I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

The Woman Destined to Kill Me, is the Woman of my Destiny

“…….After that, I was found by the servants of the imperial palace who came to find me under the orders of my father, and I was taken away from the garden. Leaving the young boy behind who quickly hid away upon seeing the servants appear.”


Wait. Wait. WAIT.

I asked to hear the story behind Lizbeth and Wilhelm but, what was that?

The woman in front of me was supposed to be the person who would assassinate me 9 years from now.

History itself was proof of that fact.

That’s why………there was no way. The girl from that day simply could not be Lizbeth.

Hoping to refute her words, I put my hand inside my pocket and gripped the gold coin in there and just shook my head.

But…….in truth, I also wanted to cling on to those words as well.

“After that, I was scolded terribly by my father. And I received another gold coin, similar to the one I gave the boy, from him.”

Lizbeth slowly opened her palm.

There lay a gold coin, the exact same as the one in my hand right now. With the exact same pattern as the one that girl, the only person to actually look at me, gave me on that day.


There was no way of refuting it anymore.

Holding the same gold coin as myself, and knowing the details of that day as well. There were only two people in the whole world.

“Prince Rudolf………finally……we meet again……..”


While looking at the tears flowing down Lizbeth’s aquamarine eyes, tears began to flood out of my own eyes as well.

Whenever I was in pain, when I was sad, in my darkest hours, on my worst days, when my mind seemed like it would distort with madness, when I was at the absolute verge of breaking apart.

Every single time, the only thing that saved me was that one sole memory, and this one gold coin in my hand.

That’s why, I was able to remain as myself.


I cried. Until no sound came out of my throat any longer. I cried my eyes out.

I never cried, even when I was punched and kicked by Robin.

I never cried, even when my family, the attendants, and every single human ignored me and ostracized me.

But today……..I was crying.

Because today I finally met her again. The one single girl that actually looked at me.



“My Prince………”

Lizbeth gently wiped my tears with a handkerchief after I had bawled my eyes out completely.

A,ahaha……even though she herself was dripping with tears as well………

“mm………thank you. I’m, fine now………”


Giving my thanks, and as a show of it as well, I began to wipe her tears instead.

“*sniff*………thank you very much.”

“u-umm, Lady Lizbeth……..will you, look at this………”

My one and only treasure that I had never shown to anyone……..I pulled out the gold coin that she gave me from my pocket.

“Yes……..that is indeed the gold coin that I gave you on that day.”

“Aye…….thanks to this gold coin,……….thanks to that one memory with you, I was able to keep being myself. That’s why…”

Holding back the tears that seemed like they’d start flowing again, I breathed in, and then spoke.

“Thank you. For saving me, for looking at me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

With asmile that wouldn’t lose to the one I showed her on that day, I gave my heartfelt gratitude to Lizbeth.

And when I did…

“Prince Rudolf! Ohh Prince Rudolf………!! I wanted to meet you again so much……..I wanted to see you again for so long……..!!”

“Me too…….I should be the one saying that……..!! All this time………I just wanted to be with you again……..!!”

I strongly embraced Lizbeth as she jumped into my arms, and then, we began to cry on each other’s shoulders once more.



“a,ahaha……..I suppose it was unavoidable because of the joy I feel right now but, seriously, I can’t seem to get a hold of my emotions now…….”

Finally calming down a bit, I started to feel a bit embarrassed of our current situation, and gave a wry smile.

But……….if I let go of her hand right now, it felt like I would lose this miraculous meeting forever, so I just couldn’t let go of her.

“fufu………over the last three months, I did manage to get a control over my heart at least…….”

“Ah……..a-as I thought, you always knew that it was me huh.”

“Yes. Well………do you promise not to get angry over what I’m about to tell you…….?”

With a slightly anxious expression, Lizbeth raised her head from my chest and looked at me in the eye.

Looking down at her crystal clear eyes, I could only nod.

“In truth…….”

According to Lizbeth, her spies that had infiltrated the Imperial Castle, had been searching for the boy from that day…….aka me, for quite some time it seems.

Hoping to find clues about my whereabouts as all they had was the fact that I was in the palace.

Of course, Lizbeth who was still a child herself didn’t have spies of her own so she asked her father……..the Marquis and then pleaded his subordinates to look for me alongside their actual mission.

That’s why, their subordinates could never even imagine that I would happen to the boy she met on that day, and were unable to find any other clues.

Well, I was the fourth prince and also a bastard child. From the point of view of the subordinates, I was basically a ‘no mark’ to them.

Feeling that things were getting nowhere, Lizbeth made her resolve about half a year ago, and decided to send her very own trusted maid-slash-bodyguard that had been with her since childhood, Maya to infiltrate the palace and……….HOLD UP!?

“Wait, Maya was your spy!?”

“Au……..Forgive me, please………”

I suddenly exclaimed out of shock, making Lizbeth shrink her body from guilt.

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