I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Sleeping Together with my Beloved Partner

*Lizbeth Fahlcrantz POV*

“!? Prince Rudolf!!”

As soon as father proclaimed his loss, I quickly ran towards Prince Rudofl who seemed to collapse on to the ground.

Mou…….mou………why does he always have to be so reckless……..

It was like this on that day as well. Even as those servants of that horrible prince continued to beat you up, you didn’t falter, you didn’t break. All so that you could protect me.

“Seriously……..you really are an unbelievable partner…….”

As I hugged the still smiling Prince, I muttered quietly to myself.

A gentleman who would always put his body on the line for my sake.

“………So, father, what good reason did you have to take things this far?”

In a voice so cold, that I shocked even myself, I questioned my father.

Even if he was my father, how dare he hurt my Prince Rudolf like this. It was unforgivable.

“Mu………I will admit, I went too far. However, considering the position Prince Rudolf is in, I needed to see with my own eyes if he truly was a man capable enough to entrust my beloved daughter to or not. It was my duty as a father.”

“Even so!!”

Although father spoke so with a dignified manner, I still glared at him.

Above all else, to use me as an excuse like that, I was not going to accept that.

Ever since that day…….I too had made my resolve to protect that boy…….to protect Prince Rudolf.

“……..No….that’s not all. At first, I did intend to simply test him. However, at some point, I simply ended up getting fired up as a simple warrior as well.”

“What’s, that supposed to mean……..?”

“Having exchanged blows with him, I became well aware that Prince Rudolf is a diamond in the rough. Of course, his swordplay and body movements were that of an amateur. But more so than that, I felt a strong potential hiding deep within his highness.”

Saying that, father smiled.

He was not the type for flattery so I have to believe he truly means it.

Above all, father was always extremely strict when it came to martial arts. He would never lie about something like this. And I also know that when he does find people with potential, he goes way over the top to train them as well.

I too was one those people who have suffered because of that after all.

“but………that’s why, I can’t help but pity the prince. Whether it be his raw spirit that he struck me with, or it be his natural talent as a king, he has both and yet..”


Father too was one of the most powerful nobles in the Baldyk Empire.

Of course, he already knew everything about Prince Rudolf’s heritage, how he was treated in the palace, and how other saw him as.

“kuku……….I guess I can’t just sit on the sidelines and watch any more huh. After all, this matter now concerns both by precious daughter and my son now after all.”

“Ah, …….f-father……”

“Be sure to properly treat Prince Rudolf’s wounds.”

Saying that, father left the training hall.

But………father, he really acknowledged his highness after all. Not just that, he even referred to him as his [son] as well.

That was what made me the happiest.

That said.

“………I’m still not going to forgive you for doing this to my prince though.”

Seeing my father’s back walk off into the distance, I muttered to myself with resentment.



“And that’s all done.”

After bringing Prince Rudolf to my room, I went about treating the wounds he had received.

He had a bunch of bruises all across his body and face, and they were all swollen. Thankfully, his bones seemed to be all alright still.


“Prince Rudolf……….”

I’m sure it must have hurt and pained so much, and yet, he was sleeping quite peacefully.

Seriously, he’s so lovely………

As I continued to admire his highness’ face, I ended up reaching out my hand and gently caressing his cheek.

Fufu, it was so soft and smooth, I could do it forever.

Right then.



T-that was close. I almost woke him up accidentally.

Of course, part of me did want to wake him up just so I could look into his amber eyes once again but, I didn’t often get the chance to see him sleeping like this after all.

I must use this chance to enjoy this scene as much as possible until I’ve had my fill.

And so, in the meantime, I should make a list of all the things I want to do with Prince Rudolf instead. Yep, that’s what I’ll do.

“First is, a lap pillow……..”

Making sure that I don’t wake him up, I slowly, and gently picked up his head and lay it on my lap……..ah, his highness seems to have relaxed a bit more I think.

I wonder, if he felt more comfortable while in my lap? That would certainly make me happy if that was the case.

After spending some time caressing through Prince Rudolf’s silver hair, it’s time I finally moved on to the next step.

Yes…….I want to sleep beside him.

I really wanted to kiss him but, that would certainly be too much. Not to mention, well……..if possible, I’d like him to initiate the kiss……..wait, but that’s beside the point.

Anyway, before he wakes up, I should quickly get this experience as well.

I gently put his highness’ head back down again, and then lay down right beside him.

Ma-maybe a little closer………

I slowly sidle up near him, until finally, I was close enough to feel his sleeping breathe on my face.

Th-this is too much……..Wait!?


“oh my oh my, guess I was found out.”

Of all the things! At some point my mother had begun to quietly peek through the door into my room.

“mou! mou! Just go away already!!”

“ufufu, I guess I will.”

Grinning and giggling, mother closed the door of my room again.

Getting seen was a fatal mistake but, this is my mother we’re talking about. I’m sure she’s still standing right in front of the door.

Haah………..it would seem my chance to finally sleep beside the prince has gone up in a puff……..

My shoulders dropped at that realization, and I bitterly stared towards the door of my room.

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