another world, which had not been seen in a hundred years. Who can understand the deep concern and miss connected by blood in his heart. Ye Wuchen's words turned all his worries into deep gratitude.

This is actually a human from Tianchen continent.

And how attached she would be to him if Xiaomo could call her father. If he hadn't been good enough to his daughter, how could she be so attached to him.

Sha Xiaomo, their common daughter, let them seem to have no estrangement at once, replaced by a clear sense of intimacy. Demons are just people with dark power, not demons born of negative emotions. They also have the truest and purest feelings... Family affection, love and brotherhood

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