I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

First Audience with My (potential) Fiancée


With the audience with the Emperor finally finished, I returned to my room an exhaled a deep sigh.

Having completed all my objectives, I should be happier but, somehow, I didn’t really have the energy for it, and I felt a pain in my chest.

Bereft of any kind of motivation, I simply rolled around on my bed doing nothing.

—— *knock* *knock*

“Prince Rudolf, I have brought you some tea.”

“Ah…….Thanks. Just leave it there.”

Without even giving a glance to Maya who entered the room after knocking, I turned over on my bed and showed only my back to her.

Maya probably came here to pry into the details of my meeting with the Emperor I imagine.

“……..your highness, did something happen with the Emperor perchance……?”

See? Pretending to be worried about me, she’s very cleverly trying to question me.

“Nothing happened. The emperor is as magnanimous and lenient as always. The talk went very smoothly.”

Giving a blunt response, I closed my eyes.

Right now, I don’t want to talk with Maya anymore.

And yet.

“………..Maya, what’s the meaning of this?”

“um, well……..you seemed very tired and my younger sister often does this for me which helps me relax so I thought…….”

When I sharply questioned Maya who started to gently massage my back, she quickly retracted her hands and bowed her head.

Seriously, there’s no need for such unnecessary acting.

“There’s no need for you to do this. Also, how long do you plan to stay in my room? Your work here is done, leave.”

“!?! F-forgive me, I will take my leave right away!!”

Having sensed my ill mood, Maya quickly left the room in a panic.


How dare a damn spy try and act so gently towards me.

I’m not going to let such acts deceive me, and drop my guard around her, no matter what happens. I am not that easy to manipulate.

I sent a glance towards the door through which she left, and once I confirmed that she was gone, I took out a gold coin, my charm, from my pocket and flicked it up in the air.

“That’s right………the only person who ever showed me real kindness was just that girl alone in this whole world and no one else……..”

Recalling her kindness, and I tightly clenched the piece of memorabilia she gave me in the palm of my hand.

Not even realizing or noticing that the door to my room was still slightly open.



“Prince Rudolf! Please, just for today, just do as I say!”

“Hold up-!?!”

Maya forcefully sat me down, and began to take my closes off.

I-I am a future tyrant you know!? The man who will one day be known as the [Emperor of cruelty], the great Rudolf Fürst Baldyk, you know!? And yet, you dare treat me like this!?

……….not that the current me could ever say something like that though.

Or rather, over the past one month, hasn’t Maya been getting a bit too chummy with me these days!?

These kinds of more forceful methods of hers are becoming more common, and recently I’m starting to even notice that carrots have made it back into my meals even though I hate them, and she even scolds me if I don’t eat them!

Because of that, even the other servants who had finally started to fear me again after I had dealt with Mrs Tapple, had started to giggle at me from afar as well………

“Do you understand, Prince Rudolf? You are supposed to meet the person who shall become your fiancée today, right? To make sure she makes a good impression of you, you must do strive to look your very best today!”


It was indeed like Maya had said but, I was still not satisfied.

In the end, I couldn’t help but let Maya do whatever she wanted, and prepared to make sure I was ready to meet my fiancée candidate……..but..

“I-isn’t this a bit too much…….!?”

“No such thing. All women love the scent of flowers. Then, if you wear the scent of jasmine flowers that that lady loves so much, I’m sure you’ll make her very happy.”

I tried to get out of the jasmine bath she had prepared for me but, she pushed me back in with a smile.

Also, why the hell is Maya so strong by the way?

“I have been watching you closely from the side as your personal attendant, your highness, but I seem to have noticed that you are not exactly very good at understanding the delicate sensibilities of women. And so, please allow me, a fellow woman, to take care of it all instead.”



She snorted with her nose as she gave a strong nod, making it impossible for me to say anything further to Maya.

It was true, even in my previous life my first love had rejected me……..

Recalling the sadness I experienced back then, I sunk myself into the bath up to the tip of my nose.

And then.


“Prince Rudolf, you look perfect!”

Reflected in the mirror was a version of me, produced by Maya’s hard work, that was so unrecognisable even to myself that I ended up leaking a sound of admiration.

Damn, I didn’t think she could make me look this different.

“ufufu! When you properly comb your hair back, you are a proper handsome looking man your highness. I’m confident that even that lady would be instantly smitten by you as well!”


Getting a barrage of compliments from Maya, I couldn’t help but scratch my face out of embarrassment.

In any case, I needed this engagement to work so that I can get some backing as well. I need to make sure that I don’t get hated on our first meeting for that to happen.

“Speaking of which, this engagement candidate of mine, what kind of woman is she…….?”

To be honest, I hadn’t heard anything about my potential fiancée until now.

And all I had received was a letter that was delivered by a messenger from the Emperor that my meeting with her was today, and nothing else.

“Maya, have you heard anything about what kind of person my betrothal candidate is?”

 “No, I have heard absolutely nothing.”

“I see………”

Huh. I thought that as a spy, she may have gathered some info on her already, or maybe, she knows and is just choosing not to tell me.

If she did, she’d be a pretty shitty spy after all.

“Prince Rudolf, it’s almost time.”

“Very well. Let us go.”

With Maya accompanying me, I headed to the entrance of the Scorpion palace.

The servants we passed on our way all kept glancing at me and started murmuring with each other looking curious.

……….I am already used to such gazes so it’s nothing special though.

While I waited in front of the entrance, finally a sole carriage appeared and stopped right in front of me.

The door opened, and the person who got out was………..a girl so beautiful, she seemed otherworldly to me.

Silky smooth, glossy onyx coloured hair, and shining aquamarine eyes.

Her face was like a exquisitely carved sculpture, and her soft light pink lips would catch anyone’s eyes.

It was as if she had appeared from a different world, and couple with the colour of her eyes, I could feel an odd icy coldness emanating off of her.

“………your highness…Prince Rudolf!”

“Ah……..P-please, your hand my lady…….”

Hearing the whispers from Maya behind me brought me back to reality as I hurriedly stretched out my hand towards her to help her down the carriage.

“It is my honour to meet you, your grace. I am the eldest daughter of Marquis Fahlcrantz, I am called Lizbeth.”


As the girl elegantly curtsied and introduced herself, I couldn’t help but breathe in from shock.

After all….

——-It’s her. The woman who was destined to assassinate me 10 years from now, the [Lady of Ice] herself!

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