House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 - Yang Yi Hated By The Readers

Unknowingly,“Drawing Sword” has been updated for a week. Although Yang Yi updatedevery day, the rate has lessened too much compared with the last “Soldier Assault”,making readers complain crazily.

But even so,they were reading it with fascination while they complained.

However,after yesterday's Chapter 7 was released, Yang Yi aroused public indignation.

“Theheck, did the author really kill off Sister-In-Law Xiuqin? Author, do you havea conscience?”

“In thefirst seven chapters, the female lead died. I'm done. A perfectly good book waspoisoned, the kind that is highly poisonous and highly toxic!” (TN: I'm notsure here. But I think it just mean that the book/story was ruined.)

“Abandonthe book. Sh*t, I'm so mad after reading it. A good female lead was bombardedto death! Can’t you save her?”

In fact,these are the curses of true fans who were expecting too much. At present, YangYi’s fan strength has made many water army afraid to come and make troubles.

There werealso emotional people who said: “Although I had a premonition after seeingXiuqin being caught, I couldn’t believe it at all. The author's hand is reallypoisonous! After reading the chapter that came out yesterday, I, a big man witha height of more than 1.8 meters, cried and I felt uncomfortable and terrible!”

“Themonk didn’t kneel down. Please give him ten minutes. He will rush in with peopleand maybe save them! A**hole, why don’t you give Xiuqin a chance to live?”

“LiYunlong did the right thing. As a soldier, he cannot spare the special brigadeof the Japanese invaders, let alone forget to avenge the dead brothers on themountain because of his love for her. So, he ordered the firing. I respect himas a man and a qualified general!” Finally, someone came forward to say fairwords to Yang Yi.

“‘LiYunlong sat down weakly… his mind was blank and his whole body felt weak.’ Thissentence made me burst into tears… Since she was the woman you love deeply, whycan’t you save her? Li Yunlong, you are a coward!”

It has to besaid that this chapter was indeed very poisonous. Basically, more than 90% of thereaders had difficulty accepting this fact!

Especiallythe Qiyue Chinese Website readers, these ReadNovelFull readers, scolded Yang Yi evenmore fiercely, and even the die-hard fan Mu Yucheng couldn't help complainingabout Yang Yi: “D*mn it, is it that the heroine in your work has no value?There was no female lead in “Soldier Assault”. Now, the female leadin “Drawing Sword” has only appeared a few chapters, just newlyweds, andyou eliminated her?”

After all,everyone was used to the ReadNovelFull pattern. No matter what the protagonist is atthe beginning, Zhao Ritian, or an ordinary mortal, he can become an omnipotent“Superman” in the end! Regardless whether the female lead is one, two,or many, the male lead can take good care of her, and then open a harmonious harem.(TN: Zhao Ritian is an Internet avatar, Internet celebrity in China.)

If someonedares to write the male lead as incompetent, and let the female lead suffer abit of harm, it is estimated that those readers with a sense of male chauvinismwill scold that someone to death!

However,Yang Yi did so. He not only let the female lead be injured, but also directly letthe male lead use the artillery to kill his own woman and the Japanese invaders……

Isn’t this seekingdeath?

Isn’t thisgoing to poison your readers?

Isn’t thistrying to force your readers away?

Realizingthat something was wrong, the editors of Iron Blood Net, who have been closelywatching the development of “Drawing Sword”, were very happy to seethis scene. (TN: For clarification Iron Blood Net is a website

It must beknown that the release of “Drawing Sword” really caused a greatcrisis to them. Hu Da's move was very ingenious and just stuck in their throat!

It’s not an insidiousplot. People let Yang Yi compete with Iron Blood Net, blatantly absorbing thereaders of Iron Blood Net, but Iron Blood Net can do nothing about it!

Now, such asituation has emerged among the regular readers of Iron Blood Net. They chooseto read Yang Yi’s book at Qiyue, and then spend money to reward him, but theywill also continue to read books on Iron Blood Net, but their consumers haveshrunk sharply… This can be seen from the background data!

Although it'snot going to cause significant damage to them, and although Iron Blood Net alsobelieves in its own judgement and appeal, and believes that those readers will notabandon Iron Blood Net, but the income that originally belonged to them has beendivided up by Qiyue. They are not willing to accept it!

But what canthey do about it?

It's notthat Iron Blood Net editors haven't thought about poaching people. During the serializationof “Soldier Assault”, when a large number of Iron Blood Net readersleft messages asking them to dig Yang Yi, they seriously considered this issue.

PoachingYang Yi over was obviously advantageous with nothing for then to lose! But Qiyuewas really good at keeping confidentiality - at least they thought so. Theauthor’s information was not leaked at all, and the author himself doesn'tinteract with fans in the book review area!

Actually, ifQiyue knew what they were thinking, they would certainly cry out for injustice.After they signed a long contract with Yang Yi, they not only didn't intend tohide it, but also wanted to publicize it to make Yang Yi a new great writer.

However, YangYi refused. Not only did he not want them to disclose his personal information,but he was not even interested in participating in the written interview on thewebsite, which greatly disappointed the staff of the publicity department of Qiyue,while the readers continued to call out but didn't get a response.

Of course,there was another way, which is to get Yang Yi’s contact information from the CopyrightAssociation, but this undoubtedly required a lot of favors! The administratorsof the website is not capable of this, unless they ask for the “MilitaryLiterature Publication”.

However,several big bosses of Iron Blood Net felt that they were making a fuss over a triflingmatter, so they stopped thinking about it.

But how willthey dig people? Wield a hoe and look around at a loss!

They canonly watch the success of “Drawing Sword”, but there is nothing theycan do about it……

Of course,now that “Drawing Sword” has dug a hole for itself, the editorialdepartment of Iron Blood Net was cheering, congratulating each other with asmile on their faces.

However, itseems that this happiness came too early!

Afterchapters 8 and 9 were released, Iron Blood Net editors were surprised to findthat the readers who were scolding and clamoring about abandoning the book notonly did not abandon the book, but have subscribed to the new chapters.

Naturally,the new two chapters have caused great controversy!

Yang Yi,this guy, after killing off the female lead, unexpectedly kill off the monk!

Although themonk is only a supporting role, just the guard of Li Yunlong, but his high and strongmartial arts, as well as righteous character, let him also have a lot of fans!

But how cansuch a vivid character die in vain? And not at the hands of the savage Japaneseinvaders, but at the hands of the bandits, from fellow Chinese!

The readers’hearts were bleeding!

They didn'tblame Li Yunlong. Li Yunlong had done well enough – not only did he disregardthe discipline, led people to wipe out the bandits, avenged the monk, but alsomade a highly controversial killing of prisoners!

Readersstill like Li Yunlong to the bone, but they also hate Yang Yi to the bone!

How can you killoff the monk?


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