I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

The Hero Appears Again.


“!! Prince Rudolf!”

When I finally regained consciousness and opened my eyes, the first thing that entered my view was Lizbeth’s pretty face looking down at me with worry.

And then came a soft fluffy feeling from under my head.

“L-lady Lizbeth………just where am I exactly………”

“You mustn’t move just yet. After your match with father, you lost consciousness remember.”


That’s right.

To get myself acknowledged as Lizbeth’s fiancé, I had a bout with Marquis Fahlcrantz and……..actually won.

W-well, I’m sure the marquis pretty much took pity on me in the end but, a win’s a win in my book. And judging by the expression he had at the end there, I’m sure he did indeed acknowledge me I think.

That’s why, now I can meet with Lizbeth without hesitation from now on.

……..well, I was already meeting her almost daily in the imperial palace though, but let’s ignore that for now.

“S-so, what happened with Lord Fahlcrantz after that?”

“You do not need to care or worry about what that man thinks at this point.”

The moment I asked about the marquis, Lizbeth pouted and turned her face away.

It would seem, she’s still quite angry at him.

But, she was angry because of her feelings for me so I couldn’t help but feel happy about it.

That’s why…..

“Lady Lizbeth, thank you……”

“Ah……wha, yes……….”

I grabbed her slender arm and spoke my words of gratitude, making her cheeks blush and show a smile again.

“Now then………I think it’s time I got back up—…….!?”


When I finally raised my aching body back up, I finally realized the position I was in until now.

W-was I getting a lap pillow from Lizbeth just now…….!?!

“A,awaawaawa!? My deepest apologies!!”

Now aware of the reality, I unconsciously prostrated myself in front of her in a panic.

Even if she was my fiancée and the girl from that day, it’s only been merely a few hours since our relationship became like this.

Even if she chose to do this, I still felt that I was simply getting too ahead of myself.



Lizbeth clearly looked pretty sullen.

And it’s not because I got the lap pillow but….instead because I suddenly jumped away and apologized like this? Is that why she’s angry? I think.

“……..it would seem that my body is still not in a condition to move yet. Forgive me Lady Lizbeth, but could you, well…….lend me the comfort of your lap for a little while longer?”

“! wha, YES!!”

Lizbeth’s expression did a full 180, and showed a brilliant smile once again.

Looks like I got the correct answer after all.

“ahahha-…….i-is it really, okay…….?”

“fufu, of course it is.”

I once again lay down my head on her lap, and smiled wryly seeing Lizbeth in high spirits once again.



“I-I think that really is enough for now.”

“I see…….”

After another 15 minutes had passed with me getting the lap pillow, I finally decided to raise my body back up, making Lizbeth’s shoulders drop in disappointment.

Of course I would love to just rest on her lap for the rest of my life but, today was still her birthday party. It wouldn’t be great for the guest of honour to be absent for all the time.

And so.

“Now then, Lady Lizbeth, it’s time for you to return to the hall. Until the party is over, I’ll stay inside somewhere and wait for you.”

“!? y-you’re not coming back with me!?”

Hearing my words, Lizbeth looked terribly shocked.

“Yes. As you can see, I can hardly go out again with a face like this now can I? I would only end up causing problems to both you and the Marquis.”

Saying that, I gave a bitter smile.

God only knows what all gossips the guests would come up with if they saw me like this, and even Lizbeth would get weird gazes if she stayed beside me.

“I-if there are people who will say things, it is them that should be made to leave instead! Your highness, you need not worry about anyone else!”

“Even so, I would prefer if everyone gave you their blessings on your birthday instead. That would make me the happiest as well.”

Indeed………because I could never even hope to receive such blessings ever in my life.

In that case, at least my fiancée………no, my future wife would most likely have to suffer the same fate in the future.

That’s why, while our engagement is not yet public, I want to her enjoy and receive all the blessings and happiness while she still can.

If possible, I don’t want her to suffer the same pain I did.

“………this party will be over soon. So please, wait for me here okay?”

Recognizing that I wasn’t going to budge this time around, Lizbeth said that with a serious expression, and then went back to the hall.

To be honest, I wanted her to simply enjoy the rest of the day without fretting too much over me but, I also know that she wouldn’t budge on that part either.

Ahaha, we might surprisingly similar in that regard it seems.

Considering I am the tyrant that tried to tear her away from the hero, and she was lady that assassinated said tyrant, it was quite the amusing revelation.

But still……yeah. I’m glad I recovered the memories of my previous life and started on this path to change history.

Thanks to that, I was able to protect the memories of that precious day, and was able to meet Lizbeth once again as well.

That’s why.

“………I believe Lady Lizbeth clearly told you to not show your face here ever again and yet, you’ve shamelessly decided to show up huh.”


There’s no point glaring at me like that……….Wilhelm von Svalier.

Now, nothing could tear us apart anymore.

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