I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Because You Look At Me.

“Allow me to return to the topic. After getting a backing through an engagement, my next move was going to be……….”

Before I continued, I looked around the surrounding area.

As if making sure, that no one was listening in from somewhere.

“Your highness, please be at ease. I have made sure to remove every single such insolent person who would dare listen in on you from the premises of the Scorpion palace, barring one of course.”

Seeing my behaviour, Maya seemed to have already guessed what I was worried about and instantly bowed as she informed me of all that.

In the first place, Maya had already replaced over half of the servants in this palace the moment she became my personal attendant. And of course, I gave her that position in the very hopes that she’d do something like that.

All that said, I was only intending to narrow down the enemies right around me but instead, I ended up getting protected by my greatest ally. A happy miscalculation to say the least.

However,……..what I was about to say, was something I wanted my enemies to hear though……what should I do……..?

“………..is something the matter?”

“Eh? Ah no, just thinking over how to properly explain what I’m about to tell you two…….”


Lizbeth tilted her head to the side seemingly confused by my statement.

Regardless, this was something I had to tell both Maya and Lizbeth beforehand no matter what, so I should start there first.

“To be frank, I was thinking of joining hands with one of the three princes actually.”

“!! That’s………”

The moment she heard it, Lizbeth made a complicated expression.

Knowing full well how and what the three princes think of me……..especially Robin, who she saw on that day, I imagine Lizbeth would be quite against it.

“Just think carefully for a moment. Until now, I had absolutely no power of my own, and I would have been instantly rejected if I asked to join hands. However, even if it may not be public yet, I’m sure those three already know that I am engaged to you, Lizbeth.”

“Uh, okay…….”

“Which means, this is how those three will probably think. [To become the next emperor, I want to gain the support of the Fahlcrantz family that has the strongest army in the Empire.], correct?”

Yes………until now, Marquis Fahlcrantz had remained unaligned to any of the factions and remained neutral, but with my engagement to Lizbeth, he has suddenly become a vital cornerstone in the battle for the succession.

Probably, even before now, all three of the factions have probably been winking suggestively towards the Marquis to bring him to their side already.

If either of them gain his support, the balance was bound to tilt in their favour, and they would gain huge advantage in the future battles.

“I see………meaning, to join hands with you Prince Rudolf, has now suddenly become a quick path to becoming the next emperor, right?”

“Of course, in the end, much would still depend on the decisions of the current Emperor, His majesty Karl, but, when choosing the crown prince, even he would be unable to ignore the whispers of Lord Marquis Fahlcrantz.”

“Certainly, that may be the case from the point of view of the three princes but at the same time, that would also further expose you to even greater dangers Prince Rudolf.”

Maya, who had remained silent until now, pointed that out with a sharp gaze aimed at me.

“I know that. But that is exactly why, I want to spread the word that [I’m looking to join hands with whoever might guarantee my safety].”

“Oh, so that’s why you were hoping to see if there was a spy listening in on us inside the Scorpion Palace earlier.”

As expected of Lizbeth, she caught on to it very quickly.

Yes…….I wanted this conversation to leak out to those three, or rather to any of the spies working for those three.

By doing that, they would get a good grasp on my personal goals, and I wouldn’t even have to make a move, and they’d come to contact me themselves.

But of course, the choice over who to pick would lie with me in the end.

“However, that still would not guarantee your safety Prince Rudolf. Considering the incidents that have occurred until now, I’m sure there are certain princes that won’t be able to join hands with you, even if they want to, right?”

“ahaha, Maya you’re worried about elder brother Robin……….well, no one’s listening so I guess I can drop the honorific. You’re talking about Robin right? Don’t worry about him.”

“And why is that?”

“I mean, think about it. If something happens to me, that will instantly make them into an enemy in Marquis Fahlcrantz’s eyes.”

The man called Robin was an arrogant bastard fully abusing his power and authority as the third prince but, in reality, he was just a coward.

He had zero confidence in himself and that’s why he always made a point to show his superiority over me, an even lower existence than him.

A man like that could never even dare to directly antagonize a man like Marquis Fahlcrantz.

“fufu, that’s certainly true. That man is also a fool and nothing more, just like Wilhelm. Although his house arrest was only one month long, he seems to have understood his status and is acting quite docile for now.”

Saying that, Lizbeth snickered.

I of course already know that she’s a truly gentle and lovely woman but, even then, this cold icy smile still seemed to suit her very well. I wonder why I feel that way?

It wasn’t aimed at me, and it was fact that it was pretty, and yet I felt a cold sweat on my back……..

“I finally understand your plan, Prince Rudolf. I’ll work on my end to get this info out there properly.”

“Eh? You can do that Maya?”

“Of course I can. In fact, I would say that spreading rumours might very well be my area of expertise even.”

Maya  put her hand on her chest, and proclaimed proudly, making me tremble a little.

Does that mean, that if she wanted to, she could completely ruin my reputation very easily?……..well, my reputation is already rock bottom so I guess it doesn’t matter.

“Then Maya, I’ll leave this to you.”

“Your wish is my command.”

Now then……….I’ve said all that I wanted to tell these two.

Then all that’s left is to enjoy the remaining time having tea with Lizbeth……..

“Prince Rudolf.”

“*cough*!? Wha, yes?”

The moment I brought the tea to my lips, Lizbeth’s gaze suddenly turned sharp as she called my name.

Wh-what’s the matter now……..?

“I asked of what your next plan of action was, your highness, but I still have yet to hear the most important part.”

“That being………?”

“From what you have told me, you seem to obviously have no interest in the crown. That’s fine of course, however, I would like to know what are your plans for your future?”

My future………was it……..

I suppose as my fiancée, she has every right to be curious about it.

“………as you have already realized, I certainly do not covet the throne at all. And to be honest, both this title as the fourth prince, as well as the noble blood that flows in me, they are nothing but hindrances to my life.”


“That’s why, if I could get some small land in some remote border region, and can live the rest of my life peacefully there, wouldn’t that be the best………at least, that’s what was in my mind when I recovered from the poison.”

“………and now? Has it changed?”

Timidly she asked, as she looked directly at my face.

Indeed……….it’s different now.

Now, I have a woman I want to protect no matter what.

“Even if I get my wish and get some small territory on the border, I’m sure that one day, someone will appear hoping to use my royal blood and me by extension, and at the same time, there will be other people who will fear such a situation happening as well. And so, that isn’t enough anymore. It simply isn’t good enough.”

That’s right. No matter how much I run, this blood and status that I was born with will forever haunt me like a curse, and I will be allowed no respite from it.

That is why.

“I need more power. No matter what evil may approach us, I want the power to fight back. Both for the woman I hold dear, and also for the man that said woman holds dear, myself that is.”

I looked straight into Lizbeth’s aquamarine eyes, and spoke clearly.

Having resolved to struggle against everything, I proclaimed my resolve.

“fufu……….as I thought, you are still the same as that day, a gentleman, strong beyond belief.”

Lizbeth’s expression relaxed, and looked at me gently.

But, if I really was as strong as she said, then it was all because of her in the first place.

All because on that fateful day, you looked at me.

——–and even now, you continue to look at me.

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