House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 - Yu Wan's Idea

Although there were a lot of scolding in the book review area, what made the editors of Iron Blood Net sad was that success of the book “Drawing Sword” had not declined but instead had risen, and the more it was scolded, the more flourishing the sales are!

“Boss, didQiyue manipulate their data over at their side?” A new editor saidangrily, “Clearly, a group of people said that they were going to abandonthe book, so why are so many people still subscribing to it? It's notscientific!”

LingyunJueding, Deputy Chief Editor of Iron Blood Net, is a balding middle-aged man.He pushed his gold-rimmed glasses and didn't say a word.

But therewas an editor by the side who started talking unhappily: “Yu Wan, what nonsenseare you talking about? Can this kind of big data be easily manipulated by Qiyue?That would be hard to achieve. That they are directly throwing money to fill inthe number of subscriptions?”

Of course,it’s impossible!

“Themore scolding there are, the more you can see the readers’ love for 'DrawingSword'!” Lingyun Jueding sighed and said, "Just like those tragic dramas,the more people cry, the more market there is.”

He moved themouse, opened the reward area, pointed to the projection and said to his subordinates,“As you can see, he has killed off the supporting role, but there arestill many people who are willing to support it. They are even willing to spenda lot of money, asking him to revise the previous chapters.”

The most localtyrant was a reader who is part of the Golden League of “Drawing Sword”.This reader whose ID is "The Bugle Urges Me to Report” has thrown a hugereward of 50 million book coins (equivalent to 500,000 yuan), and left a red message:“There's another 50 million, Yang Yi, you bring Xiuqin and the monk back, andit is yours! If you don’t, I’ll deliver a hundred teddies to your house oneday!” (TN: Red message: A message that is posted across the site. I don'tknow what "sending 100 teddies" means, but teddy means poodle or teddy bear.)

(PS: This"Deliver a Teddy" stem from… the book review section. A book friend said thatif Xiaohan TJ has this book, he would give Xiaohan a good day… Doraemon isafraid ~). (TN: This is from the author, included in the chapter. I have noclue what this means.)

The editorsof Iron Blood Net are familiar with this ID. Moreover, they know that this person'sreal identity is a real estate boss, and is a former soldier, and has startedfrom scratch after retirement. A big boss with hundreds of millions of money tohis name.

In the past,he spent no less than 5 million yuan on Iron Blood Net. A “big fish”that Iron Blood Net had to serve carefully.

However, nowthat he has moved to other platform and rewarded the opposite party's author somuch, the editors of Iron Blood Net were heartbroken.

“Ithink we should dig Yang Yi, at all costs!” After a long silence in theconference room, an editor said, “Whatever conditions Qiyue have given him,we will give him a better one, and we will also give him a signing fee!”

“Butthe problem is, we don’t even know where he is, so how can we dig him?” Anothereditor retorted, “If we could dig him, we would have dug him a long timeago!”

“Or,Lingyun, shall we discuss it with the Military Literature and Art sideagain?” (TN: Military Literature and Art is a site.)

“Yeah, makingthe Military Literature and Art help out would make everything okay, right?”

Lingyunfrowned as he listened to the noisy discussion in the conference room. Hesmiled bitterly in his heart: “Too naive!”

Are theMilitary Literary and Art people so easy to incite? What’s more, recently,there has been a bit of a standoff between the Iron Blood Net and MilitaryLiterature and Art. Because of the decline of the traditional media, Military Literatureand Art was getting worse year after year, but Iron Blood Net has shown betterpotential for development, which made Big Brother a little upset. Every timethe leaders of the two sides hold a meeting together, there's always a smell ofgunpowder.

“Cough,I think we don’t have to go through Military Literature and Art….” A weakvoice entered into Lingyun’s ear.

Lingyun’seyes lit up. He pointed to the guy: “Yu Wan, do you have any good ideas?Hurry up and say it!”

Yes, it was thatreckless new editor just now. When he heard the deputy chief editor called himby his name, he was emboldened. He stood up and said loudly, “We can ask agood publishing house we have good connection with to approach Qiyue and havethem discuss about the physical publication of "Soldier Assault”. Such animportant matter, it is impossible for Qiyue to not take out the author’sinformation, right? As long as our publishing house can get in touch with theauthor, then our opportunity will come!”

That's right!

Lingyunpatted his bald head, laughed and said, “Yu Wan, that’s a good idea! Verygood, very good! Just do it, then, you go and arrange it…”

Yang Yi hasno idea what the editors of Iron Blood Net were scheming.

But his new bookwas scolded and caused a public uproar. Although Yang Yi was informed by EditorQiang Zi, he didn't go to the book review area, nor did he plan to change themanuscript.

Well, a rewardof 500,000 won't make him change the plot of the original book!

Why? Yang Yiwas paid millions of yuan for a mission in his previous life, and he wanted to orderhim for 500,000?

Besides, nomatter how much money it is, Yang Yi is a man of principle!

But what ishe doing?


Today, YangYi didn't open the shop, but went to the bank with Xixi.

Of course,Yang Yi didn't have Conan’s nature when withdrawing some money. The bank wascalm, and there were no strange incidents of bank robberies or robbers taking hostages.(TN: Conan's nature - I think this is referring to Detective Conan, wheresomething eventful will happen wherever he goes.)

Because hemade a prior appointment, the big client manager took Yang Yi and the littlegirl to a separate VIP room, and also served Xixi a plate of candy and cookieswith great care.

“Thankyou, Auntie!” Xixi snuggled up to her father’s arms and said sweetly.

“Callme Big Sister, I'm not yet old enough to be called Auntie!” The big clientmanager in a suit and tube skirt was actually not much younger than Yang Yi,but it’s in woman’s nature that they don’t like to be called aunt.

Going backto the point, the big client manager confirmed with Yang Yi: “Mr. Yang,you wanted to withdraw 1 million yuan in cash, right?”

“That’sright.” Yang Yi nodded.

“Butit's not convenient and safe to carry 1 million yuan of cash!” Sureenough, the Bank of Tianxia was generally dark, and she also tried her best to retainit. “Why don’t you keep your money in the bank? We have a very convenientwealth management product here. You can deposit and withdraw your money rightaway, and the interest rate is higher than the current account, and the incomeis settled on a daily basis!" (Tianxia can be translated as world or China, soeither world bank or china bank. Since I'm not sure, I left it as it is.)

But Yang Yi wasvery firm. He waited for the other party to breathe, and made his attitude clear:“No, I want to withdraw the money!”

The bigclient manager worked hard, but Yang Yi still wanted to withdraw the money. inthe end, she could only ask the security guard to deliver the money. Yang Yiprepared his own duffel bag for the money.

WatchingYang Yi put a pile of money into the bag, the big client manager’s heart wasdripping with blood. She couldn’t help saying, “Mr. Yang, it’s not safe towalk on the road with so much money!”

Yang Yismiled lightly. He looked at the opposite party calmly and said, “Is that so?Thank you for reminding me! Let’s go, Xixi! “

The littlegirl glanced reluctantly at the untouched candy on the plate, but she still obedientlyjumped down from the chair and ran over to hold her father’s empty left hand.

“Goodbye,Auntie.” Xixi said cleverly.

The bigclient manager listened and the corner of her mouth twitched. She could onlyforce a smile on her face.

Just like hedidn’t care about carrying 2 million yuan when he was buying a car, Yang Yi tookthis bag of money and came out calmly with Xixi, as if the father and daughterwere traveling with their luggage. No one would take another glance at them.

Yang Yi wasstill looking forward to it, but there was no blind robber rushing out, so hethrew the money into the back seat of the Tyrant Wolf and left with Xixi.


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