I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Resolve and Feelings.

“……….Prince Rudolf, may I have a moment of your time?”

………..Marquis Fahlcrantz came up to me and spoke with a stern expression.

I had a sudden sense of unease hit me.

“Father, his highness Rudolf is currently celebrating with me. If you have business with him, it can wait for another day.”


Faced with Lizbeth’s chilly voice and cold glare, even the Marquis was lost for words.

I imagine that even she suspects that whatever the Marquis wants from me is not going to be a very nice thing.

But even so.

“Very well.”

“!?! Prince Rudolf!?”

I know Lizbeth refused her for my sake but, that will only delay the inevitable and I’d need to talk to him one day regardless, and also……..he is still, Lizbeth’s father.

Then I have to properly face him and talk with him.

All so that I can continue to remain Lizbeth’s fiancé, if nothing else.

“Then, please, follow me.”

“Of course.”

“!! I will of course come with you as well in that case!”

As I followed after the Marquis, Lizbeth continued to grip on to my hand showing no intention of letting me go.

Her feelings, only made me even more happier.

And thus.

“………Prince Rudolf, may I ask to have a bout with you.”

After reaching an empty training hall, the Marquis said that to me.

Eeeh………do I have to accept this?

In the first place, Marquis Fahlcrantz was basically the symbol of the Baldyk empire’s military might, he was literally made of muscle. Even a light swing with a wooden sword with his hand will severely injure me.

“! FATHER!!”

“Lizbeth, you be quiet.”

“!? B-but this is………”

Faced with the Marquis stern words, even Lizbeth couldn’t argue any further.

I see……..I guess he Maruqis doesn’t approve of me as her fiancé after all.

I imagine the Emperor basically forced him to get Lizbeth engaged to me.

Not even a Marquis and the leader of the Empire’s army could go against his Emperor’s orders I suppose.

In that case.

“Sure, go ahead. I’ll be in your care.”

“Prince Rudolf! You mustn’t! Father is known to be the greatest warrior in the entire empire!? And knowing his personality, he will most certainly not hold back either! SO!!”

She grabbed my arm, and desperately tried to explain.

Yeah, I know everything she says is true, and I could also tell she was really worried about me.

But……..even so, I have no choice but to accept this bout.

All so that the Marquis may acknowledge me.

“Come, let us begin.”

“Thank you very much.”

I took the wooden sword, and then took a stance with my sword aimed at the Marquis but…….man, I don’t really see any chance of winning.

Or rather, the pressure he’s giving off is really no joke.

Furthermore, Lizbeth stood to the side watching over us, gulping from the tension.

It seems even she understood that there was no point in trying to stop us anymore.

“Your highness, you may attack me whenever, wherever and however you want. Let’s see…….yes, if your sword manages to even graze my body, I will consider it as your win.”


I see. He’s confident that someone like me could never even scratch him no matter how hard I struggle it seems.

Well, he was absolutely correct as well so I could only smile wryly.

Well, now that it’s come to this, I just need to harden my resolve and rush at him with everything.

Who knows, maybe I will manage to at least touch him, even if it’s by a stroke of luck.

I lowered my waist, and lent my weight on my legs.

“Here I come!”

And then, I kicked off the ground with force and charged at the Marquis.

Just to be clear, I have not received any kind of training with the sword.

But, since nobody would teach me either, I would secretly watch the knights during the practice and try and imitate their movements. Basically it’s all self taught.

Furthermore, I was but a villager in my previous life so the very concept of fighting was far away from me.

That’s why.


My hand was struck with force, and the wooden sword in my hand dropped to the ground.

Owowow………looks like the marquis really has no plans on holding back huh.



His expression remained unchanging, as the Marquis spoke with a cold tone.

I quickly picked up the wooden sword and then.


With loud warcry, I swung the sword at the Marquis.

But, every swing was deflected, averted, parried by the Marquis, and the edge of my sword never even managed to get close to scratching him.





How many times had this been repeated by now?

Before I realized, my body was in tatters and I could barely stand with the support of my wooden sword at this point.

On the other hand, the Marquis was simply standing there, continuously glaring at me coldly with the tip of sword aimed at my forehead.

Of course, not even a drop of sweat could be seen on him, let alone any disarray in his breathing.

“………is that it?”


The words that came out of his mouth made me unconsciously glare right back at him.

Those words were ones I had heard far too many times in my life until now.

Words that declared that they had no expectations of me, words that forsook my very existence.


Wanting to shut his annoying mouth, I let myself fall to rage and rushed recklessly at him.

Not paying any heed to any sword form, or stance. I just blindly charged like an animal.


All the regret I felt, the pain, the sadness, the frustrations, everything, I put all my dark and gloomy feelings into my sword and swung them at the Marquis……and yet.



I was the one who got hit, and was crushed like a frog who just got stepped on.

The anguish made it hard to even breathe properly, and I began to drool from my mouth.

“……….do you really think you can protect my beloved daughter with just that much?”

Wha, haha……..who’s, protecting who…….did he say……?

Aah……..right, I was fighting the marquis to have him acknowledge me as Lizbeth’s fiancé,…… wasn’t I……

To think, I forgot something that important……..I really am hopeless.

“Prince Rudolf!”

Lizbeth who had been watching until now began to run towards me.


“Stay back!”

“!? But………But, if you keep this up… !!”

She complained, hoping to stop me.

But that won’t do, Lizbeth…….that, simply won’t do.

I must continue to struggle and fight against my own destiny in hopes that I don’t end up a tyrant once again.

And that’s not all. There was also the poisoning attempt that failed just a couple months ago. I don’t know when and where my life might come in danger.

Until now, things were still close to history so I was relaxed but, now with my betrothal to Lizbeth, history will surely begin to change, and so I the chances of me dying even before that history might also change.

If that is to be the case then, I would surely bring danger to Lizbeth who would be by my side as well.

Who’d protect her then? Only I could.

That’s why……….that’s why, I must win against the Marquis……..!!


I forced my hurting body to stand back up as I roared loudly.

All so that I can get one back on the Marquis.

But this time, I won’t let myself be swept away in my emotions.

This is different……..this is my resolve, to protect Lizbeth no matter what happens!!!

Compared to when we began this bout, my body’s movements were in a far, far worse state.

However, this time, my resolve was different. My feelings were different.

Come………try and avoid this if you can.

And when you try, I’ll get one hit on you, even if we end up stabbing each other.

I put all my strength into my body, and then launched my thrust.

But, it was far too slow, so slow that even a child might be able to avoid it. A pathetic stab indeed.

And yet.

“…………This is my loss, it seems.”

“Ah, ha……….haa……..I….did it……..”

The tip of my sword touched the Marquis, and seeing him proclaim his own defeat with a smile, I…….lost consciousness instantly.

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