I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

If there was hole, I want to hide in it.

“La-Lady Lizbeth, um, well,………forgive me……..”

After returning back to the Scorpion palace, I bowed as I apologized with a blushing red face.

Aaah,……if there was hold, I want to hide in it……..

“Please, stop that. There is absolutely nothing you need to apologize for Prince Rudolf.”


The more Lizbeth played it down, the more I felt like I couldn’t raise my head in front of her.

SHIT. I always knew that Robin was a idiot but, I didn’t think he was this hopeless.

“………you two, did something happen?”


Looking a little sullen, Maya, who had been watching the place in our absence, questioned us.

At first she was supposed to come with us as well but, Lizbeth instantly told [you’re not coming] and rejected her.

Well, I planned to take Lizbeth to the Virgo palace garden as well so, I too wanted to go as just the two of us, and agreed with Lizbeth which resulted in her being so pouty and sullen like this.

“We-well…….actually, we ran into Robin, and had a little quarrel………”

“I see. Wouldn’t have happened if I was with you two. How unfortunate.”


Looks like we really offended Maya.

“No, you’re right, this was my bad. I just really wanted us two to go alone this time so I made that decision. Next time, we’ll properly let you come with us as well Maya.”

“Exactly. How long are you going to be sulking for? Cheer up already.”

“……..Fine, fine, it can’t be helped I guess.”

Since I apologized, looks like Maya’s anger also subsided.

For a personal attendant, she’s quite the handful huh.

“Serious talk though, I understand that you two ran into Prince Robin but, what exactly happened?”

“Well about that………….”

I fully explained what all happened at the Virgo palace.

Especially, the part about him trying to flirt with his younger brother’s fiancée, and emphasizing just how creepy and disgusting he was being.

“Uwaah……….Prince Robin, he’s completely lost the plot huh.”


I think this is the first time mine and Maya’s opinions have matched so perfectly.

Though I suppose, anyone normal would agree with us.

“But, this problem is borne out of the fact that Lady Lizbeth is just that beautiful so in a way, I guess you should be proud of it? Right Prince Rudolf?”

“W-well, yeah, I guess……….”

But, I would have preferred if I was the only one who knew of her true beauty though.

Can all the other men just not look at her, like at all………or something like that.

“Lady Lizbeth?”

“a, ahh………..I’m so embarrassed……….”

Meanwhile, Lizbeth’s face was blushing red and she was covering her face with her hands.

She looked so adorable that I couldn’t believe it.

Especially because normally she was always so cool and dignified.

I was lost for words seeing this gap between the two sides of her, and she completely had my heart stolen yet again.

“Anyway, in more ways than one, we need to be wary of Robin. We’re not letting him get even close to Lady Lizbeth ever again.”

“Your highness, leave this to me. On my name as Maya Brant, I promise you, I’ll make sure Prince Robin never even gets the chance to look at Lady Lizbeth again.”

Maya put her hand on her chest, and gave a respectful bow.

I was curious how exactly she was going to that but, she always seemed very dependable to me.

“b-but, with all this, the chances of you making an alliance with Prince Robin has gone out of the window.”

Finally having calmed down, Lizbeth rejoined the conversation.

Although her ears still seemed red, so it wasn’t all gone I guess.

“No, Robin was never even a choice in that matter. There’s no point in joining hands with the third prince, and above all………Robin’s mother, the first queen, is also the first Prince Fredrik’s mother as well.”

All that said, the main reason why I was never going to join hands with him was because he tried to lay his hands on Lizbeth, including the incident on that day.

There was no chance I would ever work with a guy like that.

“If I’m following what you just said, then you plan on joining hands with the second prince Oscar…….correct?”

“No, that’s not it either.”

Hearing Lizbeth’s words, I shook my head.


“Yup. I plan on joining hands with the first prince, Fredrik instead.”


Hearing my reply, both Lizbeth and Maya breathed in with shock.

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