I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Fredrik’s Resolve, and My Resolve

“Rudolf……..I, truly believe that it is you who are the one, the one fit to be the next Emperor.”

Fredrik said something absolutely outrageous.

“Wa-wait just a moment! Brother, you already know, that I am but a bastard. Hell, the only reason I even have a right to succession is because Beatrice basically forced and pleaded the Emperor to legitimize me as his son and nothing more you know!?”

I shot up from my chair, as I rattled all that out of panic.

In the first place, my right to succession was nothing more than a decoration, a pretence, merely for show. And I knew that better than anyone.

“But the matter of fact is that you DO have the right to succeed the throne. Then Rudolf, it is not incorrect to say that you are qualified to be the next Emperor.”


From what I could tell, Fredrik didn’t seem like he was going to back down.

But that only showed that he really did mean what he had just said.


“………Forgive me, but even if I do indeed have the qualities to become the next emperor, I do not wish to do so.”

Sensing that I couldn’t just argue with him, I decided to tell Fredrik my true feelings.

“Then, what is your true goal? Or perhaps, you simply wish to remain in your current position, idlywaiting for the day you are eliminated?”

Fredrik’s gaze became sharper.

And also, the way he phrased it……….he was clearly implying that if I didn’t do anything, my life would be targeted again like the poisoning attempt from before.

Meaning, this was a warning from Fredrik…….no, an act of consideration instead.

“No I won’t. I have a person that I deeply admire. And one day………..one day I wish to become his true successor.”

Yes……..I wished to one day become someone like Marquis Fahlcrantz, someone possessed both unbound strength as well deep kindness.

That’s why, I did not want to become something worthless like the Emperor.

“I see………..Rudolf, you already have found your own path that you wish to walk huh……..”

“I’m sorry, but yes……….”

Fredrik’s shoulders dropped, and I cast down my eyes as I apologized.

Because I could tell, he was genuinely serious about everything he had said.

“fuu………no, I should be the one apologizing.”

Fredrik raised his head back up and apologized back to me.

But that only increased the feeling of guilt inside me.

“Brother Fredrik………..if, you really don’t wish to be the Emperor, then why not just relent the throne to Oscar once and for all……..”

“That, I absolutely cannot do.”

I tried to give a different solution out of desperation only to have Fredrik instantly reject it.

“Pardon my words but, if neither me nor you wish to be the next Emperor, then it really only leaves Brother Oscar you know?”

Well, to be exact, there was also Robin originally but, his right to succession had been rescinded and had been imprisoned up north.

Well, even if that wasn’t the case, that guy was definitely not fit to be the Emperor.

“I will admit, Oscar is talented, and while still being a student at the Academy, he has already gathered a great amount of nobles to his faction. Not to mention, his skill in trickery and cunning is certainly worthy of praise.”


“……….Perhaps you haven’t noticed it Rudolf but, there is a deep darkness that dwells within Oscar. If we leave him as he is, the moment he becomes the Emperor, he is bound to one day cast a great shadow over this entire Empire. I’m sure of it.”

I see………..so Brother Fredrik had also noticed the darkness inside Oscar as well.

It was true, if we let the darkness within him go on a rampage, he really might lead this Empire to ruin.

That’s how strong the hate in Oscar’s heart is towards the Imperials……..towards the people with amber eyes.

“……….And here I thought you never even paid any attention to anyone other than yourself, Brother Fredrik.”

“I’m sure you did. And to be fair, I never really did behave in a manner that would make you all think otherwise after all.”

Saying that, Fredrik smiled wryly.

Whether it be his expressions or his attitude, it was all so utterly different from the Fredrik I knew that I couldn’t believe that the Fredrik in front of me really was the same person that was in my memories.

“Can I ask, why……?

With multiple layers of meaning and implications loaded into it, I asked but a very simple question.

Upon which.

“………..because that was my one and only way to rebel. Against mother, and the others around me. Hoping, praying that perhaps one day they’d all run out of patience with me, and leave me alone, even if out of disgust.”


“But, in the end, my actions were nothing but half baked. If only I had acted like Robin or you from before, perhaps I too would have had it easier.”

I see…………but because Fredrik understood Queen Alicia’s love and expectations for him, he was unable to bring himself to truly go through with his acts of defiance.

Simply because, he didn’t wish to make his mother sad.

Now I realize, he was neither a rationalist nor an egoist. This guy was just an extremely awkward person.

Almost like Liz is.

“Then, what will you do now?”

“I have no other choice, I’ll do what I must………even if I do not wish to.”

Fredrik simply grimaced as he spoke.

But, his amber eyes showed a hardened resolve brimming inside of it.

“Brother……….I, Rudolf Fürst Baldyk, swear an oath right here and now that I will fully support you through thick and thin. However..”


“Could you please, show this current form of yourself to not just me, but also Queen Alicia and the people around you as well, if possible?”

Now that his resolve is set, he doesn’t need to go out of his way to act like he wants to make more enemies any longer.

And above all……….I’m sure, that it’ll make Queen Alicia a lot happier as well.

“It’ll be hard after all this time but………I’ll try my best.”

“No seriously, just do it okay?”


As I urged him again in a more light-hearted manner, Fredrik broke out into a laughter.

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