I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Because you looked at me.

“Shhh. You’re being chased, right?”

Putting his finger on his lips, a young boy grinned at me.

His silver shone brightly and in contrast, his amber coloured eyes were soft and full of warmth.

And I simply……….could not take my eyes away from that boy.

After all, he was just so utterly lovely and adorable to look at.

“It’ll be fine. No one will ever come here.”


While I felt something was off about his phrasing, I figured he was probably just trying to cheer me up, that’s all.

After that, we two stayed still inside that room for some time.

“So, where were you actually trying to go?”


I told him the honest truth. That I was looking for the jasmine-filled garden that I saw from the window but got lost on the way.

And when I told that–

“Then, I can take you there!”

“!! Really? Thanks!!”

I followed the young boy, and headed towards that garden.

I even remember chatting a bunch with that boy on the way as well.

That said, I feel like it was just me talking a bunch of things one-sidedly though.

I think, I just wanted a way to relieve myself of my anxiousness. And so, I decided to basically take advantage of that boy’s kindness.

And yet.

“Ehehe………I think this is the first time I have talked with someone so much.”

The boy was just genuinely happy……..and showed me a truly adorable smile that could melt anyone’s heart.

His expression was so bright, I felt like I would get sucked into it………

And then…..


Seeing the bed of jasmine flowers spread across the garden, I couldn’t help but exclaim in wonder.

“H-hey..can I take one of these jasmine flowers…..?”

“Of course! There’s so many of them here after all!”


Getting permission from the boy, I quickly plucked one of the jasmine flowers from a nearby bed.

It smelled so nice, and even now, I could vividly recall its sweet scent.

It was at that moment.

“!?! Hurry, and hide! Now!!”


The boy quickly pushed me into a bush, completely bewildering me with his actions.

But, I soon realized the reason behind his actions.

“Hmph! Why did you think it was okay for a “dirty disgusting pig’ like you to enter this garden huh!!”


The person who appeared was the same golden haired boy and his two adult attendants.

The very same that chased me around.

“Well, whatever. I’m feeling awfully kind today. By the way piggy, did you see a young girl, about your size anywhere around here?”

“……..I have not.”

“Damn, you really are as worthless as your mother huh? As I thought, I really should get rid of people like you! Hey you two, hurry up and beat this pig up and make him cry!!”

“!?! B-but, your highness…….”



I realized that the blonde haired boy was……..probably a prince of this empire. Unable to defy his orders, the attendants forcibly grabbed the young boy.


And then, they began to punch and kick the poor child.

Even though he was just a small kid the same size as myself.

I could not forgive it. I could not bear to watch it.

I wanted to leap out and save that boy right that instant.

But……….I was afraid, and was unable to do anything but remain hidden inside the bushes while cupping my own ears.



The young boy looked in my direction and then smiled.

He must have been hurting so much. He must have been in so much pain, but even so.

It was at that moment, I truly learnt of my own weakness.

“……..hmph, enough, we’re leaving.”


Was it guilt?

The two attendants looked terribly depressed, and followed after that horrible prince who looked all too satisfied, and finally left the garden.

“!! A-are you, okay!?”

In a panic, I rushed out and spoke to the boy.

“E,ehehe……….yeah, I’m used to it. So don’t worry, I’m fine……….”


Hearing the words spoken by the boy as he showed a bitter smile, tears began to flow out of my eyes.

I mean, it was understandable right? It was clear that this young boy was being put through such horrible acts regularly.

“………..Hey, are you crying for my sake……..?”

“!! O-of course I am! Anyone would!!”

“I see………..ehehe, I’m really happy……….this is the first time, anyone has done that……….”

Muttering that, soon tears began to flow out of the boy’s eyes as well.

His wet amber eyes were so pretty, I was completely mesmerized………

I wanted to return the favour to this boy, for the kindness he showed me today. I decided that in my mind.

Thinking of what I could even give to him, I desperately searched through the pockets of my dress.

When suddenly,


What I found was a gold coin, one that had been created long before even the founding of the Baldyk Empire.

Whenever the first Fahlcrantz family head achieved great military achievements, he always had this coin on his person, or so the story went. And so it became a custom for people of the Fahlcrantz family to always carry a similar coin on them at all times like a protective charm.

But I……

“Here, I’ll give this to you!”


I knew my father would scold me for this, but regardless, I handed over this charm to the boy.

I had nothing better on me that would be worth giving anyway.

“A-are you sure……..?”

While looking at the faces of the coin with interest, the boy nervously asked me that.

I simply nodded silently.

“Woooow……! This is my first time getting a present from someone! Not to mention, something so pretty!!”

“I-in my family, they say that if you have this coin on you, your dreams will come true. So, if there is a wish you want to make, I’m sure it’ll come true too.”

“Really!? Ah, but……..but my one true wish already came true though.”

“What was it?”

The boy seemed to scratch his face in embarrassment.

But I wanted to know the meaning behind his words so I asked him further.

And when I did.

“Ehehe………I mean, you looked at me after all.”

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