I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Imagine Falling For Your Younger Brother’s Fiancée

“Hmph……..to think I’d run into the “dirty little pig” here of all places.”

The person who appeared was the one I wanted to see the least today——the third prince Robin.

As always, Robin was with two of his attendants, and since the incident from a few days ago, the attendants seemed extremely uncomfortable to see me.

Well, if they were made to hit me again on Robin’s orders they could be made to suffer the same fate as their predecessors after all. From their perspective, they’d rather stay as far away as possible from me I’m sure.

Leaving that aside,……….why the hell was Robin here in the Virgo palace?

Ever since that day, I have come here alone many a times but, I never ran into him even once.

Regardless, Robin was incessantly chasing after Lizbeth even on that day, so who knows how he’d react now.

And so, I decided to position myself in front of her in order to hide Lizbeth behind me.

“Hm? Could it be, the woman behind you is this so called fiancée of yours?”


“ahahaha! By the looks of it, your fiancée must be really ugly if you’re actually trying to hide her from me! Don’t you guys think so too?”

“”Uh, yes, of course…………””

Having the conversation suddenly swung towards them, Robin’s attendants gave a half-hearted response.

But, perhaps he didn’t like their lack of enthusiasm, as Robin decided to kick one of them to the side for it.

Haah………being this guy’s attendant must be the worst job in this world.

That said, these attendants must also be from the faction of noble families supporting Robin, so they have no choice but to endure this treatment.

If they didn’t like it, they could always leave and try and join a different prince’s faction instead.

But the fact they don’t do so means that staying with Robin was convenient for them as well.

“Hey, you damn pig, I’ll be the judge myself, so show me the woman you’re hiding behind you.”

“……….I refuse.”

“What did you say!? You ‘dirty pig’, how dare you act so impertinent with me!!”

“Why should I? I don’t care if you bad mouth me. But, she is my precious, dear fiancée, and the noble daughter of the esteemed Fahlcrantz household. You have no right to even look at her, elder brother.”

“You bastard! You’re just running your mouth today!!”

Enraged, he lunged to punch at me.

Last time, he made his attendants hit me and they got the death penalty for it but, if he hits me directly, it’ll only be seen as a quarrel between brothers and nothing more so he could avoid punishment of course. I’m shocked his empty head actually managed to think of that.

That said, if a bastard like me hit him back, the Emperor was one thing, but Robin’s mother, the first queen would definitely punish………no, she’d straight erase me.

I’m already hated enough by her because of my mother after all.

Above all, even Lizbeth might get dragged into that mess.

Thinking all that, I simply closed my eyes and waited for Robin’s fist to arrive…….but.

“……..This place is the Virgo palace, under the direct control of the Emperor himself. I don’t believe such actions are very fitting.”


When my eyes opened again, I saw Lizbeth slender hand that had stopped and grabbed Robin’s punch.

N-no, wait, what are you doing!?!

“Forgive me for the late introduction. I’m the eldest daughter of the Fahlcrantz house, and Prince Rudolf’s fiancée, Lizbeth.”

She slowly let go of Robin’s fist, and then curtseyed in a dignified manner.

Her every movement so elegant, I was completely charmed yet again, but more than that.


……..this guy, Robin, he’s just frozen in place with his mouth half open.

S-surely not, right? He didn’t just instantly fall in love with Lizbeth’s beauty ………right…..?

“Prince Rudolf, I believe it’s about time we returned.”

“eh, uh, yeah………”

Lizbeth urged me to leave this place, and so I took her hand and we began to leave the garden…….when.

“Wa-wait!! Hey, you………no, Lizbeth! Why would you get engaged with some pig like Rudolf!?”

“………I fail to understand what you’re implying?”

“It’s exactly as I said! This guy is just some ‘dirty pig’, not someone worthy of staying beside someone like you Lizbeth! Surely there are better men that befit your beauty more than him!?”

Wow, seriously, just stop. This guy really just fell head over heels for her huh.

Even though he already has a fiancée, to say something like that to his younger brother’s fiancée, how utterly disgusting.

“Ohh……..and who exactly are these [better men] that you seem to be talking about Prince Robin?”

Chuckling, Lizbeth asked.

But, her aquamarine eyes were not laughing at all. They were cold enough that one could freeze to death from just a glance.

If she looked at me like that, I don’t think I’d be able to handle it honestly.

“Why of course! It should be a man from legitimate royalty to stand by your side! Like brother Fredric , or me!”

Uwaaah……..this guy really went there.

Also, he even completely skipped Oscar, who was the son of the second queen as well.

This is painful to watch in a completely different sense now.

“fufu, what a funny thing to say. Not only do I of course already have a fiancé in Prince Rudolf, aren’t all the princes including yourself already engaged as well?”

“Is that it? When I become an emperor, of course I can take a couple more concubines!”

……….Now this is what we call a jaw dropping statement.

Unless I go the tyrant route, I have no chance of being the emperor of course but, Robin who was just a third prince, his chances were also basically zero.

“In any case, I already have the world’s loveliest gentleman by my side in Prince Rudolf. Unfortunately I have no interest in these [better men] that you speak of Prince Robin.”

Saying that, Lizbeth intentionally leaned close to me, and nestled into my chest.

Thanks to that, my heartbeat instantly shot up as well.

“Then, allow us to leave this time. Have a good day.”

“Wa-wait! WAIT……..!”

Ignoring Robin who reached out his hand as he tried to call her to stop, this time finally, me and Lizbeth left the Virgo palace for good.

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