I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

The Emperor’s Cruel True Intentions

(Douglas Fahlcrantz POV)


Early morning, three days after the birthday of my beloved daughter Lizbeth.

After practicing 1000 swings with a sword 5 times heavier than the usual, I exhaled deeply.

35 years since I first began this training regimen as a child, I had yet to miss a day of practice, and my day simply couldn’t begin until I had done this.

“ufufu, good work as always.”

“Teresa……..thank you.”

Taking the towel from my wife Teresa, I wiped the sweat off my body.

This too was yet another thing that had remained a constant part of my mornings ever since the day I married her.

“……..I really want to start training Prince Rudolf as quickly as possible.”

“My oh my, you too have sure gotten quite attached to his highness very quickly eh?”

Picking up on my mutterings, Teresa laughed happily.

Yes……..I want to take the raw ore that is Prince Rudolf, and polish him into a true shining gem.

The talent he showed me on that day, when we had our bout after leaving the party.

“But still, Lizbeth certainly has an eye for men. When she suddenly told me [I want to get engaged to Prince Rudolf], I thought she had lost her mind……..”

“hmm, I agree.”

Even if it was set up by the Emperor, there was the problem with his bloodline, and the horrible reputation he has inside the imperial palace. And now that very Prince Rudolf was supposed to get engaged to my beloved daughter.

 And above all, he was even poisoned just a while ago as well. Which means, Lizbeth would come under similar danger as well.

That’s why, I was thinking of politely refusing the offer.


[Father. Please accept the engagement offer with Prince Rudolf.]

When Lizbeth said that to me, her expression was filled with both happiness and resolve.

As if, she had been waiting for this moment all this time.

I tried to convince her otherwise, but she showed no signs of changing her mind.

I wondered where she got this stubbornness from, but was instantly hit with a [She got it from you] from Teresa. It made me quite sad to be honest.

With Teresa also trying to convince, we finally decided to at least let her meet him and then make the final decision but, the day she returned after meeting the Prince, [There is no doubt, Prince Rudolf is indeed the man of my destiny, and no one else.]  that’s what she started saying, so even I couldn’t help but get curious.

She wasn’t even the type to show too much emotion normally so seeing Lizbeth so happy like this, certainly made me a little lonely as a father as well.

Even Maya who had infiltrated into the Imperial palace only had praises for Prince Rudolf when I asked for her opinion.

And it’s true, after recovering from the poisoning attempt, the Prince revealed the frauds and embezzlements occurring within the palace, and almost seemed like a different person at times but, even so, I couldn’t trust him so easily.

But even then, I couldn’t simply refuse the request of my adorable daughter either.

And thus, to ascertain Prince Rudolf’s true nature, I asked for a bout with him, and finally came to understand.

 His wish to be together with Lizbeth.

His resolve to protect Lizbeth.

And that was what shined the brightest, far more than even his natural talent hidden within.

……..no, perhaps the strength of his heart is also part of Prince Rudolf’s talents as well.

Upon realizing that, I could only admire the keen eye of my daughter who had seen through his true self and had fallen in love with him.

“Dear, it’s about time…….”

“Hm? Oh, it’s already this late?”

Urged by Teresa, I left the training ground, and began to get ready.

As the next thing on my agenda, was to have an audience with the Emperor.

I needed to make a certain request in regards to Prince Rudolf with him.



“Your Imperial Majesty, my utmost gratitude for granting me this audience at such a short notice.”

In the audience chamber, I knelt in front of the Emperor.

“Enough with the formalities. So, what is it that you want?”

“Yes. As you already know, both Prince Rudolf and my daughter Lizbeth are already 14 years old. Next year, both of them will enter the Imperial Academy. Until that time, so as to further improve the relations between them, I was hoping to take the Prince as a ward in our Fahlcrantz house……..”

After hearing the reports from Maya, I understand that Prince Rudolf was not in a very favourable position inside the Imperial Palace.

Then, until their enrolment into the academy, if I can keep him safe at our home, he should be able to avoid any further problems for the time being.

Above all, if I have a full year with him, I could thoroughly train him and build his skills up as well.

Just imagining the growth he will make, I almost broke into a smile even while kneeling.

“hmmm……….I must refuse.”

“!?!………, may I ask why?”

“Why of course. Rudolf is still a prince of this Baldyk Empire. I couldn’t have him freeload in the home of my retainer. And also…”


“If my beloved were to be separated from her son, I’m sure Beatrice would be quite sad indeed.”


Hearing his words, I could only grind my teeth.

That vixen never even bothered to look at the face of her son even once and was too busy drowning in pleasure with the Emperor, and you’re telling me she’d feel sad!?

But, if the Emperor wouldn’t agree to this request, then I have a backup plan as well.

“Understood. Then as an alternate plan, I would like you to at least allow Lizbeth to stay beside the Prince instead. And of course, as protection for my daughter, I’d like permission to send a couple of my men inside the palace as well if possible.”


Perhaps he wasn’t expecting me to instantly return with a different suggestion, as the Emperor seemed to groan.

To be honest, I would prefer to not have Lizbeth stay inside a place like this palace as well but, I couldn’t just sacrifice Prince Rudolf, my future son, either.

And also, perhaps it’s not my place to say this but, Lizbeth is verystrong.

Even inside this palace, she won’t get nervous.

All that’s left is………for me to personally commute here daily, for Prince Rudolf’s training’s sake as well.

“Your majesty?”

“………it can’t be helped.”

I guess even he couldn’t come up with any more excuses as the Emperor finally gave his reluctant approval.

Still,…….it really did go all as Teresa expected.

To have predicted all of this beforehand, I really am blessed with the best kind of wife.

“Then, I’ll make preparations immediately. Also, and allow me to change the topic a little but, just the other day, I actually had the chance to have a bout with Prince Rudolf as well……..”


His interest was seemingly piqued, as he leaned forward to hear more.

Perhaps the Emperor does have at least a little bit of affection for Prince Rudolf after all.

“To face the man known to be the best in the Empire? An honour I’m sure but, surely that was too reckless for Rudolf, no?”

“Far from it! Of course, I assume the Prince has had no teaching when it comes to the sword as his swordplay and defensive arts were certainly amateurish. However, with the correct coaching, I’m confident that he has the talent to one day surpass even myself.”

I decided to heartily compliment Prince Rudolf while in front of the Emperor.

There were no lies in my words but, there was something I was curious about.

Even someone only slightly trained in the martial arts would have instantly recognized the Prince’s genius at a single glance, yet no one did. Why? The fact made me feel a sense of intense unease.

It was then.

I know.


“Rudolf’s talent, I have known about it from the very beginning, is what I’m saying.”

………….What does that even mean?

If you knew about his talents, then shouldn’t it be natural to have helped him grow it? Nurture it proactively? That would be profitable for the Imperial household as well.

But, to not do so even while knowing all that………………………could it be?

“Your highness, I will take my leave here then.”

Suddenly, I was hit with the intense urge to leave this place instantly. So I cut the conversation short and bowed as I turned to leave.

“Hahaha………..Lord Fahlcrantz. As for the thing with your daughter, you owe me one for that, okay?


I didn’t even turn to look at him upon hearing his words, and simply left the audience chamber with quick steps.


Enraged, I slammed my fist into the palace’s wall.

The place I hit sunk in a little from the impact, but who even cares about that right now.

“Then all this time, Prince Rudolf had been persecuted on purpose…….!?

I of course always knew, that he wasn’t very well liked inside the palace due to the status of his mother.

But, I didn’t think that even his own father would continue to ignore his own son. The Emperor himself was a part of it all!!

To ignore Prince Rudolf who was blessed with such talents, intentionally create an environment where he would always be scorned and despised by his surroundings.

“……….If that’s how it’s going to be, then I have a couple ideas of my own as well.”

In that case, I’ll change it all and make it so that these people will never be able to act like that with Prince Rudolf ever again.

I will make them regret everything they did to him.

Gazing back at the door of the audience chamber, I muttered this to myself.

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