I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Even I want to get engaged!

A month had passed since Mrs Tapple and the chamberlain had been arrested.

Deeming the case of embezzlement inside the Imperial Palace as something very serious, the Emperor ordered to directly and thoroughly investigate this incident.

As a result, just like what I had noticed within my ledger, they found out that these people had been embezzling  almost half of the budget of the Scorpion Palace.

As for what it was used on? Clear debts at the casino, buying jewellery, etc. Pretty much all selfish needs as you’d expect.

And thus, both Mrs Tapple as well as the Chamberlain were given the capital punishment. And even the Earl household from which Mrs Tapple hailed from were also severely punished for this.


“……..I never thought that I’d be given a punishment for this incident as well.”

Yes……it was deemed that my management of the Scorpion was severely lacking, I was put under a 10 day house arrest because of it.

Of course, it was merely a light punishment, and from what the others had been given, it might look like a slap on the wrist at best.

But, it would seem I still ended up hurting my father, the emperor’s impression of me.

For someone like me who was hoping to ask for some land in a faraway corner of the country and leave the Imperial Palace, this wasn’t a good result.

If I had to say, the one good thing to come out of this entire incident was that at least I was going to be a little more away from the succession battle.

In the first place, knowing full well that becoming an Emperor leads to my death, I want to avoid it at all costs. And perhaps my three brothers would be a little less wary of me because of this as well.

……….yeah, no, I don’t think that’s going to happen.

If anything, because I got rid of two spies at once, both Mrs Tapple and the Chamberlain, they would only get more hostile and cautious towards me.

Well, that was all still according to my plan for now though.

“But still, I really hope the tomorrow comes faster…….”

It was already the 10th day of my house arrest. Tomorrow, I’ll be finally free again.

While I enjoyed simply lazing around and relaxing, I also have a lot of important things that I want to get done as soon as possible.

First of those is..

“hmm, I must ask for audience with the emperor with my apology as an excuse.”

I picked up the bell and gave it a jolt to ring.

“Prince Rudolf, you called for me?”

Maya entered the room and timidly bowed.

I imagine the maid that stays outside the room went and called her after hearing the bell. Having become my personal attendant, Maya must also be very busy managing the Scorpion Palace.

Above all, in the space of the last month, suing her authority as my personal attendant, Maya replaced almost half of the staff working in this palace.

I guess she quickly got rid of all the servants that served a master that was on the opposing faction of her own master.

Of course, this is exactly what I was hoping she’d do so I have done nothing but snicker to myself with glee from seeing things go exactly as I imagined.

Even if it is full of enemies, the less enemies I have to face the better………right?

“ummm……..Prince Rudolf?”

With a puzzled expression, Maya nervously called out to me again.

Ah, my bad, I ended up getting lost in my thoughts. One of my few flaws.

“Right, forgive me Maya. You see, I’d like to have an audience with the Emperor as soon as my house arrest is over. Would you mind putting in a request to his majesty’s grand chamberlain for me?”

“Understood. I will do so as quickly as possible.”

“I’m counting on you.”

Maya gave a bow again, and then left the room.



“My utmost gratitude for granting me this audience, your majesty.”

Inside the private room of the Emperor of the Baldyk Empire, Karl Fürst Baldyk, I bowed my head exactly as I had been taught by my private tutor.

I sent a quick glance to check the Emperor’s mood and………while he continued to act calm, I could tell he was clearly a bit perplexed.

Well, I suppose it’s only natural. I had been acting like an impudent arrogant brat for so long, and now suddenly I was showing such an admirable attitude out of nowhere.

“umu………I have heard the details. You wish to apologize for the last incident, yes?”

“Yes……..Due to my own lack of virtue, I ended up bringing harm to the Imperial Palace, and to your authority. For that, I humbly ask for your forgiveness from the bottom of my heart.”

Once again, I bowed, even more deeply than before.

Now then……..I wonder if I was able to improve his impression of me even a……..bit?!!


Suddenly, the emperor began to laugh while holding down on his eyes.

W-what happened? How should I take this kind of reaction……..?

“Hahaha………ah, sorry, sorry. In the first place, I* was not really that angry at you for this incident.”

(T/N * The King uses the japanese equivalent of the royal ‘we’ when referring to himself but it only causes issues during Tl-ing so I’m sticking with the usual. But I still felt that I should mention it.)

“W-wait, r-really…..?”

“Umu. In fact, the house arrest was mostly a show to sate the other noble houses. Of course, the crimes those servants committed were unforgivable and I did end up destroying two whole noble houses after all, so I had to.”

I see.

Even if he was the Emperor, it was only by standing atop the support of other nobles that he could maintain his position. He couldn’t just make light of those nobles or else he’d lose his authority.

In the end, this country was not a monolith.

“And so, you need not worry too much about this incident, and continue to work hard.”

“Yes! Thank you very much!”

For now it seems, this issue has been solved with house arrest alone.

But the real thing began from here onwards.

Thankfully the Emperor seems to be in good mood, so perhaps he’ll accept my request after all.

“And so……..if you’d oblige me, and I understand that perhaps this may be rude of me to ask when I came here to apologize, and I really do feel very sorry for asking this in such manner but……..”

“Go on, ask what you want.”

The Emperor continued to smile and asked me to continue.

“Yes…………My elder brothers, Fredrik, Oscar and Robin, all three of them were engaged to their partners when they turned 12 from what I understand.”


“I am already 14 years old, and next year, I will come of age as well. Considering the future, I feel like I too should be given the chance to settle down, and prepare to start a family, or so I was thinking……”

Yes…….the real reason I asked for this audience was because I wanted to get a fiancée.

For someone like me who had zero support or backing, this was the only way to get some kind of an ally.

From the point of view of most nobles, even if I technically do have the right to imperial succession, I am still an illegitimate bastard and the fourth prince, someone not worth supporting or elevating at all.

Also, there was one more merit from accepting an engagement.

That was……to completely sever any chance of getting involved with the noble lady that is destined to assassinate me 10 years from now. Lizbeth Fahlcrantz.

Basically, if I can escape the main culprit behind my assassination, aka Lizbeth, at the very least I should be able to avoid my destined death 10 years from now.

Of course, I don’t plan on stealing Lizbeth from Wilhelm in the very first place though, so I have already so I was already moving different from recorded history.

Perhaps, there’s a chance that because of that, other kinds of dangers may appear because of it. Then, I just have to avoid as much risk as possible from the very start to try and avoid it.

“I see………that is certainly true.”

The Emperor pondered as he rubbed his chin.

Seeing his reaction, I have a feeling he’ll take this seriously and positively.

“Very well. I will spend some thought over Rudolf’s betrothal.”

“Thank you very much. I’ll be in your care.”

I bowed my head one last time, and stood up to leave the room when-

“Rudolf. Do continue to be mindful of your position in the future as well.

His words were indeed exactly what they sounded like. He was telling me to know my place.

That I was just a bastard child of a mistress, and that I shouldn’t have too much expectations as a prince.

……..I already am fully aware of all that.

I am someone that shouldn’t have existed in the first place.

“……….I understand.”

I turned around to give a respectful bow once again, and then this time, left the room for good.

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